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DRIVERS - a European project aimed at combating health inequalities

This project ran from 2012 to 2015.

DRIVERS was a major European research project funded by the 7th Framework Programme. The aim of the project was to promote health equity through policy and practice in early childhood development, employment and working conditions, and income and social protection.

Work involved scientists, civil society organisations and representatives from public health and businesses collaborating. DRIVERS identified four principles to guide the development and implementation of policies to improve health and reduce health inequalities.

More information and the final report can be found on EuroHealthNet website.

These were:

  • Universality of access: provision of affordable, high-quality pre-natal and early years services for all
  • Addressing disadvantage: providing targeted cash transfer programmes, specialist welfare services, and individualised active labour market programme support within a universal social protection system
  • Accounting for context and respecting rights: ensuring that good practices are properly evaluated so they do not lose effectiveness when implemented in new contexts, and respecting the rights of the people concerned
  • Evidence-based policy: making sure that policies are based on established models of good practice and evaluated both in terms of economic and social/health benefits.

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