Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Inquiry: Education, Children and Young People Committee
November 2023
The Education, Children and Young People Committee at the Scottish Parliament is conducting an inquiry into Additional Support for Learning (ASL).
The inquiry will focus on the following themes:
· the implementation of the presumption of mainstreaming, meaning that, where possible, children and young people with additional support needs should be educated in mainstream schools alongside other pupils, rather than in special schools
· the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on additional support for learning
· the use of remedies as set out in the Act. These are dispute resolution options that are used when someone wants to dispute whether the provision put in place is adequate to support their child’s additional support needs.
The Inquiry has issued a call for written evidence which is open until 31 December 2023.
You can click here to find out more about the inquiry and how to submit a response
Evidence and resources
Children in Scotland has a wealth of evidence from our existing project work about what children and young people who are entitled to additional support in school want and need.
To support organisations with their response to the consultation we have collated our own evidence on this page.
Below you can read reports, policy summaries and resources all of which are based on our engagement with children, young people and families.
Additional Support for Learning Action Plan Report
Children in Scotland – Education Briefing
Previous relevant consultation responses
Inclusion Ambassadors
My Rights My Say
Access All Arts Fund
Pupil Support Staff
Want to find out more?
If you want to discuss any of these resources, please contact Chris Ross, Policy, Projects and Participation Manager,
This page will be updated regularly with new evidence and resources.
We would be really keen to include evidence from our members on this page to support other responses. Please also contact Chris if you have evidence you would like to share on this page.

Find out more about Enquire, the national advice and information service for additional support for learning
Visit the website
A website to help you understand children's rights to be supported and involved in decisions
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My Rights, My Say
A support service providing advice and information for 12-15 yr olds on their rights to additional support
Click here for more

Children and young people's participation
Our goal is to engage young people in meaningful, ongoing dialogue so they participate in all areas of our work
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