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10 deserving winter appeals to support today

...and the lovely resources they provide throughout the year to support children and young people’s reading. The Trust is passionate about the positive impact of books on lifelong learning and being a key driver of breaking the poverty...

Over 50 schools share £150,000 investment to mark Book Week Scotland

...Fund (SLIF). The announcement came at the start of Book Week Scotland. Among these, the S’More reading For Mental Health initiative which operates at Fraserburgh, Inverurie and Mintlaw Academies in Aberdeenshire will benefit. It uses...

Challenges and opportunities: Insight Issue 6 celebrates the hard work and determination of Scotland’s third sector

...behaviour from Billy Anderson, Head of Services at Children in Scotland. Further reading includes: Hearts & Minds' Fiona Ferrier on why the Clowndoctors programme (click here for more) is proving laughter is the best...

Children’s Hearings Scotland: A day in the life of a Panel Member

...bundles of papers sent out. This helps me to disconnect from the hearings system when I'm finished reading, too. If I can, I will have another look over things before the end of the weekend. Once the tablet is off and the notes are stored away,...

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland introduces new four-year plan

...and mental health, and climate change and discrimination are also important issues for us. Threading through this was that they often aren’t involved in all decisions that affect their lives, and they have a right to be. “Our new plan...

Creating a cohesive voice for the sector

...part of the Forum, but they have gone on to play a key role in its work. If you are member reading this now, I hope you will remain open to contributing to the Forum when the time is right for you. From a personal perspective, I have drawn...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change

...also reviewing our social media presence to make sure we’re reaching younger audiences, and threading pupil voices through all the advice and information on the Enquire website. Our recent development of the Reach website utilised what we...

Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector

...the liberties and freedoms that we have now are because other people chose to be brave.” Further reading within the issue: An interview with Kinny Gardner, Artistic Director of Krazy Kat Theatre, a professional children’s theatre company...

Imagining 'elsewhere': art therapy helping set children free from the anxiety of chronic illness

...It offered an opportunity to reach more children, young people and families in need, whilst spreading awareness of the prevalence of chronic conditions in the young and highlighting our work on a national scale. The Teapot Trust Elsewhere...

Amplifying seldom heard voices: the importance of direct services for children and young people

...did ”on the front line” as it were… but how wrong I was. Perhaps many of you reading this are not aware of the services that we provide or have the same thoughts that I once had when looking at the organisation from an...

The aim is the same: people are at the heart of our communications strategy produce podcasts; editing copy on physical sheets of paper using painstakingly memorised proofreading marks has segued into tracking text changes in Word. The ways in which we work might be different but, so far at least, the skills and the...

And so the work begins - teachers reflect on the first week of term approximately four seconds because I said I would be really proud if they tried one. · While reading a story to my class, I felt some little hands stroking my toes and nail polish. Little faces look up in awe and state, “I love pink.” All...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...or two dads who has not yet seen their own family represented in the picture books their class is reading. There were so many opportunities for representation in ordinary learning at school that were denied to my generation. LGBT Inclusive...

"Care experienced young people need love, relationships and community. They deserve to belong"

...he values and gains most from.” I am, of course biased, but I would highly recommend reading this report to hear from young people themselves the impact that participation in these projects has had on them, and the positive impact of...

belonging care care experience home home and belonging homelessness housing Participation rights

“It’s important to remember these are not just numbers – these are real people”

...suggested that the majority of people their age would click ‘agree’ to pop-up notices without reading the details on what the data is stored for and the purpose it can be used for. Among their recommendations, the young people suggested ways...

Measurement and mission statement: what our new values mean to us

...we were founded 29 years ago. But over the past decade we’ve been more assertive about them, threading them through internal work and public-facing activities. In interviews recruiting for new staff, we ask candidates to talk about their...

board brave changing our world collaboration collaborative kind members open and fair Participation partnership values

Sound and vision

...whose movement and co-ordination is restricted, and Figurenotes notation – a simple system for reading music based on matching colour and shape – for those with learning difficulties including autistic young people and those with dyslexia,...

Ensuring no child is too hungry to learn

...of primary three pupils in Scotland) with a free, nutritious 'magic' breakfast boosted their reading, writing and maths by an average of two months’ progress per year, compared to pupils in schools with no such breakfast provision. Our...

Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level

...the least to contribute to climate change (but will be the first affected) and we look forward to reading the details of the increase to the Climate Justice Fund. “We note that there is no mention of air quality in the government’s plans,...

childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing

Have Kitbag, will travel

...themselves.  Use of Kitbag in school settings, in family support, youth and social work is spreading in Scotland (click here to learn more) and to other parts of the UK. Teachers and pupil support staff notice how it helps children be...

"We want a space where conversation and reflection is actively encouraged"

...difficult for myself and other young people with learning disabilities is when it comes to reading information and text. Large amounts of information and text are tricky and make me feel uncomfortable within museums. The presentation of the...

25 and Up: For post-COVID renewal we need to be radical, and that includes with the arts

...that the ‘Lost Lending Library’ from Punchdrunk helped children engage with stories, books and reading; developed speaking skills; and inspired increased involvement from parents. Helping children understand and fulfil their rights Children...

Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated

... Magazine / Comment: Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated Posted 3 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education literacy reading World Book Day As children across the country celebrate...

Education literacy reading World Book Day

CHANGE: Further reading - project reports and research papers

... Further reading - project reports and research papers The CHANGE project has engaged with a number of local families and community partners since the project began in 2016. The project team gathered and presented this information alongside...

Insight – Issue 6

...behaviour from Billy Anderson, Head of Services at Children in Scotland.  Further reading includes:  Hearts & Minds' Fiona Ferrier on why the Clowndoctors programme is proving laughter is the best medicine  Details of a new...

10/07/24 - Invisible Principles

...on achievements at school and in the community, for example, are they progressing with their reading or maths, will they be selected for the football or gymnastics team? All these things are important, but a set of capabilities, that are less...

Insight – Issue 5

...Bairns’ Hoose model, which recovery, support and justice come together under one roof. Further reading within this issue: An interview with Kinny Gardner, Artistic Director of Krazy Kat Theatre, a professional children’s theatre company...

Insight - Issue 2

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...Book Trust Scottish Book Trust is a national charity that has been bringing the benefits of reading and writing to everyone in Scotland since 1998. Our early years programme, Bookbug, supports families to read, sing, and play with their...

Nominations open for Bookbug Hero Award 2024

...Alice Hinds Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people The Scottish Book Trust has launched the fifth annual Bookbug Hero Award, and is now calling on people to nominate...

Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people

Pens at the ready

...Read, Write, Count bag Posted 17 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond art environment literacy reading Pupils in Primary 1-Primary 3 are invited to submit a design for the new Read, Write, Count bags as part of an exciting art competition run...

art environment literacy reading

Children in Scotland events: Inclusive language guidance for trainers

...of any people included in your examples.    Examples of inclusive terminology and further reading ‘Autistic people’ is preferred to 'people with autism'. This is informed by language research undertaken by the National Autistic...

Supporting working mothers

...tough. It could give women the chance to keep their careers at the level they were at by spreading state-backed spend as they needed to. There was a firm shake of the head. "This policy is nothing to do with working women. It's about...

early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Online Hub - Annual Conference 2022 Scotland's Annual Conference 2022 and our Online Hub, where you will find selected further reading, resources and learning opportunities. The Recite Me tool is available for accessibility. Click the icon on the bottom right of your...

Scottish-led study identifies dyslexia gene

...a definition was not reached until the 1960s. Now, dyslexia is typically given as a diagnosis if reading and spelling abilities are poor and much lower than a person’s other academic skills or cognitive abilities. According to Dyslexia...

additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy

Creative expressions of care

...of Scotland will stream a free package of theatre work for three weeks, including a filmed script reading and panel discussion that explores the care system. To mark National Care Leavers' Week in the UK and Care Experienced Week in Scotland,...

Arts care care experience young carers

Our members

Readers encouraged to ‘Keep the heid and read’

...Health Week Posted 10 May 2022, by Nina Joynson literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing Readers of all ages and abilities are being encouraged to pledge six minutes of reading for wellbeing during Mental...

literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing

Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland

...6 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Early years Education Families reading More than 2,500 books have been donated to families supported by Home-Start Scotland to encourage engagement with reading from a...

Early years Education Families reading

Member directory: full

...planning system | Scottish Book Trust Supporting access to books, reading and writing | Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Learning, therapy and care for children...

Member directory: N-S

...innovative planning system | Scottish Book Trust Supporting access to books, reading and writing | Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Learning, therapy and care for children affected by...

New project to tackle racism in schools

...filters out any racist language and undertones and alienation that the Muslim students feel after reading that in the curriculum.” The Scottish Government has awarded Show Racism the Red Card £43,000 to support the Captains project as part of...

anti-racism Education racism

Changing our World: Member profiles

...I care about Climate change and gender equality Fun fact My favourite hobby is reading and drawing manga! Liam Local authority West Lothian Issues I care about Climate change, COVID-19 and children's rights Fun...

Anxiety named Children's Word of the Year
Mental Health Wellbeing

Coercive control in teen relationships is focus of exhibition
art children and young people gender based violence

The value of childminding must be recognised including childminders in the delivery of funded ELC makes stark, challenging and uncomfortable reading. We do not underestimate the scale and complexity of implementing the expansion of ELC; nor do we underestimate the unprecedented nature of...

childcare childminding Early years ELC out of school care

Tackling mental health stigma
health and wellbeing Mental Health

Annie Watson service for autistic adults.  Outside of work Annie enjoys spending time by the seaside, reading and crafts. She is passionate about equality and human rights, with a particular interest in LGBTQ+...


Parisa Shirazi

...her spare time, she is learning Farsi to communicate with her Iranian family, she enjoys reading and spends a disproportionate amount of time petting...


Review of Additional Support for Learning

...people, including children and young people, about their thoughts and experiences.  If you are reading this, maybe you spoke to Angela or shared your ideas with her by writing them down with someone and emailing them to her. Angela has written...

No results found.

10 deserving winter appeals to support today

...and the lovely resources they provide throughout the year to support children and young people’s reading. The Trust is passionate about the positive impact of books on lifelong learning and being a key driver of breaking the poverty...

Over 50 schools share £150,000 investment to mark Book Week Scotland

...Fund (SLIF). The announcement came at the start of Book Week Scotland. Among these, the S’More reading For Mental Health initiative which operates at Fraserburgh, Inverurie and Mintlaw Academies in Aberdeenshire will benefit. It uses...

Challenges and opportunities: Insight Issue 6 celebrates the hard work and determination of Scotland’s third sector

...behaviour from Billy Anderson, Head of Services at Children in Scotland. Further reading includes: Hearts & Minds' Fiona Ferrier on why the Clowndoctors programme (click here for more) is proving laughter is the best...

Children’s Hearings Scotland: A day in the life of a Panel Member

...bundles of papers sent out. This helps me to disconnect from the hearings system when I'm finished reading, too. If I can, I will have another look over things before the end of the weekend. Once the tablet is off and the notes are stored away,...

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland introduces new four-year plan

...and mental health, and climate change and discrimination are also important issues for us. Threading through this was that they often aren’t involved in all decisions that affect their lives, and they have a right to be. “Our new plan...

Creating a cohesive voice for the sector

...part of the Forum, but they have gone on to play a key role in its work. If you are member reading this now, I hope you will remain open to contributing to the Forum when the time is right for you. From a personal perspective, I have drawn...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change

...also reviewing our social media presence to make sure we’re reaching younger audiences, and threading pupil voices through all the advice and information on the Enquire website. Our recent development of the Reach website utilised what we...

Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector

...the liberties and freedoms that we have now are because other people chose to be brave.” Further reading within the issue: An interview with Kinny Gardner, Artistic Director of Krazy Kat Theatre, a professional children’s theatre company...

Imagining 'elsewhere': art therapy helping set children free from the anxiety of chronic illness

...It offered an opportunity to reach more children, young people and families in need, whilst spreading awareness of the prevalence of chronic conditions in the young and highlighting our work on a national scale. The Teapot Trust Elsewhere...

Amplifying seldom heard voices: the importance of direct services for children and young people

...did ”on the front line” as it were… but how wrong I was. Perhaps many of you reading this are not aware of the services that we provide or have the same thoughts that I once had when looking at the organisation from an...

The aim is the same: people are at the heart of our communications strategy produce podcasts; editing copy on physical sheets of paper using painstakingly memorised proofreading marks has segued into tracking text changes in Word. The ways in which we work might be different but, so far at least, the skills and the...

And so the work begins - teachers reflect on the first week of term approximately four seconds because I said I would be really proud if they tried one. · While reading a story to my class, I felt some little hands stroking my toes and nail polish. Little faces look up in awe and state, “I love pink.” All...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...or two dads who has not yet seen their own family represented in the picture books their class is reading. There were so many opportunities for representation in ordinary learning at school that were denied to my generation. LGBT Inclusive...

"Care experienced young people need love, relationships and community. They deserve to belong"

...he values and gains most from.” I am, of course biased, but I would highly recommend reading this report to hear from young people themselves the impact that participation in these projects has had on them, and the positive impact of...

belonging care care experience home home and belonging homelessness housing Participation rights

“It’s important to remember these are not just numbers – these are real people”

...suggested that the majority of people their age would click ‘agree’ to pop-up notices without reading the details on what the data is stored for and the purpose it can be used for. Among their recommendations, the young people suggested ways...

Measurement and mission statement: what our new values mean to us

...we were founded 29 years ago. But over the past decade we’ve been more assertive about them, threading them through internal work and public-facing activities. In interviews recruiting for new staff, we ask candidates to talk about their...

board brave changing our world collaboration collaborative kind members open and fair Participation partnership values

Sound and vision

...whose movement and co-ordination is restricted, and Figurenotes notation – a simple system for reading music based on matching colour and shape – for those with learning difficulties including autistic young people and those with dyslexia,...

Ensuring no child is too hungry to learn

...of primary three pupils in Scotland) with a free, nutritious 'magic' breakfast boosted their reading, writing and maths by an average of two months’ progress per year, compared to pupils in schools with no such breakfast provision. Our...

Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level

...the least to contribute to climate change (but will be the first affected) and we look forward to reading the details of the increase to the Climate Justice Fund. “We note that there is no mention of air quality in the government’s plans,...

childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing

Have Kitbag, will travel

...themselves.  Use of Kitbag in school settings, in family support, youth and social work is spreading in Scotland (click here to learn more) and to other parts of the UK. Teachers and pupil support staff notice how it helps children be...

"We want a space where conversation and reflection is actively encouraged"

...difficult for myself and other young people with learning disabilities is when it comes to reading information and text. Large amounts of information and text are tricky and make me feel uncomfortable within museums. The presentation of the...

25 and Up: For post-COVID renewal we need to be radical, and that includes with the arts

...that the ‘Lost Lending Library’ from Punchdrunk helped children engage with stories, books and reading; developed speaking skills; and inspired increased involvement from parents. Helping children understand and fulfil their rights Children...

No results found.

No results found.

Annie Watson service for autistic adults.  Outside of work Annie enjoys spending time by the seaside, reading and crafts. She is passionate about equality and human rights, with a particular interest in LGBTQ+...


Parisa Shirazi

...her spare time, she is learning Farsi to communicate with her Iranian family, she enjoys reading and spends a disproportionate amount of time petting...


CHANGE: Further reading - project reports and research papers

... Further reading - project reports and research papers The CHANGE project has engaged with a number of local families and community partners since the project began in 2016. The project team gathered and presented this information alongside...

10/07/24 - Invisible Principles

...on achievements at school and in the community, for example, are they progressing with their reading or maths, will they be selected for the football or gymnastics team? All these things are important, but a set of capabilities, that are less...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...Book Trust Scottish Book Trust is a national charity that has been bringing the benefits of reading and writing to everyone in Scotland since 1998. Our early years programme, Bookbug, supports families to read, sing, and play with their...

Children in Scotland events: Inclusive language guidance for trainers

...of any people included in your examples.    Examples of inclusive terminology and further reading ‘Autistic people’ is preferred to 'people with autism'. This is informed by language research undertaken by the National Autistic...

Online Hub - Annual Conference 2022 Scotland's Annual Conference 2022 and our Online Hub, where you will find selected further reading, resources and learning opportunities. The Recite Me tool is available for accessibility. Click the icon on the bottom right of your...

Our members

Changing our World: Member profiles

...I care about Climate change and gender equality Fun fact My favourite hobby is reading and drawing manga! Liam Local authority West Lothian Issues I care about Climate change, COVID-19 and children's rights Fun...

Review of Additional Support for Learning

...people, including children and young people, about their thoughts and experiences.  If you are reading this, maybe you spoke to Angela or shared your ideas with her by writing them down with someone and emailing them to her. Angela has written...

No results found.

No results found.

Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated

... Magazine / Comment: Why books and reading deserve to be celebrated Posted 3 March 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education literacy reading World Book Day As children across the country celebrate...

Education literacy reading World Book Day

Insight – Issue 6

...behaviour from Billy Anderson, Head of Services at Children in Scotland.  Further reading includes:  Hearts & Minds' Fiona Ferrier on why the Clowndoctors programme is proving laughter is the best medicine  Details of a new...

Insight – Issue 5

...Bairns’ Hoose model, which recovery, support and justice come together under one roof. Further reading within this issue: An interview with Kinny Gardner, Artistic Director of Krazy Kat Theatre, a professional children’s theatre company...

Insight - Issue 2
Nominations open for Bookbug Hero Award 2024

...Alice Hinds Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people The Scottish Book Trust has launched the fifth annual Bookbug Hero Award, and is now calling on people to nominate...

Children Early years Learning libraries practitioners reading young people

Pens at the ready

...Read, Write, Count bag Posted 17 Jan, 2023 by Jennifer Drummond art environment literacy reading Pupils in Primary 1-Primary 3 are invited to submit a design for the new Read, Write, Count bags as part of an exciting art competition run...

art environment literacy reading

Supporting working mothers

...tough. It could give women the chance to keep their careers at the level they were at by spreading state-backed spend as they needed to. There was a firm shake of the head. "This policy is nothing to do with working women. It's about...

early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Scottish-led study identifies dyslexia gene

...a definition was not reached until the 1960s. Now, dyslexia is typically given as a diagnosis if reading and spelling abilities are poor and much lower than a person’s other academic skills or cognitive abilities. According to Dyslexia...

additional support for learning ASL ASN dyslexia Education Health literacy

Creative expressions of care

...of Scotland will stream a free package of theatre work for three weeks, including a filmed script reading and panel discussion that explores the care system. To mark National Care Leavers' Week in the UK and Care Experienced Week in Scotland,...

Arts care care experience young carers

Readers encouraged to ‘Keep the heid and read’

...Health Week Posted 10 May 2022, by Nina Joynson literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing Readers of all ages and abilities are being encouraged to pledge six minutes of reading for wellbeing during Mental...

literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing

Thousands of books donated to families in Scotland

...6 April 2022, by Nina Joynson Early years Education Families reading More than 2,500 books have been donated to families supported by Home-Start Scotland to encourage engagement with reading from a...

Early years Education Families reading

Member directory: full

...planning system | Scottish Book Trust Supporting access to books, reading and writing | Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Learning, therapy and care for children...

Member directory: N-S

...innovative planning system | Scottish Book Trust Supporting access to books, reading and writing | Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments Learning, therapy and care for children affected by...

New project to tackle racism in schools

...filters out any racist language and undertones and alienation that the Muslim students feel after reading that in the curriculum.” The Scottish Government has awarded Show Racism the Red Card £43,000 to support the Captains project as part of...

anti-racism Education racism

Anxiety named Children's Word of the Year
postMental Health Wellbeing

Coercive control in teen relationships is focus of exhibition
postart children and young people gender based violence

The value of childminding must be recognised
post including childminders in the delivery of funded ELC makes stark, challenging and uncomfortable reading. We do not underestimate the scale and complexity of implementing the expansion of ELC; nor do we underestimate the unprecedented nature of...

childcare childminding Early years ELC out of school care

Tackling mental health stigma
posthealth and wellbeing Mental Health