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Search results for: "free school meals"

A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities reduce child poverty in Scotland. Key successes in recent years have been the expansion of free school meals and the introduction of the Scottish Child Payment, both of which are having a positive impact for some families who are...

Tackling "poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time

Food, Families, Futures (2015-2020)

...Glasgow 38.8% of primary school pupils, and 29.8% of secondary pupils, are currently in receipt of free school meals (FSM), according to the Cost of School Holidays Literature Review (2015). Ibrox and Dalmarnock have two of the highest rates of FSM...

Children in Europe (2001-2012)

Food, Families, Futures project serves up fun activities and 3,500 meals over the summer

Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire

...Families, Futures (FFF) aims to ensure that families finding themselves in need when term-time free school meals end can access meals and support. Through the project children and families will enjoy meals and fun activities, with community...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish Schools

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...‘with topics ranging from mental health to body image; from the environment to refugees, from free school meals and social media to whether hosting the World Cup in Qatar was a mistake, it’s a weekly race to make sure the children’s voices...

Ensuring no child is too hungry to learn

...because of Covid, resulting in an enormous increase in the number of children registering for free school meals and accessing foodbanks. This roll-out therefore comes at a critical time, and getting it right is essential. Magic Breakfast is a...

“We cannot witness another generation of young people going through this” – our staff share project learning in response to latest child poverty research

...families at this unusual and often challenging time, including those children who usually receive free school meals. “Some local authorities are making payments into families' bank accounts, ensuring they have the opportunity to buy the food...

Mobilise third sector services to give children and communities support in the fight against Covid-19

...families with human rights “While the proposal of vouchers for families currently in receipt of free school meals is an understandable response, alongside Child Poverty Action Group and others organisations who wrote to the First Minister on...

ASN childcare communities Covid-19 Education schools

Young Ambassadors and Children's Commissioner call for an end to stigma of food insecurity

...with hunger and poor diets and outline practical ways this can be achieved, including: Renaming free school meals as the “school meal allowance” Banning water being sold in schools and making it freely available for everyone throughout the...

"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland

...Chief Executive of YouthLink Scotland commented: “Brexit, mental health, the cost of transport, free school meals, these are just some of the issues that directly affect young people. It’s important that we take the right of children to be...

Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty

Fundraising on the menu as MasterChef Gary Maclean supports charity event areas of greatest need, bridging the holiday gap for children who during term time benefit from free school meals. As of July 2018, in Scotland the programme supported 12 school clubs and almost 150 clubs throughout the UK. The company's target...

Summer clubs meet a purpose, but the wider issue is how to address poverty and food insecurity for our lowest income families

...level. Earlier this year North Lanarkshire Council made headlines by announcing plans to offer free school meals to those who qualify, for 365 days of the year. Similarly Glasgow Council launched a £2m holiday food programme as well as...

Food, Families, Futures project sees summer take-up rise to almost 4,000

...wellbeing with our Meals & More programme, even as we highlight the needs of those without free school meals in the holidays. In visiting the clubs this summer, it was fantastic to see the difference compared to last year with the increase...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock

The brutal but necessary process of ‘getting over yourself’…

‘Lessons for a new social settlement’ – publication of reports mark completion of groundbreaking five-year food project
Children communities community familis FFF Food income Inequality partnership Poverty

25 Calls response: Let’s agree on what makes ‘good’ food – then make it a reality for every child in Scotland

Food partnership triumphs in public service awards

Partnership programme shortlisted for sector award

A chance to flourish
Jackie Brock

Family voices ‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays
Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

Holiday hunger survey: Members’ views wanted
Food News Westminster

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

...30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for families in the capital. The...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Accelerate free school meal provision, says STUC

...STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders have called for school meals...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

School: the vital lifeline

...lifeline. The issue of ‘holiday hunger’, of families struggling to feed their children when free school meals are no longer available, has rightly begun to grab the headlines. There can be no question of the financial challenges many...

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free school meals School Parents and caregivers are spending hundreds of pounds every year to send their children to state primary and...

cost of living Education free school meals School

Young people have their say on access to food

... Magazine / News: Research reveals young people's support for extending free school meals and reducing stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

The family food shop in an ideal world

...18 January, 2023 by Nina Joynson Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child Payment Research exploring what families would choose to eat if income was...

Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child Payment

Going hungry clear school meal debts. However, it also highlights concern over the slow progress to deliver free school meals for all Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils and the lack of action on breakfast provision in schools. It states: “The cost crisis is...

cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty

Bridging Payment to be doubled £260 at the SNP conference in Aberdeen. All children aged 6-15 years who are registered for free school meals are eligible and will receive the payment automatically. Background Bridging Payments were introduced in 2021 to provide...

child poverty cost of living Families Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers

...claimed that funding to reduce class sizes, or to extend ASN provision, or to offer universal free school meals to all young people, just isn’t there. It has also come to light that the company behind the SQA’s heavily discredited...


Changes to Scottish Attainment Challenge funding whatever way they see best. Funding will be determined by the number of pupils registered for free school meals. The Scottish Attainment Challenge was launched in 2015 to combat the gap in educational outcomes between advantaged and...

Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish Parliament

For children and young people, Hunger is Still Here

...shone a spotlight on the most poignant issues in our society, especially with Marcus Rashford’s free school meals campaign, but now, as restrictions have eased and it appears we’re moving forward after a difficult 18 months, it seems we’re...

food insecurity food poverty Poverty

No commitment on Scottish Child Payment

...2021-22 Programme for Government includes announcements to continue with the expansion of the free school meals programme, funding to support increased teacher recruitment, a new Family Wellbeing Fund and proposals to extend funded early...

early learning and childcare Education Mental Health

"It's social engineering and it's morally wrong"

...its formation on 1 July, it has already identified priorities for action. Alongside research into free school meals uptake, responding to the national transport strategy consultation and providing input to the social security committee’s enquiry...

Arts and minds

...tuition when fees were introduced. The Committee concluded that all children in receipt of free school meals should be exempt from tuition fees, and that this should ideally extend even further. For me, this might look something like the...

Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child poverty

...and enabling all of our children to realise their potential. High profile initiatives such as free school meals for Primary 1-3, breakfast clubs, the Pupil Equity Fund, raising the allowance for school clothing grants and the excellent...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition
design Education environment schools

Our history

Call 9: Ensure Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives


No results found.

A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities reduce child poverty in Scotland. Key successes in recent years have been the expansion of free school meals and the introduction of the Scottish Child Payment, both of which are having a positive impact for some families who are...

Tackling "poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time

Food, Families, Futures project serves up fun activities and 3,500 meals over the summer

Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire

...Families, Futures (FFF) aims to ensure that families finding themselves in need when term-time free school meals end can access meals and support. Through the project children and families will enjoy meals and fun activities, with community...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish Schools

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...‘with topics ranging from mental health to body image; from the environment to refugees, from free school meals and social media to whether hosting the World Cup in Qatar was a mistake, it’s a weekly race to make sure the children’s voices...

Ensuring no child is too hungry to learn

...because of Covid, resulting in an enormous increase in the number of children registering for free school meals and accessing foodbanks. This roll-out therefore comes at a critical time, and getting it right is essential. Magic Breakfast is a...

“We cannot witness another generation of young people going through this” – our staff share project learning in response to latest child poverty research

...families at this unusual and often challenging time, including those children who usually receive free school meals. “Some local authorities are making payments into families' bank accounts, ensuring they have the opportunity to buy the food...

Mobilise third sector services to give children and communities support in the fight against Covid-19

...families with human rights “While the proposal of vouchers for families currently in receipt of free school meals is an understandable response, alongside Child Poverty Action Group and others organisations who wrote to the First Minister on...

ASN childcare communities Covid-19 Education schools

Young Ambassadors and Children's Commissioner call for an end to stigma of food insecurity

...with hunger and poor diets and outline practical ways this can be achieved, including: Renaming free school meals as the “school meal allowance” Banning water being sold in schools and making it freely available for everyone throughout the...

"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland

...Chief Executive of YouthLink Scotland commented: “Brexit, mental health, the cost of transport, free school meals, these are just some of the issues that directly affect young people. It’s important that we take the right of children to be...

Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty

Fundraising on the menu as MasterChef Gary Maclean supports charity event areas of greatest need, bridging the holiday gap for children who during term time benefit from free school meals. As of July 2018, in Scotland the programme supported 12 school clubs and almost 150 clubs throughout the UK. The company's target...

Summer clubs meet a purpose, but the wider issue is how to address poverty and food insecurity for our lowest income families

...level. Earlier this year North Lanarkshire Council made headlines by announcing plans to offer free school meals to those who qualify, for 365 days of the year. Similarly Glasgow Council launched a £2m holiday food programme as well as...

Food, Families, Futures project sees summer take-up rise to almost 4,000

...wellbeing with our Meals & More programme, even as we highlight the needs of those without free school meals in the holidays. In visiting the clubs this summer, it was fantastic to see the difference compared to last year with the increase...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock

The brutal but necessary process of ‘getting over yourself’…

‘Lessons for a new social settlement’ – publication of reports mark completion of groundbreaking five-year food project
Children communities community familis FFF Food income Inequality partnership Poverty

25 Calls response: Let’s agree on what makes ‘good’ food – then make it a reality for every child in Scotland

Food partnership triumphs in public service awards

Partnership programme shortlisted for sector award

A chance to flourish
Jackie Brock

Family voices ‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays
Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

Holiday hunger survey: Members’ views wanted
Food News Westminster

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

School: the vital lifeline

...lifeline. The issue of ‘holiday hunger’, of families struggling to feed their children when free school meals are no longer available, has rightly begun to grab the headlines. There can be no question of the financial challenges many...

Our history


No results found.

No results found.

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

...30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for families in the capital. The...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Accelerate free school meal provision, says STUC

...STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders have called for school meals...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds
post research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free school meals School Parents and caregivers are spending hundreds of pounds every year to send their children to state primary and...

cost of living Education free school meals School

Young people have their say on access to food

... Magazine / News: Research reveals young people's support for extending free school meals and reducing stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

The family food shop in an ideal world

...18 January, 2023 by Nina Joynson Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child Payment Research exploring what families would choose to eat if income was...

Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child Payment

Going hungry
post clear school meal debts. However, it also highlights concern over the slow progress to deliver free school meals for all Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils and the lack of action on breakfast provision in schools. It states: “The cost crisis is...

cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty

Bridging Payment to be doubled
post £260 at the SNP conference in Aberdeen. All children aged 6-15 years who are registered for free school meals are eligible and will receive the payment automatically. Background Bridging Payments were introduced in 2021 to provide...

child poverty cost of living Families Scottish Child Payment Scottish Government

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers

...claimed that funding to reduce class sizes, or to extend ASN provision, or to offer universal free school meals to all young people, just isn’t there. It has also come to light that the company behind the SQA’s heavily discredited...


Changes to Scottish Attainment Challenge funding
post whatever way they see best. Funding will be determined by the number of pupils registered for free school meals. The Scottish Attainment Challenge was launched in 2015 to combat the gap in educational outcomes between advantaged and...

Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish Parliament

For children and young people, Hunger is Still Here

...shone a spotlight on the most poignant issues in our society, especially with Marcus Rashford’s free school meals campaign, but now, as restrictions have eased and it appears we’re moving forward after a difficult 18 months, it seems we’re...

food insecurity food poverty Poverty

No commitment on Scottish Child Payment

...2021-22 Programme for Government includes announcements to continue with the expansion of the free school meals programme, funding to support increased teacher recruitment, a new Family Wellbeing Fund and proposals to extend funded early...

early learning and childcare Education Mental Health

"It's social engineering and it's morally wrong"

...its formation on 1 July, it has already identified priorities for action. Alongside research into free school meals uptake, responding to the national transport strategy consultation and providing input to the social security committee’s enquiry...

Arts and minds

...tuition when fees were introduced. The Committee concluded that all children in receipt of free school meals should be exempt from tuition fees, and that this should ideally extend even further. For me, this might look something like the...

Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child poverty

...and enabling all of our children to realise their potential. High profile initiatives such as free school meals for Primary 1-3, breakfast clubs, the Pupil Equity Fund, raising the allowance for school clothing grants and the excellent...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition
postdesign Education environment schools

Call 9: Ensure Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives