Search results for: "Poverty"
First Minister John Swinney faces child Poverty calls at Children in Scotland-led sector meeting
... First Minister John Swinney faces child Poverty calls at Children in Scotland-led sector meeting Last Thursday, 12 December, First Minister John Swinney had a lively discussion about children’s rights and child Poverty with the...
New Fairer Funding pilot welcomed as a positive first step by Children in Scotland
...national service for additional support for learning, Enquire, will focus on eradicating child Poverty, an issue which the First Minister has outlined as the number one priority for his government. Children in Scotland, alongside its...
Children in Scotland welcomes Scottish Government decision to end the two-child benefit cap end the two-child benefit cap, describing the move as a positive step towards ending child Poverty in Scotland. Announcing the decision during the Scottish Budget, finance secretary Shona Robison said the “pernicious” cap on benefits...
10 deserving winter appeals to support today
...Bairns is highlighting the stark reality that one in three children in Dundee live below the Poverty line – and they need your help to provide the basics to families this festive season. The charity is on a mission to raise £15,000 to...
Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are “inextricably linked”, new report warns
... Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are “inextricably linked”, new report warns 29 Oct 2024 Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are inextricably linked according to a new briefing (click here for more) by two...
David Mackay: “The current scale of child Poverty is a result of political choice”
... David Mackay: “The current scale of child Poverty is a result of political choice” 31 Jul 2024 As children, young people and families call for change, David Mackay, our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, reflects on the...
Now is the Time – Challenge Poverty Week 2021
... Now is the Time – Challenge Poverty Week 2021 5 Oct 2021 Ashley McLean from the Poverty Alliance lays out the ways organisations can get involved and make an impact on loosening the grip of Poverty on the lives of children and families in...
Minimum Income Guarantee: Immediate progress on Poverty still required take forward a series of calls made as part of both the Children in Scotland and End Child Poverty coalition’s manifestos, which we believe should be considered as elements of the Minimum Income Guarantee. This includes: Doubling the...
consultation minimum income guarantee PovertyProviders and policymakers meet to discuss out of school services to mitigate Poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches
... Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of school services to mitigate Poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches 27 October 2020 A special online event today marks the commencement of the Access to Childcare Fund Network,...
“We cannot witness another generation of young people going through this” – our staff share project learning in response to latest child Poverty research
...of young people going through this” – our staff share learning in response to latest child Poverty research 28 May 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to new research showing a marked rise in child Poverty rates across the UK over...
25 Calls response: Children living in Poverty deserve better from a system that is failing them. But we all have a role to play in helping them navigate their journey to adulthood
... Children living in Poverty deserve so much better. We can create supportive spaces that help their journey to adulthood 3 March 2020 Whether working with the media, contributing to funding applications, attending events or designing services,...
Sector support for Scotland's first ever period Poverty Bill
... Sector support for Scotland’s first ever period Poverty Bill 15 January 2020 Children in Scotland has signed an open letter to MSPs, urging them to back legislation to address period Poverty. The letter, published today, calls on the...
Why defeating Poverty means building the right fire
... Why defeating Poverty means building the right fire 10 October 2019 In a special blog for Challenge Poverty Week our Food Families Futures project manager Neil Orr says we have a golden opportunity to end families’ food insecurity in...
25 Calls response: Where there are child protection concerns, Poverty can be the elephant in the room law. But we’re also a country in which almost a quarter of a million children are living in Poverty, in which there are over 14,500 children who are looked after, and in which more than 2,500 children are on the child protection register....
25calls25 Calls response: Child Poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens
... Let's welcome the Scottish Government's move on family income. But remember: child Poverty is not inevitable – it is always a political choice Tomorrow, the UN Rapporteur presents his final report on extreme Poverty in Britain. Responding...
25 Calls response: Building public support to reduce Poverty means telling a new moral story. This is it...
... Building public support to reduce Poverty means telling a new moral story. This is it ... 27 Feb 2019 Responding to Call 1 of our 25 Calls campaign from Josh, Rebecca, Divine and Somer, Poverty Alliance’s Communications Officer Frances...
‘Change the language of Poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign
... ‘Change the language of Poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign Organisations across the children’s sector and beyond have joined Children in Scotland on its 25thanniversary in...
Summer clubs meet a purpose, but the wider issue is how to address Poverty and food insecurity for our lowest income families
...Scotland, we have had a little more success. The Scottish Government's Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan clearly understands the scale of the issue and its negative impacts. It also begins to identify solutions to it. A fund of £1m...
Child Poverty Delivery Plan welcome, but Scottish Government must be 'more proactive'
... Child Poverty Delivery Plan welcome, but Scottish Government must be 'more proactive' Responding to yesterday’s (29 March 2018) publication of Scotland’s first Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s Head of...
Project challenging food Poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire
... Project challenging food Poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire 3 July 2017 From today, 26 schools in the west of Scotland will be taking part in Children in Scotland’s expanded Food, Families, Futures...
Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish SchoolsAn opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill
... An opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill Children in Scotland has urged MSPs to push for the inclusion of measures that will strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill, as it is debated today in the Scottish...
Legislation News Scottish Parliament‘Benefit cap will increase child Poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
... ‘Benefit cap will increase child Poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’ Children in Scotland has responded to the recent Westminster benefit cap inquiry, warning that the implementation of the cap will increase child Poverty and...
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare WestminsterEffective child protection system ‘depends on Poverty reduction and strong local services’
... Effective child protection system ‘depends on Poverty reduction and strong local services’ The Scottish Government today announced its response to the Child Protection Systems Review Report. Amongst a raft of actions, Minister for...
Benefits Children Jackie Brock Poverty Protection Scottish Government SupportTackling "Poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time
...Tackling "Poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time 9 May 2024 When Dundee Bairns was established in 2017 by David Dorward, former Chief Executive of Dundee City Council, its main focus was tackling the “holiday hunger” faced by children...
More urgent and immediate action needed to tackle worrying rates of child Poverty
... Action needed now to tackle 'worrying' rates of child Poverty 13 Jul 2022 Research revealing that levels of child Poverty remain disturbingly high in Scotland has prompted renewed calls for action. The End Child Poverty coalition, of which...
child poverty child poverty targetsOur view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting Poverty
... Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting Poverty 3 September 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to Tuesday’s publication of the Programme for Government. Commenting on key policy...
communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC25 Calls response: Starting today: a new vision for how social security can help solve child Poverty
... Starting today: a new vision for how social security can help solve child Poverty 9 October 2019 For Challenge Poverty Week, Jen Gracie on behalf of the Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCORSS) responds to Calls 1, 2 and...
We applaud the fast-tracking of the new Child Payment. Now let's focus on the next steps in tackling Poverty
...applaud the fast-tracking of the new Child Payment. Now let's focus on the next steps in tackling Poverty 27 June 2019 Children in Scotland yesterday welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that a new Scottish Child Payment will...
25 Calls response – Prevention and early intervention can help us win the battle against Poverty
... Early intervention can help us win the battle against child Poverty and ill health 2 April 2019 Responding to Call 9 of our 25 Calls campaign, Claire Burnett, External Affairs Manager, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Scotland,...
Steps to reduce Poverty-related attainment gap welcome, but concern over measurement of change
... Steps to reduce Poverty-related attainment gap welcome, but concern over measurement of change We have responded to the Scottish Government consultation on the measurement framework of the National Improvement Framework, voicing support for...
Developing our next Manifesto
...children and young people as well as a renewed commitment from Scottish Ministers to reduce child Poverty and the introduction of the Scottish Child Payment. We know, however, there is still much to do to match rhetoric with reality. Our members...
Holyrood Committee calls on the Scottish Government to prioritise three-year-funding cycles for the third sector
...concerning for organisations working to address long-term, complex social issues, such as Poverty, youth engagement, and social care. Short-term funding, it outlined, not only prevents organisations from engaging in meaningful,...
Fife Gingerbread launches annual Heat and Eat Appeal
...the year. In Fife, research shows 23% of children and young people grow up facing Poverty, while a recent survey of Fife Gingerbread’s supported families found that 74% of respondents are surviving below low-income thresholds,...
Girls’ rights are human rights
...rights – especially when they are affected by further structural inequalities such as racism, Poverty, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia – and if we want to make Scotland the best place in the world for all children togrow up, we must...
"Children and young people are amazing at helping us face challenges – they are so insightful"
...children and young people told us they were concerned about some key themes, including education, Poverty, climate change, discrimination, and mental health. We know that more action is needed to support these issues – and there are lots more...
A Scotland for all: Supporting families facing multiple disadvantage
...A Scotland for all: Supporting families facing multiple disadvantage Challenge Poverty Week 2024 | blog 9 Oct 2024 Circle works at the heart of communities across central Scotland supporting families facing multiple disadvantage. On Challenge...
Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds
...was designed to increase access to childcare for those families most at risk of experiencing child Poverty. Between October 2021 and March 2022, the Fund invested more than £2 million into 15 projects across Scotland. National charity Children in...
access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services“We mustn’t lose sight of our collective goal” our Chief Executive, in the first of a two-part blog Jude Turbyne takes stock of how Poverty is impacting on families now – and why working in the children’s sector gives her hope I have now been with Children in Scotland for...
CEO chief executive Children children's sector cost of living Families Inequality Jude pandemic Poverty resilience third sectorEducation National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful
...National Improvement Framework and its ambition to widen recognition of achievement, close the Poverty-related attainment gap and place the needs and rights of every young person at the centre of education. Our rights-based response is informed...
ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education PovertyGood Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food insecurity – it is about taking a whole-systems approach to tackling challenges such as Poverty, diet-related illness and climate change. "It has an opportunity to play a transformative role in supporting children, young people and...
Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’
budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing
25 and Up: The ‘old normal’ meant acceptance of injustice for too many families. We can’t go back to it
...for too many families. We can’t go back to it 9 October 2020 In a special blog for Challenge Poverty Week, Clare Simpson revisits her 25 Calls contribution, arguing that UNCRC incorporation and the work of the Care Review provide the...
25 and Up 25 calls Care Review Families family support Inequality Parenting across Scotland Poverty the Promise UNCRCOrganisations from Shetland to Shettleston announced as successful applicants to Access to Childcare Fund
...Fund. The fund, launched in July, is one feature of the Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan which focuses on tackling and reducing levels of child Poverty in Scotland. It recognises that the cost and availability of...
access to childcare access to childcare fund childcare childcare provision Families fund Inequality low income out of school care Parents PovertyNew fund will strengthen access to out of school childcare for low-income families of out of school care, with a focus on priority family groups most at risk from living in Poverty. The Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the national charity Children in Scotland. In the first funding round a total...
childcare Families family support holidays Inequality out of school care Poverty‘Lessons for a new social settlement’ – publication of reports mark completion of groundbreaking five-year food project
...FFF, particularly participation. inclusion and a non-stigmatising, relationship-based approach to Poverty. “Within communities, establishing a trusting relationship is the essential starting point,” Elaine says. “As one Strategic Lead told...
Children communities community familis FFF Food income Inequality partnership PovertyFrom Drumchapel macaroni to white bread myths: what I’ve learned from four years of Food, Families, Futures
...are quite fussy but they have eaten wraps, sandwiches and soup'. Certainly my understanding of the Poverty-related issues many families living in Scotland face has increased. As has my understanding of the stigma attached to these issues and the...
community family Food food insecurity Inequality Poverty25 and Up: In the wake of Covid-19, our call to boost family incomes using social security powers is more urgent than ever
...our 25 Calls, John Dickie, co-author of Call 15, argues that the Scottish Government’s child Poverty targets, delivery plan and new Scottish Child Payment must inform every aspect of our country’s approach to renewal The world has changed...
25 and Up 25 calls child poverty family family support Inequality PovertyWhy our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery
...on the evidence of what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. Rights, Poverty, health and wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has exacerbated...
equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland
Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty
Free sanitary products ‘a small but significant step to tackling gender inequality’ burden of sanitary products, particularly for girls and young women who are experiencing Poverty, and recognise the proposals as important for upholding UNCRC rights to education and the best health possible. We know, for example, that...
Health Inequalities Poverty‘Societal issues that undermine young people’s chances compromise gains from early years support’
...early years support’ Naomi Eisenstadt, the Scottish Government’s Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality, published her second report yesterday (3 July). The report makes 18 recommendations focusing on the later years of childhood...
Children's rights Inequality Poverty Scottish GovernmentCelebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit we create a fairer society. We know that young people’s participation can be stifled by Poverty, and this can lead to disengagement from the political process. Poverty negatively affects every aspect of children and young people’s...
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock PovertyHoliday Hunger report 'a wake-up call that flags local solutions'
...key points, included in today's report, contextualised holiday hunger in the wider issue of Poverty and its impact on children. They were: High childcare costs are one of the key issues affecting parents on low income in particular, and...
Families Food Jackie Brock News Poverty Scottish Government WestminsterNew report explores Poverty and the care system
... Magazine / New report explores Poverty and the care system Posted 24.08.23 by Alice Hinds care system Children Poverty research New report reveals families face further financial hardship when children are taken into care New research...
care system Children Poverty researchReport warns child Poverty targets could be missed
... Magazine / News: Report warns child Poverty targets will be missed Posted 25 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Inequality Poverty The Poverty and Inequality Commission has warned child Poverty targets will be missed unless...
child poverty Inequality PovertyWe have to prioritise action to end child Poverty now
... Magazine / Comment: We need to prioritise action to end child Poverty now Posted 31 August, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty If the Scottish Government does not commit to doubling the Scottish Child Payment...
child poverty"Halving child Poverty by 2024 should be the floor, not the ceiling, of our ambition"
... "Halving child Poverty by 2024 should be the floor, not ceiling, for our ambition" 12 Feb 2021 With increasing numbers of families experiencing financial hardship, we need to be ambitious - and put money directly into the pockets of parents,...
End Child Poverty in Scotland and the #GiveMe5 campaign (2017-)
...End Child Poverty in Scotland and the #GiveMe5 campaign With 1 in 4 children in Scotland currently living in Poverty, Children in Scotland is committed to making a change. It is our vision that all children in Scotland have an equal chance to...
Call for Evidence Response: Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty (March 2018)
...Committee call for evidence on the Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty...
Scottish Government Call for Written Consultation response: Evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill (March 2017)
...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's call for written evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland)...
Young people invited to be anti-Poverty Ambassadors
... Magazine / Young people aged 16-25 invited to be anti-Poverty Ambassadors Posted 05.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour child Poverty Poverty rights young people Young people aged between 16 and 25 with an interest in...
child poverty Poverty rights young peopleCall 1: Change the language of Poverty: Young people deserve dignity, not stigma and discrimination
... Call 1: Change the language of Poverty: Young people deserve dignity, not stigma and discrimination By Josh, Rebecca, Divine and Somer My name is Young Person X. I live in Possilpark in a two-bedroom flat with my five brothers and my...
Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child Poverty
... Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child Poverty By John McKendrick Loss of the village Those of a certain age are prone to lament the demise of community and neighbourhoods where the welfare of children was the responsibility of...
Call 15: Top up child benefit by £5 per week to loosen the grip of child Poverty
... Call 15: Top up child benefit by £5 per week to loosen the grip of child Poverty By John Dickie and Peter Kelly Between now and 2022, Scotland will introduce a new income supplement for low income families; a welcome step that...
11/11/25 | Strategic Planning
...sector where she has focused on international development, supporting charities challenging global Poverty and inequality. She worked in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years, in local frontline organisations and with multinational...
10/06/25 | Good governance
...sector where she has focused on international development, supporting charities challenging global Poverty and inequality. She worked in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years, in local frontline organisations and with multinational...
AC25 - workshops
...Mediation X - Young Talk X - Scottish Mediation Session 4C – Clarinda Suite Poverty’s impact on young people’s right to education Child Poverty Action Group Website | X This workshop will showcase learning and...
AC25 - Programme
...the microphone as a third object: Important conversations and audio recording Workshop F: Child Poverty Action Group Using the microphone as a third object: Important conversations and audio recording Scott Suite (upstairs) Multi-Cultural...
Erika Macarty
...journey in children’s rights commenced with a focus on addressing inequality and Poverty. Over the last 14 years, she has taken leadership roles in critical areas such as child protection, social policy, online child protection,...
MacartyCutting the cost of the school day ways to cut the cost of the school day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child Poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and staff at Braes High School, Falkirk, have been praised by the...
child poverty Children Education Poverty young peopleScotland’s oral health gap widens
...miss dental appointments Posted 13.06.23 by Alice Hinds child health health inequalities Poverty Children from Scotland’s poorest communities will be most affected by the growing oral health gap, according to experts, as thousands miss...
child health health inequalities PovertyYoung people’s health worsened by poor quality housing
...housing, new research finds Posted 20.04.23 by Alice Hinds Children housing Poverty young people One in six young people in the UK is living in poor quality housing, according to new research, with dampness and...
Children housing Poverty young peopleTackling Scotland’s health inequalities
...what will we do? Posted 25 January, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond Attainment child health child Poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public health We need a radical shift and long-term prevention measures to...
Attainment child health child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public healthGoing hungry
...25 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty A coalition of charities has written to the Scottish Government to highlight the devastating impact of Poverty and hunger The open letter,...
cost of living Education Food food insecurity PovertyWomen's cost crisis
...16 November, 2022 by Nina Joynson childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty New research has found women in Scotland face increasing financial difficulties, with low-income jobs and care responsibilities responsible...
childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents PovertyScottish Child Payment to be increased
...of Programme for Government Posted 06 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Poverty programme for government First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is today expected to set out a raft of actions to help...
child poverty Poverty programme for governmentSchool meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families
...debt wiped for Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for...
child poverty Education free school meals PovertyDemands for Holyrood to tackle cost of living crisis tackle cost of living crisis Posted 17 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Inequality Poverty Charities and trade unions are demanding the Scottish Government does more to address the cost of...
child poverty Inequality PovertyAccelerate free school meal provision, says STUC meal provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders...
child poverty Education free school meals PovertyQ&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in Scotland, former teacher, journalist and author James McEnaney (pictured) spoke...
Education Inequality Poverty schoolsChanges to Scottish Attainment Challenge funding
...24 Nov, 2021 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish Parliament The Scottish Government has announced plans to overhaul the next phase of the £1bn Scottish Attainment...
Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish ParliamentCalls for child priorities ahead of Scottish Budget
...from Being Bold: Building Budgets for Children's Wellbeing report budget child Poverty Poverty Scottish Government Tackling child Poverty should be central in the Scottish Budget, say leading children's...
budget child poverty Poverty Scottish GovernmentFor children and young people, Hunger is Still Here
...people, Hunger is Still Here Posted 25 October, 2021 by Lynn Gilmour food insecurity food Poverty Poverty As covid restrictions have eased so, too, has public concern about food insecurity. But, as Grace, a Youth Campaigner for Magic...
food insecurity food poverty PovertyNo results found.
First Minister John Swinney faces child Poverty calls at Children in Scotland-led sector meeting
... First Minister John Swinney faces child Poverty calls at Children in Scotland-led sector meeting Last Thursday, 12 December, First Minister John Swinney had a lively discussion about children’s rights and child Poverty with the...
New Fairer Funding pilot welcomed as a positive first step by Children in Scotland
...national service for additional support for learning, Enquire, will focus on eradicating child Poverty, an issue which the First Minister has outlined as the number one priority for his government. Children in Scotland, alongside its...
Children in Scotland welcomes Scottish Government decision to end the two-child benefit cap end the two-child benefit cap, describing the move as a positive step towards ending child Poverty in Scotland. Announcing the decision during the Scottish Budget, finance secretary Shona Robison said the “pernicious” cap on benefits...
10 deserving winter appeals to support today
...Bairns is highlighting the stark reality that one in three children in Dundee live below the Poverty line – and they need your help to provide the basics to families this festive season. The charity is on a mission to raise £15,000 to...
Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are “inextricably linked”, new report warns
... Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are “inextricably linked”, new report warns 29 Oct 2024 Scotland’s housing emergency and child Poverty are inextricably linked according to a new briefing (click here for more) by two...
David Mackay: “The current scale of child Poverty is a result of political choice”
... David Mackay: “The current scale of child Poverty is a result of political choice” 31 Jul 2024 As children, young people and families call for change, David Mackay, our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, reflects on the...
Now is the Time – Challenge Poverty Week 2021
... Now is the Time – Challenge Poverty Week 2021 5 Oct 2021 Ashley McLean from the Poverty Alliance lays out the ways organisations can get involved and make an impact on loosening the grip of Poverty on the lives of children and families in...
Minimum Income Guarantee: Immediate progress on Poverty still required take forward a series of calls made as part of both the Children in Scotland and End Child Poverty coalition’s manifestos, which we believe should be considered as elements of the Minimum Income Guarantee. This includes: Doubling the...
consultation minimum income guarantee PovertyProviders and policymakers meet to discuss out of school services to mitigate Poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches
... Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of school services to mitigate Poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches 27 October 2020 A special online event today marks the commencement of the Access to Childcare Fund Network,...
“We cannot witness another generation of young people going through this” – our staff share project learning in response to latest child Poverty research
...of young people going through this” – our staff share learning in response to latest child Poverty research 28 May 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to new research showing a marked rise in child Poverty rates across the UK over...
25 Calls response: Children living in Poverty deserve better from a system that is failing them. But we all have a role to play in helping them navigate their journey to adulthood
... Children living in Poverty deserve so much better. We can create supportive spaces that help their journey to adulthood 3 March 2020 Whether working with the media, contributing to funding applications, attending events or designing services,...
Sector support for Scotland's first ever period Poverty Bill
... Sector support for Scotland’s first ever period Poverty Bill 15 January 2020 Children in Scotland has signed an open letter to MSPs, urging them to back legislation to address period Poverty. The letter, published today, calls on the...
Why defeating Poverty means building the right fire
... Why defeating Poverty means building the right fire 10 October 2019 In a special blog for Challenge Poverty Week our Food Families Futures project manager Neil Orr says we have a golden opportunity to end families’ food insecurity in...
25 Calls response: Where there are child protection concerns, Poverty can be the elephant in the room law. But we’re also a country in which almost a quarter of a million children are living in Poverty, in which there are over 14,500 children who are looked after, and in which more than 2,500 children are on the child protection register....
25calls25 Calls response: Child Poverty in Scotland is not inevitable. It is a failure of government to fulfil the rights of their citizens
... Let's welcome the Scottish Government's move on family income. But remember: child Poverty is not inevitable – it is always a political choice Tomorrow, the UN Rapporteur presents his final report on extreme Poverty in Britain. Responding...
25 Calls response: Building public support to reduce Poverty means telling a new moral story. This is it...
... Building public support to reduce Poverty means telling a new moral story. This is it ... 27 Feb 2019 Responding to Call 1 of our 25 Calls campaign from Josh, Rebecca, Divine and Somer, Poverty Alliance’s Communications Officer Frances...
‘Change the language of Poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign
... ‘Change the language of Poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign Organisations across the children’s sector and beyond have joined Children in Scotland on its 25thanniversary in...
Summer clubs meet a purpose, but the wider issue is how to address Poverty and food insecurity for our lowest income families
...Scotland, we have had a little more success. The Scottish Government's Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan clearly understands the scale of the issue and its negative impacts. It also begins to identify solutions to it. A fund of £1m...
Child Poverty Delivery Plan welcome, but Scottish Government must be 'more proactive'
... Child Poverty Delivery Plan welcome, but Scottish Government must be 'more proactive' Responding to yesterday’s (29 March 2018) publication of Scotland’s first Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s Head of...
Project challenging food Poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire
... Project challenging food Poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire 3 July 2017 From today, 26 schools in the west of Scotland will be taking part in Children in Scotland’s expanded Food, Families, Futures...
Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish SchoolsAn opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill
... An opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill Children in Scotland has urged MSPs to push for the inclusion of measures that will strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill, as it is debated today in the Scottish...
Legislation News Scottish Parliament‘Benefit cap will increase child Poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
... ‘Benefit cap will increase child Poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’ Children in Scotland has responded to the recent Westminster benefit cap inquiry, warning that the implementation of the cap will increase child Poverty and...
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare WestminsterEffective child protection system ‘depends on Poverty reduction and strong local services’
... Effective child protection system ‘depends on Poverty reduction and strong local services’ The Scottish Government today announced its response to the Child Protection Systems Review Report. Amongst a raft of actions, Minister for...
Benefits Children Jackie Brock Poverty Protection Scottish Government SupportTackling "Poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time
...Tackling "Poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time 9 May 2024 When Dundee Bairns was established in 2017 by David Dorward, former Chief Executive of Dundee City Council, its main focus was tackling the “holiday hunger” faced by children...
More urgent and immediate action needed to tackle worrying rates of child Poverty
... Action needed now to tackle 'worrying' rates of child Poverty 13 Jul 2022 Research revealing that levels of child Poverty remain disturbingly high in Scotland has prompted renewed calls for action. The End Child Poverty coalition, of which...
child poverty child poverty targetsOur view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting Poverty
... Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting Poverty 3 September 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to Tuesday’s publication of the Programme for Government. Commenting on key policy...
communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC25 Calls response: Starting today: a new vision for how social security can help solve child Poverty
... Starting today: a new vision for how social security can help solve child Poverty 9 October 2019 For Challenge Poverty Week, Jen Gracie on behalf of the Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCORSS) responds to Calls 1, 2 and...
We applaud the fast-tracking of the new Child Payment. Now let's focus on the next steps in tackling Poverty
...applaud the fast-tracking of the new Child Payment. Now let's focus on the next steps in tackling Poverty 27 June 2019 Children in Scotland yesterday welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that a new Scottish Child Payment will...
25 Calls response – Prevention and early intervention can help us win the battle against Poverty
... Early intervention can help us win the battle against child Poverty and ill health 2 April 2019 Responding to Call 9 of our 25 Calls campaign, Claire Burnett, External Affairs Manager, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Scotland,...
Steps to reduce Poverty-related attainment gap welcome, but concern over measurement of change
... Steps to reduce Poverty-related attainment gap welcome, but concern over measurement of change We have responded to the Scottish Government consultation on the measurement framework of the National Improvement Framework, voicing support for...
Developing our next Manifesto
...children and young people as well as a renewed commitment from Scottish Ministers to reduce child Poverty and the introduction of the Scottish Child Payment. We know, however, there is still much to do to match rhetoric with reality. Our members...
Holyrood Committee calls on the Scottish Government to prioritise three-year-funding cycles for the third sector
...concerning for organisations working to address long-term, complex social issues, such as Poverty, youth engagement, and social care. Short-term funding, it outlined, not only prevents organisations from engaging in meaningful,...
Fife Gingerbread launches annual Heat and Eat Appeal
...the year. In Fife, research shows 23% of children and young people grow up facing Poverty, while a recent survey of Fife Gingerbread’s supported families found that 74% of respondents are surviving below low-income thresholds,...
Girls’ rights are human rights
...rights – especially when they are affected by further structural inequalities such as racism, Poverty, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia – and if we want to make Scotland the best place in the world for all children togrow up, we must...
"Children and young people are amazing at helping us face challenges – they are so insightful"
...children and young people told us they were concerned about some key themes, including education, Poverty, climate change, discrimination, and mental health. We know that more action is needed to support these issues – and there are lots more...
A Scotland for all: Supporting families facing multiple disadvantage
...A Scotland for all: Supporting families facing multiple disadvantage Challenge Poverty Week 2024 | blog 9 Oct 2024 Circle works at the heart of communities across central Scotland supporting families facing multiple disadvantage. On Challenge...
Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds
...was designed to increase access to childcare for those families most at risk of experiencing child Poverty. Between October 2021 and March 2022, the Fund invested more than £2 million into 15 projects across Scotland. National charity Children in...
access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services“We mustn’t lose sight of our collective goal” our Chief Executive, in the first of a two-part blog Jude Turbyne takes stock of how Poverty is impacting on families now – and why working in the children’s sector gives her hope I have now been with Children in Scotland for...
CEO chief executive Children children's sector cost of living Families Inequality Jude pandemic Poverty resilience third sectorEducation National Improvement Framework: Data gathering must be accurate, considered and purposeful
...National Improvement Framework and its ambition to widen recognition of achievement, close the Poverty-related attainment gap and place the needs and rights of every young person at the centre of education. Our rights-based response is informed...
ASL ASN children and young people Children's rights Consultation response Education PovertyGood Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food insecurity – it is about taking a whole-systems approach to tackling challenges such as Poverty, diet-related illness and climate change. "It has an opportunity to play a transformative role in supporting children, young people and...
Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’
budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing
25 and Up: The ‘old normal’ meant acceptance of injustice for too many families. We can’t go back to it
...for too many families. We can’t go back to it 9 October 2020 In a special blog for Challenge Poverty Week, Clare Simpson revisits her 25 Calls contribution, arguing that UNCRC incorporation and the work of the Care Review provide the...
25 and Up 25 calls Care Review Families family support Inequality Parenting across Scotland Poverty the Promise UNCRCOrganisations from Shetland to Shettleston announced as successful applicants to Access to Childcare Fund
...Fund. The fund, launched in July, is one feature of the Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan which focuses on tackling and reducing levels of child Poverty in Scotland. It recognises that the cost and availability of...
access to childcare access to childcare fund childcare childcare provision Families fund Inequality low income out of school care Parents PovertyNew fund will strengthen access to out of school childcare for low-income families of out of school care, with a focus on priority family groups most at risk from living in Poverty. The Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the national charity Children in Scotland. In the first funding round a total...
childcare Families family support holidays Inequality out of school care Poverty‘Lessons for a new social settlement’ – publication of reports mark completion of groundbreaking five-year food project
...FFF, particularly participation. inclusion and a non-stigmatising, relationship-based approach to Poverty. “Within communities, establishing a trusting relationship is the essential starting point,” Elaine says. “As one Strategic Lead told...
Children communities community familis FFF Food income Inequality partnership PovertyFrom Drumchapel macaroni to white bread myths: what I’ve learned from four years of Food, Families, Futures
...are quite fussy but they have eaten wraps, sandwiches and soup'. Certainly my understanding of the Poverty-related issues many families living in Scotland face has increased. As has my understanding of the stigma attached to these issues and the...
community family Food food insecurity Inequality Poverty25 and Up: In the wake of Covid-19, our call to boost family incomes using social security powers is more urgent than ever
...our 25 Calls, John Dickie, co-author of Call 15, argues that the Scottish Government’s child Poverty targets, delivery plan and new Scottish Child Payment must inform every aspect of our country’s approach to renewal The world has changed...
25 and Up 25 calls child poverty family family support Inequality PovertyWhy our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery
...on the evidence of what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. Rights, Poverty, health and wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has exacerbated...
equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing"We're not doing well enough on child mental health," First Minister tells young people from across Scotland
Brexit bullying Children's rights Education equality food poverty Inequality Mental Health Participation Poverty
Free sanitary products ‘a small but significant step to tackling gender inequality’ burden of sanitary products, particularly for girls and young women who are experiencing Poverty, and recognise the proposals as important for upholding UNCRC rights to education and the best health possible. We know, for example, that...
Health Inequalities Poverty‘Societal issues that undermine young people’s chances compromise gains from early years support’
...early years support’ Naomi Eisenstadt, the Scottish Government’s Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality, published her second report yesterday (3 July). The report makes 18 recommendations focusing on the later years of childhood...
Children's rights Inequality Poverty Scottish GovernmentCelebrate young voters' impact - and listen to them on Brexit we create a fairer society. We know that young people’s participation can be stifled by Poverty, and this can lead to disengagement from the political process. Poverty negatively affects every aspect of children and young people’s...
Benefits Brexit Children Children's rights Election Europe Families Jackie Brock PovertyHoliday Hunger report 'a wake-up call that flags local solutions'
...key points, included in today's report, contextualised holiday hunger in the wider issue of Poverty and its impact on children. They were: High childcare costs are one of the key issues affecting parents on low income in particular, and...
Families Food Jackie Brock News Poverty Scottish Government WestminsterNo results found.
No results found.
No results found.
11/11/25 | Strategic Planning
...sector where she has focused on international development, supporting charities challenging global Poverty and inequality. She worked in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years, in local frontline organisations and with multinational...
10/06/25 | Good governance
...sector where she has focused on international development, supporting charities challenging global Poverty and inequality. She worked in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years, in local frontline organisations and with multinational...
AC25 - workshops
...Mediation X - Young Talk X - Scottish Mediation Session 4C – Clarinda Suite Poverty’s impact on young people’s right to education Child Poverty Action Group Website | X This workshop will showcase learning and...
AC25 - Programme
...the microphone as a third object: Important conversations and audio recording Workshop F: Child Poverty Action Group Using the microphone as a third object: Important conversations and audio recording Scott Suite (upstairs) Multi-Cultural...
No results found.
No results found.
New report explores Poverty and the care system
... Magazine / New report explores Poverty and the care system Posted 24.08.23 by Alice Hinds care system Children Poverty research New report reveals families face further financial hardship when children are taken into care New research...
care system Children Poverty researchReport warns child Poverty targets could be missed
... Magazine / News: Report warns child Poverty targets will be missed Posted 25 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Inequality Poverty The Poverty and Inequality Commission has warned child Poverty targets will be missed unless...
child poverty Inequality PovertyWe have to prioritise action to end child Poverty now
... Magazine / Comment: We need to prioritise action to end child Poverty now Posted 31 August, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty If the Scottish Government does not commit to doubling the Scottish Child Payment...
child poverty"Halving child Poverty by 2024 should be the floor, not the ceiling, of our ambition"
... "Halving child Poverty by 2024 should be the floor, not ceiling, for our ambition" 12 Feb 2021 With increasing numbers of families experiencing financial hardship, we need to be ambitious - and put money directly into the pockets of parents,...
End Child Poverty in Scotland and the #GiveMe5 campaign (2017-)
...End Child Poverty in Scotland and the #GiveMe5 campaign With 1 in 4 children in Scotland currently living in Poverty, Children in Scotland is committed to making a change. It is our vision that all children in Scotland have an equal chance to...
Call for Evidence Response: Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty (March 2018)
...Committee call for evidence on the Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty...
Scottish Government Call for Written Consultation response: Evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill (March 2017)
...Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's call for written evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland)...
Young people invited to be anti-Poverty Ambassadors
... Magazine / Young people aged 16-25 invited to be anti-Poverty Ambassadors Posted 05.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour child Poverty Poverty rights young people Young people aged between 16 and 25 with an interest in...
child poverty Poverty rights young peopleCall 1: Change the language of Poverty: Young people deserve dignity, not stigma and discrimination
... Call 1: Change the language of Poverty: Young people deserve dignity, not stigma and discrimination By Josh, Rebecca, Divine and Somer My name is Young Person X. I live in Possilpark in a two-bedroom flat with my five brothers and my...
Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child Poverty
... Call 2: Make it your business to tackle child Poverty By John McKendrick Loss of the village Those of a certain age are prone to lament the demise of community and neighbourhoods where the welfare of children was the responsibility of...
Call 15: Top up child benefit by £5 per week to loosen the grip of child Poverty
... Call 15: Top up child benefit by £5 per week to loosen the grip of child Poverty By John Dickie and Peter Kelly Between now and 2022, Scotland will introduce a new income supplement for low income families; a welcome step that...
Erika Macarty
...journey in children’s rights commenced with a focus on addressing inequality and Poverty. Over the last 14 years, she has taken leadership roles in critical areas such as child protection, social policy, online child protection,...
MacartyCutting the cost of the school day
post ways to cut the cost of the school day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child Poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and staff at Braes High School, Falkirk, have been praised by the...
child poverty Children Education Poverty young peopleScotland’s oral health gap widens
...miss dental appointments Posted 13.06.23 by Alice Hinds child health health inequalities Poverty Children from Scotland’s poorest communities will be most affected by the growing oral health gap, according to experts, as thousands miss...
child health health inequalities PovertyYoung people’s health worsened by poor quality housing
...housing, new research finds Posted 20.04.23 by Alice Hinds Children housing Poverty young people One in six young people in the UK is living in poor quality housing, according to new research, with dampness and...
Children housing Poverty young peopleTackling Scotland’s health inequalities
...what will we do? Posted 25 January, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond Attainment child health child Poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public health We need a radical shift and long-term prevention measures to...
Attainment child health child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public healthGoing hungry
...25 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond cost of living Education Food food insecurity Poverty A coalition of charities has written to the Scottish Government to highlight the devastating impact of Poverty and hunger The open letter,...
cost of living Education Food food insecurity PovertyWomen's cost crisis
...16 November, 2022 by Nina Joynson childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty New research has found women in Scotland face increasing financial difficulties, with low-income jobs and care responsibilities responsible...
childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents PovertyScottish Child Payment to be increased
...of Programme for Government Posted 06 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Poverty programme for government First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is today expected to set out a raft of actions to help...
child poverty Poverty programme for governmentSchool meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families
...debt wiped for Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Education free school meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has voted to clear school meal debts for...
child poverty Education free school meals PovertyDemands for Holyrood to tackle cost of living crisis
post tackle cost of living crisis Posted 17 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Inequality Poverty Charities and trade unions are demanding the Scottish Government does more to address the cost of...
child poverty Inequality PovertyAccelerate free school meal provision, says STUC
post meal provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child Poverty Education free school meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom after the Easter break, trade union leaders...
child poverty Education free school meals PovertyQ&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap
post Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in Scotland, former teacher, journalist and author James McEnaney (pictured) spoke...
Education Inequality Poverty schoolsChanges to Scottish Attainment Challenge funding
...24 Nov, 2021 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish Parliament The Scottish Government has announced plans to overhaul the next phase of the £1bn Scottish Attainment...
Attainment Education funding Poverty Scottish ParliamentCalls for child priorities ahead of Scottish Budget
...from Being Bold: Building Budgets for Children's Wellbeing report budget child Poverty Poverty Scottish Government Tackling child Poverty should be central in the Scottish Budget, say leading children's...
budget child poverty Poverty Scottish GovernmentFor children and young people, Hunger is Still Here
...people, Hunger is Still Here Posted 25 October, 2021 by Lynn Gilmour food insecurity food Poverty Poverty As covid restrictions have eased so, too, has public concern about food insecurity. But, as Grace, a Youth Campaigner for Magic...
food insecurity food poverty Poverty