Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector
14 Nov 2023
The autumn issue of 'Insight', the biannual member magazine from Children in Scotland, is available now, bringing together expert commentary, interviews and features on topics from across the sector.
Inspired by contributors, the theme of the fifth edition of 'Insight' is “young voices”, with articles in the 40-page issue exploring the importance of listening to young Scots to improve their lives and uphold rights – a value that’s at the heart of Children in Scotland’s work.
In a four-page interview, for example, best-selling author, Mikaela Loach, shares her journey from teen activist to fighting for climate justice on a world stage, and she also discusses why young people are vital to the environmental movement in a quick-fire Q&A with Changing our World (click here for more).
The 25-year-old explained: “When it comes to climate crisis, young voices in particular are so important. We are one of the most impacted groups in this world, and we are going to be impacted disproportionately by this crisis. It’s so important that we do speak out, and realise that so many of the liberties and freedoms that we have now are because other people chose to be brave.”
Further reading within the issue:
- An interview with Kinny Gardner, Artistic Director of Krazy Kat Theatre, a professional children’s theatre company committed to improving access to arts activities for deaf and disabled children through magical, visual-led productions that go far beyond the spoken word
- Glasgow Women’s Aid CEO, Angela Devine, celebrates 50 years of the organisation’s hard work supporting women, while examining the issues facing girls and young women today
- Ali Miller, from Shared Lives Plus, explores an innovative project, which enables parents with additional support needs to care for their child at home
- Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians, discusses Scotland’s housing crisis
- Children in Scotland’s Head of Policy, Projects and Participation at Children, David Mackay, shares how children and young people are speaking out on health-harming products
- Marie Harrison, Senior Policy Officer at My Rights, My Say, explains how the service is putting young people’s voices at the heart of its vital work.
With the theme of listening to children and young people’s voices, it was also particularly special to continue our collaboration with students at Edinburgh College of Art. Using their creativity to explore the issues and ideas raised in three articles, as well as the edition’s front cover, a group of fourth year illustration undergraduates showcase not only extraordinary talent, but impressive understanding and sensitivity.
Alice Hinds, Editor of 'Insight' said: "While putting together this new edition, I learned so much about the issues facing children and young people in Scotland today, and how we can listen to their voices to, not only make their lives better, but improve vital services.
"From understanding AI to making theatre more accessible, tackling Scotland's housing crisis to play as a tool in healthcare, our contributors cover a wide range of topics, which I hope inform and inspire our readers."
Providing a space to share knowledge and best practice, print and digital editions of Insight are published twice a year, with all Children in Scotland members receiving a free copy.
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Insight Issue 5
Find out what's inside the latest issue. Illustration by Ally McKay
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