STEM Strategy targets gender bias and skills improvement
27 Oct 2017
The Scottish Government has published its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy for Scotland.
The strategy focuses on strengthening the delivery of STEM education, addressing gender stereotyping, and ensuring the development of skills.
Planned actions include setting up a network of specialist STEM advisers for schools, prioritising STEM in the expansion of apprenticeships, creating STEM mentors and delivering up-to-date advice on STEM careers.
As part of its STEM strategy consultation process, the Scottish Government commissioned us to carry out research on young people’s STEM-related learning, and their awareness of STEM jobs.
The project involved engagement activities with young people to gather their views on learning, work, and their lived experience of STEM.
Our research concluded that schools should be supported to do more Engineering activities and make Maths as interesting as possible; more women should be encouraged to become Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths teachers; and more men should be encouraged to go into primary teaching.
Read our recommendations report
Read a children and young people-friendly version of the report

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