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New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish Schools

... New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish Schools A new report that summarises the Success Looks Different Awards 2023 has revealed positive stories of inclusion from across Schools in Scotland. The annual awards were set...

International Schools Meals Day update

...International Schools Meals Day update After 12 years, Children in Scotland is sad to announce that the International School Meals Day (ISMD) project is coming to an end in its current form. A combination of the loss of funding, a reduction in...

New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in Schools

... New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in Schools 1 May 2024 Children in Scotland has published a summary paper today (1 May) which adds new evidence to the ongoing discussions about behaviour and...

International School Meals Day (2013-2024)

...International School Meal Day (2013-2024) International School Meals Day (ISMD) first came about as a result of an ongoing knowledge exchange connection on School meals between USA and Scotland, which began in 2009. It was recognised that both...

School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practices

... School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practice 16 August 2021 A new resource from the Inclusion Ambassadors, designed to help Schools better support the inclusion of children and young people with additional support...

ASL ASN Education inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

Innovation in School meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches

... Innovation in School meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches 1 Dec 2023 International School Meals Day (ISMD) has launched for 2024. This year's theme is ‘Innovation in School meals: new routes to sustainable...

Class act: promoting inclusive School settings

... Class act: promoting inclusive School settings 28 Feb 2023 Adjustments to classroom layout, increased access to technology and assistive technology and more awareness of sensory issues are all small changes that could lead to huge gains for...

New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary School age are missing out on hobbies

...Research reveals almost half of secondary School pupils are missing out on hobbies Media release 10 February New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary School age are missing out on out-of-School activities or hobbies,...

health and wellbeing hobbies Mental Health School Scottish Government

Winners announced for inaugural awards, celebrating School pupils with additional support needs

...awards 1 Sep 2022 MEDIA RELEASE Scotland’s national Inclusion Ambassadors have crowned three Schools across Scotland winners of the first ever Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with additional...

ASL ASN inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

Inclusion Ambassadors welcome School return but say the still don't feel heard

... Inclusion Ambassadors welcome School return but say they still don't feel heard 23 September 2021 The Inclusion Ambassadors have shared their experiences of returning to School highlighting the positives of face-to-face interactions but...

additional support needs ASL ASN Education inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

“Children don’t need shorter holidays or longer School days. They need more play”

... “Children don’t need shorter holidays or longer School days. They need more play” 1 April 2021 Margaret McLelland, manager of St Mirin’s Out of School Club –  a recipient of funding from Children in Scotland’s Access to Childcare...

academic access to childcare fund childcare community Learning out of school care outcomes play School skills

Inclusion Ambassadors share experiences of School after lockdown

... Inclusion Ambassadors share experiences of School after lockdown 11 December 2020 The impact of School closures on exams, ongoing issues around teacher support and continued concerns about the spread of Covid-19 are key issues raised by young...

additional support for learning ASL ASN Education inclusion Participation

Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of School services to mitigate poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches

... Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of School services to mitigate poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches 27 October 2020 A special online event today marks the commencement of the Access to Childcare Fund Network,...

New fund will strengthen access to out of School childcare for low-income families

... New fund will strengthen access to out of School and holiday childcare for low-income families 6 July 2020 A new fund launched today aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for low income families. The Access to...

childcare Families family support holidays Inequality out of school care Poverty

25 Calls response: Communities don’t just need access to School kitchens. They need access to the whole School

...Communities don’t just need access to School kitchens. They need access to the whole School 26 Sep 2019 School buildings are a vital part of local life, but parents face big barriers in being able to use them. Responding to Call 18 of 25...

Food education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches

... Food education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches International School Meals Day (ISMD) 2019 has launched. This year's theme is 'Who makes my meal?'. ISMD aims to encourage children and young people around the world...

25 Calls response: Target stigma, honour arts experiences and get the first years of School right to start levelling the playing field for children failure. And it is a failure rooted in the first years of a child’s experience of School. We know that children from deprived backgrounds can often come to School with poor language development; there are some studies which...

Scottish Schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion

... Scottish Schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion 19 Sep 2023 Three Schools and one nursery have been crowned winners of this year's Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with...

Press release: New award for Schools celebrating pupils with additional needs

... New award for Schools celebrating pupils with additional needs 4 May 2022 MEDIA RELEASE Schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched...

Additional support inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom'

... 'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom' 10 Mar 2022 As International School Meals Day (ISMD) celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022, Children in Scotland’s Lynn Gilmour asks two of its founders about its origins and...

Inclusion Ambassadors report recommends action to help children and young people with additional support needs feel supported and included in School

...annual Inclusion Ambassadors report calls for action to help young people feel supported in School 1 September 2021 MEDIA RELEASE The first annual report of Scotland’s Inclusion Ambassadors has been published today, calling for more...

additional support for learning ASL ASN inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

The Inclusion Ambassadors have a clear vision to help pupils feel more supported at School. Now they need your help to make it happen

... The Inclusion Ambassadors have a clear vision to help pupils feel more supported at School. Now they need your help to make it a reality 5 August 2021 Our Senior Policy, Projects & Participation Officer Chris Ross explains why the...

Back to School: the challenges of learning after lockdown, and how we can help

... Back to School: the challenges of learning after lockdown, and how we can help 11 Aug 2020 11 August 2020 Cat Thomson explains how Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning, is helping families as Schools...

From protest to policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our Schools policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our Schools 10 July 2020 Changing the curriculum would be a vital step in anti-racist action, giving children in Scotland a proper understanding of...

anti-racism black lives matter diversity Education equality Inequality protest racism

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at School

...conversations. At Scottish PEN, we led a project called PEN Power, which brought writers into Schools to explore issues around freedom of expression. These creative workshops helped pupils to better understand that rights aren’t always...

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 4: “When a child moves to secondary School, there is a drastic upping of stakes in social comparison” make a clear distinction between how much comes from family life and how much comes from School experience, but it is clear that when children move from primary School to secondary School and into their teenage years, suddenly finding...

bullying equality Inequality parenting Parents School

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 3: “There is so much more bullying in Schools in more unequal societies. But why?”

... “There is so much more bullying in Schools in more unequal societies. But why?” 12 December 2018 As part of our 25 Calls campaign we spoke to Professor Richard  Wilkinson, co-author of the groundbreaking book The Spirit Level and its...

bullying Inequality Schools

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in Schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

... Children’s intimate healthcare needs in Schools must be met. So who’s responsible? Children in Scotland is calling for clearer guidance on the role of School staff in meeting pupils’ healthcare needs. Enquire, the Scottish Advice...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

... Magazine / News: Number of School leavers in positive destinations reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish School...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

... Magazine / News: School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free School meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

School staff announce September strike dates

... Magazine / News: Young people to face impact of School strikes planned for September Posted 23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education Schools Children and young people in nine local...

Early years Education Schools

School Nursing Service Review: consultation with children and young people - July 2016

School Nursing Service Review July 2016

Schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme

... Magazine / Schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme Posted 24.08.23 by Sophie Ward children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor...

children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor learning

Schools face new disruption as exams approach

... Magazine / News: Schools face new disruption to learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on education

...son, Kyle, is autistic. She said: “Kyle is only six but he’s already at his second School. The first School treated him like he had an infectious disease. He was left in a room by himself all day, away from the lesson and his...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

Children, parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy the policy, in the form of anxiety, confusion and unnecessary tension in relationships between Schools and parents. “This comes at a time when ensuring a positive transition experience for P1 children and an enjoyable, confident and inclusive...

Education Parents School Tests

Cutting the cost of the School day

... Magazine / Innovative high School project praised for exploring new ways to cut the cost of the School day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

New resources to support School attendance

.../ New resources launched for teachers, parents and carers to help support attendance as Schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support Schools Scottish School...

Attainment Education family support Schools Scottish Schools

New app launched to help School leavers

... Photo credit: Julie Howden/ARC Magazine / New app launched to help School leavers with additional support needs transition into adulthood Posted 22.06.23 by Alice Hinds additional support needs Disability School...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Investing in School libraries

... Magazine / News: New funding for Scottish School libraries Posted 11 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice School...

diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice

Bereavement should be on the School curriculum

... Magazine / News: Bereavement should be on the School curriculum, report suggests Posted 21 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School The...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

ADHD more likely for youngest in School year

... Magazine / News: Children younger in School year more likely to be treated for ADHD Posted 6 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson ADHD Education Mental Health research School A new study has revealed...

ADHD Education Mental Health research School

See Me launches School mental health campaign

... Magazine / News: Schools asked to change mental health approach, as stigma and issues rise Posted 14 June, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools A...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Accelerate free School meal provision, says STUC

... Magazine / News: Accelerate free School meal provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free School meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Covid causes fresh issues as School term starts

...2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing Schools As children return to classrooms, Schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and pupil absences while trying to handle...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing Schools

Government criticised for lack of School ventilation strategy

.../ News: Scottish Government criticised for failing to put ventilation strategy into action in Schools Posted 2 December, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Covid-19 Education Concerns over a lack of sustainable options for improving clean air...

Children's rights Covid-19 Education

St Mirin's Out of School Club

... St Mirin's Out of School Club St Mirin’s out of School club Glasgow recognised a unique opportunity to work in partnership with the School in which they are based. They created an ambitious plan that incorporated improving the accessibility...

Enquire Consultation Response: School uniforms in Scotland guidance (Oct 2022)

...Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on School uniforms in Scotland...

Consultation Response: Out of School Care Draft Framework (December 2019)

...the Scottish Government's consultation on the draft framework which sets out a vision for out of School care, considers the current picture, and asks questions about the benefits and challenges of accessing out of School care. Closing date: 6th...

Consultation response: Arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme (May 2017)

...Government's consultation on arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk...

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish Schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish Schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate change environment School...

Arts climate climate change environment Schools

Restraint and seclusion in Schools

... Magazine / Comment: We need more action on the use of restraint and seclusion in Schools Posted 23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Education in Schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in Schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Consultation opens on physical intervention in Schools

... Magazine / News: Consultation on physical intervention in Schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to...

Education human rights rights

New project to tackle racism in Schools

... Image by Anna Cervinkova Magazine / News: New project aims to tackle racism in Schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young...

anti-racism Education racism

Embedding mental health interventions in School

... Magazine / Comment: We need to support Schools to become mentally healthy places to be Posted 11 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Mental Health First launched in 2015, Children’s Mental...

Education Mental Health

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish Schools

...person working on laptop Magazine / News: Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish Schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Consultation Response: Nutritional Requirements in Schools (Aug 2018) the Scottish Government's consultation on nutritional requirements for food and drink in School...

Call for Evidence Response: Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty (March 2018) the Education & Skills Committee call for evidence on the Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing...

Consultation Response: Empowering Schools (February 2018)

...Children in Scotland response to Empowering Schools consultation. (February...

Consultation response: Statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 (November 2016)

...the Scottish Government's consultation on the statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act...

College launches National Opportunity Day

...03.08.23 by Alice Hinds Education exams higher education School With results day approaching, Glasgow Kelvin College has registered an official awareness day to help School leavers discover what’s...

Education exams higher education School

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

...research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free School meals School Parents and caregivers are spending hundreds of pounds every year to send their children to state primary and...

cost of living Education free school meals School

New funding announced to improve childcare

... Magazine / New funding announced to improve access to childcare and after School clubs Posted 04.05.23 by Alice Hinds childcare childcare expansion out of School care School Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities will soon benefit...

childcare childcare expansion out of school care School

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail

...24 August, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma Ahead of her webinar, 'Big emotions in the classroom', Lorna MacPhail talks to us about how to better support wellbeing in...

Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma

No results found.

New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish Schools

... New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish Schools A new report that summarises the Success Looks Different Awards 2023 has revealed positive stories of inclusion from across Schools in Scotland. The annual awards were set...

International Schools Meals Day update

...International Schools Meals Day update After 12 years, Children in Scotland is sad to announce that the International School Meals Day (ISMD) project is coming to an end in its current form. A combination of the loss of funding, a reduction in...

New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in Schools

... New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in Schools 1 May 2024 Children in Scotland has published a summary paper today (1 May) which adds new evidence to the ongoing discussions about behaviour and...

School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practices

... School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practice 16 August 2021 A new resource from the Inclusion Ambassadors, designed to help Schools better support the inclusion of children and young people with additional support...

ASL ASN Education inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

Innovation in School meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches

... Innovation in School meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches 1 Dec 2023 International School Meals Day (ISMD) has launched for 2024. This year's theme is ‘Innovation in School meals: new routes to sustainable...

Class act: promoting inclusive School settings

... Class act: promoting inclusive School settings 28 Feb 2023 Adjustments to classroom layout, increased access to technology and assistive technology and more awareness of sensory issues are all small changes that could lead to huge gains for...

New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary School age are missing out on hobbies

...Research reveals almost half of secondary School pupils are missing out on hobbies Media release 10 February New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary School age are missing out on out-of-School activities or hobbies,...

health and wellbeing hobbies Mental Health School Scottish Government

Winners announced for inaugural awards, celebrating School pupils with additional support needs

...awards 1 Sep 2022 MEDIA RELEASE Scotland’s national Inclusion Ambassadors have crowned three Schools across Scotland winners of the first ever Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with additional...

ASL ASN inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

Inclusion Ambassadors welcome School return but say the still don't feel heard

... Inclusion Ambassadors welcome School return but say they still don't feel heard 23 September 2021 The Inclusion Ambassadors have shared their experiences of returning to School highlighting the positives of face-to-face interactions but...

additional support needs ASL ASN Education inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

“Children don’t need shorter holidays or longer School days. They need more play”

... “Children don’t need shorter holidays or longer School days. They need more play” 1 April 2021 Margaret McLelland, manager of St Mirin’s Out of School Club –  a recipient of funding from Children in Scotland’s Access to Childcare...

academic access to childcare fund childcare community Learning out of school care outcomes play School skills

Inclusion Ambassadors share experiences of School after lockdown

... Inclusion Ambassadors share experiences of School after lockdown 11 December 2020 The impact of School closures on exams, ongoing issues around teacher support and continued concerns about the spread of Covid-19 are key issues raised by young...

additional support for learning ASL ASN Education inclusion Participation

Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of School services to mitigate poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches

... Providers and policymakers meet to discuss out of School services to mitigate poverty as Access to Childcare Fund Network launches 27 October 2020 A special online event today marks the commencement of the Access to Childcare Fund Network,...

New fund will strengthen access to out of School childcare for low-income families

... New fund will strengthen access to out of School and holiday childcare for low-income families 6 July 2020 A new fund launched today aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for low income families. The Access to...

childcare Families family support holidays Inequality out of school care Poverty

25 Calls response: Communities don’t just need access to School kitchens. They need access to the whole School

...Communities don’t just need access to School kitchens. They need access to the whole School 26 Sep 2019 School buildings are a vital part of local life, but parents face big barriers in being able to use them. Responding to Call 18 of 25...

Food education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches

... Food education is on the menu as International School Meals Day 2019 launches International School Meals Day (ISMD) 2019 has launched. This year's theme is 'Who makes my meal?'. ISMD aims to encourage children and young people around the world...

25 Calls response: Target stigma, honour arts experiences and get the first years of School right to start levelling the playing field for children failure. And it is a failure rooted in the first years of a child’s experience of School. We know that children from deprived backgrounds can often come to School with poor language development; there are some studies which...

Scottish Schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion

... Scottish Schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion 19 Sep 2023 Three Schools and one nursery have been crowned winners of this year's Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with...

Press release: New award for Schools celebrating pupils with additional needs

... New award for Schools celebrating pupils with additional needs 4 May 2022 MEDIA RELEASE Schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched...

Additional support inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom'

... 'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom' 10 Mar 2022 As International School Meals Day (ISMD) celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022, Children in Scotland’s Lynn Gilmour asks two of its founders about its origins and...

Inclusion Ambassadors report recommends action to help children and young people with additional support needs feel supported and included in School

...annual Inclusion Ambassadors report calls for action to help young people feel supported in School 1 September 2021 MEDIA RELEASE The first annual report of Scotland’s Inclusion Ambassadors has been published today, calling for more...

additional support for learning ASL ASN inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

The Inclusion Ambassadors have a clear vision to help pupils feel more supported at School. Now they need your help to make it happen

... The Inclusion Ambassadors have a clear vision to help pupils feel more supported at School. Now they need your help to make it a reality 5 August 2021 Our Senior Policy, Projects & Participation Officer Chris Ross explains why the...

Back to School: the challenges of learning after lockdown, and how we can help

... Back to School: the challenges of learning after lockdown, and how we can help 11 Aug 2020 11 August 2020 Cat Thomson explains how Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning, is helping families as Schools...

From protest to policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our Schools policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our Schools 10 July 2020 Changing the curriculum would be a vital step in anti-racist action, giving children in Scotland a proper understanding of...

anti-racism black lives matter diversity Education equality Inequality protest racism

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at School

...conversations. At Scottish PEN, we led a project called PEN Power, which brought writers into Schools to explore issues around freedom of expression. These creative workshops helped pupils to better understand that rights aren’t always...

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 4: “When a child moves to secondary School, there is a drastic upping of stakes in social comparison” make a clear distinction between how much comes from family life and how much comes from School experience, but it is clear that when children move from primary School to secondary School and into their teenage years, suddenly finding...

bullying equality Inequality parenting Parents School

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 3: “There is so much more bullying in Schools in more unequal societies. But why?”

... “There is so much more bullying in Schools in more unequal societies. But why?” 12 December 2018 As part of our 25 Calls campaign we spoke to Professor Richard  Wilkinson, co-author of the groundbreaking book The Spirit Level and its...

bullying Inequality Schools

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in Schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

... Children’s intimate healthcare needs in Schools must be met. So who’s responsible? Children in Scotland is calling for clearer guidance on the role of School staff in meeting pupils’ healthcare needs. Enquire, the Scottish Advice...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

Not Included, Not Engaged, Not Involved: Survey finds autistic children are missing out on education

...son, Kyle, is autistic. She said: “Kyle is only six but he’s already at his second School. The first School treated him like he had an infectious disease. He was left in a room by himself all day, away from the lesson and his...

additional support needs ASN Autism School

Children, parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy the policy, in the form of anxiety, confusion and unnecessary tension in relationships between Schools and parents. “This comes at a time when ensuring a positive transition experience for P1 children and an enjoyable, confident and inclusive...

Education Parents School Tests

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

St Mirin's Out of School Club

... St Mirin's Out of School Club St Mirin’s out of School club Glasgow recognised a unique opportunity to work in partnership with the School in which they are based. They created an ambitious plan that incorporated improving the accessibility...

No results found.

No results found.

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

... Magazine / News: Number of School leavers in positive destinations reaches record high Posted on 1 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish School...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families

... Magazine / News: School meal debt wiped for Edinburgh families Posted 30 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free School meals Poverty The City of Edinburgh Council has...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

School staff announce September strike dates

... Magazine / News: Young people to face impact of School strikes planned for September Posted 23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education Schools Children and young people in nine local...

Early years Education Schools

School Nursing Service Review: consultation with children and young people - July 2016
School Nursing Service Review July 2016
Schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme

... Magazine / Schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme Posted 24.08.23 by Sophie Ward children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor...

children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor learning

Schools face new disruption as exams approach

... Magazine / News: Schools face new disruption to learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Cutting the cost of the School day

... Magazine / Innovative high School project praised for exploring new ways to cut the cost of the School day Posted 05.10.23 by Alice Hinds child poverty Children Education Poverty young people Pupils and...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

New resources to support School attendance

.../ New resources launched for teachers, parents and carers to help support attendance as Schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support Schools Scottish School...

Attainment Education family support Schools Scottish Schools

New app launched to help School leavers

... Photo credit: Julie Howden/ARC Magazine / New app launched to help School leavers with additional support needs transition into adulthood Posted 22.06.23 by Alice Hinds additional support needs Disability School...

additional support needs Disability School transition

Investing in School libraries

... Magazine / News: New funding for Scottish School libraries Posted 11 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice School...

diversity Education equality inclusion racial equality racism social justice

Bereavement should be on the School curriculum

... Magazine / News: Bereavement should be on the School curriculum, report suggests Posted 21 September, 2022 by Nina Joynson Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School The...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

ADHD more likely for youngest in School year

... Magazine / News: Children younger in School year more likely to be treated for ADHD Posted 6 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson ADHD Education Mental Health research School A new study has revealed...

ADHD Education Mental Health research School

See Me launches School mental health campaign

... Magazine / News: Schools asked to change mental health approach, as stigma and issues rise Posted 14 June, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools A...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Accelerate free School meal provision, says STUC

... Magazine / News: Accelerate free School meal provision, says STUC Posted 22 April 2022, by Jennifer Drummond child poverty Education free School meals Poverty As pupils return to the classroom...

child poverty Education free school meals Poverty

Covid causes fresh issues as School term starts

...2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing Schools As children return to classrooms, Schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and pupil absences while trying to handle...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing Schools

Government criticised for lack of School ventilation strategy

.../ News: Scottish Government criticised for failing to put ventilation strategy into action in Schools Posted 2 December, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond Covid-19 Education Concerns over a lack of sustainable options for improving clean air...

Children's rights Covid-19 Education

Enquire Consultation Response: School uniforms in Scotland guidance (Oct 2022)

...Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on School uniforms in Scotland...

Consultation Response: Out of School Care Draft Framework (December 2019)

...the Scottish Government's consultation on the draft framework which sets out a vision for out of School care, considers the current picture, and asks questions about the benefits and challenges of accessing out of School care. Closing date: 6th...

Consultation response: Arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme (May 2017)

...Government's consultation on arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk...

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish Schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish Schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate change environment School...

Arts climate climate change environment Schools

Restraint and seclusion in Schools

... Magazine / Comment: We need more action on the use of restraint and seclusion in Schools Posted 23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Education in Schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in Schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Consultation opens on physical intervention in Schools

... Magazine / News: Consultation on physical intervention in Schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to...

Education human rights rights

New project to tackle racism in Schools

... Image by Anna Cervinkova Magazine / News: New project aims to tackle racism in Schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young...

anti-racism Education racism

Embedding mental health interventions in School

... Magazine / Comment: We need to support Schools to become mentally healthy places to be Posted 11 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Mental Health First launched in 2015, Children’s Mental...

Education Mental Health

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish Schools

...person working on laptop Magazine / News: Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish Schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Consultation Response: Nutritional Requirements in Schools (Aug 2018)
attachment the Scottish Government's consultation on nutritional requirements for food and drink in School...

Call for Evidence Response: Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty (March 2018)
attachment the Education & Skills Committee call for evidence on the Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing...

Consultation Response: Empowering Schools (February 2018)

...Children in Scotland response to Empowering Schools consultation. (February...

Consultation response: Statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 (November 2016)

...the Scottish Government's consultation on the statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act...

College launches National Opportunity Day

...03.08.23 by Alice Hinds Education exams higher education School With results day approaching, Glasgow Kelvin College has registered an official awareness day to help School leavers discover what’s...

Education exams higher education School

Education costs families hundreds per year, study finds

...research finds Posted 11.05.23 by Alice Hinds cost of living Education free School meals School Parents and caregivers are spending hundreds of pounds every year to send their children to state primary and...

cost of living Education free school meals School

New funding announced to improve childcare

... Magazine / New funding announced to improve access to childcare and after School clubs Posted 04.05.23 by Alice Hinds childcare childcare expansion out of School care School Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities will soon benefit...

childcare childcare expansion out of school care School

Q&A with Lorna MacPhail

...24 August, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma Ahead of her webinar, 'Big emotions in the classroom', Lorna MacPhail talks to us about how to better support wellbeing in...

Education health and wellbeing pandemic School trauma