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Search results for: "Benefits"

Celebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock Poverty

‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’

...both now and in the future. Our response highlights concerns about the implication that those on Benefits merely require an incentive to work and identifies barriers such as unaffordable childcare and a lack of skills or training, which make it...

Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster

Effective child protection system ‘depends on poverty reduction and strong local services’

...this in mind, we continue to be deeply concerned by the UK Government's attacks on our Benefits system and the cuts facing local authorities and their partners. “The Scottish Government must address these challenges if the specific...

Benefits Children Jackie Brock Poverty Protection Scottish Government Support

First Child Disability Payment statistics released

... Magazine / News: More than £3 million in disability Benefits for Scottish children Posted 18 May, 2022 by Nina Joynson accessibility Benefits child benefit Disability funding Scottish...

accessibility Benefits child benefit Disability funding Scottish Government

Rewind welfare reform says new report

...Rewind welfare reform says new report Posted 13 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Benefits child poverty Families Scottish Government universal credit Welfare A new report estimates that...

Benefits child poverty Families Scottish Government universal credit Welfare

Calls for cuts to Universal Credit to be abandoned

...Calls to abandon Universal Credit cut Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Benefits child poverty News universal credit Save the Children UK has revealed nearly half of Universal Credit claimants...

Benefits child poverty News universal credit

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Celebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock Poverty

‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’

...both now and in the future. Our response highlights concerns about the implication that those on Benefits merely require an incentive to work and identifies barriers such as unaffordable childcare and a lack of skills or training, which make it...

Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster

Effective child protection system ‘depends on poverty reduction and strong local services’

...this in mind, we continue to be deeply concerned by the UK Government's attacks on our Benefits system and the cuts facing local authorities and their partners. “The Scottish Government must address these challenges if the specific...

Benefits Children Jackie Brock Poverty Protection Scottish Government Support

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First Child Disability Payment statistics released

... Magazine / News: More than £3 million in disability Benefits for Scottish children Posted 18 May, 2022 by Nina Joynson accessibility Benefits child benefit Disability funding Scottish...

accessibility Benefits child benefit Disability funding Scottish Government

Rewind welfare reform says new report

...Rewind welfare reform says new report Posted 13 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Benefits child poverty Families Scottish Government universal credit Welfare A new report estimates that...

Benefits child poverty Families Scottish Government universal credit Welfare

Calls for cuts to Universal Credit to be abandoned

...Calls to abandon Universal Credit cut Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Benefits child poverty News universal credit Save the Children UK has revealed nearly half of Universal Credit claimants...

Benefits child poverty News universal credit