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UK Alliance for Investing in Children (2014)

...– Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage” within the UK. Visit site Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh.   Stay connected Follow, like, connect or send us an...

LifeSkills: educating young people to support their transition into work (2014-2016)

...Mitchell, former LifeSkills manager, Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh.   Stay connected Follow, like, connect or send us an...

The scale of the challenge can feel overwhelming, so we need to celebrate the successes

...Engaged, Not Involved (NINENI) report was published, highlighting the experiences of children with Autism missing school and launching a campaign calling for action to address the barriers to them accessing a fulfilling education and in particular...

Design is for everyone

...are core to our programme and offer a more relaxed way to enjoy the museum for those with Autism spectrum conditions, sensory processing differences or profound and multiple learning difficulties. We work with key partners across the city,...

community creativity design Health Learning Wellbeing

To do better for autistic children, we must close the accountability gap It was after our successful joint campaign with Children In Scotland and Scottish Autism around unlawful school exclusions of autistic young people that we knew we had to do something to try and close that gap. Click here to...

New measures to support autistic pupils welcome, but we must not lose momentum

...but we mustn't lose momentum 16 December 2020 Children in Scotland, along with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland, has welcomed the recent announcement by Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, on action to improve...

ASL ASN Autism Children's rights Education equality inclusion

“This crisis is a chance to start talking about how much autistic people and neurotypicals have in common”

...neurotypicals have in common” 7 July 2020 Dr Peter Vermeulen is an internationally acclaimed Autism consultant, lecturer and trainer. He has published more than 15 books on Autism, including Autism as Context Blindness. Ahead of his Children...

anxiety Autism cortisol neurotypical relaxation stress stress management

More knowledge, flexibility and consistent support: young people’s recommendations to the ASL review

Inclusion Ambassadors film to get London screening

...not involved In 2018 we published a landmark report on education experiences of children with Autism Click to find out more Film partners: Education Scotland The Scottish government agency responsible for supporting quality...

Celebrating 20 years of Enquire

...rights and get advice about their learning Click to visit the website Autism report: one year on Find out more about the landmark report, and where we are now Click to read the latest...

2019-20 Programme for Government: our verdict

...year we produced a report with the National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism, Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved, which made a series of recommendations, including increasing the number of Support for Learning...

New mainstreaming guidance welcome – but gap between policy and young people’s lived experience must be resolved

...Involved report (click to read) that Children in Scotland produced in partnership with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland. One parent commented: ‘I was told they had no suitable placement for my son. He had tried...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education representatives from Children in Scotland, the National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism. This comes after a survey of 1,417 parents of autistic children who have missed school revealed that: 34% said their child had been...

‘Change the language of poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign

...people; cutting cars from school drop-offs to improve air quality; and embedding understanding of Autism in initial teacher training and ongoing CPD (following the findings of a recent report by Children in Scotland, Scottish Autism and the...

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on education

...parent, and it was a relief when I found him a place in a school where staff actually understand Autism and want to ensure autistic children receive an education.” Research has been conducted by three leading charities into the experiences of...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

Listen and learn: why involving young people in decision-making is better for everyone

...just need a space to clear their head. They provide a therapeutic environment for children with Autism and other special educational needs. We then went on to hear about why the Scottish Government should be nurturing children and young...

Food project partner Dalmarnock Primary triumph in Herald Society awards for Understanding, educating and caring for children and young people on the Autism spectrum - 1 Dec,... Stay connected Follow, like, connect or send us an...

A chance to flourish

...issue 182 (October – November 2017) Book now for Supporting early years children with Autism spectrum disorders - 25 Oct, Edinburgh. #CiSLearning... Stay connected Follow, like, connect...

Jackie Brock

Q&A with Corrie McLean: Autism and change

...times of change Posted 8 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond ASL ASN Autism Ahead of our upcoming webinar focusing on Autism and change, Corrie McLean (pictured) reminds us why supporting children and young...

ASL ASN Autism

Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

...Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence...

Enquire and My Rights, My Say Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

...Enquire and My Rights, My Say's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence...

Q&A with Corrie McLean: Girls and Autism

... Magazine / Q&A with Corrie McLean - Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond (updated 24 May 2022) ASL ASN Autism Too often, girls and young women with Autism...

ASL ASN Autism

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...are affected. Although the PDA is not yet officially recognised in Scotland as being part of the Autism spectrum, parents, carers and the sector have identified a need for improved guidance and support on this topic. From previous...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...has been dedicated to serving children and young people with additional support needs, including Autism. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our collaborative approach that prioritizes the well-being of each individual, working closely...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...her career working closely with vulnerable young people with additional support needs (including Autism) and practitioners and parents and carers who support them. Her expertise is in designing and delivering sexual health programmes, as well as...

30th anniversary

...Engaged, Not Involved (NINENI) report was published, highlighting the experiences of children with Autism missing school and launching a campaign calling for action to address the barriers to them accessing a fulfilling education and in particular...

New app launched to help school leavers

...on Compass. It’s really easy to use. You complete one task and move to the next. My son, who has Autism and a moderate learning disability, has used it too and he finds it very straightforward. It’s worded nicely also and there is no negative...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Children in Scotland events: Inclusive language guidance for trainers

...inclusive terminology and further reading ‘Autistic people’ is preferred to 'people with Autism'. This is informed by language research undertaken by the National Autistic Society on the preferences of autistic people, their families and...

Restraint and seclusion in schools

...restraint in our schools. We believe the Scottish Government’s proposed Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill also gives us the chance to change the law. We do not want to have to ask the question 'in safe hands yet?' again in...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail
Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma

Councils urged to keep ASN on the agenda

...statistics, just under a third of pupils across Scotland have additional support needs, including Autism, dyslexia and mental health problems. Postcode lottery funding The Coalition analysed figures for spending on ASN pupils since 2012/13,...

additional support for learning ASN Education

Member directory: full

...Struan School Day and residential school for autistic young people | Newmains Primary School Primary school | Newton Primary School Primary school |...

Member directory: N-S

...Struan School Day and residential school for autistic young people | Newmains Primary School Primary school | Newton Primary School Primary school |...

Embedding mental health interventions in school
Education Mental Health

Q&A with Ruth Fidler

...Demand Avoidance Posted 22 Sept 2021 by Jennifer Drummond (updated 9 May 2022) Autism We spoke to Ruth Fidler, an Education Consultant specialising in complex Autism, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), interactive...


Members Bill to give legal right to transition support school Sept 1, 2021 Project Inclusion Ambassadors Q&A with Corrie McLean – Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Aug 25, 2021 School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practice Aug 16,...

Additional support ASL ASN Education transitions

Q&A with Betsy de Thierry Catherine Bromley Related content Q&A with Corrie McLean - Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Aug 25, 2021 Children in Scotland upcoming webinars Children in Scotland Learning Guide July - Dec...

trauma webinars

Annie Watson

...helpline and our publications and website.  Previously Annie has worked in a range of roles in Autism and family support organisations, including at the University of Strathclyde working on the delivery of the Scottish Strategy for Autism and...


"There have been too many promises of change, followed by a failure to act"

...might be of benefit to some children in the longer term. One of the calls we made with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society in our 2018  report Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved, was to improve access to online learning. Our...

Additional support additional support for ASL ASN Education

Inclusive education should be more than just an aspiration

...for autistic pupils Last year, Children in Scotland in partnership with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland produced a report responding to significant concerns about autistic children not in school and...

Not included, not engaged, not involved supporter update

...Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved report. Jointly produced by Children in Scotland, Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society, the report detailed the views of hundreds of families whose autistic children are not receiving an...

Sea change or same old?

...all young people to get the most out of their education.  In October, along with Scottish Autism and National Autistic Society, we published research on parents of autistic children and their experiences of being out of school. The...

Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2018 – presentations

...experiences and effective responses – Scottish Women's Aid Supporting 16-25 year olds with Autism and additional barriers to transition to employment, self-employment or college – young people from the Better Lives Partnership with...

Call 12: Support our pupils and teachers: embed understanding of ASN in initial teacher training and ongoing development

...expect to be teaching learners who have a wide range of additional support needs (ASN) including Autism. As a result, we need an education system staffed by teachers and support staff who feel confident in their skills to meet pupils’...

Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying

...the grounds of being LGBT, while two-thirds of young people who have learning disabilities and/or Autism spectrum disorders have been bullied. More than half (55 per cent) of Muslim young people encountered verbal Islamophobia in high school,...

25 Calls

...Justice Scotland Independent Care Review in Scotland Common Weal Scottish Autism Architecture & Design Scotland Special edition of our magazine In the latest edition of our magazine, the 25 Calls...

Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2018: day one

...Aid 3c   The Bridge to Employment: Overcoming barriers to employability for young people with Autism spectrum disorders Young people from the Better Lives Partnership, supported by Andy Margerison, Trustee 3d   Pizza family learning Susan...

The times, they are a-changing

...interviews, research and updates on best practice Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

School: the vital lifeline for low-income families in Scotland. Visit CPAG Scotland Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

One world

...Refugee Crisis Appeal #scotlandwelcomesrefugees Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

The picture of health

...interviews, research and updates on best practice Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

News Scotland respond to the announcement of new measures to support pupils with Autism 15 December 2020 The Children in Scotland magazine December edition is out now Find out more...

No results found.

The scale of the challenge can feel overwhelming, so we need to celebrate the successes

...Engaged, Not Involved (NINENI) report was published, highlighting the experiences of children with Autism missing school and launching a campaign calling for action to address the barriers to them accessing a fulfilling education and in particular...

Design is for everyone

...are core to our programme and offer a more relaxed way to enjoy the museum for those with Autism spectrum conditions, sensory processing differences or profound and multiple learning difficulties. We work with key partners across the city,...

community creativity design Health Learning Wellbeing

To do better for autistic children, we must close the accountability gap It was after our successful joint campaign with Children In Scotland and Scottish Autism around unlawful school exclusions of autistic young people that we knew we had to do something to try and close that gap. Click here to...

New measures to support autistic pupils welcome, but we must not lose momentum

...but we mustn't lose momentum 16 December 2020 Children in Scotland, along with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland, has welcomed the recent announcement by Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, on action to improve...

ASL ASN Autism Children's rights Education equality inclusion

“This crisis is a chance to start talking about how much autistic people and neurotypicals have in common”

...neurotypicals have in common” 7 July 2020 Dr Peter Vermeulen is an internationally acclaimed Autism consultant, lecturer and trainer. He has published more than 15 books on Autism, including Autism as Context Blindness. Ahead of his Children...

anxiety Autism cortisol neurotypical relaxation stress stress management

More knowledge, flexibility and consistent support: young people’s recommendations to the ASL review

Inclusion Ambassadors film to get London screening

...not involved In 2018 we published a landmark report on education experiences of children with Autism Click to find out more Film partners: Education Scotland The Scottish government agency responsible for supporting quality...

Celebrating 20 years of Enquire

...rights and get advice about their learning Click to visit the website Autism report: one year on Find out more about the landmark report, and where we are now Click to read the latest...

2019-20 Programme for Government: our verdict

...year we produced a report with the National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism, Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved, which made a series of recommendations, including increasing the number of Support for Learning...

New mainstreaming guidance welcome – but gap between policy and young people’s lived experience must be resolved

...Involved report (click to read) that Children in Scotland produced in partnership with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland. One parent commented: ‘I was told they had no suitable placement for my son. He had tried...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education representatives from Children in Scotland, the National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism. This comes after a survey of 1,417 parents of autistic children who have missed school revealed that: 34% said their child had been...

‘Change the language of poverty for young people’ is #1 call in Children in Scotland’s 25th anniversary campaign

...people; cutting cars from school drop-offs to improve air quality; and embedding understanding of Autism in initial teacher training and ongoing CPD (following the findings of a recent report by Children in Scotland, Scottish Autism and the...

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on education

...parent, and it was a relief when I found him a place in a school where staff actually understand Autism and want to ensure autistic children receive an education.” Research has been conducted by three leading charities into the experiences of...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

Listen and learn: why involving young people in decision-making is better for everyone

...just need a space to clear their head. They provide a therapeutic environment for children with Autism and other special educational needs. We then went on to hear about why the Scottish Government should be nurturing children and young...

Food project partner Dalmarnock Primary triumph in Herald Society awards for Understanding, educating and caring for children and young people on the Autism spectrum - 1 Dec,... Stay connected Follow, like, connect or send us an...

A chance to flourish

...issue 182 (October – November 2017) Book now for Supporting early years children with Autism spectrum disorders - 25 Oct, Edinburgh. #CiSLearning... Stay connected Follow, like, connect...

Jackie Brock

No results found.

No results found.

Annie Watson

...helpline and our publications and website.  Previously Annie has worked in a range of roles in Autism and family support organisations, including at the University of Strathclyde working on the delivery of the Scottish Strategy for Autism and...


10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...are affected. Although the PDA is not yet officially recognised in Scotland as being part of the Autism spectrum, parents, carers and the sector have identified a need for improved guidance and support on this topic. From previous...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...has been dedicated to serving children and young people with additional support needs, including Autism. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our collaborative approach that prioritizes the well-being of each individual, working closely...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...her career working closely with vulnerable young people with additional support needs (including Autism) and practitioners and parents and carers who support them. Her expertise is in designing and delivering sexual health programmes, as well as...

30th anniversary

...Engaged, Not Involved (NINENI) report was published, highlighting the experiences of children with Autism missing school and launching a campaign calling for action to address the barriers to them accessing a fulfilling education and in particular...

Children in Scotland events: Inclusive language guidance for trainers

...inclusive terminology and further reading ‘Autistic people’ is preferred to 'people with Autism'. This is informed by language research undertaken by the National Autistic Society on the preferences of autistic people, their families and...

Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2018 – presentations

...experiences and effective responses – Scottish Women's Aid Supporting 16-25 year olds with Autism and additional barriers to transition to employment, self-employment or college – young people from the Better Lives Partnership with...

25 Calls

...Justice Scotland Independent Care Review in Scotland Common Weal Scottish Autism Architecture & Design Scotland Special edition of our magazine In the latest edition of our magazine, the 25 Calls...

The times, they are a-changing

...interviews, research and updates on best practice Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

School: the vital lifeline for low-income families in Scotland. Visit CPAG Scotland Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

One world

...Refugee Crisis Appeal #scotlandwelcomesrefugees Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

The picture of health

...interviews, research and updates on best practice Find out more Book now for Girls and Autism: with Sarah Hendrickx on 3 October in Edinburgh. Stay connected Follow, like, connect or...

News Scotland respond to the announcement of new measures to support pupils with Autism 15 December 2020 The Children in Scotland magazine December edition is out now Find out more...

No results found.

No results found.

Q&A with Corrie McLean: Autism and change

...times of change Posted 8 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond ASL ASN Autism Ahead of our upcoming webinar focusing on Autism and change, Corrie McLean (pictured) reminds us why supporting children and young...

ASL ASN Autism

Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

...Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence...

Enquire and My Rights, My Say Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

...Enquire and My Rights, My Say's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence...

Q&A with Corrie McLean: Girls and Autism

... Magazine / Q&A with Corrie McLean - Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Posted on 25 August 2021 by Jennifer Drummond (updated 24 May 2022) ASL ASN Autism Too often, girls and young women with Autism...

ASL ASN Autism

New app launched to help school leavers

...on Compass. It’s really easy to use. You complete one task and move to the next. My son, who has Autism and a moderate learning disability, has used it too and he finds it very straightforward. It’s worded nicely also and there is no negative...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Restraint and seclusion in schools

...restraint in our schools. We believe the Scottish Government’s proposed Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill also gives us the chance to change the law. We do not want to have to ask the question 'in safe hands yet?' again in...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail
postEducation health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma

Councils urged to keep ASN on the agenda

...statistics, just under a third of pupils across Scotland have additional support needs, including Autism, dyslexia and mental health problems. Postcode lottery funding The Coalition analysed figures for spending on ASN pupils since 2012/13,...

additional support for learning ASN Education

Member directory: full

...Struan School Day and residential school for autistic young people | Newmains Primary School Primary school | Newton Primary School Primary school |...

Member directory: N-S

...Struan School Day and residential school for autistic young people | Newmains Primary School Primary school | Newton Primary School Primary school |...

Embedding mental health interventions in school
postEducation Mental Health

Q&A with Ruth Fidler

...Demand Avoidance Posted 22 Sept 2021 by Jennifer Drummond (updated 9 May 2022) Autism We spoke to Ruth Fidler, an Education Consultant specialising in complex Autism, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), interactive...


Members Bill to give legal right to transition support
post school Sept 1, 2021 Project Inclusion Ambassadors Q&A with Corrie McLean – Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Aug 25, 2021 School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practice Aug 16,...

Additional support ASL ASN Education transitions

Q&A with Betsy de Thierry
post Catherine Bromley Related content Q&A with Corrie McLean - Girls and Autism: a hidden minority? Aug 25, 2021 Children in Scotland upcoming webinars Children in Scotland Learning Guide July - Dec...

trauma webinars

"There have been too many promises of change, followed by a failure to act"

...might be of benefit to some children in the longer term. One of the calls we made with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society in our 2018  report Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved, was to improve access to online learning. Our...

Additional support additional support for ASL ASN Education

Inclusive education should be more than just an aspiration

...for autistic pupils Last year, Children in Scotland in partnership with Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society Scotland produced a report responding to significant concerns about autistic children not in school and...

Not included, not engaged, not involved supporter update

...Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved report. Jointly produced by Children in Scotland, Scottish Autism and the National Autistic Society, the report detailed the views of hundreds of families whose autistic children are not receiving an...

Sea change or same old?

...all young people to get the most out of their education.  In October, along with Scottish Autism and National Autistic Society, we published research on parents of autistic children and their experiences of being out of school. The...

Call 12: Support our pupils and teachers: embed understanding of ASN in initial teacher training and ongoing development

...expect to be teaching learners who have a wide range of additional support needs (ASN) including Autism. As a result, we need an education system staffed by teachers and support staff who feel confident in their skills to meet pupils’...

Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying

...the grounds of being LGBT, while two-thirds of young people who have learning disabilities and/or Autism spectrum disorders have been bullied. More than half (55 per cent) of Muslim young people encountered verbal Islamophobia in high school,...

Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2018: day one

...Aid 3c   The Bridge to Employment: Overcoming barriers to employability for young people with Autism spectrum disorders Young people from the Better Lives Partnership, supported by Andy Margerison, Trustee 3d   Pizza family learning Susan...