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Children in Scotland launches two new eLearning modules to support practitioners and young people through trauma

...mental health, and provides pratical advice and strategies to support workers with their own Wellbeing while fulfilling their role. From burnout to compassion fatigue, the course touches on a range of topics, and will be beneficial to...

The benefits of time spent outdoors this summer

...learn more about Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage, all while experiencing the positive Wellbeing impact of the outdoors. In this blog, Sarah Cowie highlights the importance of spending time outdoors this summer. During the month of...

Nominations now open for Scottish Children’s Health Awards 2024

...someone who has gone above and beyond to help improve children and young people’s health and Wellbeing? Or a young person who deserves some special recognition? Children’s Health Scotland is seeking nominations for the annual Scottish...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024 the conference, our delegates got the chance to learn about everything from mental health and Wellbeing to social care innovation, safeguarding initiatives, suicide prevention, road safety, support available for the third sector and so much...

Children need a playful world to thrive and survive

...workshops taking place across the two-day event. Improving the mental health and emotional Wellbeing of children, With Kids offer early therapeutic intervention by skilled and experienced therapeutic staff to help every child to flourish....

Children’s Wellbeing and the Scottish budget (2020-2021)

... Children’s Wellbeing and the Scottish budget 2020-2021 We worked in partnership with Dr Katherine Trebeck (Wellbeing Economy Alliance), the Carnegie Trust UK and early years funder Cattanach to raise awareness of what a robust child...

Consultation with Children and Young People on Wellbeing (2016-2017)

... Consultation with Children and Young People on Wellbeing (2016-2017) In October 2016, the Scottish Government asked Children in Scotland to consult with children and young people to help inform the development of their new 10-year mental...

Sustainable funding for the third sector and action on a Wellbeing economy: our calls following Programme for Government announcement

... Sustainable funding for the third sector and action on a Wellbeing economy: our calls following Programme for Government announcement 6 Sep 2023 Children in Scotland has highlighted its concerns for the sector, and the children and young...

Investment in the public sector and a Wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls

... Investment in the public sector and a Wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls 4 Sep 2023 Ahead of the announcement of this year’s Programme for Government, Children in Scotland highlights the crucial importance of sustainable...

Economy ‘must be redesigned’ to focus on Wellbeing and environmental sustainability

... Economy ‘must be redesigned’ with focus on Wellbeing and environmental sustainability 17 November 2022 Children in Scotland has joined more than 100 other organisations calling for Scotland to make a Wellbeing economy a reality. An open...

economy Wellbeing Wellbeing budgeting

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and Wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

... Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and Wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up 4 Oct 2022 includem’s Tuisku “Snow” Curtis-Kolu on what we can learn from Finland about establishing a Hobby...

Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and Wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds

... Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and Wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds 29 Sep 2022 Media Release Projects across Scotland supported by the Access to Childcare Fund (ACF) have made a...

access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services

Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family Wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level

... Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family Wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level 8 September 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to yesterday’s publication of the Programme for...

childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing

“Health and Wellbeing must be at the heart of the planning process”

... National Planning Framework response: “Wellbeing must be at the heart of the process” 9 March 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework Position Statement, calling for a greater...

Consultation response engagement health and wellbeing placemaking planning Policy

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put Wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

... Manifesto launches with calls for Wellbeing to be at heart of Scottish budget and children protected from air pollution 13 November 2020 Children in Scotland today launches its Manifesto for the 2021-26 Scottish Parliament, backed by...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

Out now: New Wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners

... Out now: New Wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners Children in Scotland has produced a new resource for teachers and practitioners to support children and young people’s understanding of their Wellbeing. The free resource,...

Self-care and a focus on our Wellbeing makes us better colleagues: week three for our research volunteer

... Self-care and a focus on our Wellbeing makes us better colleagues: week three for our research volunteer 30 Jul 2019 My third week at Children in Scotland started off a little differently to the others. I was unwell and had to take the day...

Radical Wellbeing-focused redesign of Scottish Government budget key to post-Covid renewal

... Radical Wellbeing-focused redesign of government budget ‘key to post-Covid renewal’ 18 March 2021 A major report published today calls for the Scottish Government to introduce Wellbeing budgeting to improve lives for children as part of a...

budget budget process carnegie cattanach coronavirus covid dr katherine trebeck outcomes Participation radical systems change transparency Wellbeing Wellbeing budgeting Wellbeing budgets

We can all be allies support. Ahead of presenting a workshop at our Annual Conference next month, Aberlour’s Wellbeing Coordinators, Alexis Wright and Lorna New, share how the programme is building resilience and supporting recovery. The Allies Project is a...

Why child healthy weight matters

...Obesity in childhood also has a profound impact on children’s physical and mental health and Wellbeing, which impacts on the ability of children to live happy and healthy lives. In 2018, the Scottish Government published their Diet and...

Making research fun to include everybody’s voices

...supported them to co-create solutions to enable better access to support their mental health and Wellbeing.  Last month, the findings from the project were published into a final report and here, University of Stirling’s Research Assistant,...

Children in Scotland reveals full programme for Annual Conference 2024

...and Education at Queen Margaret University, will discuss the impact of nature on health and Wellbeing in the afternoon. On both days, workshops will be held by Scottish SPCA, Multi-Cultural Family Base, Aberlour Children’s Charity,...

Scottish Government announce mental health funding following youth-led report and services by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP). The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults, and the Children and Young People’s Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Supports funds have been awarded £15 million...

Children in Scotland joins campaign to put children at the heart of policy making five (18%) want children and young people’s mental health prioritised. Childhood health and Wellbeing is also a concern for adults, most of whom don’t think that children today are safer, happier or healthier than when they were children...

Collaborate, network and learn: Our plans for Annual Conference 2024

...her research into how interactions with the natural world can affect children and young people’s Wellbeing. A panel discussion, moderated by Ken Corish, Online Safety Manager at South West Grid for Learning, will focus on the implications and...

New project supports children and young people to access the mental health benefits of live music

...identifies ways more children and young people in Scotland can experience the mental health and Wellbeing benefits of live music. The Live Music and Mental Health project, delivered by Children in Scotland, Scottish Ensemble and the University...

An accessible new learning portal for the children’s sector launches

...skill areas including education in the early years, additional support needs and mental health and Wellbeing. As well as professional development specific to children’s services, there are also courses in technology, leadership and equality,...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...the Rights of the Child into Scot’s Law. With an interest in improving children’s health and Wellbeing in Scotland, Yopa has supported CoW’s recent work addressing the harms of vaping and the way it is marketed to young people. CoW members...

Children in Scotland shortlisted for two prestigious awards

...Year award aims to recognise businesses implementing initiatives to benefit employee health and Wellbeing, and Children in Scotland was shortlisted for the positive visions and values embedded into all our work, as well as our commitment to...

Embedding the principles of The Promise

...the Third Sector Project (click here for more), including activity linked to the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund. The conference last week was a reminder that across the sector, we have seen lots of positive practice and genuine commitment to...

2023 highlights: reflecting on a milestone year evidence paper sharing views on vaping, exploring topics such as the impact on health and Wellbeing, while the Scottish Government commissioned Children in Scotland to support children and young people to engage with its public...

Further phase of national arts funding announced, as Access All Arts report launches the participant survey said the Fund had had a positive impact on their mental health and Wellbeing, while 82% said that receiving funding had helped them to overcome barriers to the arts.  David Mackay, Head of Policy, Projects and...

“In a small country where people are well connected, adaptable and aspirational, great changes are possible” be part of a new multi-disciplinary team. The collective focus of the team is the safety and Wellbeing of the child victim. It’s a considerable achievement that health and justice have come into the same space, which should mean that...

New partnership set to improve access to education for professionals in the children’s sector

...a wide range of topics including early learning, psychology and development, mental health and Wellbeing, as well as more general courses focused on leadership, sustainability and digital skills. Children in Scotland’s workforce will also...

Latest issue of Insight now available
care experienced people child poverty child rights Early years Education literacy Mental Health Wellbeing

Young people across Scotland encouraged to Access All Arts as phase two of Fund launches

...aims to help children and young people experience creative arts opportunities and strengthen Wellbeing as a result. While in its first year, the Fund focused on young people with disabilities or additional support needs. This year the...

access all arts Arts creative scotland creativity Wellbeing young people

Good Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food Scotland's Manifesto 2021-26 Rights, Inequality and Health and Wellbeing all feature as themes in our manifesto Click here for more Food, Families, Futures (2016-2020) Our...

Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing

Design is for everyone

...of Learning at V&A Dundee, Jo Mawdsley, on how good design can bring us together, foster Wellbeing and strengthen partnerships Design shapes our world. It's part of everyday life and it's everywhere. V&A Dundee is a museum with a...

community creativity design Health Learning Wellbeing

New Emerging Minds project will look at how live music could boost young people’s mental health

...Emerging Minds project will examine how live music could boost young people’s mental health and Wellbeing 5 February 2021 MEDIA RELEASE A unique multi-partner research project will examine evidence for the impact of live music experiences on...

Arts changing our world emerging minds Mental Health music research scottish ensemble stirling university Wellbeing

Why our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery

...what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. Rights, poverty, health and Wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has exacerbated existing problems...

equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing

Changing Gears project to capture young people’s views on cycling, safety and health

...project will capture perspectives on road safety and risk; active travel choices; health and Wellbeing; how the climate change movement is shifting attitudes; and the impact of longer term demographic changes, including cost of car...

Bikeability bikes cycling Cycling Scotland environment. road safety Health Wellbeing

Learning the secrets of the Netherlands' success very valuable for delegates. What policy changes should Scotland be making to strengthen child Wellbeing based on the Netherlands’ example? One thing that we feel works well is having research communities that work hand in hand with practice....

care Education inclusion netherlands Wellbeing workforce

Physical appearance, sexual identity and learning disabilities ‘the key factors’ in bullying at school

...young people being bullied, i.e protected characteristics What form is bullying taking Impact on Wellbeing Mechanisms of support, including both positive examples and a lack of support Children and young people-led solutions Prominence was given...

Children Children's rights Families Scottish Schools Staff Support Wellbeing

Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation

...of corporal punishment. "Evidence shows there is a link between poor long-term emotional Wellbeing and being subjected to physical punishment as a child. Every parent should have the right to discipline their child, but there are certain...

Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing

Mental Health Strategy focus on early intervention welcome, but children’s voices must be at heart of implementation

...prevention, and the need for coordination around children and young people’s mental health and Wellbeing. These are fundamental areas of mental health policy about which Children in Scotland has been calling for recognition and...

Children Early years Families Health Mental Health Scottish Government Wellbeing

Focus on quality in childcare welcome, but "smarter thinking" required on school start age

...start date. A more important consideration should be the impact this would have on a child’s Wellbeing and on their transition process to primary school. Currently, funding is a factor in deciding a child’s access to two years of...

Children Early years Families Jackie Brock Parents Scottish Government Support Wellbeing

Building confidence and Wellbeing through STEM

... Magazine / News: Programme launches to engage youth workers in STEM and build Wellbeing Posted 21 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and Wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Call 6: Rights, Wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: Rights, Wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and Wellbeing must be at the heart of education in Scotland and...

Call 22: Build Wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued

... Call 22: Build Wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued By Diarmaid Lawlor Equity and excellence drive education in Scotland. They influence how we choose to close the attainment gap,...

Consultation Response: A Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland (September 2022)

...Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's call for views on a. Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for...

Consultation Response: GIRFEC – Assessment of Wellbeing (February 2022)

...Guidance for Part 18 (Section 96) Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - Assessment of Wellbeing...

Consultation Response: Inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People (December 2021) the Scottish Government's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young...

Health, Happiness and Wellbeing in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

An introduction to Wellbeing

...  An introduction to Wellbeing A leaflet and card game have been developed to help community groups, clubs and other local organisations understand how their work contributes to the Wellbeing of children and young people across...

27/11/24 - Bridging the gap support individuals with ASD & ADHD and to contribute positively to their development and Wellbeing. Facilitators Meet the dynamic duo behind Three Sisters Consultancy: Corrie McLean (they/them) and Rhiann McLean(she/her)....

20/11/24 - Hybrid Working

...and shared techniques and approaches for self-management, managing others, managing Wellbeing. explored person-centred tools for thinking and developing relationships. collaborated with peers to think about what might be best for...

24/09/24 - Building resilience

...– 4pm | Online Resilience is key to a strong workforce, as well as a key element in personal Wellbeing. This training is for anyone working within the children’s sector. Ticket Prices £40 members £55 non-members ...

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...PDA Develop effective strategies for engaging with children with PDA and promoting their emotional Wellbeing This webinar will help you develop a better understanding of the distinct behaviour profile associated with Pathological Demand Avoidance...

07/2024 Residential

...knowledge of how the nervous system responds to threat Explore how you can use the evidence-based Wellbeing strategies with yourself and others through a sensory Wellbeing walk around St. Andrews Click here to access the full course...

AC24 - Resources

...carer from Carers Trust Scotland Workshop slides 3a | - digital mental health and Wellbeing support in Scotland from Kooth Workshop slides Kooth report Mini workshop brochure 3b | Towards a more diverse Scotland: elevating young...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...with children, young people in formal and informal education settings, to promote the health and Wellbeing of young people through education and training, towards positive destinations and achieving their full potential, fulfilling lives and...

Workshops AC24

...people to gain understanding and influence change. Health From physical to mental health and Wellbeing. Poverty A widespread look at how financial stress feeds into systemic issues and manifests in a variety of ways. Day One -...

AC24 - Speaker Bios

...for teachers. Amal has 11 years of experience working in the mental health and Wellbeing sector. Amal is well known as one of the Glasgow Girls, a group of seven girls from Drumchapel High School who campaigned to stand up...

Programme AC24 - Day Two

...Session Three | 11am Five workshops to choose from: - digital mental health and Wellbeing support in Scotland from Kooth | description Towards a more diverse Scotland: elevating young voices Multi-Cultural Family Base from...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...Her contributions resonate in driving collaborative efforts for ensuring the safety and Wellbeing of children across various settings. Specialisms: Child Protection   Beverley is a highly qualified and registered...

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...of vaping harms Posted 24.11.23 by Alice Hinds changing our world consultation health and Wellbeing Scottish Government The Scottish Government has launched a new marketing campaign to inform parents, carers and school pupils about the...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

Action to support Anti-Bullying Week 2022

...2022 by Jennifer Drummond bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing respectme, Scotland’s national anti-bullying charity, has called for action to address bullying during this year’s Anti-Bullying week,...

bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing

Readers encouraged to ‘Keep the heid and read’

...10 May 2022, by Nina Joynson literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing Readers of all ages and abilities are being encouraged to pledge six minutes of reading for Wellbeing during Mental Health...

literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing

Pioneering community project takes next step

...from Love Letham. children and young people community Participation Wellbeing A brand new initiative, which places the voice of young people at its heart, is looking to appoint Commissioners to take forward...

children and young people community Participation Wellbeing

Anxiety named Children's Word of the Year

...Word of the Year Posted 18 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Mental Health Wellbeing 'Anxiety' is the Children’s Word of the Year 2021 according to research by Oxford University Press (OUP). More than...

Mental Health Wellbeing

Q&A with Liz Fitzpatrick the voices of pupils Posted 29 Sept, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond GIRFEC Wellbeing A new digital reporting system has been developed to make Wellbeing data collection in schools more accessible to young people...

GIRFEC Wellbeing

Children's happiness at an all time low, report suggests

...suggests Posted 31 August, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond. Main image: Phil Wilkinson Wellbeing The annual Wellbeing report from the Children’s Society reveals a worrying decline in overall happiness and Wellbeing of young...


No results found.

Children in Scotland launches two new eLearning modules to support practitioners and young people through trauma

...mental health, and provides pratical advice and strategies to support workers with their own Wellbeing while fulfilling their role. From burnout to compassion fatigue, the course touches on a range of topics, and will be beneficial to...

The benefits of time spent outdoors this summer

...learn more about Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage, all while experiencing the positive Wellbeing impact of the outdoors. In this blog, Sarah Cowie highlights the importance of spending time outdoors this summer. During the month of...

Nominations now open for Scottish Children’s Health Awards 2024

...someone who has gone above and beyond to help improve children and young people’s health and Wellbeing? Or a young person who deserves some special recognition? Children’s Health Scotland is seeking nominations for the annual Scottish...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024 the conference, our delegates got the chance to learn about everything from mental health and Wellbeing to social care innovation, safeguarding initiatives, suicide prevention, road safety, support available for the third sector and so much...

Children need a playful world to thrive and survive

...workshops taking place across the two-day event. Improving the mental health and emotional Wellbeing of children, With Kids offer early therapeutic intervention by skilled and experienced therapeutic staff to help every child to flourish....

Sustainable funding for the third sector and action on a Wellbeing economy: our calls following Programme for Government announcement

... Sustainable funding for the third sector and action on a Wellbeing economy: our calls following Programme for Government announcement 6 Sep 2023 Children in Scotland has highlighted its concerns for the sector, and the children and young...

Investment in the public sector and a Wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls

... Investment in the public sector and a Wellbeing economy: our Programme for Government calls 4 Sep 2023 Ahead of the announcement of this year’s Programme for Government, Children in Scotland highlights the crucial importance of sustainable...

Economy ‘must be redesigned’ to focus on Wellbeing and environmental sustainability

... Economy ‘must be redesigned’ with focus on Wellbeing and environmental sustainability 17 November 2022 Children in Scotland has joined more than 100 other organisations calling for Scotland to make a Wellbeing economy a reality. An open...

economy Wellbeing Wellbeing budgeting

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and Wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

... Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and Wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up 4 Oct 2022 includem’s Tuisku “Snow” Curtis-Kolu on what we can learn from Finland about establishing a Hobby...

Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and Wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds

... Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and Wellbeing for children and parents’, new report finds 29 Sep 2022 Media Release Projects across Scotland supported by the Access to Childcare Fund (ACF) have made a...

access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services

Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family Wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level

... Our reaction to the Programme for Government: family Wellbeing fund welcomed but disappointment at lack of progress on child payment level 8 September 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to yesterday’s publication of the Programme for...

childcare Children's rights environment equality family support programme for government Wellbeing

“Health and Wellbeing must be at the heart of the planning process”

... National Planning Framework response: “Wellbeing must be at the heart of the process” 9 March 2021 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework Position Statement, calling for a greater...

Consultation response engagement health and wellbeing placemaking planning Policy

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put Wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

... Manifesto launches with calls for Wellbeing to be at heart of Scottish budget and children protected from air pollution 13 November 2020 Children in Scotland today launches its Manifesto for the 2021-26 Scottish Parliament, backed by...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

Out now: New Wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners

... Out now: New Wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners Children in Scotland has produced a new resource for teachers and practitioners to support children and young people’s understanding of their Wellbeing. The free resource,...

Self-care and a focus on our Wellbeing makes us better colleagues: week three for our research volunteer

... Self-care and a focus on our Wellbeing makes us better colleagues: week three for our research volunteer 30 Jul 2019 My third week at Children in Scotland started off a little differently to the others. I was unwell and had to take the day...

Radical Wellbeing-focused redesign of Scottish Government budget key to post-Covid renewal

... Radical Wellbeing-focused redesign of government budget ‘key to post-Covid renewal’ 18 March 2021 A major report published today calls for the Scottish Government to introduce Wellbeing budgeting to improve lives for children as part of a...

budget budget process carnegie cattanach coronavirus covid dr katherine trebeck outcomes Participation radical systems change transparency Wellbeing Wellbeing budgeting Wellbeing budgets

We can all be allies support. Ahead of presenting a workshop at our Annual Conference next month, Aberlour’s Wellbeing Coordinators, Alexis Wright and Lorna New, share how the programme is building resilience and supporting recovery. The Allies Project is a...

Why child healthy weight matters

...Obesity in childhood also has a profound impact on children’s physical and mental health and Wellbeing, which impacts on the ability of children to live happy and healthy lives. In 2018, the Scottish Government published their Diet and...

Making research fun to include everybody’s voices

...supported them to co-create solutions to enable better access to support their mental health and Wellbeing.  Last month, the findings from the project were published into a final report and here, University of Stirling’s Research Assistant,...

Children in Scotland reveals full programme for Annual Conference 2024

...and Education at Queen Margaret University, will discuss the impact of nature on health and Wellbeing in the afternoon. On both days, workshops will be held by Scottish SPCA, Multi-Cultural Family Base, Aberlour Children’s Charity,...

Scottish Government announce mental health funding following youth-led report and services by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP). The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults, and the Children and Young People’s Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Supports funds have been awarded £15 million...

Children in Scotland joins campaign to put children at the heart of policy making five (18%) want children and young people’s mental health prioritised. Childhood health and Wellbeing is also a concern for adults, most of whom don’t think that children today are safer, happier or healthier than when they were children...

Collaborate, network and learn: Our plans for Annual Conference 2024

...her research into how interactions with the natural world can affect children and young people’s Wellbeing. A panel discussion, moderated by Ken Corish, Online Safety Manager at South West Grid for Learning, will focus on the implications and...

New project supports children and young people to access the mental health benefits of live music

...identifies ways more children and young people in Scotland can experience the mental health and Wellbeing benefits of live music. The Live Music and Mental Health project, delivered by Children in Scotland, Scottish Ensemble and the University...

An accessible new learning portal for the children’s sector launches

...skill areas including education in the early years, additional support needs and mental health and Wellbeing. As well as professional development specific to children’s services, there are also courses in technology, leadership and equality,...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...the Rights of the Child into Scot’s Law. With an interest in improving children’s health and Wellbeing in Scotland, Yopa has supported CoW’s recent work addressing the harms of vaping and the way it is marketed to young people. CoW members...

Children in Scotland shortlisted for two prestigious awards

...Year award aims to recognise businesses implementing initiatives to benefit employee health and Wellbeing, and Children in Scotland was shortlisted for the positive visions and values embedded into all our work, as well as our commitment to...

Embedding the principles of The Promise

...the Third Sector Project (click here for more), including activity linked to the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund. The conference last week was a reminder that across the sector, we have seen lots of positive practice and genuine commitment to...

2023 highlights: reflecting on a milestone year evidence paper sharing views on vaping, exploring topics such as the impact on health and Wellbeing, while the Scottish Government commissioned Children in Scotland to support children and young people to engage with its public...

Further phase of national arts funding announced, as Access All Arts report launches the participant survey said the Fund had had a positive impact on their mental health and Wellbeing, while 82% said that receiving funding had helped them to overcome barriers to the arts.  David Mackay, Head of Policy, Projects and...

“In a small country where people are well connected, adaptable and aspirational, great changes are possible” be part of a new multi-disciplinary team. The collective focus of the team is the safety and Wellbeing of the child victim. It’s a considerable achievement that health and justice have come into the same space, which should mean that...

New partnership set to improve access to education for professionals in the children’s sector

...a wide range of topics including early learning, psychology and development, mental health and Wellbeing, as well as more general courses focused on leadership, sustainability and digital skills. Children in Scotland’s workforce will also...

Latest issue of Insight now available
care experienced people child poverty child rights Early years Education literacy Mental Health Wellbeing

Young people across Scotland encouraged to Access All Arts as phase two of Fund launches

...aims to help children and young people experience creative arts opportunities and strengthen Wellbeing as a result. While in its first year, the Fund focused on young people with disabilities or additional support needs. This year the...

access all arts Arts creative scotland creativity Wellbeing young people

Good Food Nation Bill consultation: Supporting the principle of a right to food Scotland's Manifesto 2021-26 Rights, Inequality and Health and Wellbeing all feature as themes in our manifesto Click here for more Food, Families, Futures (2016-2020) Our...

Children's rights Food Health Legislation Poverty Wellbeing

Design is for everyone

...of Learning at V&A Dundee, Jo Mawdsley, on how good design can bring us together, foster Wellbeing and strengthen partnerships Design shapes our world. It's part of everyday life and it's everywhere. V&A Dundee is a museum with a...

community creativity design Health Learning Wellbeing

New Emerging Minds project will look at how live music could boost young people’s mental health

...Emerging Minds project will examine how live music could boost young people’s mental health and Wellbeing 5 February 2021 MEDIA RELEASE A unique multi-partner research project will examine evidence for the impact of live music experiences on...

Arts changing our world emerging minds Mental Health music research scottish ensemble stirling university Wellbeing

Why our Manifesto for 2021-26 must be based on renewal, not recovery

...what we know works and what children and young people say themselves. Rights, poverty, health and Wellbeing, learning, equalities – COVID 19 has shone a different light on all these issues, and in many cases has exacerbated existing problems...

equality Health Inequality Manifesto members membership parliament Poverty rights Wellbeing

Changing Gears project to capture young people’s views on cycling, safety and health

...project will capture perspectives on road safety and risk; active travel choices; health and Wellbeing; how the climate change movement is shifting attitudes; and the impact of longer term demographic changes, including cost of car...

Bikeability bikes cycling Cycling Scotland environment. road safety Health Wellbeing

Learning the secrets of the Netherlands' success very valuable for delegates. What policy changes should Scotland be making to strengthen child Wellbeing based on the Netherlands’ example? One thing that we feel works well is having research communities that work hand in hand with practice....

care Education inclusion netherlands Wellbeing workforce

Physical appearance, sexual identity and learning disabilities ‘the key factors’ in bullying at school

...young people being bullied, i.e protected characteristics What form is bullying taking Impact on Wellbeing Mechanisms of support, including both positive examples and a lack of support Children and young people-led solutions Prominence was given...

Children Children's rights Families Scottish Schools Staff Support Wellbeing

Children in Scotland supports Equal Protection consultation

...of corporal punishment. "Evidence shows there is a link between poor long-term emotional Wellbeing and being subjected to physical punishment as a child. Every parent should have the right to discipline their child, but there are certain...

Children's rights Equal News Scottish Government Wellbeing

Mental Health Strategy focus on early intervention welcome, but children’s voices must be at heart of implementation

...prevention, and the need for coordination around children and young people’s mental health and Wellbeing. These are fundamental areas of mental health policy about which Children in Scotland has been calling for recognition and...

Children Early years Families Health Mental Health Scottish Government Wellbeing

Focus on quality in childcare welcome, but "smarter thinking" required on school start age

...start date. A more important consideration should be the impact this would have on a child’s Wellbeing and on their transition process to primary school. Currently, funding is a factor in deciding a child’s access to two years of...

Children Early years Families Jackie Brock Parents Scottish Government Support Wellbeing

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

27/11/24 - Bridging the gap support individuals with ASD & ADHD and to contribute positively to their development and Wellbeing. Facilitators Meet the dynamic duo behind Three Sisters Consultancy: Corrie McLean (they/them) and Rhiann McLean(she/her)....

20/11/24 - Hybrid Working

...and shared techniques and approaches for self-management, managing others, managing Wellbeing. explored person-centred tools for thinking and developing relationships. collaborated with peers to think about what might be best for...

24/09/24 - Building resilience

...– 4pm | Online Resilience is key to a strong workforce, as well as a key element in personal Wellbeing. This training is for anyone working within the children’s sector. Ticket Prices £40 members £55 non-members ...

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...PDA Develop effective strategies for engaging with children with PDA and promoting their emotional Wellbeing This webinar will help you develop a better understanding of the distinct behaviour profile associated with Pathological Demand Avoidance...

07/2024 Residential

...knowledge of how the nervous system responds to threat Explore how you can use the evidence-based Wellbeing strategies with yourself and others through a sensory Wellbeing walk around St. Andrews Click here to access the full course...

AC24 - Resources

...carer from Carers Trust Scotland Workshop slides 3a | - digital mental health and Wellbeing support in Scotland from Kooth Workshop slides Kooth report Mini workshop brochure 3b | Towards a more diverse Scotland: elevating young...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...with children, young people in formal and informal education settings, to promote the health and Wellbeing of young people through education and training, towards positive destinations and achieving their full potential, fulfilling lives and...

Workshops AC24

...people to gain understanding and influence change. Health From physical to mental health and Wellbeing. Poverty A widespread look at how financial stress feeds into systemic issues and manifests in a variety of ways. Day One -...

AC24 - Speaker Bios

...for teachers. Amal has 11 years of experience working in the mental health and Wellbeing sector. Amal is well known as one of the Glasgow Girls, a group of seven girls from Drumchapel High School who campaigned to stand up...

Programme AC24 - Day Two

...Session Three | 11am Five workshops to choose from: - digital mental health and Wellbeing support in Scotland from Kooth | description Towards a more diverse Scotland: elevating young voices Multi-Cultural Family Base from...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...Her contributions resonate in driving collaborative efforts for ensuring the safety and Wellbeing of children across various settings. Specialisms: Child Protection   Beverley is a highly qualified and registered...

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No results found.

Building confidence and Wellbeing through STEM

... Magazine / News: Programme launches to engage youth workers in STEM and build Wellbeing Posted 21 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and Wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Call 6: Rights, Wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

... Call 6: Rights, Wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up' By Elaine Kerridge Child rights and Wellbeing must be at the heart of education in Scotland and...

Call 22: Build Wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued

... Call 22: Build Wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued By Diarmaid Lawlor Equity and excellence drive education in Scotland. They influence how we choose to close the attainment gap,...

Consultation Response: A Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland (September 2022)

...Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's call for views on a. Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for...

Consultation Response: GIRFEC – Assessment of Wellbeing (February 2022)

...Guidance for Part 18 (Section 96) Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - Assessment of Wellbeing...

Consultation Response: Inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People (December 2021)
attachment the Scottish Government's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young...

Health, Happiness and Wellbeing in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
An introduction to Wellbeing

...  An introduction to Wellbeing A leaflet and card game have been developed to help community groups, clubs and other local organisations understand how their work contributes to the Wellbeing of children and young people across...

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...of vaping harms Posted 24.11.23 by Alice Hinds changing our world consultation health and Wellbeing Scottish Government The Scottish Government has launched a new marketing campaign to inform parents, carers and school pupils about the...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

Action to support Anti-Bullying Week 2022

...2022 by Jennifer Drummond bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing respectme, Scotland’s national anti-bullying charity, has called for action to address bullying during this year’s Anti-Bullying week,...

bullying children and young people Education Mental Health Wellbeing

Readers encouraged to ‘Keep the heid and read’

...10 May 2022, by Nina Joynson literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing Readers of all ages and abilities are being encouraged to pledge six minutes of reading for Wellbeing during Mental Health...

literacy Mental Health reading Wellbeing

Pioneering community project takes next step

...from Love Letham. children and young people community Participation Wellbeing A brand new initiative, which places the voice of young people at its heart, is looking to appoint Commissioners to take forward...

children and young people community Participation Wellbeing

Anxiety named Children's Word of the Year

...Word of the Year Posted 18 January, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Mental Health Wellbeing 'Anxiety' is the Children’s Word of the Year 2021 according to research by Oxford University Press (OUP). More than...

Mental Health Wellbeing

Q&A with Liz Fitzpatrick
post the voices of pupils Posted 29 Sept, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond GIRFEC Wellbeing A new digital reporting system has been developed to make Wellbeing data collection in schools more accessible to young people...

GIRFEC Wellbeing

Children's happiness at an all time low, report suggests

...suggests Posted 31 August, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond. Main image: Phil Wilkinson Wellbeing The annual Wellbeing report from the Children’s Society reveals a worrying decline in overall happiness and Wellbeing of young...
