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Today a 'quite childcare' revolution is taking place

A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities Head of Policy, Projects and Participation at Children in Scotland. Meet our team Latest News Visit our News pages to read the latest from Scotland's children's sector. Click here for...

Why child healthy weight matters growing levels of overweight and obesity in children. So, what can be done? The good News is we know what works. Over the last year, Obesity Action Scotland has undertaken a range of activities to grow the evidence base to support...


... AllLatest News Press releasesPress releases Comment & BlogsComment & Blogs 27 March 2024 Children in Scotland joins campaign to put children at the heart of policy making The Children At The Table...

International School Meals Day (2013-2024)

News overview

...News: Overview All the key developments in Children in Scotland’s work and opportunities to be involved are communicated through our range of channels, summarised here. CiS News We share updates about our activities, ranging from project...

Scottish Government announce mental health funding following youth-led report

...the need for mental health and wellbeing support, SYP (click here for more) has welcomed the News of increased funding. Ellie Criag MSYP Vice Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament said: “Young people have told their MSYPs for years that...

Free Childcare Management Platform Launched in Scotland

...while simultaneously giving parents the childcare choices they desperately need. And the best News is, Caerus is free to use, for both parents and providers. Click here to find your next childcare experience Click here to list your service and...

Young people’s experiences shaping the Covid-19 Inquiry

Nicola Killean joins expert line-up for Children in Scotland’s Annual Conference 2024

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...on the use of vapes and other tobacco products in education settings. Both organisations welcome News of plans to ban single use vapes. Sharing an appreciation for the value of community, Yopa has also sponsored key Children in Scotland events,...

Increasing access to hobbies for children and young people

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

... Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes 2 Feb 2024 Following the welcome News of plans to ban single use vapes, Children in Scotland is today calling on the Scottish Government to consider the recommendations of children and...

Ambitious itinerary announced for ‘30 Hills in 7 Days’ CEO challenge

Celebration, recognition and connection for the befriending sector facilitating these network opportunities, we also publish a monthly Children and Young People Newsletter (click here to sign up to the Newsletter), highlighting good practice, sector News, and funding and campaigning opportunities. This helps...

The aim is the same: people are at the heart of our communications strategy

...and promoting our work, the way we share information has changed.  We no longer photocopy weekly Newsletters and put them in the post to our network (which, as the person who regularly dealt with paper jammed in the copier and ink cartridges that...

The early years in focus: creating an event to support the sector

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...Feb 2023 With the Online Harms Bill making its way through Parliament, Andrew Tate in the News and Safer Internet Day happening, VotesforSchools chose the question above as a weekly VoteTopic. You may be surprised at the results. At...

Young people’s creative pursuits supported by national arts funding

...parent of another successful applicant said: "Thank you so so much for this wonderful News! As Kieran's* mum I’m so grateful to you for the funding as this means he’ll be able to get back to his drumming lessons which he’s missed...

Additional support service strengthens its online offer to children and families
ASL Children's rights News Support

Family voices ‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays

...‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays In a letter published in the Herald Newspaper today, our Chief Executive Jackie Brock responded to a call by the Scottish Conservatives that schools should stay open as “community...

Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

Holiday hunger survey: Members’ views wanted
Food News Westminster

Reach website “an advice service like no other” – SYP
Enquire News Scottish Parliament

School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost'
Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef
Education Food Health Jackie Brock News

Championing participation, challenging inequalities and leading the workforce: our key priorities
Children News Participate Participation

Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent
Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government

Call to prioritise children's rights in Brexit process
Brexit Children's rights Europe News

Celebrate young voters’ impact – and listen to them on Brexit
Agenda Children's rights Election Jackie Brock News Participation

An opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill
Legislation News Scottish Parliament

Review of Parental Involvement Act published
Legislation News Parents Scottish Schools

Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation
Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing

After the vote, a chance for councillors to deliver on our election calls
Councillors Decision making Election News

Children in Scotland calls become pledges in party manifestos
Children's rights Early years Manifesto News Support

School support staff shortage 'must be tackled'
Inequalities Mental Health News Staff Support

Holiday Hunger report 'a wake-up call that flags local solutions'
Families Food Jackie Brock News Poverty Scottish Government Westminster

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?
Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament

Shared frustration over smacking law reform lack of progress in protecting children from violence. In an interview with The Herald Newspaper on Saturday, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland, Tam Baillie, said failing to secure a law change on physical violence...

Children's rights Jackie Brock News Protection Violence

Wanted: real participation for young people, not party politics
Election Legislation News Participate Policy Voting age

‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster

Chair and Member of Board of Trustees

AC24 - Resources

...distressed behaviour and support at school from Enquire Enquire’s service leaflet Enquire's Newsletter Workshop slides 1e | Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach from University of Dundee and Redwell Primary School Amplifying children's...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work

...discuss TLSW, click the link below: Podcast: In conversation with Richard Rose TLSWi News Click here to find out about all things TLSWi-related. Visit the website Commissioned training Do you have...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub make this life-saving difference to children and families in Scotland. To sign up for our News alerts, safety advice and information, and Child Safety Week resources, visit our website at: For free...

Nominations open for Bookbug Hero Award 2024

...diversity and inclusion in education. Click here to book your place Related content News: Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland 6 April 2022 Comment: Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated 3 March 2022 For...

Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths
careers Education training young people

New resources to support school attendance

...Attendance Guide landing page: Related content News: Children younger in school year more likely to be treated for ADHD July 6, 2022 Families paying hundreds per year on essential education, new...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

College launches National Opportunity Day

...the Glasgow Kelvin College’s website: Related content News: Exam helpline opens to support Scottish pupils on results day July 27, 2023 Families paying hundreds per year on essential education, new...

Education exams higher education School

Exam helpline launched for Scottish pupils

...“must prioritise flexibility, individual choice and continuous progress” Jan 12 2023 News: School leavers in positive destinations reaches record high March 1...

exams higher education Scottish Schools skills

Charities set to benefit from outdoor play funding

...they need more play” April 1 2021 The future of football is in your hands June 6 2023 News: Scotland's play spaces to undergo major changes March 28...

children and young people funding health and wellbeing outdoor play play

New app launched to help school leavers

...a major new co-design project for pupil support staff to help #KeepThePromise April 3 2023 News: Number of school leavers in positive destinations reaches record high March 1...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Scotland’s oral health gap widens only one way we are delivering improvements in child oral health". Related content News: See Me launches school mental health campaign June 14, 2022 Comment: Tackling Scotland’s health inequalities Jan 25, 2023 Q&A...

child health health inequalities Poverty

Charity shares resources to make safety simple

...content Serious accidents in lockdown: Why Child Safety Week matters June 1, 2020 News: RNLI launches programme of water safety training for children July 19, 2022 A safe sleep, for every sleep March 11,...

Child Accident Prevention Trust child safety child safety week

Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites

... Magazine / News: Investment announced for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites across Scotland Posted 02.06.23 by Alice Hinds child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice New funding has been announced...

child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice

Foster Care Fortnight: foster carers' essential work project May 10, 2023 Comment: It's time to deliver change in foster care Aug 11, 2022 News: Renewed calls for national minimum allowance for foster carers Nov 4, 2022 New advisory board to explore and share the experience of foster...

care care experienced people foster care the Promise

Funding confirmed for youth music programmes

...also supported 1,182 music education posts across all of Scotland’s 32 local authorities. The News comes after parents, teachers and tutors expressed fears over the flagship programme’s future when funding was initially paused last year...

funding Learning music Scottish Schools

Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge

... Magazine / News: Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge Posted 19.05.23 by Alice Hinds Children's rights early learning human rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland and Scouts...

Children's rights early learning human rights

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

...universal education and equal life chances for children is undermined.” Related content News: New research explores the costs of a choice-led, nutritious family shop January 18 2023 Research reveals young people's support for extending...

cost of living Education free school meals School

New funding announced to improve childcare

...content More than a third of parents unable to access suitable childcare Nov 22, 2022 News: More demanded from Holyrood to tackle cost of living crisis June 17, 2022 Comment: New Scottish Government plans give me hope for working...

childcare childcare expansion out of school care School

Young people’s health worsened by poor quality housing
Children housing Poverty young people

Alice Hinds

...experience as a writer and journalist, Alice has worked for a range of regional and national print Newspapers and magazines, as well as digital titles and social media platforms. Working on a variety of topics, spanning front page splashes to...


Big changes on the horizon for Scotland's play spaces

... Magazine / News: Scotland's play spaces to undergo major changes, with new reforms and funding Posted 28 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson funding outdoor play programme for government Scottish Government The...

funding outdoor play programme for government Scottish Government

Building confidence and wellbeing through STEM

... Magazine / News: Programme launches to engage youth workers in STEM and build wellbeing Posted 21 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Undergrad students to receive more financial support

... Magazine / News: Undergraduate students will receive greater financial support, starting with Autumn 2023 uplift Posted 14 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson care experience funding higher education Scottish...

care experience funding higher education Scottish Government Undergraduates

Young people have their say on access to food

... Magazine / News: Research reveals young people's support for extending free school meals and reducing stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

Social work interventions across Scotland

... Magazine / News: Study finds social work interventions vary widely by Scottish local authority Posted 2 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson care Care Review Scottish Government social work Welfare New research...

care Care Review Scottish Government social work Welfare

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

... Magazine / News: Number of school leavers in positive destinations reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Responding to climate crisis through dance

... Magazine / News: Dance film created by 17-year-old choreographer in response to the climate crisis Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson access all arts Arts climate change creative...

access all arts Arts climate change creative scotland environment funding

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate...

Arts climate climate change environment schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

... Magazine / News: Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education education...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

New fund to refurbish Scotland's play parks

... Magazine / News: New fund to upgrade Scotland's play parks Posted 25 Aug 2021 by Jennifer Drummond community News play Play parks across Scotland are due to be modernised with money from a £5 million...

community News play

Calls for cuts to Universal Credit to be abandoned

... Magazine / News: Calls to abandon Universal Credit cut Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Benefits child poverty News universal credit Save the Children UK has revealed nearly half of...

Benefits child poverty News universal credit

Parliamentary Monitor

...out more Children in Scotland Magazine Our flagship publication covering News, best practice and policy analysis is essential reading for the sector Read more Find an...

News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

No results found.

Today a 'quite childcare' revolution is taking place

A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities Head of Policy, Projects and Participation at Children in Scotland. Meet our team Latest News Visit our News pages to read the latest from Scotland's children's sector. Click here for...

Why child healthy weight matters growing levels of overweight and obesity in children. So, what can be done? The good News is we know what works. Over the last year, Obesity Action Scotland has undertaken a range of activities to grow the evidence base to support...

Scottish Government announce mental health funding following youth-led report

...the need for mental health and wellbeing support, SYP (click here for more) has welcomed the News of increased funding. Ellie Criag MSYP Vice Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament said: “Young people have told their MSYPs for years that...

Free Childcare Management Platform Launched in Scotland

...while simultaneously giving parents the childcare choices they desperately need. And the best News is, Caerus is free to use, for both parents and providers. Click here to find your next childcare experience Click here to list your service and...

Young people’s experiences shaping the Covid-19 Inquiry

Nicola Killean joins expert line-up for Children in Scotland’s Annual Conference 2024

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...on the use of vapes and other tobacco products in education settings. Both organisations welcome News of plans to ban single use vapes. Sharing an appreciation for the value of community, Yopa has also sponsored key Children in Scotland events,...

Increasing access to hobbies for children and young people

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

... Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes 2 Feb 2024 Following the welcome News of plans to ban single use vapes, Children in Scotland is today calling on the Scottish Government to consider the recommendations of children and...

Ambitious itinerary announced for ‘30 Hills in 7 Days’ CEO challenge

Celebration, recognition and connection for the befriending sector facilitating these network opportunities, we also publish a monthly Children and Young People Newsletter (click here to sign up to the Newsletter), highlighting good practice, sector News, and funding and campaigning opportunities. This helps...

The aim is the same: people are at the heart of our communications strategy

...and promoting our work, the way we share information has changed.  We no longer photocopy weekly Newsletters and put them in the post to our network (which, as the person who regularly dealt with paper jammed in the copier and ink cartridges that...

The early years in focus: creating an event to support the sector

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...Feb 2023 With the Online Harms Bill making its way through Parliament, Andrew Tate in the News and Safer Internet Day happening, VotesforSchools chose the question above as a weekly VoteTopic. You may be surprised at the results. At...

Young people’s creative pursuits supported by national arts funding

...parent of another successful applicant said: "Thank you so so much for this wonderful News! As Kieran's* mum I’m so grateful to you for the funding as this means he’ll be able to get back to his drumming lessons which he’s missed...

Additional support service strengthens its online offer to children and families
ASL Children's rights News Support

Family voices ‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays

...‘should shape policy' on food, learning and holidays In a letter published in the Herald Newspaper today, our Chief Executive Jackie Brock responded to a call by the Scottish Conservatives that schools should stay open as “community...

Education Families Food Jackie Brock News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster

Holiday hunger survey: Members’ views wanted
Food News Westminster

Reach website “an advice service like no other” – SYP
Enquire News Scottish Parliament

School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost'
Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef
Education Food Health Jackie Brock News

Championing participation, challenging inequalities and leading the workforce: our key priorities
Children News Participate Participation

Response to Equally Safe delivery plan: we must educate to prevent
Children's rights Education News Policy Scottish Government

Call to prioritise children's rights in Brexit process
Brexit Children's rights Europe News

Celebrate young voters’ impact – and listen to them on Brexit
Agenda Children's rights Election Jackie Brock News Participation

An opportunity to strengthen the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill
Legislation News Scottish Parliament

Review of Parental Involvement Act published
Legislation News Parents Scottish Schools

Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation
Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing

After the vote, a chance for councillors to deliver on our election calls
Councillors Decision making Election News

Children in Scotland calls become pledges in party manifestos
Children's rights Early years Manifesto News Support

School support staff shortage 'must be tackled'
Inequalities Mental Health News Staff Support

Holiday Hunger report 'a wake-up call that flags local solutions'
Families Food Jackie Brock News Poverty Scottish Government Westminster

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?
Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

Calls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament

Shared frustration over smacking law reform lack of progress in protecting children from violence. In an interview with The Herald Newspaper on Saturday, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland, Tam Baillie, said failing to secure a law change on physical violence...

Children's rights Jackie Brock News Protection Violence

Wanted: real participation for young people, not party politics
Election Legislation News Participate Policy Voting age

‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster

No results found.

Alice Hinds

...experience as a writer and journalist, Alice has worked for a range of regional and national print Newspapers and magazines, as well as digital titles and social media platforms. Working on a variety of topics, spanning front page splashes to...



... AllLatest News Press releasesPress releases Comment & BlogsComment & Blogs 27 March 2024 Children in Scotland joins campaign to put children at the heart of policy making The Children At The Table...

News overview

...News: Overview All the key developments in Children in Scotland’s work and opportunities to be involved are communicated through our range of channels, summarised here. CiS News We share updates about our activities, ranging from project...

AC24 - Resources

...distressed behaviour and support at school from Enquire Enquire’s service leaflet Enquire's Newsletter Workshop slides 1e | Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach from University of Dundee and Redwell Primary School Amplifying children's...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

Diploma in Therapeutic Life Story Work

...discuss TLSW, click the link below: Podcast: In conversation with Richard Rose TLSWi News Click here to find out about all things TLSWi-related. Visit the website Commissioned training Do you have...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub make this life-saving difference to children and families in Scotland. To sign up for our News alerts, safety advice and information, and Child Safety Week resources, visit our website at: For free...

No results found.

No results found.

Nominations open for Bookbug Hero Award 2024

...diversity and inclusion in education. Click here to book your place Related content News: Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland 6 April 2022 Comment: Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated 3 March 2022 For...

Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths
postcareers Education training young people

New resources to support school attendance

...Attendance Guide landing page: Related content News: Children younger in school year more likely to be treated for ADHD July 6, 2022 Families paying hundreds per year on essential education, new...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

College launches National Opportunity Day

...the Glasgow Kelvin College’s website: Related content News: Exam helpline opens to support Scottish pupils on results day July 27, 2023 Families paying hundreds per year on essential education, new...

Education exams higher education School

Exam helpline launched for Scottish pupils

...“must prioritise flexibility, individual choice and continuous progress” Jan 12 2023 News: School leavers in positive destinations reaches record high March 1...

exams higher education Scottish Schools skills

Charities set to benefit from outdoor play funding

...they need more play” April 1 2021 The future of football is in your hands June 6 2023 News: Scotland's play spaces to undergo major changes March 28...

children and young people funding health and wellbeing outdoor play play

New app launched to help school leavers

...a major new co-design project for pupil support staff to help #KeepThePromise April 3 2023 News: Number of school leavers in positive destinations reaches record high March 1...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Scotland’s oral health gap widens
post only one way we are delivering improvements in child oral health". Related content News: See Me launches school mental health campaign June 14, 2022 Comment: Tackling Scotland’s health inequalities Jan 25, 2023 Q&A...

child health health inequalities Poverty

Charity shares resources to make safety simple

...content Serious accidents in lockdown: Why Child Safety Week matters June 1, 2020 News: RNLI launches programme of water safety training for children July 19, 2022 A safe sleep, for every sleep March 11,...

Child Accident Prevention Trust child safety child safety week

Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites

... Magazine / News: Investment announced for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites across Scotland Posted 02.06.23 by Alice Hinds child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice New funding has been announced...

child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice

Foster Care Fortnight: foster carers' essential work
post project May 10, 2023 Comment: It's time to deliver change in foster care Aug 11, 2022 News: Renewed calls for national minimum allowance for foster carers Nov 4, 2022 New advisory board to explore and share the experience of foster...

care care experienced people foster care the Promise

Funding confirmed for youth music programmes

...also supported 1,182 music education posts across all of Scotland’s 32 local authorities. The News comes after parents, teachers and tutors expressed fears over the flagship programme’s future when funding was initially paused last year...

funding Learning music Scottish Schools

Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge

... Magazine / News: Scouts Scotland extends human rights learning badge Posted 19.05.23 by Alice Hinds Children's rights early learning human rights The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland and Scouts...

Children's rights early learning human rights

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

...universal education and equal life chances for children is undermined.” Related content News: New research explores the costs of a choice-led, nutritious family shop January 18 2023 Research reveals young people's support for extending...

cost of living Education free school meals School

New funding announced to improve childcare

...content More than a third of parents unable to access suitable childcare Nov 22, 2022 News: More demanded from Holyrood to tackle cost of living crisis June 17, 2022 Comment: New Scottish Government plans give me hope for working...

childcare childcare expansion out of school care School

Young people’s health worsened by poor quality housing
postChildren housing Poverty young people

Big changes on the horizon for Scotland's play spaces

... Magazine / News: Scotland's play spaces to undergo major changes, with new reforms and funding Posted 28 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson funding outdoor play programme for government Scottish Government The...

funding outdoor play programme for government Scottish Government

Building confidence and wellbeing through STEM

... Magazine / News: Programme launches to engage youth workers in STEM and build wellbeing Posted 21 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Undergrad students to receive more financial support

... Magazine / News: Undergraduate students will receive greater financial support, starting with Autumn 2023 uplift Posted 14 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson care experience funding higher education Scottish...

care experience funding higher education Scottish Government Undergraduates

Young people have their say on access to food

... Magazine / News: Research reveals young people's support for extending free school meals and reducing stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

Social work interventions across Scotland

... Magazine / News: Study finds social work interventions vary widely by Scottish local authority Posted 2 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson care Care Review Scottish Government social work Welfare New research...

care Care Review Scottish Government social work Welfare

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

... Magazine / News: Number of school leavers in positive destinations reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Responding to climate crisis through dance

... Magazine / News: Dance film created by 17-year-old choreographer in response to the climate crisis Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson access all arts Arts climate change creative...

access all arts Arts climate change creative scotland environment funding

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate...

Arts climate climate change environment schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

... Magazine / News: Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education education...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

New fund to refurbish Scotland's play parks

... Magazine / News: New fund to upgrade Scotland's play parks Posted 25 Aug 2021 by Jennifer Drummond community News play Play parks across Scotland are due to be modernised with money from a £5 million...

community News play

Calls for cuts to Universal Credit to be abandoned

... Magazine / News: Calls to abandon Universal Credit cut Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Benefits child poverty News universal credit Save the Children UK has revealed nearly half of...

Benefits child poverty News universal credit

Parliamentary Monitor

...out more Children in Scotland Magazine Our flagship publication covering News, best practice and policy analysis is essential reading for the sector Read more Find an...

News Policy Scottish Government Scottish Parliament Westminster