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Search results for: "Policy"

Family voices ‘should shape Policy' on food, learning and holidays

... Family voices ‘should shape Policy' on food, learning and holidays In a letter published in the Herald newspaper today, our Chief Executive Jackie Brock responded to a call by the Scottish Conservatives that schools should stay open as...

Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

National Care Service consultation: Concerns over lack of detail for children’s services and unrealistic timeframe services are struggling to recover from the impact of the pandemic. Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, said: “The proposals are complex, with potentially significant consequences for those who deliver and access...

care Healthcare Policy

Encouraging moves on participation, and a promise to hold parliament to account

...parties’ pledges compare to our own Manifesto calls? Following the Scottish election, our Policy, Projects & Participation Officer Parisa Shirazi reflects on likely areas of agreement during the next parliament – and examples of...

Arts calls citizens' assemblies democracy Education Election Learning manifest Participation Policy rights Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

“Health and wellbeing must be at the heart of the planning process”

...are also amongst our top-level recommendations. Chris Ross, Children in Scotland's Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, said: “The Scottish Government’s position statement outlines a range of positive Policy suggestions...

Consultation response engagement health and wellbeing placemaking planning Policy

Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"

...for a so-called ‘Scottish suite’ – where the UNCRC articles are rewritten for Scotland’s Policy landscape – warning that such a move risks diluting the principles of the convention and undermining children’s rights. Instead, we...

Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC

GRA reform is a fundamental equality and rights issue for trans young people. So why delay it?

...trans young people in schools will now be replaced by Scottish Government guidance. Our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation Amy Woodhouse said: “While we acknowledge the challenging nature of this debate, at its heart this is a human...

equality GRA Legislation LGBT Policy rights young people

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 5: “There is a feeling that we are here to serve the economy rather than for the economy to serve us. We have to turn the tables”

...difference, and why it’s so important to tackle it. CiS: Do you think we should be concentrating Policy efforts more on achieving equality of outcome or equality of opportunity? RW: Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are not things...

equality Health Inequality Policy

Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent

...the priority areas highlighted but identifying some crucial missing links. We welcome the Policy and delivery plan as an important step towards supporting children's and young people’s rights to be protected from harm and promoting...

Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

...medicine or meet their child’s intimate care needs on a regular basis. Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy at Children in Scotland, said: “There is evidence that intimate care, for example meeting toileting needs and administering medicine, is an...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities

...approach and the adoption of a 'Health in All Policies Approach' designed to utilise Policy levers throughout all areas of government to address persistent health inequalities. Responding to the Committee's calls, Amy Woodhouse, Head...

Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament

Wanted: real participation for young people, not party politics

...of young people’s participation and the quality of Scotland’s continued work relating to Policy and legislation in this area.” “Barring 16 and 17 year olds from actively participating in elections that will directly impact their...

Election Legislation News Participate Policy Voting age

Parliamentary Monitor

... Parliamentary Monitor We keep track of the latest Policy developments relevant to children and families in Scotland, across the UK, and in Europe.  This week in the Scottish Parliament Tuesday 9 February In the afternoon, in Topical...

News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

No results found.

Family voices ‘should shape Policy' on food, learning and holidays

... Family voices ‘should shape Policy' on food, learning and holidays In a letter published in the Herald newspaper today, our Chief Executive Jackie Brock responded to a call by the Scottish Conservatives that schools should stay open as...

Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

National Care Service consultation: Concerns over lack of detail for children’s services and unrealistic timeframe services are struggling to recover from the impact of the pandemic. Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, said: “The proposals are complex, with potentially significant consequences for those who deliver and access...

care Healthcare Policy

Encouraging moves on participation, and a promise to hold parliament to account

...parties’ pledges compare to our own Manifesto calls? Following the Scottish election, our Policy, Projects & Participation Officer Parisa Shirazi reflects on likely areas of agreement during the next parliament – and examples of...

Arts calls citizens' assemblies democracy Education Election Learning manifest Participation Policy rights Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

“Health and wellbeing must be at the heart of the planning process”

...are also amongst our top-level recommendations. Chris Ross, Children in Scotland's Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, said: “The Scottish Government’s position statement outlines a range of positive Policy suggestions...

Consultation response engagement health and wellbeing placemaking planning Policy

Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"

...for a so-called ‘Scottish suite’ – where the UNCRC articles are rewritten for Scotland’s Policy landscape – warning that such a move risks diluting the principles of the convention and undermining children’s rights. Instead, we...

Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC

GRA reform is a fundamental equality and rights issue for trans young people. So why delay it?

...trans young people in schools will now be replaced by Scottish Government guidance. Our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation Amy Woodhouse said: “While we acknowledge the challenging nature of this debate, at its heart this is a human...

equality GRA Legislation LGBT Policy rights young people

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 5: “There is a feeling that we are here to serve the economy rather than for the economy to serve us. We have to turn the tables”

...difference, and why it’s so important to tackle it. CiS: Do you think we should be concentrating Policy efforts more on achieving equality of outcome or equality of opportunity? RW: Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are not things...

equality Health Inequality Policy

Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent

...the priority areas highlighted but identifying some crucial missing links. We welcome the Policy and delivery plan as an important step towards supporting children's and young people’s rights to be protected from harm and promoting...

Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

...medicine or meet their child’s intimate care needs on a regular basis. Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy at Children in Scotland, said: “There is evidence that intimate care, for example meeting toileting needs and administering medicine, is an...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities

...approach and the adoption of a 'Health in All Policies Approach' designed to utilise Policy levers throughout all areas of government to address persistent health inequalities. Responding to the Committee's calls, Amy Woodhouse, Head...

Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament

Wanted: real participation for young people, not party politics

...of young people’s participation and the quality of Scotland’s continued work relating to Policy and legislation in this area.” “Barring 16 and 17 year olds from actively participating in elections that will directly impact their...

Election Legislation News Participate Policy Voting age

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No results found.

Parliamentary Monitor

... Parliamentary Monitor We keep track of the latest Policy developments relevant to children and families in Scotland, across the UK, and in Europe.  This week in the Scottish Parliament Tuesday 9 February In the afternoon, in Topical...

News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster