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Our Vision

Our vision is that all children have an equal chance to flourish.

White text on green. The text reads 'Our values. Our values set out Children in Scotland's beliefs and qualities. They have been shaped by our staff, board, children and young people in our advisory group Changing our World and our members. We use them to guide how we work and as a way of keeping us accountable. Strengthening equality, diversity, and inclusion is an overarching commitment that informs all our values.'
the text 'Brave: we are champions of children's rights. We take a lead in empowering children and young people and improving lives. We do this with creativity and determination.' is in blue, with an icon of a superhero in flight on the left. 'Collaborative: we believe in inclusion and we work in partnership. The participation of children, young people and their families, our staff, members, the workforce and our wider network inspires us and is central to achieving our vision.' is in orange, with an icon of two hands holding pens intertwined to the left. 'Open and fair: we are committed to accessibility and honesty. We share our learning, evidence and new ideas. Integrity, balance and respect underpin everything we do' is in green, and an icon of an open door is to the left. 'Kind: we care about people and the environment, and the impact our work has on both. Empathy and trust are key in our approach and how we connect with others.' is in pink, with a heart icon on the left.

"Measurement and mission statement"

A blog by our Communications Manager explains how the new values were devised and what they mean to us

Click here to read

Our values: text version

A plain text version of our values, which were refreshed in the Spring of 2022, is also available to download and read

Click here to read