We applaud the fast-tracking of the new Child Payment. Now let's focus on the next steps in tackling poverty
27 June 2019
Children in Scotland yesterday welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that a new Scottish Child Payment will be introduced.
The new targeted benefit will provide a payment of £10 a week to families in receipt of eligible benefits. It will be rolled out to families with children under six by 2021 and for families with children under 16 by 2022.
Earlier this week Children in Scotland added its support to a letter calling for much greater urgency in bringing forward financial support for families.
The new Scottish Child Payment represents significant progress for families experiencing hardship.
Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, Amy Woodhouse said;
“We are pleased to see the Scottish Government bring forward its plans for an income supplement in the form of the Scottish Child Payment. This new payment will be a welcome financial support for children, young people and their families.
“We know that families across Scotland are facing real hardship and the introduction of this new payment of £10 a week for families in receipt of eligible benefits can’t come soon enough.
“As part of the Give Me 5 Campaign, we have led the calls for increased financial support for families. This is another example of the members of the children’s sector, with leadership from colleagues in anti-poverty groups, coming together to push for better outcomes for children, young people and families. It is an encouraging sign about the genuine change that can be created through collective campaigning.
“Recent research from the IPPR and JRF has shown that a whole classroom of children will enter poverty every day if action is not taken. This move from the Scottish Government is an important step towards tackling this.
“We applaud the Scottish Government for fast-tracking the payment but know there is still work to be done to support all children, young people and families experiencing poverty across Scotland.”

The Poverty Alliance
Find out more about Scotland’s network of organisations and individuals working together to end poverty
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25 Calls response
Let's welcome the Scottish Government's move on family income. But remember: child poverty is not inevitable
Click to read the full response
25 Calls response
Struggling families need more money in their pockets
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