Search results for: "Children\'s rights"
Alternative Future (2015-2017)
Children Children's rights Europe Welfare
A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland
An exciting time to be working on children's rights
Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'
Call to prioritise children's rights in Brexit process
Brexit Children's rights Europe News
Girls’ rights are human rights
16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights
Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform
Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI
Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector
Our children and young people's advisory group responds to proposals for Human Rights Act reform
advisory group changing our world human rights human rights act Participation rights young people
Life through a child-rights lens
Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe
Brexit Children economy EU Europe funding Participation referendum rights trade travel votes work young people
Child rights or public health? There's no choice
Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school
"Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders
Children's voice at heart of new participation and engagement guidelines
25 Calls response: Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step of learning – join us as we stand up for rights.
25 Calls response: Child poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens
Young Ambassadors and Children's Commissioner call for an end to stigma of food insecurity
Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force
Additional support Children's rights Legislation
Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force
Additional support additional support needs Children's rights Legislation
Brexit threat to legal rights of 1 in 10 children
Children's rights Legislation
Children’s 12 calls for AI implementation in Scotland
10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024
Looking to upskill your staff? Discover how commissioned training is helping charities across Scotland
Education National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful
ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education Poverty
A time to learn, look beyond – and show common cause
Children's rights conflict crisis environment global humanitarian refugees Ukraine war world worldwide
Announcing the appointment of six new directors to our Board
children and young people Children's rights inclusion
Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs
additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report
Covid impact ‘risking future of vital services for young people’ across Scotland, survey finds
children and young people Children's rights Covid-19 equality inclusion
Good Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food
Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing
Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level
childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing
New measures to support autistic pupils welcome, but we must not lose momentum
ASL ASN Autism Children's rights Education equality inclusion
Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"
Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC
"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland
Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty
Taking steps towards a more inclusive education system
Additional support Children's rights Legislation
Additional support service strengthens its online offer to children and families
ASL Children's rights News Support
Brexit threat to legal rights of 1 in 10 children
Children's rights Legislation
Physical appearance, sexual identity and learning disabilities ‘the key factors’ in bullying at school
Children Children's rights Families Scottish Schools Staff Support Wellbeing
‘Societal issues that undermine young people’s chances compromise gains from early years support’
Children's rights Inequality Poverty Scottish Government
Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent
Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government
Celebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock Poverty
Celebrate young voters’ impact – and listen to them on Brexit
Agenda Children's rights Election Jackie Brock News Participation
Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation
Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing
Children in Scotland calls become pledges in party manifestos
Children's rights Early years Manifesto News Support
Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament
Shared frustration over smacking law reform
Children's rights Jackie Brock News Protection Violence
Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap
Children Children's rights Decision making Education Jackie Brock Scottish Government Scottish Schools Support
19/09/24 - Children's Rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC
We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough
Children's rights human rights
Children's Rights and UNCRC training
Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event summary
Our Hearing's, Our Voice workshop presentation - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland
Licketyspit's workshop presentation - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland
Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event
Children in Scotland workshop presentations - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event
Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge
Children's rights early learning human rights
New rights-focused badge for Scouts
Children's rights rights
State of Children’s Rights report published
Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice
My Rights, My Say
Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue
Stop excluding children from Brexit dialogue, children's sector groups and Commissioner tell UK parliamentarians
Brexit Children Children's rights Jackie Brock
AC25 - workshops
AC25 - Programme
11/03/25 - Understanding harmful sexual behaviour
Training & Events
AC24 - Resources
Abbey Stone
Workshops AC24
Programme AC24 - Day Two
Our Trainers & Speakers
David Yule
30th anniversary
Children’s Hearings Scotland launches new feedback portal
Children's rights the Promise
Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites
child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice
Interim report on Scotland's domestic abuse law
Children's rights domestic abuse relationships women's rights
Restraint and seclusion in schools
Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education
Q&A with Jennifer Lewis: Supporting young carers
ASL Children's rights Mental Health
Young people present key issues to Government
Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC
Age of criminal responsibility increased
age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice
'It's not enough to increase age of criminal responsibility'
age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice
Transition to Adulthood Bill to be formally introduced
Children's rights Disability equality transitions
Government criticised for lack of school ventilation strategy
Children's rights Covid-19 Education
No results found.
A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland
An exciting time to be working on children's rights
Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'
Call to prioritise children's rights in Brexit process
Brexit Children's rights Europe News
Girls’ rights are human rights
16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights
Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform
Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI
Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector
Our children and young people's advisory group responds to proposals for Human Rights Act reform
advisory group changing our world human rights human rights act Participation rights young people
Life through a child-rights lens
Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe
Brexit Children economy EU Europe funding Participation referendum rights trade travel votes work young people
Child rights or public health? There's no choice
Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school
"Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders
Children's voice at heart of new participation and engagement guidelines
25 Calls response: Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step of learning – join us as we stand up for rights.
25 Calls response: Child poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens
Young Ambassadors and Children's Commissioner call for an end to stigma of food insecurity
Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force
Additional support Children's rights Legislation
Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force
Additional support additional support needs Children's rights Legislation
Brexit threat to legal rights of 1 in 10 children
Children's rights Legislation
Children’s 12 calls for AI implementation in Scotland
10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024
Looking to upskill your staff? Discover how commissioned training is helping charities across Scotland
Education National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful
ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education Poverty
A time to learn, look beyond – and show common cause
Children's rights conflict crisis environment global humanitarian refugees Ukraine war world worldwide
Announcing the appointment of six new directors to our Board
children and young people Children's rights inclusion
Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs
additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report
Covid impact ‘risking future of vital services for young people’ across Scotland, survey finds
children and young people Children's rights Covid-19 equality inclusion
Good Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food
Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing
Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level
childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing
New measures to support autistic pupils welcome, but we must not lose momentum
ASL ASN Autism Children's rights Education equality inclusion
Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"
Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC
"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland
Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty
Taking steps towards a more inclusive education system
Additional support Children's rights Legislation
Additional support service strengthens its online offer to children and families
ASL Children's rights News Support
Brexit threat to legal rights of 1 in 10 children
Children's rights Legislation
Physical appearance, sexual identity and learning disabilities ‘the key factors’ in bullying at school
Children Children's rights Families Scottish Schools Staff Support Wellbeing
‘Societal issues that undermine young people’s chances compromise gains from early years support’
Children's rights Inequality Poverty Scottish Government
Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent
Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government
Celebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock Poverty
Celebrate young voters’ impact – and listen to them on Brexit
Agenda Children's rights Election Jackie Brock News Participation
Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation
Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing
Children in Scotland calls become pledges in party manifestos
Children's rights Early years Manifesto News Support
Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament
Shared frustration over smacking law reform
Children's rights Jackie Brock News Protection Violence
Education governance proposals risk ‘zero impact’ on attainment gap
Children Children's rights Decision making Education Jackie Brock Scottish Government Scottish Schools Support
No results found.
No results found.
19/09/24 - Children's Rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC
Our Hearing's, Our Voice workshop presentation - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland
Licketyspit's workshop presentation - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland
Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event
Children in Scotland workshop presentations - Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event
AC25 - workshops
AC25 - Programme
11/03/25 - Understanding harmful sexual behaviour
Training & Events
AC24 - Resources
Workshops AC24
Programme AC24 - Day Two
Our Trainers & Speakers
30th anniversary
No results found.
No results found.
We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough
postChildren's rights human rights
Children's Rights and UNCRC training
Making Children's Rights Real Across Scotland event summary
Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge
postChildren's rights early learning human rights
New rights-focused badge for Scouts
postChildren's rights rights
State of Children’s Rights report published
postChildren's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice
My Rights, My Say
Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue
Stop excluding children from Brexit dialogue, children's sector groups and Commissioner tell UK parliamentarians
postBrexit Children Children's rights Jackie Brock
Children’s Hearings Scotland launches new feedback portal
postChildren's rights the Promise
Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites
postchild-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice
Interim report on Scotland's domestic abuse law
postChildren's rights domestic abuse relationships women's rights
Restraint and seclusion in schools
postAdditional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education
Q&A with Jennifer Lewis: Supporting young carers
postASL Children's rights Mental Health
Young people present key issues to Government
postChildren's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC
Age of criminal responsibility increased
postage of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice
'It's not enough to increase age of criminal responsibility'
postage of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice
Transition to Adulthood Bill to be formally introduced
postChildren's rights Disability equality transitions
Government criticised for lack of school ventilation strategy
postChildren's rights Covid-19 Education