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Five child-friendly nature activities for the summer holidays

...will be on the hunt for summer activities that are not only purse-friendly but engaging and Educational, too – and luckily, leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation is on hand to help. From venturing outdoors to learn about insects...

The Education Recovery Youth Panel (2020-2021)

... The Education Recovery Youth Panel October 2020 - June 2021 COVID-19 had a big impact on all of our lives, including Education. The Scottish Government set up the Education Recovery Group to help develop the response and recovery of the...

Diversity in Teaching - Children and Young People's Views on Diversity in Scottish Education (2020-2022)

... Diversity in Scottish Education - Children and Young People's views on diversity and anti-racism approaches in Scottish Education September 2020 - May 2022 Children in Scotland worked with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) and...

NHS Education for Scotland Foetal Alcohol Harm E-learning Resource (2012)

... NHS Education for Scotland Foetal Alcohol Harm E-learning Resource This project ran during 2012. Children in Scotland developed the content for an e-learning resource with NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Foetal Alcohol Harm. The resource...

Education National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful

... Education Improvement: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful 26 Jul 2022 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s latest consultation on the Education National Improvement Framework (NIF)...

ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education Poverty

Education reform consultation: ‘We need to learn from policy, research and practice to ensure reform is fit for purpose”

... Education reform: "We need to learn from research and practice" 30 November 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Education Reform, calling for a child-rights approach and emphasising the...

Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform

Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap

...Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap In their current form the Scottish Government’s proposals for reform of Education governance will fail to make any progress in narrowing the attainment gap, Children in...

Children Children's rights Decision making Education Jackie Brock Scottish Government Scottish Schools Support

New partnership set to improve access to Education for professionals in the children’s sector

...New partnership set to improve access to Education for children’s sector professionals 22 Nov 2023 An exciting new partnership between The Open University in Scotland and Children in Scotland is set to improve access to Education for...

An imaginative reframing of Education in Scotland

... An imaginative reframing of Education in Scotland 29 Aug 2023 Ahead of Sightlines Initiative's study week in October its Director, Robin Duckett, explores different approaches to early Education, drawing inspiration from the preschools of...

Scotland’s Education system "needs structural and cultural reform"

... Scotland’s Education system “needs structural and cultural reform” 19 Dec 2022 As part of our contribution to the National Discussion on Education, we’ve called for a stronger focus on wellbeing and rights-based approaches,...

ASL ASN Education exams Manifesto

New resource highlights the importance of mediation in Education settings

... New resource highlights the importance of mediation in Education settings 31 Aug 2022 Resolve, the largest independent provider of mediation to the Education community in Scotland, has today launched its new website. The resource brings...

Government ‘must be brave’ in leading Education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs

... Government ‘must be brave’ in leading Education reforms, with focus on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs 10 March 2022 Children in Scotland has welcomed the emphasis on children’s rights, the early years and meeting...

additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education Education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report

‘No detriment on appeals’: call for urgent change to exams certification process ahead of Scottish Parliament Education Debate based on the views and evidence of young people it works with and comes ahead of today’s Education debate at Holyrood. Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s Joint Interim Chief Executive and Head of Policy, Projects & Participation...

appeals assessments covid Education exams SQA

Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s Education activity

... Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s Education activity 20 October 2020 Ahead of Bonfire Night – a stressful time of year for animals – Gilly Mendes Ferreira explains the role of the SSPCA in supporting schools in Scotland to nurture...

Young people to lead new diversity in Education participatory project

... Young people to lead new diversity in Education participatory project 16 October 2020 Children in Scotland is bringing together a group of children and young people to get involved in a new participatory project focusing on diversity in...

diversity Education General Teaching Council for Scotland

Panel on Europe issues letter to John Swinney urging support for right to Education through Brexit

... Panel on Europe issues letter to John Swinney urging support for right to Education through Brexit 12 August 2020 This morning the Children and Young People's Panel on Europe sent a letter to Cabinet Secretary for Education John Swinney...

Children hold the key to the future of food justice and Education in Scotland

... Children hold the key to the future of food justice and Education in Scotland 19 February 2019 Mhairi Barrett is a PhD Gastronomy student, and a speaker at our national food conference, Biting Back: transforming food experiences for...

Food Education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches

... Food Education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches International School Meals Day (ISMD) 2019 has launched. This year's theme is 'Who makes my meal?'. ISMD aims to encourage children and young people around the world...

Children in Scotland welcomes "historic" LGBTI inclusive Education announcement

... Children in Scotland welcomes "historic" LGBTI inclusive Education announcement National charity Children in Scotland has welcomed the announcement made by Deputy First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney in the Scottish...

Education equality LGBT

Pupils’ views in the spotlight, as exciting Education initiative gets underway

... Pupils’ views in the spotlight, as exciting Education initiative gets underway   Children and young people will have more of a say in their Education, thanks to a new Learner Panel that has been launched today with Deputy First...

Postponement of Bill ‘opens way for more evidence-based Education approach’

... Postponement of Bill ‘opens way for more evidence-based Education approach’ Cabinet Secretary for Education, John Swinney, announced to Scottish Parliament today that the Education Bill would not be taken forward. In making the decision,...

Taking steps towards a more inclusive Education system

... Taking steps towards a more inclusive Education system 10 Jan 2018 Today is a significant day in the recognition of rights of children and young people with additional support needs, writes Cat Thomson As of today, 10 January 2018, the rights...

Additional support Children's rights Legislation

How can we support young carers in Education settings?

... How can we support young carers in Education settings? 13 Nov 2017 There’s lots we can do to improve experiences for school pupils who look after family members. Louise Morgan, who is leading an event on the topic next month,...

Inclusion Ambassadors recognised in international report into inclusive Education

... Inclusion Ambassadors recognised in international report into inclusive Education 1 Nov 2023 The Inclusion Ambassadors were highlighted as a strong example of positive participation, engagement and pupil voice. The report is the culmination...

Striving for inclusive Education: An interview with Jordan Daly

...Striving for LGBT inclusive Education: An interview with Jordan Daly 28 Oct 2022 Ahead of our Annual Conference, members of Changing our World, our children and young people's advisory group, interviewed some of the keynote speakers. Here,...

‘Involve us in decisions about our Education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report

... ‘Involve us in decisions about our Education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report 24 June 2021 Children in Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing...

25 Calls response: Don’t let a difference of opinion become a deciding factor in children’s Educational experience

... Don’t let a difference of opinion become a deciding factor in children’s Educational experience 14 November 2019 Listening, participating and sharing contrasting views are the keys to unlocking disputes in Education – to the benefit of...

25 Calls response: Youth work gives us vital opportunities, independence and access to non-formal Education. Let’s protect it

... Youth work gives us vital opportunities, independence and access to non-formal Education. We must protect it Responding to Call 6, Rosie Sumsion, MSYP for Helensburgh and Lomond, explains why a new Scottish Youth Parliament campaign is...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their Education

...Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their Education 7 December 2018   Almost 3,000 people have signed a letter calling for the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for...

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on Education

... Survey of 1,417 parents finds autistic children are missing out on fundamental right to an Education 25 September 2018 Pamela’s son, Kyle, is autistic. She said: “Kyle is only six but he’s already at his second school. The first school...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

New resources for inclusive Education

... New resources for inclusive Education The European Agency for Special Needs in Inclusive Education (EASNIE) has published a series of reports aimed at promoting more inclusive Education across Scotland. The Agency is a platform for...

An holistic approach to fair funding for Education

... A holistic approach to fair funding for Education 16 Oct 2017 Children in Scotland has called for a more holistic approach to Education funding so that money is targeted effectively and contributes to narrowing the attainment gap. In our...

School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair Education

... School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair Education 9 Oct 2017 It has been said many times, but needs repeating - the attainment gap cannot be closed by teachers alone, writes Jackie Brock The Scottish government’s overarching goal of...

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

... Magazine / Families paying hundreds per year on essential Education, new research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free school meals School Parents and caregivers are spending...

cost of living Education free school meals School

Education in Schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Education Recovery plan is missed opportunity

... Magazine / News: Education Recovery plan misses the mark say teaching unions Posted 6 October, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Attainment childcare Education health and wellbeing The Scottish...

Attainment childcare Education health and wellbeing

Qualifications and assessments 'must prioritise flexibility, individual choice and continuous progress' ensure the views of young people with additional support needs are heard in discussions about Education policy. Their comments come as a response to Professor Louise Hayward’s current Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessments and...

assessment Education exams inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

ASL progress report reveals too many children are still missing out

...neurodiversity Additional support for learning now forms part of the Association of Directors of Education Scotland leadership programme. Too many children still missing out While Children in Scotland welcomes progress so far and a commitment to...

Additional support additional support for learning ASL ASN Education

Latest issue of Insight now available
care experienced people child poverty child rights Early years Education literacy Mental Health Wellbeing

New report reveals what really matters to pupils with additional support needs

...key messages from young people with additional support needs on how best to support their Education journey. The work is part of a larger project, managed by Education Scotland, to contribute to the development of a new professional...

Additional support ASL ASN Education inclusion pupil voice

New project to better understand what pupil support in Scotland should look like

...pupil support in Scotland should look like 18 May 2022 Children in Scotland is working with Education Scotland and the Scottish Government to build knowledge and influence practice development around support for young people with additional...

additional support for learning ASL ASN Education

First LGBT-inclusive Education resources launched

... Magazine / News: World's first LGBT-inclusive Education resources Posted 24 September, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Education equality LGBT Scotland has become the first country in the world to embed...

Education equality LGBT

NTS launch digital Education portal

... Magazine / News: National Theatre of Scotland launches new digital Education portal Posted 27 Aug 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Arts Education The new Educational channel will include resources to support...

Arts Education

Inclusive Education should be more than just an aspiration

...Inclusive Education should be more than just an aspiration We need to better empower and equip schools to support children with additional support needs - and the new review of implementation offers hope, writes Sally Cavers The Scottish...

Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of Education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of Education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and wellbeing must be at the heart of Education in Scotland and...

Enquire's Consultation Response: Home Education guidance for local authorities (August 2022)

...Enquire's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Home Education guidance for local...

Consultation Response: Education National Improvement Framework (July 2022)

...Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the Education National Improvement Framework....

Consultation Response: Education Reform (November 2021)

...consultation on the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the reform of Education...

Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of Reference (August 2021)

...Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of...

Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland (July 2021)

...Children in Scotland's response on Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland in response to the Scottish Government draft...

Call for Evidence Response: Initial Teacher Education (January 2020)

...Children in Scotland's response to the call for evidence on Initial Teacher Education (January...

Consultation response: Education Governance - Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education (October 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation 'Education Governance: Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education...

Call for Evidence: Education and Skills Committee call for evidence on Teacher Workforce Planning (April 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Education and Skills Committee call for evidence as part of its inquiry into Teacher Workforce...

Consultation response: Education And Skills Committee PSE call for evidence (February 2017)

...The Education And Skills Committee called for a brief response on ‘What should personal and social Education sessions be...

Consultation response: Education Governance Review (January 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government review on how Education in Scotland is run - Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in Education: A Governance...

ASL Inquiry Education, Children and Young People Committee

... About us Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Inquiry: Education, Children and Young People Committee November 2023 The Education, Children and Young People Committee at the Scottish Parliament is conducting an inquiry into Additional...

Investment in Gaelic Education

... Magazine / News: Government announces new investments in Gaelic Education Posted 26 October, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education funding Gaelic Language Scots Scottish Government The Scottish Government has announced that seven Education...

Education funding Gaelic Language Scots Scottish Government

Call 18: Take the next step in participation and food Education: give communities the keys to school kitchens

... Call 18: Take the next step in participation and food Education: give communities the keys to school kitchens By Donna Borokinni I've been working in the Glasgow community since 2005 and over the last five years I've observed food poverty...

E3-Early Years and Education

E2-Early Years and Education

E1-Early Years and Education

A child-centred approach to resolving conflict in Education

... Our work Services Resolve A child-centred approach to resolving conflict in Education What is mediation in Education? By law, under The Education (Additional Support for Learning Scotland) Act 2004/09), local Education authorities...

Child Protection Lead Training

...range of themes including: family support, domestic abuse, disability, fostering and adoption, Education and employability, substance use and advocacy. Our services are firmly embedded in their local communities, united by a common focus;...

20/11/24 - Hybrid Working

...organisation. Since 2002 Billy has worked in roles that span across youth work, community health, Education, learning and development, additional support needs and whole family support. Billy has always had a keen interest in staff support and...

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA particular, the way children are driven to avoid demands and expectations Explore issues for Educational settings in meeting the needs of pupils with PDA Develop effective strategies for engaging with children with PDA and promoting their...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition

...Competition for nursery and school pupils Posted 16.01.24 by Alice Hinds design Education environment schools Children across Scotland are being encouraged to take inspiration from “nature’s engineers” as...

design Education environment schools

Cutting the cost of the school day

...cost of the school day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and staff at Braes High School, Falkirk, have been praised by the Scottish Government for...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths

.../ Record number of young Scots set on positive career paths as more teenagers enter Education, training or employment Posted 08.09.23 by Alice Hinds careers Education training young people The number...

careers Education training young people

New resources to support school attendance support attendance as schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools Teachers, families, parents and carers can now access a range of free...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

College launches National Opportunity Day

...McKenzie Magazine / Glasgow Kelvin College launches new awareness day to celebrate further Education opportunities Posted 03.08.23 by Alice Hinds Education exams higher Education School With results day...

Education exams higher education School

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools Latest figures published by Scottish Government show a record...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

...areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform Scottish Schools New research from the University of Stirling has found that current outcomes for...

Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform Scottish Schools

Sturgeon resigns and centres care experience in speech

...speech Posted 15 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment baby box Education Nicola Sturgeon Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government Scottish Parliament the Promise Nicola Sturgeon...

Attainment baby box Education Nicola Sturgeon Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government Scottish Parliament the Promise

Investing in school libraries

...for Scottish school libraries Posted 11 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice School libraries across Scotland have been awarded...

diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice

Going hungry

...address rising food insecurity Posted 25 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty A coalition of charities has written to the Scottish Government to highlight the devastating impact of...

cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty

Restraint and seclusion in schools

...23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use of restraint and seclusion in schools, ENABLE Scotland has highlighted the lack of progress....

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Action to support Anti-Bullying Week 2022

...Week 2022 Posted 15 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing respectme, Scotland’s national anti-bullying charity, has called for action to address bullying during this...

bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing

Scottish-led study identifies dyslexia gene

...25 October, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy Scientists have for the first time pinpointed a number of genes that are reliably associated with dyslexia. The...

additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy

Bereavement should be on the school curriculum

...21 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School The National Childhood Bereavement Project has submitted its final report to the Scottish Government,...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

Campaign to fundraise for Pakistan floods

...for Pakistan floods Posted 6 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson climate change Education environment Fundraising global A Scotland-based initiative has developed new school materials to teach pupils...

climate change Education environment Fundraising global

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

...Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for families in the...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail

... Magazine / Q&A with Lorna MacPhail: Bringing mindfulness to Education Posted 24 August, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma Ahead of her webinar, 'Big emotions in...

Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma

School staff announce September strike dates

...planned for September Posted 23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education schools Children and young people in nine local authority areas are likely to be affected by strike action planned for next...

Early years Education schools

It's time to deliver change in foster care deliver Posted 11 Aug, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond ASL care experienced Education foster care Health looked after children Mental Health A recent report has highlighted the unmet needs of...

ASL care experienced Education foster care Health looked after children Mental Health

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...set to open as Scottish results day looms Posted 27 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education exams schools SQA Support With thousands of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills...

Education exams schools SQA Support

ADHD more likely for youngest in school year

...more likely to be treated for ADHD Posted 6 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson ADHD Education Mental Health research School A new study has revealed that children who are younger in the school year are...

ADHD Education Mental Health research School

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools

...physical intervention in schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to physical intervention and restraint in...

Education human rights rights

See Me launches school mental health campaign approach, as stigma and issues rise Posted 14 June, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools A charity has launched new resources for secondary schools...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Ongoing lack of diversity in teaching teaching profession Posted 31 May, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education Scottish Government Scottish Schools The second annual data report into diversity in the teaching profession has...

diversity Education Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Councils urged to keep ASN on the agenda

...10 May 2022, by Jennifer Drummond additional support for learning ASN Education Following the Scottish local council elections last week, the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC) has urged for a...

additional support for learning ASN Education

Accelerate free school meal provision, says STUC

...provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders have called...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland families in Scotland Posted 6 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Early years Education Families reading More than 2,500 books have been donated to families supported by Home-Start Scotland to encourage...

Early years Education Families reading

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL sector Posted 30 March 2022, by Nina Joynson accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology More than 500 British Sign Language signs have been created for terms related to digital...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

Schools face new disruption as exams approach learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to consider a return to remote learning as teaching absences...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Young carers running on empty, says leading charity

...running on empty, says leading charity Posted 16 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education health and wellbeing kinship care Mental Health young carers The Carers Trust has highlighted how a lack...

Education health and wellbeing kinship care Mental Health young carers

SQA comes under fire for new revision materials for new revision materials Posted 9 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education Education reform exams Scottish Schools SQA There are revived calls for the SQA to be replaced as the...

Covid-19 Education Education reform exams Scottish Schools SQA

Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated

...books and reading deserve to be celebrated Posted 3 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education literacy reading World Book Day As children across the country celebrate World Book Day, Abi Baross (pictured)...

Education literacy reading World Book Day

Young people present key issues to Government

...Children in Scotland event, September 2018. Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC Young people across Scotland met today...

Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC

New project to tackle racism in schools

...racism in schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young people to lead a campaign of change, embedding race equality and anti-racism within...

anti-racism Education racism

Embedding mental health interventions in school

...become mentally healthy places to be Posted 11 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Mental Health First launched in 2015, Children’s Mental Health Week shines a spotlight on the importance of children and...

Education Mental Health

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in schools will benefit from government funding and a...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

...Scottish schools and the attainment gap Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in Scotland, former teacher, journalist and author...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers failing pupils and teachers' Posted 25 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education The Scottish National Standardised Assessments don't read well or add up, writes Andrea Bradley (pictured) It was recently...


Covid causes fresh issues as school term starts

...issues as term starts Posted 11 January, 2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools As children return to classrooms, schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools

No results found.

Five child-friendly nature activities for the summer holidays

...will be on the hunt for summer activities that are not only purse-friendly but engaging and Educational, too – and luckily, leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation is on hand to help. From venturing outdoors to learn about insects...

Education National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful

... Education Improvement: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful 26 Jul 2022 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s latest consultation on the Education National Improvement Framework (NIF)...

ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education Poverty

Education reform consultation: ‘We need to learn from policy, research and practice to ensure reform is fit for purpose”

... Education reform: "We need to learn from research and practice" 30 November 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Education Reform, calling for a child-rights approach and emphasising the...

Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform

Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap

...Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap In their current form the Scottish Government’s proposals for reform of Education governance will fail to make any progress in narrowing the attainment gap, Children in...

Children Children's rights Decision making Education Jackie Brock Scottish Government Scottish Schools Support

New partnership set to improve access to Education for professionals in the children’s sector

...New partnership set to improve access to Education for children’s sector professionals 22 Nov 2023 An exciting new partnership between The Open University in Scotland and Children in Scotland is set to improve access to Education for...

An imaginative reframing of Education in Scotland

... An imaginative reframing of Education in Scotland 29 Aug 2023 Ahead of Sightlines Initiative's study week in October its Director, Robin Duckett, explores different approaches to early Education, drawing inspiration from the preschools of...

Scotland’s Education system "needs structural and cultural reform"

... Scotland’s Education system “needs structural and cultural reform” 19 Dec 2022 As part of our contribution to the National Discussion on Education, we’ve called for a stronger focus on wellbeing and rights-based approaches,...

ASL ASN Education exams Manifesto

New resource highlights the importance of mediation in Education settings

... New resource highlights the importance of mediation in Education settings 31 Aug 2022 Resolve, the largest independent provider of mediation to the Education community in Scotland, has today launched its new website. The resource brings...

Government ‘must be brave’ in leading Education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs

... Government ‘must be brave’ in leading Education reforms, with focus on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs 10 March 2022 Children in Scotland has welcomed the emphasis on children’s rights, the early years and meeting...

additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education Education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report

‘No detriment on appeals’: call for urgent change to exams certification process ahead of Scottish Parliament Education Debate based on the views and evidence of young people it works with and comes ahead of today’s Education debate at Holyrood. Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s Joint Interim Chief Executive and Head of Policy, Projects & Participation...

appeals assessments covid Education exams SQA

Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s Education activity

... Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s Education activity 20 October 2020 Ahead of Bonfire Night – a stressful time of year for animals – Gilly Mendes Ferreira explains the role of the SSPCA in supporting schools in Scotland to nurture...

Young people to lead new diversity in Education participatory project

... Young people to lead new diversity in Education participatory project 16 October 2020 Children in Scotland is bringing together a group of children and young people to get involved in a new participatory project focusing on diversity in...

diversity Education General Teaching Council for Scotland

Panel on Europe issues letter to John Swinney urging support for right to Education through Brexit

... Panel on Europe issues letter to John Swinney urging support for right to Education through Brexit 12 August 2020 This morning the Children and Young People's Panel on Europe sent a letter to Cabinet Secretary for Education John Swinney...

Children hold the key to the future of food justice and Education in Scotland

... Children hold the key to the future of food justice and Education in Scotland 19 February 2019 Mhairi Barrett is a PhD Gastronomy student, and a speaker at our national food conference, Biting Back: transforming food experiences for...

Food Education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches

... Food Education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches International School Meals Day (ISMD) 2019 has launched. This year's theme is 'Who makes my meal?'. ISMD aims to encourage children and young people around the world...

Children in Scotland welcomes "historic" LGBTI inclusive Education announcement

... Children in Scotland welcomes "historic" LGBTI inclusive Education announcement National charity Children in Scotland has welcomed the announcement made by Deputy First Minister and Education Secretary John Swinney in the Scottish...

Education equality LGBT

Pupils’ views in the spotlight, as exciting Education initiative gets underway

... Pupils’ views in the spotlight, as exciting Education initiative gets underway   Children and young people will have more of a say in their Education, thanks to a new Learner Panel that has been launched today with Deputy First...

Postponement of Bill ‘opens way for more evidence-based Education approach’

... Postponement of Bill ‘opens way for more evidence-based Education approach’ Cabinet Secretary for Education, John Swinney, announced to Scottish Parliament today that the Education Bill would not be taken forward. In making the decision,...

Taking steps towards a more inclusive Education system

... Taking steps towards a more inclusive Education system 10 Jan 2018 Today is a significant day in the recognition of rights of children and young people with additional support needs, writes Cat Thomson As of today, 10 January 2018, the rights...

Additional support Children's rights Legislation

How can we support young carers in Education settings?

... How can we support young carers in Education settings? 13 Nov 2017 There’s lots we can do to improve experiences for school pupils who look after family members. Louise Morgan, who is leading an event on the topic next month,...

Inclusion Ambassadors recognised in international report into inclusive Education

... Inclusion Ambassadors recognised in international report into inclusive Education 1 Nov 2023 The Inclusion Ambassadors were highlighted as a strong example of positive participation, engagement and pupil voice. The report is the culmination...

Striving for inclusive Education: An interview with Jordan Daly

...Striving for LGBT inclusive Education: An interview with Jordan Daly 28 Oct 2022 Ahead of our Annual Conference, members of Changing our World, our children and young people's advisory group, interviewed some of the keynote speakers. Here,...

‘Involve us in decisions about our Education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report

... ‘Involve us in decisions about our Education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report 24 June 2021 Children in Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing...

25 Calls response: Don’t let a difference of opinion become a deciding factor in children’s Educational experience

... Don’t let a difference of opinion become a deciding factor in children’s Educational experience 14 November 2019 Listening, participating and sharing contrasting views are the keys to unlocking disputes in Education – to the benefit of...

25 Calls response: Youth work gives us vital opportunities, independence and access to non-formal Education. Let’s protect it

... Youth work gives us vital opportunities, independence and access to non-formal Education. We must protect it Responding to Call 6, Rosie Sumsion, MSYP for Helensburgh and Lomond, explains why a new Scottish Youth Parliament campaign is...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their Education

...Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their Education 7 December 2018   Almost 3,000 people have signed a letter calling for the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for...

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on Education

... Survey of 1,417 parents finds autistic children are missing out on fundamental right to an Education 25 September 2018 Pamela’s son, Kyle, is autistic. She said: “Kyle is only six but he’s already at his second school. The first school...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

New resources for inclusive Education

... New resources for inclusive Education The European Agency for Special Needs in Inclusive Education (EASNIE) has published a series of reports aimed at promoting more inclusive Education across Scotland. The Agency is a platform for...

An holistic approach to fair funding for Education

... A holistic approach to fair funding for Education 16 Oct 2017 Children in Scotland has called for a more holistic approach to Education funding so that money is targeted effectively and contributes to narrowing the attainment gap. In our...

School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair Education

... School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair Education 9 Oct 2017 It has been said many times, but needs repeating - the attainment gap cannot be closed by teachers alone, writes Jackie Brock The Scottish government’s overarching goal of...

Qualifications and assessments 'must prioritise flexibility, individual choice and continuous progress' ensure the views of young people with additional support needs are heard in discussions about Education policy. Their comments come as a response to Professor Louise Hayward’s current Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessments and...

assessment Education exams inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

ASL progress report reveals too many children are still missing out

...neurodiversity Additional support for learning now forms part of the Association of Directors of Education Scotland leadership programme. Too many children still missing out While Children in Scotland welcomes progress so far and a commitment to...

Additional support additional support for learning ASL ASN Education

Latest issue of Insight now available
care experienced people child poverty child rights Early years Education literacy Mental Health Wellbeing

New report reveals what really matters to pupils with additional support needs

...key messages from young people with additional support needs on how best to support their Education journey. The work is part of a larger project, managed by Education Scotland, to contribute to the development of a new professional...

Additional support ASL ASN Education inclusion pupil voice

New project to better understand what pupil support in Scotland should look like

...pupil support in Scotland should look like 18 May 2022 Children in Scotland is working with Education Scotland and the Scottish Government to build knowledge and influence practice development around support for young people with additional...

additional support for learning ASL ASN Education

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

ASL Inquiry Education, Children and Young People Committee

... About us Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Inquiry: Education, Children and Young People Committee November 2023 The Education, Children and Young People Committee at the Scottish Parliament is conducting an inquiry into Additional...

A child-centred approach to resolving conflict in Education

... Our work Services Resolve A child-centred approach to resolving conflict in Education What is mediation in Education? By law, under The Education (Additional Support for Learning Scotland) Act 2004/09), local Education authorities...

Child Protection Lead Training

...range of themes including: family support, domestic abuse, disability, fostering and adoption, Education and employability, substance use and advocacy. Our services are firmly embedded in their local communities, united by a common focus;...

20/11/24 - Hybrid Working

...organisation. Since 2002 Billy has worked in roles that span across youth work, community health, Education, learning and development, additional support needs and whole family support. Billy has always had a keen interest in staff support and...

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA particular, the way children are driven to avoid demands and expectations Explore issues for Educational settings in meeting the needs of pupils with PDA Develop effective strategies for engaging with children with PDA and promoting their...

No results found.

No results found.

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

... Magazine / Families paying hundreds per year on essential Education, new research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free school meals School Parents and caregivers are spending...

cost of living Education free school meals School

Education in Schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Education Recovery plan is missed opportunity

... Magazine / News: Education Recovery plan misses the mark say teaching unions Posted 6 October, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Attainment childcare Education health and wellbeing The Scottish...

Attainment childcare Education health and wellbeing

First LGBT-inclusive Education resources launched

... Magazine / News: World's first LGBT-inclusive Education resources Posted 24 September, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Education equality LGBT Scotland has become the first country in the world to embed...

Education equality LGBT

NTS launch digital Education portal

... Magazine / News: National Theatre of Scotland launches new digital Education portal Posted 27 Aug 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Arts Education The new Educational channel will include resources to support...

Arts Education

Inclusive Education should be more than just an aspiration

...Inclusive Education should be more than just an aspiration We need to better empower and equip schools to support children with additional support needs - and the new review of implementation offers hope, writes Sally Cavers The Scottish...

Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of Education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of Education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and wellbeing must be at the heart of Education in Scotland and...

Enquire's Consultation Response: Home Education guidance for local authorities (August 2022)

...Enquire's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Home Education guidance for local...

Consultation Response: Education National Improvement Framework (July 2022)

...Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the Education National Improvement Framework....

Consultation Response: Education Reform (November 2021)

...consultation on the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the reform of Education...

Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of Reference (August 2021)

...Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of...

Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland (July 2021)

...Children in Scotland's response on Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland in response to the Scottish Government draft...

Call for Evidence Response: Initial Teacher Education (January 2020)

...Children in Scotland's response to the call for evidence on Initial Teacher Education (January...

Consultation response: Education Governance - Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education (October 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation 'Education Governance: Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education...

Call for Evidence: Education and Skills Committee call for evidence on Teacher Workforce Planning (April 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Education and Skills Committee call for evidence as part of its inquiry into Teacher Workforce...

Consultation response: Education And Skills Committee PSE call for evidence (February 2017)

...The Education And Skills Committee called for a brief response on ‘What should personal and social Education sessions be...

Consultation response: Education Governance Review (January 2017)

...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government review on how Education in Scotland is run - Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in Education: A Governance...

Investment in Gaelic Education

... Magazine / News: Government announces new investments in Gaelic Education Posted 26 October, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education funding Gaelic Language Scots Scottish Government The Scottish Government has announced that seven Education...

Education funding Gaelic Language Scots Scottish Government

Call 18: Take the next step in participation and food Education: give communities the keys to school kitchens

... Call 18: Take the next step in participation and food Education: give communities the keys to school kitchens By Donna Borokinni I've been working in the Glasgow community since 2005 and over the last five years I've observed food poverty...

E3-Early Years and Education
E2-Early Years and Education
E1-Early Years and Education
Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition

...Competition for nursery and school pupils Posted 16.01.24 by Alice Hinds design Education environment schools Children across Scotland are being encouraged to take inspiration from “nature’s engineers” as...

design Education environment schools

Cutting the cost of the school day

...cost of the school day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and staff at Braes High School, Falkirk, have been praised by the Scottish Government for...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths

.../ Record number of young Scots set on positive career paths as more teenagers enter Education, training or employment Posted 08.09.23 by Alice Hinds careers Education training young people The number...

careers Education training young people

New resources to support school attendance
post support attendance as schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools Teachers, families, parents and carers can now access a range of free...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

College launches National Opportunity Day

...McKenzie Magazine / Glasgow Kelvin College launches new awareness day to celebrate further Education opportunities Posted 03.08.23 by Alice Hinds Education exams higher Education School With results day...

Education exams higher education School

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools Latest figures published by Scottish Government show a record...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

...areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform Scottish Schools New research from the University of Stirling has found that current outcomes for...

Curriculum for Excellence Education Education reform Scottish Schools

Sturgeon resigns and centres care experience in speech

...speech Posted 15 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment baby box Education Nicola Sturgeon Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government Scottish Parliament the Promise Nicola Sturgeon...

Attainment baby box Education Nicola Sturgeon Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government Scottish Parliament the Promise

Investing in school libraries

...for Scottish school libraries Posted 11 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice School libraries across Scotland have been awarded...

diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice

Going hungry

...address rising food insecurity Posted 25 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty A coalition of charities has written to the Scottish Government to highlight the devastating impact of...

cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty

Restraint and seclusion in schools

...23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use of restraint and seclusion in schools, ENABLE Scotland has highlighted the lack of progress....

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Action to support Anti-Bullying Week 2022

...Week 2022 Posted 15 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing respectme, Scotland’s national anti-bullying charity, has called for action to address bullying during this...

bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing

Scottish-led study identifies dyslexia gene

...25 October, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy Scientists have for the first time pinpointed a number of genes that are reliably associated with dyslexia. The...

additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy

Bereavement should be on the school curriculum

...21 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School The National Childhood Bereavement Project has submitted its final report to the Scottish Government,...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

Campaign to fundraise for Pakistan floods

...for Pakistan floods Posted 6 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson climate change Education environment Fundraising global A Scotland-based initiative has developed new school materials to teach pupils...

climate change Education environment Fundraising global

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

...Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for families in the...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail

... Magazine / Q&A with Lorna MacPhail: Bringing mindfulness to Education Posted 24 August, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma Ahead of her webinar, 'Big emotions in...

Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma

School staff announce September strike dates

...planned for September Posted 23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education schools Children and young people in nine local authority areas are likely to be affected by strike action planned for next...

Early years Education schools

It's time to deliver change in foster care
post deliver Posted 11 Aug, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond ASL care experienced Education foster care Health looked after children Mental Health A recent report has highlighted the unmet needs of...

ASL care experienced Education foster care Health looked after children Mental Health

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...set to open as Scottish results day looms Posted 27 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education exams schools SQA Support With thousands of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills...

Education exams schools SQA Support

ADHD more likely for youngest in school year

...more likely to be treated for ADHD Posted 6 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson ADHD Education Mental Health research School A new study has revealed that children who are younger in the school year are...

ADHD Education Mental Health research School

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools

...physical intervention in schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to physical intervention and restraint in...

Education human rights rights

See Me launches school mental health campaign
post approach, as stigma and issues rise Posted 14 June, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools A charity has launched new resources for secondary schools...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Ongoing lack of diversity in teaching
post teaching profession Posted 31 May, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education Scottish Government Scottish Schools The second annual data report into diversity in the teaching profession has...

diversity Education Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Councils urged to keep ASN on the agenda

...10 May 2022, by Jennifer Drummond additional support for learning ASN Education Following the Scottish local council elections last week, the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC) has urged for a...

additional support for learning ASN Education

Accelerate free school meal provision, says STUC

...provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders have called...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland
post families in Scotland Posted 6 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Early years Education Families reading More than 2,500 books have been donated to families supported by Home-Start Scotland to encourage...

Early years Education Families reading

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL
post sector Posted 30 March 2022, by Nina Joynson accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology More than 500 British Sign Language signs have been created for terms related to digital...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

Schools face new disruption as exams approach
post learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to consider a return to remote learning as teaching absences...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Young carers running on empty, says leading charity

...running on empty, says leading charity Posted 16 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education health and wellbeing kinship care Mental Health young carers The Carers Trust has highlighted how a lack...

Education health and wellbeing kinship care Mental Health young carers

SQA comes under fire for new revision materials
post for new revision materials Posted 9 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education Education reform exams Scottish Schools SQA There are revived calls for the SQA to be replaced as the...

Covid-19 Education Education reform exams Scottish Schools SQA

Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated

...books and reading deserve to be celebrated Posted 3 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education literacy reading World Book Day As children across the country celebrate World Book Day, Abi Baross (pictured)...

Education literacy reading World Book Day

Young people present key issues to Government

...Children in Scotland event, September 2018. Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC Young people across Scotland met today...

Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC

New project to tackle racism in schools

...racism in schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young people to lead a campaign of change, embedding race equality and anti-racism within...

anti-racism Education racism

Embedding mental health interventions in school

...become mentally healthy places to be Posted 11 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Mental Health First launched in 2015, Children’s Mental Health Week shines a spotlight on the importance of children and...

Education Mental Health

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in schools will benefit from government funding and a...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

...Scottish schools and the attainment gap Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in Scotland, former teacher, journalist and author...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers
post failing pupils and teachers' Posted 25 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education The Scottish National Standardised Assessments don't read well or add up, writes Andrea Bradley (pictured) It was recently...


Covid causes fresh issues as school term starts

...issues as term starts Posted 11 January, 2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools As children return to classrooms, schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools