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From screens to success – boosting children's executive function skills in the digital age

...and very malleable to new experiences, its core functions are often at odds with a modern, technology driven life. One of the core functionalities of the brain is connection. As a relational organ, we are born ‘wired’ to connect with...

Leaders of Learning (2013-16)

...learning; emotional health and wellbeing; planning our learning, and supporting better use of technology. Access the findings from Phase 1 here Phase 2 built on the themes of Phase 1 as identified by those children and young people who took...

An accessible new learning portal for the children’s sector launches

...As well as professional development specific to children’s services, there are also courses in technology, leadership and equality, diversity and inclusion. The courses have also been chosen to complement Children in Scotland’s comprehensive...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...virtually or face to face. Most concerns raised by parents, education staff were around using the technology, Teams, Zoom etc were quickly negated after trial runs and the support given by our mediation officer. Our users started to tell us how...

Class act: promoting inclusive school settings

...inclusive school settings 28 Feb 2023 Adjustments to classroom layout, increased access to technology and assistive technology and more awareness of sensory issues are all small changes that could lead to huge gains for pupils with...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...or Lynn Conway - the transgender woman who innovated chip design that continues to be used in our technology today. That is how empathy building, understanding of difference and diversity, and recognising the commonalities amongst different...

Not losing the human element of being 'present' with people

...for granted. Most concerns raised by parents, carers and education staff were around using the technology, Teams, Zoom etc and these concerns were quickly responded to with trial runs and support given by our mediation officer. Our users...

additional support for learning ASL mediation

The beginning of better provision for parents in prison

...the middle of a pandemic.  Families Outside has been campaigning for many years to introduce technology such as video (‘virtual’) visits and in-cell telephony to aid family contact. Decision-makers accepted that, at some point, the...

Supporting digital engagement and keeping young people connected online

...blended models of support when possible within restrictions. But with such a drastic move to using technology across our services, it became increasingly clear that many people simply don’t have access to devices or connectivity in their...

A clearer picture of the pandemic? The only way is App

...of the pandemic? The only way is App 1 December 2020 Professor Jennifer Davidson on how new technology that crowdsources Covid-19 experiences could help clarify our understanding of the virus’s impact on children’s wellbeing As families,...

Blast from the past: Young people learn to connect heritage, modernity and personal identity

...projects to explore areas such as family and friends, spaces and environment, play, hobbies and technology, and how they have been influenced by heritage. Through the project young people identified the personal connection with heritage,...

heritage living museums museums

Announcing the appointment of two new Board Directors and care data infrastructure. He has more than 15 years’ experience in a range of technology and innovation roles in public, private and non-profit sectors. Previous roles include innovation lead for the Edinburgh Festivals, social...

Ben Supple Rohan Gunatillake

Our view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting poverty

...The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to support everyone to have access to digital technology. “We are pleased to see commitments to roll out super-fast broadband across the country and the proposals to expand the Connecting...

communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school

...that the education young people receive about their rights as citizens addresses issues of technology, censorship and surveillance. We have an opportunity in the classroom to build a strong sense of citizenship and autonomy around these...

Insight: A helpline revolution

...the cloud. So, with schools closed and changes made to the legislation we advise on, we have the technology to support the service delivery in place so we can focus our full attention on the advice that we give. None of this transformation could...

"STEM isn't just a set of subjects for the classroom – it shapes many aspects of our lives"

...of young people in STEM in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals STEM, or Science, technology, Engineering and Maths, is sometimes seen as nothing more than a set of subjects for the classroom. And yet, it shapes so many aspects of...

25 Calls response: Finding hope during a crisis

...our volunteers, and the wider circle of friends and family, has been amazing. Social media and technology can be controversial in how they are used and potentially abused. But the past couple of weeks have shown how invaluable networks can be...

More knowledge, flexibility and consistent support: young people’s recommendations to the ASL review

...those with additional support needs may need to work in a different way or at a different rate. technology was also identified as a useful learning aid. All school staff need to have more knowledge of additional support needs. Inconsistencies in...

25 Calls response: We need a revolution when it comes to improving online safety

...daily steps, my bank transactions, my bus tickets. All of it possible due to the internet and the technology that uses it. Those quickest to judge my choice to keep most of my personal details on my phone and laptop are usually older generations....

25 Calls response: Want to ensure healthy lives on and offline? Act now to protect young people from gambling and gaming harms

...Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives As young people’s relationship with technology changes, we need to adapt and improve our ability to recognise new risks and harms associated with digital life. Our increasingly digital...

First-hand youth engagement and behind the scenes planning: week two for our research volunteer

...MSYP for Orkney and one of the children’s commissioner’s young advisors. She is also on the technology Enabled Care panel with Young Scot. Hope is working with Children in Scotland for four weeks on a work experience placement. She enjoys...

Working on matters that are important to me has been so valuable: a week in the life of a research volunteer

...MSYP for Orkney and one of the children’s commissioner’s young advisors. She is also on the technology Enabled Care panel with Young Scot. Hope is working with Children in Scotland for four weeks on a work experience placement. She enjoys...

25 Calls response: Children are constrained by tired gender stereotypes – it’s never too early or late to challenge them

...achievement, health, relationships, safety and more. For example, action, construction and technology toys are mainly marketed at boys; social role play and arts and crafts toys are mainly marketed at girls. Marketing toys in this way...


Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'

...with the 5Rights framework[4], which highlights children’s five key rights in relation to technology, including the right to be informed. Young people have previously articulated concerns about data being gathered without their informed...

STEM Strategy targets gender bias and skills improvement

...and skills improvement 27 Oct 2017 The Scottish Government has published its STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy for Scotland. The strategy focuses on strengthening the delivery of STEM...


School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost'

...has found. The report, which looks at children and young people’s experiences of Science, technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)-related learning and their understanding of STEM jobs, also concluded that: more women need to be...

Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

Is hybrid really working for you?

...that fill the blanks in your diary! Separation between workday and home life. The barriers: The technology can be a barrier towards building effective relationships…that ability to just put a hand on a shoulder in times of need. Public...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition, reinforcing their role in creating whole ecosystems, and highlighting how modern green technology can be inspired by the natural world. Open for submissions until Friday 23 February 2024, designers of the best entries will be invited to...

design Education environment schools

Building confidence and wellbeing through STEM

...March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers Science Ceilidh is launching a new project to explore the impact of STEM on both youth work...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Encouraging students towards digital tech

...Joynson digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology Applications are open for a digital fund that supports tech initiatives which enhance the development of young people's digital...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL

...March 2022, by Nina Joynson accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology More than 500 British Sign Language signs have been created for terms related to digital technology to make the sector more...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in schools will benefit from government funding and a new industry mentoring scheme, following reports that...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Carbon footprint is focus of new digital art installation

...organisation, to explore lived experiences of climate change through art, science and digital technology.   Bringing together leading Scottish and Indian artists and scientists with participants of all ages in both countries, the...

Arts climate climate change environment

"When their stories find expression, our whole society is enriched"

...across Scotland. For our Members' Spotlight, Thursa Sanderson tells us about innovative music technology and the importance of inclusion in the arts The invention or adaptation of technological solutions for disabled people is an area where...

Call 10: It's time to agree a common set of values in the digital world

... Call 10: It's time to agree a common set of values in the digital world By Jess McBeath technology moves apace. ‘Going online’ no longer involves the once-familiar beeps and screeches as the modem connects you to the world wide...

Call 11: We need an economy underpinned by sustainability, innovation and social justice use less. Better, warmer homes, offices, and schools need less energy to heat. We have the technology to construct buildings that can cut energy bills by 90 per cent without increasing construction costs. If we do this using a National...

Call 20: Deliver a workforce that works for children: confident, skilled and values-driven

...leaders: people who can be adaptable, collaborative, listening, democratic citizens, who use technology, are problem-solvers and can enable others to grow and shine. Work hand in hand Scotland’s children deserve the best...

The times, they are a-changing

...much more complicated than it is today. The children born twenty years ago have grown up with this technology, and have seen it transform learning and communication. They have seen computers become standard equipment in classrooms and become used...


...bias and skills improvement The Scottish Government has published its STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy for Scotland.
 19 October 2017 Equal...

No results found.

From screens to success – boosting children's executive function skills in the digital age

...and very malleable to new experiences, its core functions are often at odds with a modern, technology driven life. One of the core functionalities of the brain is connection. As a relational organ, we are born ‘wired’ to connect with...

An accessible new learning portal for the children’s sector launches

...As well as professional development specific to children’s services, there are also courses in technology, leadership and equality, diversity and inclusion. The courses have also been chosen to complement Children in Scotland’s comprehensive...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...virtually or face to face. Most concerns raised by parents, education staff were around using the technology, Teams, Zoom etc were quickly negated after trial runs and the support given by our mediation officer. Our users started to tell us how...

Class act: promoting inclusive school settings

...inclusive school settings 28 Feb 2023 Adjustments to classroom layout, increased access to technology and assistive technology and more awareness of sensory issues are all small changes that could lead to huge gains for pupils with...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...or Lynn Conway - the transgender woman who innovated chip design that continues to be used in our technology today. That is how empathy building, understanding of difference and diversity, and recognising the commonalities amongst different...

Not losing the human element of being 'present' with people

...for granted. Most concerns raised by parents, carers and education staff were around using the technology, Teams, Zoom etc and these concerns were quickly responded to with trial runs and support given by our mediation officer. Our users...

additional support for learning ASL mediation

The beginning of better provision for parents in prison

...the middle of a pandemic.  Families Outside has been campaigning for many years to introduce technology such as video (‘virtual’) visits and in-cell telephony to aid family contact. Decision-makers accepted that, at some point, the...

Supporting digital engagement and keeping young people connected online

...blended models of support when possible within restrictions. But with such a drastic move to using technology across our services, it became increasingly clear that many people simply don’t have access to devices or connectivity in their...

A clearer picture of the pandemic? The only way is App

...of the pandemic? The only way is App 1 December 2020 Professor Jennifer Davidson on how new technology that crowdsources Covid-19 experiences could help clarify our understanding of the virus’s impact on children’s wellbeing As families,...

Blast from the past: Young people learn to connect heritage, modernity and personal identity

...projects to explore areas such as family and friends, spaces and environment, play, hobbies and technology, and how they have been influenced by heritage. Through the project young people identified the personal connection with heritage,...

heritage living museums museums

Announcing the appointment of two new Board Directors and care data infrastructure. He has more than 15 years’ experience in a range of technology and innovation roles in public, private and non-profit sectors. Previous roles include innovation lead for the Edinburgh Festivals, social...

Ben Supple Rohan Gunatillake

Our view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting poverty

...The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to support everyone to have access to digital technology. “We are pleased to see commitments to roll out super-fast broadband across the country and the proposals to expand the Connecting...

communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC

Young citizens: Why learning about freedom of expression and digital rights should start at school

...that the education young people receive about their rights as citizens addresses issues of technology, censorship and surveillance. We have an opportunity in the classroom to build a strong sense of citizenship and autonomy around these...

Insight: A helpline revolution

...the cloud. So, with schools closed and changes made to the legislation we advise on, we have the technology to support the service delivery in place so we can focus our full attention on the advice that we give. None of this transformation could...

"STEM isn't just a set of subjects for the classroom – it shapes many aspects of our lives"

...of young people in STEM in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals STEM, or Science, technology, Engineering and Maths, is sometimes seen as nothing more than a set of subjects for the classroom. And yet, it shapes so many aspects of...

25 Calls response: Finding hope during a crisis

...our volunteers, and the wider circle of friends and family, has been amazing. Social media and technology can be controversial in how they are used and potentially abused. But the past couple of weeks have shown how invaluable networks can be...

More knowledge, flexibility and consistent support: young people’s recommendations to the ASL review

...those with additional support needs may need to work in a different way or at a different rate. technology was also identified as a useful learning aid. All school staff need to have more knowledge of additional support needs. Inconsistencies in...

25 Calls response: We need a revolution when it comes to improving online safety

...daily steps, my bank transactions, my bus tickets. All of it possible due to the internet and the technology that uses it. Those quickest to judge my choice to keep most of my personal details on my phone and laptop are usually older generations....

25 Calls response: Want to ensure healthy lives on and offline? Act now to protect young people from gambling and gaming harms

...Scotland's next generation can lead active, healthy lives As young people’s relationship with technology changes, we need to adapt and improve our ability to recognise new risks and harms associated with digital life. Our increasingly digital...

First-hand youth engagement and behind the scenes planning: week two for our research volunteer

...MSYP for Orkney and one of the children’s commissioner’s young advisors. She is also on the technology Enabled Care panel with Young Scot. Hope is working with Children in Scotland for four weeks on a work experience placement. She enjoys...

Working on matters that are important to me has been so valuable: a week in the life of a research volunteer

...MSYP for Orkney and one of the children’s commissioner’s young advisors. She is also on the technology Enabled Care panel with Young Scot. Hope is working with Children in Scotland for four weeks on a work experience placement. She enjoys...

25 Calls response: Children are constrained by tired gender stereotypes – it’s never too early or late to challenge them

...achievement, health, relationships, safety and more. For example, action, construction and technology toys are mainly marketed at boys; social role play and arts and crafts toys are mainly marketed at girls. Marketing toys in this way...


Facebook data breach represents 'blatant undermining of children's rights'

...with the 5Rights framework[4], which highlights children’s five key rights in relation to technology, including the right to be informed. Young people have previously articulated concerns about data being gathered without their informed...

STEM Strategy targets gender bias and skills improvement

...and skills improvement 27 Oct 2017 The Scottish Government has published its STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy for Scotland. The strategy focuses on strengthening the delivery of STEM...


School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost'

...has found. The report, which looks at children and young people’s experiences of Science, technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)-related learning and their understanding of STEM jobs, also concluded that: more women need to be...

Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

The times, they are a-changing

...much more complicated than it is today. The children born twenty years ago have grown up with this technology, and have seen it transform learning and communication. They have seen computers become standard equipment in classrooms and become used...


...bias and skills improvement The Scottish Government has published its STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy for Scotland.
 19 October 2017 Equal...

No results found.

No results found.

Is hybrid really working for you?

...that fill the blanks in your diary! Separation between workday and home life. The barriers: The technology can be a barrier towards building effective relationships…that ability to just put a hand on a shoulder in times of need. Public...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition
post, reinforcing their role in creating whole ecosystems, and highlighting how modern green technology can be inspired by the natural world. Open for submissions until Friday 23 February 2024, designers of the best entries will be invited to...

design Education environment schools

Building confidence and wellbeing through STEM

...March, 2023 by Nina Joynson health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers Science Ceilidh is launching a new project to explore the impact of STEM on both youth work...

health and wellbeing research science STEM technology young people youth workers

Encouraging students towards digital tech

...Joynson digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology Applications are open for a digital fund that supports tech initiatives which enhance the development of young people's digital...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL

...March 2022, by Nina Joynson accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology More than 500 British Sign Language signs have been created for terms related to digital technology to make the sector more...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in schools will benefit from government funding and a new industry mentoring scheme, following reports that...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Carbon footprint is focus of new digital art installation

...organisation, to explore lived experiences of climate change through art, science and digital technology.   Bringing together leading Scottish and Indian artists and scientists with participants of all ages in both countries, the...

Arts climate climate change environment

"When their stories find expression, our whole society is enriched"

...across Scotland. For our Members' Spotlight, Thursa Sanderson tells us about innovative music technology and the importance of inclusion in the arts The invention or adaptation of technological solutions for disabled people is an area where...

Call 10: It's time to agree a common set of values in the digital world

... Call 10: It's time to agree a common set of values in the digital world By Jess McBeath technology moves apace. ‘Going online’ no longer involves the once-familiar beeps and screeches as the modem connects you to the world wide...

Call 11: We need an economy underpinned by sustainability, innovation and social justice
post use less. Better, warmer homes, offices, and schools need less energy to heat. We have the technology to construct buildings that can cut energy bills by 90 per cent without increasing construction costs. If we do this using a National...

Call 20: Deliver a workforce that works for children: confident, skilled and values-driven

...leaders: people who can be adaptable, collaborative, listening, democratic citizens, who use technology, are problem-solvers and can enable others to grow and shine. Work hand in hand Scotland’s children deserve the best...