Search results for: "public health"
DRIVERS - a European project aimed at combating health inequalities (2012-2015) protection. Work involved scientists, civil society organisations and representatives from public health and businesses collaborating. DRIVERS identified four principles to guide the development and implementation of policies to improve...
Integration of Health and Social Care (2017-2018)
Scotland's public health time bomb is ticking
... Scotland's public health time bomb is ticking 16 July 2020 Guest comment: We face a welfare crisis unless parents receive more support before conception and over a child’s first 1000 days, argues Alan Sinclair There’s a time bomb tucked...
Community development is a vital part of effective public health. Let’s use it in our response to COVID-19
... Community development is a vital part of effective public health. Let’s use it in our response to COVID-19 23 September 2020 Responding to the publication of the 2020-21 Programme for Government, Colin Ross of the CLD Standards Council...
Child rights or public health? There's no choice
... Child rights or public health? There's no choice 28 Jul 2020 Children in Scotland CEO Jackie Brock on a child rights response to COVID-19 and why we need now more than ever to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Young people’s advisory group, Changing our World, celebrated at Scottish Children’s Health Awards
...panel was also impressed by the group’s interaction with Scottish Government’s Minister for public health and Women's Health during recent campaigns. Changing our World member Roderick accepted the Healthcare Rights Award on behalf of...
Why child healthy weight matters
Investment in the public sector and a wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls
Changing Gears project to capture young people’s views on cycling, safety and health
Bikeability bikes cycling Cycling Scotland environment. road safety Health Wellbeing
25 Calls response: We must invest in our urban green spaces if our young people are to live fun, healthy lives – and Scotland’s canals have a key role to play
25 Calls response: Here’s what’s missing from the debate about how to transform mental health outcomes for children
25 Calls response: Want to ensure healthy lives on and offline? Act now to protect young people from gambling and gaming harms
...are being developed every day. Promoting health and wellbeing: why address gambling? One of the public health issues that has taken on a new form in the wake of children’s increased online presence is youth gambling. This issue is often...
25 Calls response – The increasingly apparent gaps in mental health support and provision for young people highlights the chasm in mental health support for all
...mental health is both a symptom and a cause of a complex, interrelated web of social, educational, public health and economic factors affecting the lives of those most vulnerable in society is inescapable – regardless the size of the...
25 Calls response: Transforming mental health support for young people must be about their real needs, not just symptoms and diagnosis
...mental wellbeing services for 5-24 yr olds. Along with colleagues in the NHS Health Scotland public health Team and others, we are looking at what a public health approach to children and young people’s mental health would look like –...
First Minister challenged by young people on mental health support and Brexit aftermath
Children Nicola Sturgeon Participation young people
Mental health report finds provision is failing to meet the needs of children and young people
Food partnership triumphs in public service awards
Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef
...Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef The public health messages around healthy living are “muddled”, and learning to cook should be recognised as an important life lesson, award-winning chef Gary Maclean has...
Education Food Health Jackie Brock NewsCalls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
...policy platform that is focused on tackling health inequalities. “It needs to include the public health measures raised in the debate in relation to alcohol marketing and a concerted strategy on obesity, but also take into account the...
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster
Mental Health Strategy focus on early intervention welcome, but children’s voices must be at heart of implementation
Children Early years Families Health Mental Health Scottish Government Wellbeing
Developing our next Manifesto
...elections. At the time, we were in the midst of the second national lockdown enforced to protect public health during the coronavirus pandemic – a pandemic that shined a light on some of the starkest inequalities in our society. Our 2021-2026...
First Minister backs Alcohol-Free Childhood campaign delay a promised second consultation on alcohol marketing, pending an evidence review by public health Scotland (click here for more). In the Scottish Government’s initial consultation on this issue, public health and third sector...
We must not delay making alcohol-free childhoods a reality the next alcohol marketing consultation until a further evidence review has been conducted by public health Scotland. This delay is unnecessary - we have more than enough evidence to act now. You need look no further than the report by the...
Safety. Sorted! Helping families to keep their children safer this Child Safety Week
...month due to an accident, and 1 in 13 emergency admissions to hospital are caused by accidents (public health Scotland). So reaching families and giving them the skills and knowledge to keep their children safe is vital. With your help, we can...
A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities also a country with widening inequalities, and the impact of this can be seen in our national public health data. With an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and public service cuts being introduced in different areas of the country, the child...
Promoting positive change: young people give their views on the effects of alcohol marketing in Scotland
...Scotland has with alcohol, including the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing. Research by public health Scotland published in June this year has shown the positive impact this has had in reducing alcohol-related deaths and hospital...
How can we deliver places we can be proud of for our future generations?
...Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme, a partnership between the Improvement Service and public health Scotland (PHS), stems from the issue that this quote highlights (click here for information on the programme). The places outside our...
Sound and vision
...have been disproportionately affected by the restrictions that had to be imposed for the sake of public health. The people we work with at Drake Music Scotland, including disabled people and many whose health is compromised due to a range of...
Have Kitbag, will travel
...for International Futures Forum (IFF). She has a background in medicine, specialising in public health and worked for over 20 years in that field, mostly in Fife, Scotland. Margaret is also a social entrepreneur, working with IFF to...
Scottish Children’s Health Awards: nominations open Related content Comment: Child rights or public health? There's no choice July 28 2020 Q&A with Kara Brown: “There’s still stigma surrounding mental health, but it’s getting...
awards child health HealthcareScotland’s oral health gap widens
...oral health gap, according to experts, as thousands miss out on NHS care. New figures from public health Scotland, obtained by the Scottish Liberal Democrats through a freedom of information request, found almost 9% of children registered...
child health health inequalities PovertyMental Health Conference 2023 Hub
Tackling Scotland’s health inequalities child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public health We need a radical shift and long-term prevention measures to genuinely improve outcomes for Scotland’s most deprived communities,...
Attainment child health child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public healthSee Me launches school mental health campaign
...a plan for change together. Declining mental health The campaign launches just a week after public health Scotland released figures showing a 22.4% increase in treatment referrals for children with mental health issues between March 2021 and...
Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish SchoolsEmbedding mental health interventions in school
...problem. Many more struggle with challenges from bullying to bereavement. Figures published by public health Scotland recently show that there was a 14 year high in the number of self-harm cases seen in A&E last year. The waiting list for...
Education Mental HealthFresh warnings over child mental health pandemic (CAMHS) has doubled in the last year. The statistics released on 7 September from public health Scotland show that 1,686 children and young people were awaiting treatment at the end of June 2021. At the same time last year, the...
CAMHS Mental HealthCall 3: All children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination
Call 9: Ensure Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives
AC25 - Exhibitors
...Joe's Open University Peeple Policy, Projects, and Participation – Children in Scotland public health Scotland Randstad Respect Me Road Safety Scotland Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Sleep Action Supporting the...
Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign
...and non-smokers during the first phase of the framework, which will run until November 2025. public health Minister Jenni Minto said: “Smoking damages lives for people across Scotland, and is responsible for one in five deaths – more than...
changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish GovernmentNew research with young cancer patients
...and young people under 25 are diagnosed with cancer, according to the latest statistics from public health Scotland - almost one person every day. Speaking specifically about the involvement of Scottish young people and their families, Nathan...
cancer children and young people Health Mental Health people centred care Support young peopleThe family food shop in an ideal world
...politics of the school canteen adding to the cost. Going shopping Nourish Scotland worked with public health experts, academics, Scottish Government representatives and people with family experience to create shopping lists that reflect the...
Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child PaymentNew resource to help professionals tackle inequalities
...inequality Posted 05 July, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Health Inequality public health A new learning hub aims to help public services professionals improve their skills and day-to-day working practices in order...
Health Inequality public healthQ&A with Susie Heywood: Tackling gender stereotypes
...28 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond equality gender Inequality public health Ahead of her webinar in July, Susie reflects on how gender and public health issues are intrinsically linked and the...
equality gender Inequality public healthMember directory: full
...Support Service Special school for children with behavioural additional support needs public health Scotland public health body | Queen Margaret University Further education | Queen...
Jane-Claire Judson
...Body, the Scottish Funding Councils and NUS Scotland. Jane-Claire is currently a Board member at public health Scotland and a Commissioner at the Scottish Human Rights Commission. She is experienced in tackling inequality and lack of access to...
judsonMember directory: N-S
...Schools Support Service Special school for children with behavioural additional support needs public health Scotland public health body | Q Queen Margaret University Further education | Queen...
Evidence shows poor planning for care leavers
...after children Mental Health Against the backdrop of stark statistics from public health Scotland on significant waiting lists for treatment from specialist child and adolescent mental health services, Holyrood's Health,...
care experience equality health and wellbeing looked after children Mental HealthNo results found.
Scotland's public health time bomb is ticking
... Scotland's public health time bomb is ticking 16 July 2020 Guest comment: We face a welfare crisis unless parents receive more support before conception and over a child’s first 1000 days, argues Alan Sinclair There’s a time bomb tucked...
Community development is a vital part of effective public health. Let’s use it in our response to COVID-19
... Community development is a vital part of effective public health. Let’s use it in our response to COVID-19 23 September 2020 Responding to the publication of the 2020-21 Programme for Government, Colin Ross of the CLD Standards Council...
Child rights or public health? There's no choice
... Child rights or public health? There's no choice 28 Jul 2020 Children in Scotland CEO Jackie Brock on a child rights response to COVID-19 and why we need now more than ever to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Young people’s advisory group, Changing our World, celebrated at Scottish Children’s Health Awards
...panel was also impressed by the group’s interaction with Scottish Government’s Minister for public health and Women's Health during recent campaigns. Changing our World member Roderick accepted the Healthcare Rights Award on behalf of...
Why child healthy weight matters
Investment in the public sector and a wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls
Changing Gears project to capture young people’s views on cycling, safety and health
Bikeability bikes cycling Cycling Scotland environment. road safety Health Wellbeing
25 Calls response: We must invest in our urban green spaces if our young people are to live fun, healthy lives – and Scotland’s canals have a key role to play
25 Calls response: Here’s what’s missing from the debate about how to transform mental health outcomes for children
25 Calls response: Want to ensure healthy lives on and offline? Act now to protect young people from gambling and gaming harms
...are being developed every day. Promoting health and wellbeing: why address gambling? One of the public health issues that has taken on a new form in the wake of children’s increased online presence is youth gambling. This issue is often...
25 Calls response – The increasingly apparent gaps in mental health support and provision for young people highlights the chasm in mental health support for all
...mental health is both a symptom and a cause of a complex, interrelated web of social, educational, public health and economic factors affecting the lives of those most vulnerable in society is inescapable – regardless the size of the...
25 Calls response: Transforming mental health support for young people must be about their real needs, not just symptoms and diagnosis
...mental wellbeing services for 5-24 yr olds. Along with colleagues in the NHS Health Scotland public health Team and others, we are looking at what a public health approach to children and young people’s mental health would look like –...
First Minister challenged by young people on mental health support and Brexit aftermath
Children Nicola Sturgeon Participation young people
Mental health report finds provision is failing to meet the needs of children and young people
Food partnership triumphs in public service awards
Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef
...Messages around healthy eating “muddled”, says Scots Masterchef The public health messages around healthy living are “muddled”, and learning to cook should be recognised as an important life lesson, award-winning chef Gary Maclean has...
Education Food Health Jackie Brock NewsCalls for a holistic, preventative approach to tackling health inequalities
...policy platform that is focused on tackling health inequalities. “It needs to include the public health measures raised in the debate in relation to alcohol marketing and a concerted strategy on obesity, but also take into account the...
Children's rights Health Inequalities News Policy Scottish Parliament‘Benefit cap will increase child poverty and perpetuate health inequalities’
Benefits Families News Poverty Welfare Westminster
Mental Health Strategy focus on early intervention welcome, but children’s voices must be at heart of implementation
Children Early years Families Health Mental Health Scottish Government Wellbeing
Developing our next Manifesto
...elections. At the time, we were in the midst of the second national lockdown enforced to protect public health during the coronavirus pandemic – a pandemic that shined a light on some of the starkest inequalities in our society. Our 2021-2026...
First Minister backs Alcohol-Free Childhood campaign delay a promised second consultation on alcohol marketing, pending an evidence review by public health Scotland (click here for more). In the Scottish Government’s initial consultation on this issue, public health and third sector...
We must not delay making alcohol-free childhoods a reality the next alcohol marketing consultation until a further evidence review has been conducted by public health Scotland. This delay is unnecessary - we have more than enough evidence to act now. You need look no further than the report by the...
Safety. Sorted! Helping families to keep their children safer this Child Safety Week
...month due to an accident, and 1 in 13 emergency admissions to hospital are caused by accidents (public health Scotland). So reaching families and giving them the skills and knowledge to keep their children safe is vital. With your help, we can...
A new First Minister for Scotland, and time to assess priorities also a country with widening inequalities, and the impact of this can be seen in our national public health data. With an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and public service cuts being introduced in different areas of the country, the child...
Promoting positive change: young people give their views on the effects of alcohol marketing in Scotland
...Scotland has with alcohol, including the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing. Research by public health Scotland published in June this year has shown the positive impact this has had in reducing alcohol-related deaths and hospital...
How can we deliver places we can be proud of for our future generations?
...Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme, a partnership between the Improvement Service and public health Scotland (PHS), stems from the issue that this quote highlights (click here for information on the programme). The places outside our...
Sound and vision
...have been disproportionately affected by the restrictions that had to be imposed for the sake of public health. The people we work with at Drake Music Scotland, including disabled people and many whose health is compromised due to a range of...
Have Kitbag, will travel
...for International Futures Forum (IFF). She has a background in medicine, specialising in public health and worked for over 20 years in that field, mostly in Fife, Scotland. Margaret is also a social entrepreneur, working with IFF to...
No results found.
No results found.
No results found.
Mental Health Conference 2023 Hub
AC25 - Exhibitors
...Joe's Open University Peeple Policy, Projects, and Participation – Children in Scotland public health Scotland Randstad Respect Me Road Safety Scotland Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Sleep Action Supporting the...
No results found.
No results found.
Scottish Children’s Health Awards: nominations open
post Related content Comment: Child rights or public health? There's no choice July 28 2020 Q&A with Kara Brown: “There’s still stigma surrounding mental health, but it’s getting...
awards child health HealthcareScotland’s oral health gap widens
...oral health gap, according to experts, as thousands miss out on NHS care. New figures from public health Scotland, obtained by the Scottish Liberal Democrats through a freedom of information request, found almost 9% of children registered...
child health health inequalities PovertyTackling Scotland’s health inequalities
post child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public health We need a radical shift and long-term prevention measures to genuinely improve outcomes for Scotland’s most deprived communities,...
Attainment child health child poverty Health health and wellbeing health inequalities Poverty public healthSee Me launches school mental health campaign
...a plan for change together. Declining mental health The campaign launches just a week after public health Scotland released figures showing a 22.4% increase in treatment referrals for children with mental health issues between March 2021 and...
Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish SchoolsEmbedding mental health interventions in school
...problem. Many more struggle with challenges from bullying to bereavement. Figures published by public health Scotland recently show that there was a 14 year high in the number of self-harm cases seen in A&E last year. The waiting list for...
Education Mental HealthFresh warnings over child mental health pandemic
post (CAMHS) has doubled in the last year. The statistics released on 7 September from public health Scotland show that 1,686 children and young people were awaiting treatment at the end of June 2021. At the same time last year, the...
CAMHS Mental HealthCall 3: All children and young people should have access to mental health support when they need it, based on rights, trust, privacy – and without discrimination
Call 9: Ensure Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives
Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign
...and non-smokers during the first phase of the framework, which will run until November 2025. public health Minister Jenni Minto said: “Smoking damages lives for people across Scotland, and is responsible for one in five deaths – more than...
changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish GovernmentNew research with young cancer patients
...and young people under 25 are diagnosed with cancer, according to the latest statistics from public health Scotland - almost one person every day. Speaking specifically about the involvement of Scottish young people and their families, Nathan...
cancer children and young people Health Mental Health people centred care Support young peopleThe family food shop in an ideal world
...politics of the school canteen adding to the cost. Going shopping Nourish Scotland worked with public health experts, academics, Scottish Government representatives and people with family experience to create shopping lists that reflect the...
Families Food food insecurity free school meals Health nutrition Scottish Child PaymentNew resource to help professionals tackle inequalities
...inequality Posted 05 July, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Health Inequality public health A new learning hub aims to help public services professionals improve their skills and day-to-day working practices in order...
Health Inequality public healthQ&A with Susie Heywood: Tackling gender stereotypes
...28 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond equality gender Inequality public health Ahead of her webinar in July, Susie reflects on how gender and public health issues are intrinsically linked and the...
equality gender Inequality public healthMember directory: full
...Support Service Special school for children with behavioural additional support needs public health Scotland public health body | Queen Margaret University Further education | Queen...
Jane-Claire Judson
...Body, the Scottish Funding Councils and NUS Scotland. Jane-Claire is currently a Board member at public health Scotland and a Commissioner at the Scottish Human Rights Commission. She is experienced in tackling inequality and lack of access to...
judsonMember directory: N-S
...Schools Support Service Special school for children with behavioural additional support needs public health Scotland public health body | Q Queen Margaret University Further education | Queen...
Evidence shows poor planning for care leavers
...after children Mental Health Against the backdrop of stark statistics from public health Scotland on significant waiting lists for treatment from specialist child and adolescent mental health services, Holyrood's Health,...
care experience equality health and wellbeing looked after children Mental Health