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Activate Your rights (2019)

... Activate Your rights (2019) Activate Your rights was a project commissioned by the Scottish Government in 2019, led by Young Scot and supported by Children in Scotland. Twenty children and young people from across Scotland, aged 8-17,...

Girls’ rights are human rights

...Girls’ rights are human rights 24 Oct 2024 Designed to protect and advance human rights, United Nations conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of...

A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland

... A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland 16 Jul 2024 Today, as the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 comes into effect, we celebrate a monumental step forward for children’s rights in Scotland. While we all take a...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

... Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI Safer Internet Day is the UK's biggest event highlighting the importance of online safety, and for 2024, the theme is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change

... Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change 13 Dec 2023 Developing new ways of working, the team at Enquire has been actively engaging with children and young people to share their thoughts and opinions...

Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe

... Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe 11 May 2022 Liam, a member of Changing our World, our children and young people’s advisory group, reflects on a recent Eurochild meeting in Brussels, where he was able to meet young...

Our children and young people's advisory group responds to proposals for Human rights Act reform

... Our young people's advisory group responds to Human rights Act reform proposals 16 March 2022 Parisa Shirazi summarises Changing our World's views on significant draft legislation from the UK Government As soon as we read the UK...

advisory group changing our world human rights human rights act Participation rights young people

Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life

... Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 Mar 2021 The Living Museums project is working with creative and enthusiastic young people, aged 14-21 years, across Stirling, Perth and Dumfries to support museums in becoming more...

Launching a new way to support child rights and additional support for learning

... Launching a new way to support child rights and additional support for learning 19 January 2021 Children in Scotland's Head of Inclusion Sally Cavers on supporting child rights and additional support for learning with the launch of the My...

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school

... Young people can use their digital rights to hold those in power to account. In a time of crisis, that matters even more 13 May 2020 Children increasingly share their creative work, writing and beliefs online. While the internet offers...

The rights of children and families must be at the heart of housing policy

... The rights of children and families must be at the heart of housing policy 2 March 2020 Children in Scotland has published its consultation response to the Scottish Government’s draft vision for our homes and communities in 2040....

Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches

... Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches 20 November 2019 We’ve launched a new resource allowing visitors to our website to customise content so that they can access it in ways that work best for them. The move...

accessibility Disability discrimination equality UNCRC

25 Calls response: Child poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens your business to tackle child poverty The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, will tomorrow (Friday 28 June 2019), present his final report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK, to the UN Human...

GRA reform is a fundamental equality and rights issue for trans young people. So why delay it?

...said: “While we acknowledge the challenging nature of this debate, at its heart this is a human rights issue. “In that light we are disappointed in this delay, and sceptical about what the value of further consultation would be. “The...

equality GRA Legislation LGBT Policy rights young people

Three new animations launched to help pupils feel more informed about their rights at school

...Three new animations launched to help pupils feel more informed about their rights at school Created by Reach, the young people’s service for Enquire – The Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning - the films were...

Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force

... Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force Children aged 12-15 have had their rights extended under new additional support for learning legislation which comes into force today (Wed 10 Jan). Under the Education...

Additional support Children's rights Legislation

Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force

... Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force Children aged 12-15 have had their rights extended under new additional support for learning legislation which comes into force today (Wednesday 10 January). Under the...

Additional support additional support needs Children's rights Legislation

16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights

... 16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights Member Spotlight: Clan Childlaw 13 Sep 2024 Earlier this year, Clan Childlaw celebrated 16 years of providing legal services for children and young people that were...

An exciting time to be working on children's rights

... An exciting time to be working on children's rights 7 Sep 2023 As Children in Scotland celebrates its 30th anniversary, Gina Wilson, Head of Strategy at the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland discusses three decades of work...

Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs

... Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, with focus on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs 10 March 2022 Children in Scotland has welcomed the emphasis on children’s rights, the early years and meeting...

additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report

Life through a child-rights lens

... Life through a child-rights lens 7 Sep 2021 Child rights impact assessments aren’t tick-box exercises but opportunities to review policy and practice, keeping children and young people at the very heart of what we do, writes Amy...

Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe

... Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe 25 November 2020 A group of children and young people have issued a series of calls about Scotland and the UK’s future...

Brexit Children economy EU Europe funding Participation referendum rights trade travel votes work young people

Child rights or public health? There's no choice

... Child rights or public health? There's no choice 28 Jul 2020 Children in Scotland CEO Jackie Brock on a child rights response to COVID-19 and why we need now more than ever to incorporate the UN Convention on the rights of the Child...

25 Calls response: What gives me hope in 2020? Young people are leading the way in defending human rights

... What gives me hope in 2020? Young people are leading the way in defending human rights 13 February 2020 When children speak out on human rights they do it with more honesty, tenacity and creativity than adults. It makes a difference so...

"Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders

... "Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders 10 December 2019 Children in Scotland has signed an open letter calling for the safeguarding of human rights in the UK. Published on Human rights Day and ahead of the UK...

25 Calls response: Our economy is broken but our people aren’t. A new rights-based approach would mean a better future for children

... Our economy is broken, but our people are not. A new approach built on rights would mean a better future for children 8 November 2019 Responding to Call 11 of our 25 Calls campaign, Paul Carberry, Action for Children’s Director for Scotland...

New EU Children’s Commissioner ‘would help deliver on children’s rights

... New EU Children’s Commissioner ‘would help deliver on children’s rights’ Children in Scotland has given its support to an international petition urging the appointment of an EU Commissioner for Children. The petition, launched by...

25 Calls response: Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step of learning – join us as we stand up for rights.

... Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step in defending children's rights. Join us today Clare and Lisa from Fa'side Women's Group respond to Call 23 of our 25 Calls campaign, which argued that Scotland should become a nation of child...


Equal Protection law would support Scotland’s ambitions to be a world leader in human rights

... Equal Protection would support Scotland’s ambition to be a world leader in human rights 28 Feb 2019 Following a meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s Equality and Human rights Committee on Thursday 28 February, where MSPs heard evidence on...

25 Calls response: Do we live in a world where children need to defend their rights?

... What kind of a world would it be where children have to defend their rights? 12 February 2019 James McTaggart, Educational Psychologist, responds to Call 13 of our 25 Calls campaign. Call 13: Support children to become human rights...

25 Calls response: Adults are responsible for ensuring child rights. So let's step up

... Responsibility for ensuring children can access their rights lies with adults, and we must all step up to this 7 January 2019 My rights, My Say provides information and support to children to exercise their rights under additional support for...

“The future looks bleak”: children’s sector voices anxiety over rights, services and opportunities post-Brexit

... “The future looks bleak”: children’s sector voices anxiety over rights, services and opportunities post-Brexit 8 Aug 2018 Representatives from 45 national organisations, local youth service providers and schools, alongside 10...

Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'

... Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights' The mining and sharing of Facebook data without users’ consent blatantly disregarded the rights of children and young people, Children in Scotland warns today. An...

rights at a price

... rights at a price Harsh immigration policies are tearing lower income families apart. To protect children’s rights, this has to change, argues Clare Simpson  The Windrush scandal that broke last year brought the UK Government’s hostile...

"Care experienced young people need love, relationships and community. They deserve to belong"
belonging care care experience home home and belonging homelessness housing Participation rights

‘Transfer of power’ vital in securing positive outcomes for care experienced young people, report finds

...young people: Adults giving up decision-making power to young people with care experience A rights-based, participative approach to decision-making about anything that affects young people with care experience should become the norm Lessons...

care care experienced home and belonging homelessness Participation rights

Why our race equality pledge is a challenge to ourselves and others

...measures. Our statement was developed on the back of an existing Equality, Diversity and Human rights policy, and in consultation with our staff, Board and our young people's advisory group Changing our World. We identified five pledges which...

diversity equality ethnic minorities inclusion race rights

Publication of race equality statement marks bolder, more proactive approach to addressing equality and diversity

...statement makes clear our commitment to creating a culture in which equality, diversity and human rights are actively promoted, and rearticulates that we have zero tolerance of discrimination of any kind. As part of this work we are also...

diversity equality ethnic minorities ethnicity human rights inclusion Legislation pledge race rights statement

Encouraging moves on participation, and a promise to hold parliament to account

...for children, young people and their families, identify policies that progress children’s rights – and explore areas where their pledges could be bolder. rights and democracy: positive steps on Citizens’ Assemblies Young people should...

Arts calls citizens' assemblies democracy Education Election Learning manifest Participation Policy rights Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

...Scotland have free access to a hobby or activity of their choice within or around the school day. rights and democracy Supporting Citizens Assemblies to extend their scope to include the voice and perspectives of under-16s. Economic...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

Exams review decision ‘reflects commitment to equalities and values young people’s views’

...of more systematic processes for working with and engaging young people, as stakeholders and rights holders in education The development of a clear communications strategy, co-constructed with stakeholders, to ensure that the extraordinary...

Attainment Education equality exams rights SQA young people

Why our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery

...based on the evidence of what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. rights, poverty, health and wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has...

equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing

19/09/24 - Children's rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC

... Learning Training & Events Children's rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC Tuesday, 18 March 2025 10am - 12pm | Online/Zoom Learn about children’s rights and how the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 supports...

Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge

... Magazine / News: Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge Posted 19.05.23 by Alice Hinds Children's rights early learning human rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland and Scouts...

Children's rights early learning human rights

Children's rights and UNCRC training

... Children's rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging Policy and Practice: Bespoke rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs: when, where, and how you want it.   Children’s rights Revolution Scotland is on the road to a...

State of Children’s rights report published

... Magazine / News: State of Children’s rights report published Posted 2 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice The annual State of...

Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice

Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event summary

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland Event Summary Thursday 27 May 2021 2pm-4:30pm #MakerightsReal Organised by the Supporting the Third Sector Project (click the link to find out more) in partnership with the TSI Children’s...

Our Hearing's, Our Voice workshop presentation - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Our Hearings, Our Voice's workshop presentation Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) held a workshop at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May 2021: During the workshop,...

Licketyspit's workshop presentation - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Licketyspit's workshop presentation Licketyspit held a "Have Your Say Through Play" game with delegates amd a workshop at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May...

Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations Children's Parliament's Rona Blackwood gave a keynote speech and Children's Parliament held a workshop at the Making Children's rights...

Children in Scotland workshop presentations - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Children in Scotland's workshop presentations Children in Scotland held two workshops at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May 2021: Changing our World Advisory...

Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue

... Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue By Jackie Brock Will it be a Blind Brexit? Norway plus? Boris minus? Or are we due a People's Vote? Whatever we end up with, the...

Call 13: Support children to become human rights defenders

... Call 13: Support children to become human rights defenders By Bruce Adamson and Ruby Children and Young People’s Commissioner Bruce Adamson meets Ruby, aged 9, to hear about her campaign challenging gender stereotypes – and her plans...

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

... Magazine / Comment: We've made progress on children's rights - but not enough Posted 18 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Children's rights human rights For 18 years, the office of the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland...

Children's rights human rights

New rights-focused badge for Scouts

... Magazine / News: New rights-focused badge for Scottish Scouts Posted 13 May, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Children's rights rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner and Scouts Scotland have...

Children's rights rights

My rights, My Say

... My rights, My Say All children have the right to have their views considered when decisions are being made about the support they get with their learning. Children aged 12 – 15  now have the right to be more involved in decisions that affect...

Call 3: All children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination

...children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination By Changing our World, Children in Scotland's young people's advisory group, with a...

Call 6: rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and wellbeing must be at the heart of education in Scotland and...

Young people invited to be anti-poverty Ambassadors

...anti-poverty Ambassadors Posted 05.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour child poverty Poverty rights young people Young people aged between 16 and 25 with an interest in tackling the causes of child poverty in the UK are invited to...

child poverty Poverty rights young people

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to physical intervention and restraint in schools. The...

Education human rights rights

"We want Scotland to become the world's first child-friendly country" in Scotland and outlines the changes needed to ensure children are brought up knowing their rights This year is especially exciting for us, celebrating 30 years since the UN Convention on the rights of the Child, which is essential to our...

Magazine rights UNCRC Unicef

No results found.

Girls’ rights are human rights

...Girls’ rights are human rights 24 Oct 2024 Designed to protect and advance human rights, United Nations conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of...

A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland

... A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland 16 Jul 2024 Today, as the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 comes into effect, we celebrate a monumental step forward for children’s rights in Scotland. While we all take a...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

... Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI Safer Internet Day is the UK's biggest event highlighting the importance of online safety, and for 2024, the theme is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change

... Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change 13 Dec 2023 Developing new ways of working, the team at Enquire has been actively engaging with children and young people to share their thoughts and opinions...

Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe

... Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe 11 May 2022 Liam, a member of Changing our World, our children and young people’s advisory group, reflects on a recent Eurochild meeting in Brussels, where he was able to meet young...

Our children and young people's advisory group responds to proposals for Human rights Act reform

... Our young people's advisory group responds to Human rights Act reform proposals 16 March 2022 Parisa Shirazi summarises Changing our World's views on significant draft legislation from the UK Government As soon as we read the UK...

advisory group changing our world human rights human rights act Participation rights young people

Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life

... Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 Mar 2021 The Living Museums project is working with creative and enthusiastic young people, aged 14-21 years, across Stirling, Perth and Dumfries to support museums in becoming more...

Launching a new way to support child rights and additional support for learning

... Launching a new way to support child rights and additional support for learning 19 January 2021 Children in Scotland's Head of Inclusion Sally Cavers on supporting child rights and additional support for learning with the launch of the My...

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school

... Young people can use their digital rights to hold those in power to account. In a time of crisis, that matters even more 13 May 2020 Children increasingly share their creative work, writing and beliefs online. While the internet offers...

The rights of children and families must be at the heart of housing policy

... The rights of children and families must be at the heart of housing policy 2 March 2020 Children in Scotland has published its consultation response to the Scottish Government’s draft vision for our homes and communities in 2040....

Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches

... Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches 20 November 2019 We’ve launched a new resource allowing visitors to our website to customise content so that they can access it in ways that work best for them. The move...

accessibility Disability discrimination equality UNCRC

25 Calls response: Child poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens your business to tackle child poverty The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, will tomorrow (Friday 28 June 2019), present his final report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK, to the UN Human...

GRA reform is a fundamental equality and rights issue for trans young people. So why delay it?

...said: “While we acknowledge the challenging nature of this debate, at its heart this is a human rights issue. “In that light we are disappointed in this delay, and sceptical about what the value of further consultation would be. “The...

equality GRA Legislation LGBT Policy rights young people

Three new animations launched to help pupils feel more informed about their rights at school

...Three new animations launched to help pupils feel more informed about their rights at school Created by Reach, the young people’s service for Enquire – The Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning - the films were...

Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force

... Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force Children aged 12-15 have had their rights extended under new additional support for learning legislation which comes into force today (Wed 10 Jan). Under the Education...

Additional support Children's rights Legislation

Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force

... Children’s rights extended as new legislation comes into force Children aged 12-15 have had their rights extended under new additional support for learning legislation which comes into force today (Wednesday 10 January). Under the...

Additional support additional support needs Children's rights Legislation

16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights

... 16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights Member Spotlight: Clan Childlaw 13 Sep 2024 Earlier this year, Clan Childlaw celebrated 16 years of providing legal services for children and young people that were...

An exciting time to be working on children's rights

... An exciting time to be working on children's rights 7 Sep 2023 As Children in Scotland celebrates its 30th anniversary, Gina Wilson, Head of Strategy at the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland discusses three decades of work...

Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, focusing on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs

... Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, with focus on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs 10 March 2022 Children in Scotland has welcomed the emphasis on children’s rights, the early years and meeting...

additional support for learning Children's rights Early years Education education reform inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors learners report

Life through a child-rights lens

... Life through a child-rights lens 7 Sep 2021 Child rights impact assessments aren’t tick-box exercises but opportunities to review policy and practice, keeping children and young people at the very heart of what we do, writes Amy...

Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe

... Funding, rights, travel and trade top concerns for young people in Scotland’s post-Brexit relationship with Europe 25 November 2020 A group of children and young people have issued a series of calls about Scotland and the UK’s future...

Brexit Children economy EU Europe funding Participation referendum rights trade travel votes work young people

Child rights or public health? There's no choice

... Child rights or public health? There's no choice 28 Jul 2020 Children in Scotland CEO Jackie Brock on a child rights response to COVID-19 and why we need now more than ever to incorporate the UN Convention on the rights of the Child...

25 Calls response: What gives me hope in 2020? Young people are leading the way in defending human rights

... What gives me hope in 2020? Young people are leading the way in defending human rights 13 February 2020 When children speak out on human rights they do it with more honesty, tenacity and creativity than adults. It makes a difference so...

"Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders

... "Stand firm on human rights", civil society groups urge party leaders 10 December 2019 Children in Scotland has signed an open letter calling for the safeguarding of human rights in the UK. Published on Human rights Day and ahead of the UK...

25 Calls response: Our economy is broken but our people aren’t. A new rights-based approach would mean a better future for children

... Our economy is broken, but our people are not. A new approach built on rights would mean a better future for children 8 November 2019 Responding to Call 11 of our 25 Calls campaign, Paul Carberry, Action for Children’s Director for Scotland...

New EU Children’s Commissioner ‘would help deliver on children’s rights

... New EU Children’s Commissioner ‘would help deliver on children’s rights’ Children in Scotland has given its support to an international petition urging the appointment of an EU Commissioner for Children. The petition, launched by...

25 Calls response: Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step of learning – join us as we stand up for rights.

... Becoming an 'Unfeartie' is just the first step in defending children's rights. Join us today Clare and Lisa from Fa'side Women's Group respond to Call 23 of our 25 Calls campaign, which argued that Scotland should become a nation of child...


Equal Protection law would support Scotland’s ambitions to be a world leader in human rights

... Equal Protection would support Scotland’s ambition to be a world leader in human rights 28 Feb 2019 Following a meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s Equality and Human rights Committee on Thursday 28 February, where MSPs heard evidence on...

25 Calls response: Do we live in a world where children need to defend their rights?

... What kind of a world would it be where children have to defend their rights? 12 February 2019 James McTaggart, Educational Psychologist, responds to Call 13 of our 25 Calls campaign. Call 13: Support children to become human rights...

25 Calls response: Adults are responsible for ensuring child rights. So let's step up

... Responsibility for ensuring children can access their rights lies with adults, and we must all step up to this 7 January 2019 My rights, My Say provides information and support to children to exercise their rights under additional support for...

“The future looks bleak”: children’s sector voices anxiety over rights, services and opportunities post-Brexit

... “The future looks bleak”: children’s sector voices anxiety over rights, services and opportunities post-Brexit 8 Aug 2018 Representatives from 45 national organisations, local youth service providers and schools, alongside 10...

Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'

... Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights' The mining and sharing of Facebook data without users’ consent blatantly disregarded the rights of children and young people, Children in Scotland warns today. An...

"Care experienced young people need love, relationships and community. They deserve to belong"
belonging care care experience home home and belonging homelessness housing Participation rights

‘Transfer of power’ vital in securing positive outcomes for care experienced young people, report finds

...young people: Adults giving up decision-making power to young people with care experience A rights-based, participative approach to decision-making about anything that affects young people with care experience should become the norm Lessons...

care care experienced home and belonging homelessness Participation rights

Why our race equality pledge is a challenge to ourselves and others

...measures. Our statement was developed on the back of an existing Equality, Diversity and Human rights policy, and in consultation with our staff, Board and our young people's advisory group Changing our World. We identified five pledges which...

diversity equality ethnic minorities inclusion race rights

Publication of race equality statement marks bolder, more proactive approach to addressing equality and diversity

...statement makes clear our commitment to creating a culture in which equality, diversity and human rights are actively promoted, and rearticulates that we have zero tolerance of discrimination of any kind. As part of this work we are also...

diversity equality ethnic minorities ethnicity human rights inclusion Legislation pledge race rights statement

Encouraging moves on participation, and a promise to hold parliament to account

...for children, young people and their families, identify policies that progress children’s rights – and explore areas where their pledges could be bolder. rights and democracy: positive steps on Citizens’ Assemblies Young people should...

Arts calls citizens' assemblies democracy Education Election Learning manifest Participation Policy rights Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

...Scotland have free access to a hobby or activity of their choice within or around the school day. rights and democracy Supporting Citizens Assemblies to extend their scope to include the voice and perspectives of under-16s. Economic...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

Exams review decision ‘reflects commitment to equalities and values young people’s views’

...of more systematic processes for working with and engaging young people, as stakeholders and rights holders in education The development of a clear communications strategy, co-constructed with stakeholders, to ensure that the extraordinary...

Attainment Education equality exams rights SQA young people

Why our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery

...based on the evidence of what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. rights, poverty, health and wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has...

equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

19/09/24 - Children's rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC

... Learning Training & Events Children's rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC Tuesday, 18 March 2025 10am - 12pm | Online/Zoom Learn about children’s rights and how the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 supports...

Our Hearing's, Our Voice workshop presentation - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Our Hearings, Our Voice's workshop presentation Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) held a workshop at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May 2021: During the workshop,...

Licketyspit's workshop presentation - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Licketyspit's workshop presentation Licketyspit held a "Have Your Say Through Play" game with delegates amd a workshop at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May...

Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Children's Parliament keynote and workshop presentations Children's Parliament's Rona Blackwood gave a keynote speech and Children's Parliament held a workshop at the Making Children's rights...

Children in Scotland workshop presentations - Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland - Children in Scotland's workshop presentations Children in Scotland held two workshops at the Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event on 27 May 2021: Changing our World Advisory...

No results found.

No results found.

rights at a price

... rights at a price Harsh immigration policies are tearing lower income families apart. To protect children’s rights, this has to change, argues Clare Simpson  The Windrush scandal that broke last year brought the UK Government’s hostile...

Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge

... Magazine / News: Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge Posted 19.05.23 by Alice Hinds Children's rights early learning human rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland and Scouts...

Children's rights early learning human rights

Children's rights and UNCRC training

... Children's rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging Policy and Practice: Bespoke rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs: when, where, and how you want it.   Children’s rights Revolution Scotland is on the road to a...

State of Children’s rights report published

... Magazine / News: State of Children’s rights report published Posted 2 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice The annual State of...

Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice

Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland event summary

... Making Children's rights Real Across Scotland Event Summary Thursday 27 May 2021 2pm-4:30pm #MakerightsReal Organised by the Supporting the Third Sector Project (click the link to find out more) in partnership with the TSI Children’s...

Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue

... Call 5: 16 and 17 year olds must be able to vote in all UK polls. Brexit proves this is a civil rights issue By Jackie Brock Will it be a Blind Brexit? Norway plus? Boris minus? Or are we due a People's Vote? Whatever we end up with, the...

Call 13: Support children to become human rights defenders

... Call 13: Support children to become human rights defenders By Bruce Adamson and Ruby Children and Young People’s Commissioner Bruce Adamson meets Ruby, aged 9, to hear about her campaign challenging gender stereotypes – and her plans...

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

... Magazine / Comment: We've made progress on children's rights - but not enough Posted 18 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Children's rights human rights For 18 years, the office of the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland...

Children's rights human rights

New rights-focused badge for Scouts

... Magazine / News: New rights-focused badge for Scottish Scouts Posted 13 May, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Children's rights rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner and Scouts Scotland have...

Children's rights rights

My rights, My Say

... My rights, My Say All children have the right to have their views considered when decisions are being made about the support they get with their learning. Children aged 12 – 15  now have the right to be more involved in decisions that affect...

Call 3: All children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination

...children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination By Changing our World, Children in Scotland's young people's advisory group, with a...

Call 6: rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and wellbeing must be at the heart of education in Scotland and...

Young people invited to be anti-poverty Ambassadors

...anti-poverty Ambassadors Posted 05.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour child poverty Poverty rights young people Young people aged between 16 and 25 with an interest in tackling the causes of child poverty in the UK are invited to...

child poverty Poverty rights young people

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools
post schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to physical intervention and restraint in schools. The...

Education human rights rights

"We want Scotland to become the world's first child-friendly country"
post in Scotland and outlines the changes needed to ensure children are brought up knowing their rights This year is especially exciting for us, celebrating 30 years since the UN Convention on the rights of the Child, which is essential to our...

Magazine rights UNCRC Unicef