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International schools Meals Day update

...International schools Meals Day update After 12 years, Children in Scotland is sad to announce that the International School Meals Day (ISMD) project is coming to an end in its current form. A combination of the loss of funding, a reduction in...

New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish schools

... New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish schools A new report that summarises the Success Looks Different Awards 2023 has revealed positive stories of inclusion from across schools in Scotland. The annual awards were set...

schools as a Hub for Community Regeneration, STV Hunter schools Project (2014-2015)

... schools as a Hub for Community Regeneration (STV Hunter schools Project) This project ran between 2014 and 2015. Children in Scotland worked with six pathfinder schools in some of Scotland's most deprived areas to support them in using their...

The benefits of time spent outdoors this summer

...and share Scotland’s outdoor places. My role is about extending and enhancing our work with schools across the many special places cared for by the Trust. That includes developing and promoting the huge range of outdoor learning experiences...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...children and young people across Scotland in this work, through delivering sessions in primary schools and specialist support settings, and sharing an engagement pack that education staff can use with pupils. We look forward to hearing their...

Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform

...has an equal chance to flourish. When the numbers have now reached 37% of all children in our schools then there is an urgent need for Scotland to ensure that wider education policy and reform truly reflect the views and experiences of...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024

...Unit, called for children to be better represented in discussions about rising violence in schools, and shared why a trauma-informed approach should be taken to address such challenges. His thoughtful speech, which focused on the need for...

Children in Scotland appeals for Kiltwalk participants

...decision making. Their membership brings together more than 450 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups. The provision of children’s support services like...

Tackling "poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time

...It is now a staple of the school holiday activity provision in Dundee, with community groups, schools, church groups, support workers and more all supported by Dundee Bairns. We now work with more than 100 community projects and schools...

Better Eating, Better Learning: a project about food in Scotland's schools (2015)

... Better Eating, Better Learning: a project about food in Scotland's schools (2015) The Better Eating, Better Learning (BEBL) project consulted with children and young people to inform recommendations for the development of school food...

Scottish schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion

... Scottish schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion 19 Sep 2023 Three schools and one nursery have been crowned winners of this year's Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with...

Press release: New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs

... New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs 4 May 2022 MEDIA RELEASE schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched...

Additional support inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 3: “There is so much more bullying in schools in more unequal societies. But why?”

... “There is so much more bullying in schools in more unequal societies. But why?” 12 December 2018 As part of our 25 Calls campaign we spoke to Professor Richard  Wilkinson, co-author of the groundbreaking book The Spirit Level and its...

bullying Inequality schools

Young people’s worsening mental health and bullying in schools ‘direct consequence of UK’s inequality’, Children in Scotland conference to hear

... Young people’s worsening mental health and bullying in schools ‘direct consequence of UK’s inequality’, Children in Scotland conference to hear 7 Nov 2018 Embargoed: 00:01 hours, Wednesday 7 November 2018 School bullying and mental...

Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire

... Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire 3 July 2017 From today, 26 schools in the west of Scotland will be taking part in Children in Scotland’s expanded Food, Families, Futures...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish Schools

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

... Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible? Children in Scotland is calling for clearer guidance on the role of school staff in meeting pupils’ healthcare needs. Enquire, the Scottish Advice...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in schools

... New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in schools 1 May 2024 Children in Scotland has published a summary paper today (1 May) which adds new evidence to the ongoing discussions about behaviour and...

From protest to policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our schools policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our schools 10 July 2020 Changing the curriculum would be a vital step in anti-racist action, giving children in Scotland a proper understanding of...

anti-racism black lives matter diversity Education equality Inequality protest racism

schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme

... Magazine / schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme Posted 24.08.23 by Sophie Ward children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor...

children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor learning

schools face new disruption as exams approach

... Magazine / News: schools face new disruption to learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Children in Scotland reveals full programme for Annual Conference 2024

...Violence Reduction Unit, will use his keynote to discuss the growing concern of behaviour in schools, while exploring the many challenges faced by young people today. With a varied career managing health and social care services, and...

Collaborate, network and learn: Our plans for Annual Conference 2024

...Paul, Head of Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, will discuss the topic of behaviour in schools. We will be delivering 25 workshops across the two days – but with more than 90 submissions, our Learning & Events team now faces the...

"Even after 20 years as Dr Spritely, every day still feels new and exciting"

...sessions across a range of settings, from paediatric healthcare units and respite centres to schools for pupils with complex needs. The charity’s dedicated team of professional arts practitioners use a variety of playful techniques to...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...rights, and shared how AI systems could impact them. Engagement work took place in four different schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and Shetland, and Children’s Parliament, in partnership with representatives from The Alan Turing...

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

...of e-cigarettes, and implementing better education programmes within primary and secondary schools. Having identified vaping as a concerning area for discussion, Children in Scotland’s young people’s advisory group, Changing our World...

‘Your Voice Matters’: how to support young people during Welcome to Your Vote Week

...steps towards a more inclusive education system 30 Jan 2024 From 29 January-4 February, schools and youth organisations across Scotland will participate in Welcome to Your Vote Week 2024. Catherine Heggie, Senior Communications &...

Supporting women, fighting for change: Glasgow Women's Aid marks 50 years

...persist but, Angela says, social media has added a whole new set of issues. “When we go into schools and do prevention work, the number of young people that accept a certain degree of control and think, ‘Oh well, it’s just that person’...

Looking to the future with Changing our World education, with reviews of exams and qualifications Better public transport, especially for schools, with bus passes made available more widely. Thank you to members of Changing our World for sharing their inspiring vision for the...

Innovation in school meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches

...and school food providers, to think about nutrition in new, exciting and sustainable ways.  schools and communities are invited to share their activity via written pieces, drawings or photographs, audio or video, and good practice will be...

Ambitious itinerary announced for ‘30 Hills in 7 Days’ CEO challenge

...development. Their membership brings together more than 430 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups. Throughout her challenge, Judith will be fundraising...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...outcomes, which have been proven to support and re-establish relationships between families and schools. In early 2020, COVD-19’s very speedy spread suddenly shut down Resolve along with the rest of the world leaving us all dazed and quite...

Listen to young people to help stop bullying

... Listen to young people to help stop bullying 7 Nov 2023 From 13-17 November, schools, organisations and youth groups across Scotland will be participating in Anti-Bullying Week 2023. Lorraine Glass, Interim Director at Scotland’s...

Thirty hills in seven days to mark 30th anniversary

...The organisation's membership brings together more than 450 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries, to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups.  Throughout her challenge, Judith will be...

Amplifying the experiences of young people seeking legal representation in Scotland with professionals to raise awareness of what needs to change · as a teaching resource in schools, colleges and universities · in induction processes and in training to explain what good practice looks like · to support wider system and...

Mobilise third sector services to give children and communities support in the fight against Covid-19

...appropriate, avoiding stigma and respecting human rights. “We are encouraged by the pledge that schools will be used as hubs for the different services that can provide support to the priority groups of young people children and families reliant...

ASN childcare communities Covid-19 Education schools

After today’s vote, it’s time to reconsider P1 testing testing four- and five-year olds when the benefits from the perspective of children, teachers, schools and parents are completely unproven. Will the Scottish Government now reconsider?” Share this ...

P1 schools Scottish Government teachers Tests

Kindness and fairness ‘key to excellent teaching’, children say
Participation schools teachers

Education in schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Enquire Consultation Response: Physical intervention in schools guidance (November 2022)

...consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Physical intervention in schools...

Inquiry into bullying and harassment in schools June 2017

...Children’s and young people’s voices and experiences of bullying and harassment in schools...

Consultation response: Guidance on healthcare needs in schools (April 2017)

...a joint response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Guidance on Healthcare Needs in schools....

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate change environment schools...

Arts climate climate change environment schools

Restraint and seclusion in schools

... Magazine / Comment: We need more action on the use of restraint and seclusion in schools Posted 23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools

... Magazine / News: Consultation on physical intervention in schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to...

Education human rights rights

New project to tackle racism in schools

... Image by Anna Cervinkova Magazine / News: New project aims to tackle racism in schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young...

anti-racism Education racism

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...person working on laptop Magazine / News: Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...and has worked independently across the UK since then. Ruth provides training and consultancy for schools, children's services, and parents. She is the co-author of several books, including, Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance in Children...

AC24 - Resources

...ethical and inclusive" use of Artificial Intelligence. The project engages with children from schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and Shetland. The stage 1 report & film for the project can be found on the project webpage (linked...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...products. email | facebook | instagram | linkedin | X phone: 01332 370152 CPOMS gives schools the power to uphold and enhance their Safeguarding initiatives. Completely customisable, the software also helps lessen the burden on staff...

Workshops AC24

...working together, this workshop creates space to discuss the difficulties surrounding behaviour in schools, its intersection with additional support needs, and what can help. The Enquire team will share learning from their work, including insights...

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition pupils Posted 16.01.24 by Alice Hinds design Education environment schools Children across Scotland are being encouraged to take inspiration from “nature’s engineers” as Keep Scotland Beautiful launches...

design Education environment schools

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...well as making use of radio and outdoor advertising, the Take Hold marketing campaign will see schools around Scotland provided with digital guidance packs and resources for posters, reinforcing the key message that vapes may quickly become...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

ASL Inquiry Education, Children and Young People Committee

...possible, children and young people with additional support needs should be educated in mainstream schools alongside other pupils, rather than in special schools · the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on additional support for learning · the...

Our history

...for Children and a Children’s Commissioner, much talk of ‘joined-up’ working, New Community schools and a National Debate on Education. Once upon a time in Holyrood Children in Scotland, in partnership with the then Scottish Council...

Cutting the cost of the school day an inspiring example of what can happen when young people take the lead on equity in their own schools and a reminder of the impact that a poverty aware school culture and a clear focus on reducing the cost of the school day can have.” schools...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Member Insight Blog: Latest

...has an equal chance to flourish. When the numbers have now reached 37% of all children in our schools then there is an urgent need for Scotland to ensure that wider education policy and reform truly reflect the views and experiences of...

New resources to support school attendance

.../ New resources launched for teachers, parents and carers to help support attendance as schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support schools Scottish schools...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

Encouraging students towards digital tech

...with new funding Posted 8 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology Applications are open for a digital fund that supports tech initiatives...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

School staff announce September strike dates

...23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education schools Children and young people in nine local authority areas are likely to be affected by strike action planned for next month. The...

Early years Education schools

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...results day looms Posted 27 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education exams schools SQA Support With thousands of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills Development Scotland is opening its...

Education exams schools SQA Support

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

... Magazine / Q&A with James McEnaney: Scottish schools and the attainment gap Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Covid causes fresh issues as school term starts

...2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools As children return to classrooms, schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and pupil absences while trying to handle...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools

No results found.

International schools Meals Day update

...International schools Meals Day update After 12 years, Children in Scotland is sad to announce that the International School Meals Day (ISMD) project is coming to an end in its current form. A combination of the loss of funding, a reduction in...

New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish schools

... New report shares positive stories of inclusion in Scottish schools A new report that summarises the Success Looks Different Awards 2023 has revealed positive stories of inclusion from across schools in Scotland. The annual awards were set...

The benefits of time spent outdoors this summer

...and share Scotland’s outdoor places. My role is about extending and enhancing our work with schools across the many special places cared for by the Trust. That includes developing and promoting the huge range of outdoor learning experiences...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...children and young people across Scotland in this work, through delivering sessions in primary schools and specialist support settings, and sharing an engagement pack that education staff can use with pupils. We look forward to hearing their...

Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform

...has an equal chance to flourish. When the numbers have now reached 37% of all children in our schools then there is an urgent need for Scotland to ensure that wider education policy and reform truly reflect the views and experiences of...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024

...Unit, called for children to be better represented in discussions about rising violence in schools, and shared why a trauma-informed approach should be taken to address such challenges. His thoughtful speech, which focused on the need for...

Children in Scotland appeals for Kiltwalk participants

...decision making. Their membership brings together more than 450 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups. The provision of children’s support services like...

Tackling "poverty of opportunity" one bairn at a time

...It is now a staple of the school holiday activity provision in Dundee, with community groups, schools, church groups, support workers and more all supported by Dundee Bairns. We now work with more than 100 community projects and schools...

Scottish schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion

... Scottish schools recognised for work to support pupil inclusion 19 Sep 2023 Three schools and one nursery have been crowned winners of this year's Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with...

Press release: New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs

... New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs 4 May 2022 MEDIA RELEASE schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched...

Additional support inclusion Inclusion Ambassadors

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 3: “There is so much more bullying in schools in more unequal societies. But why?”

... “There is so much more bullying in schools in more unequal societies. But why?” 12 December 2018 As part of our 25 Calls campaign we spoke to Professor Richard  Wilkinson, co-author of the groundbreaking book The Spirit Level and its...

bullying Inequality schools

Young people’s worsening mental health and bullying in schools ‘direct consequence of UK’s inequality’, Children in Scotland conference to hear

... Young people’s worsening mental health and bullying in schools ‘direct consequence of UK’s inequality’, Children in Scotland conference to hear 7 Nov 2018 Embargoed: 00:01 hours, Wednesday 7 November 2018 School bullying and mental...

Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire

... Project challenging food poverty expands to 26 schools across Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire 3 July 2017 From today, 26 schools in the west of Scotland will be taking part in Children in Scotland’s expanded Food, Families, Futures...

Children Councillors Families Food Health Jackie Brock Scottish Schools

Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible?

... Children’s intimate healthcare needs in schools must be met. So who’s responsible? Children in Scotland is calling for clearer guidance on the role of school staff in meeting pupils’ healthcare needs. Enquire, the Scottish Advice...

Children Consultation response Healthcare News Policy School Scottish Government Staff

New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in schools

... New paper reflects young people’s views on behaviour and relationships in schools 1 May 2024 Children in Scotland has published a summary paper today (1 May) which adds new evidence to the ongoing discussions about behaviour and...

From protest to policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our schools policymaking: join my campaign for reform and ensure Afro-Scottish history is taught in our schools 10 July 2020 Changing the curriculum would be a vital step in anti-racist action, giving children in Scotland a proper understanding of...

anti-racism black lives matter diversity Education equality Inequality protest racism

Children in Scotland reveals full programme for Annual Conference 2024

...Violence Reduction Unit, will use his keynote to discuss the growing concern of behaviour in schools, while exploring the many challenges faced by young people today. With a varied career managing health and social care services, and...

Collaborate, network and learn: Our plans for Annual Conference 2024

...Paul, Head of Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, will discuss the topic of behaviour in schools. We will be delivering 25 workshops across the two days – but with more than 90 submissions, our Learning & Events team now faces the...

"Even after 20 years as Dr Spritely, every day still feels new and exciting"

...sessions across a range of settings, from paediatric healthcare units and respite centres to schools for pupils with complex needs. The charity’s dedicated team of professional arts practitioners use a variety of playful techniques to...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...rights, and shared how AI systems could impact them. Engagement work took place in four different schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and Shetland, and Children’s Parliament, in partnership with representatives from The Alan Turing...

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

...of e-cigarettes, and implementing better education programmes within primary and secondary schools. Having identified vaping as a concerning area for discussion, Children in Scotland’s young people’s advisory group, Changing our World...

‘Your Voice Matters’: how to support young people during Welcome to Your Vote Week

...steps towards a more inclusive education system 30 Jan 2024 From 29 January-4 February, schools and youth organisations across Scotland will participate in Welcome to Your Vote Week 2024. Catherine Heggie, Senior Communications &...

Supporting women, fighting for change: Glasgow Women's Aid marks 50 years

...persist but, Angela says, social media has added a whole new set of issues. “When we go into schools and do prevention work, the number of young people that accept a certain degree of control and think, ‘Oh well, it’s just that person’...

Looking to the future with Changing our World education, with reviews of exams and qualifications Better public transport, especially for schools, with bus passes made available more widely. Thank you to members of Changing our World for sharing their inspiring vision for the...

Innovation in school meals in focus, as International School Meals Day 2024 launches

...and school food providers, to think about nutrition in new, exciting and sustainable ways.  schools and communities are invited to share their activity via written pieces, drawings or photographs, audio or video, and good practice will be...

Ambitious itinerary announced for ‘30 Hills in 7 Days’ CEO challenge

...development. Their membership brings together more than 430 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups. Throughout her challenge, Judith will be fundraising...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...outcomes, which have been proven to support and re-establish relationships between families and schools. In early 2020, COVD-19’s very speedy spread suddenly shut down Resolve along with the rest of the world leaving us all dazed and quite...

Listen to young people to help stop bullying

... Listen to young people to help stop bullying 7 Nov 2023 From 13-17 November, schools, organisations and youth groups across Scotland will be participating in Anti-Bullying Week 2023. Lorraine Glass, Interim Director at Scotland’s...

Thirty hills in seven days to mark 30th anniversary

...The organisation's membership brings together more than 450 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries, to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups.  Throughout her challenge, Judith will be...

Amplifying the experiences of young people seeking legal representation in Scotland with professionals to raise awareness of what needs to change · as a teaching resource in schools, colleges and universities · in induction processes and in training to explain what good practice looks like · to support wider system and...

Mobilise third sector services to give children and communities support in the fight against Covid-19

...appropriate, avoiding stigma and respecting human rights. “We are encouraged by the pledge that schools will be used as hubs for the different services that can provide support to the priority groups of young people children and families reliant...

ASN childcare communities Covid-19 Education schools

After today’s vote, it’s time to reconsider P1 testing testing four- and five-year olds when the benefits from the perspective of children, teachers, schools and parents are completely unproven. Will the Scottish Government now reconsider?” Share this ...

P1 schools Scottish Government teachers Tests

Kindness and fairness ‘key to excellent teaching’, children say
Participation schools teachers

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

10/09/24 - Understanding PDA

...and has worked independently across the UK since then. Ruth provides training and consultancy for schools, children's services, and parents. She is the co-author of several books, including, Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance in Children...

AC24 - Resources

...ethical and inclusive" use of Artificial Intelligence. The project engages with children from schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and Shetland. The stage 1 report & film for the project can be found on the project webpage (linked...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...products. email | facebook | instagram | linkedin | X phone: 01332 370152 CPOMS gives schools the power to uphold and enhance their Safeguarding initiatives. Completely customisable, the software also helps lessen the burden on staff...

Workshops AC24

...working together, this workshop creates space to discuss the difficulties surrounding behaviour in schools, its intersection with additional support needs, and what can help. The Enquire team will share learning from their work, including insights...

ASL Inquiry Education, Children and Young People Committee

...possible, children and young people with additional support needs should be educated in mainstream schools alongside other pupils, rather than in special schools · the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on additional support for learning · the...

Our history

...for Children and a Children’s Commissioner, much talk of ‘joined-up’ working, New Community schools and a National Debate on Education. Once upon a time in Holyrood Children in Scotland, in partnership with the then Scottish Council...

No results found.

No results found.

schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme

... Magazine / schools in Scotland encouraged to join LEAF programme Posted 24.08.23 by Sophie Ward children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor...

children and young people health and wellbeing learning for sustainability Outdoor education outdoor learning

schools face new disruption as exams approach

... Magazine / News: schools face new disruption to learning as exams approach Posted 22 March 2022, by Nina Joynson Covid-19 Education exams SQA A new spike in Covid cases has forced councils to...

Covid-19 Education exams SQA

Education in schools Fellowships now open

... Magazine / News: Education in schools Fellowships open for applications Posted 13 September, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education Applications for a programme of Churchill Fellowships exploring global approaches...


Enquire Consultation Response: Physical intervention in schools guidance (November 2022)

...consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Physical intervention in schools...

Inquiry into bullying and harassment in schools June 2017

...Children’s and young people’s voices and experiences of bullying and harassment in schools...

Consultation response: Guidance on healthcare needs in schools (April 2017)

...a joint response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Guidance on Healthcare Needs in schools....

Climate-conscious theatre performance comes to Scottish schools

... Magazine / News: Climate-conscious theatre performance tours Scottish schools Posted 22 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson. Photo credit: Andrew Perry Arts climate climate change environment schools...

Arts climate climate change environment schools

Restraint and seclusion in schools

... Magazine / Comment: We need more action on the use of restraint and seclusion in schools Posted 23 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education Three years on from its report into the use...

Additional support ASL ASN Children's rights Education

Consultation opens on physical intervention in schools

... Magazine / News: Consultation on physical intervention in schools launched Posted 22 June, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Education human rights rights Views are being sought on new guidance relating to...

Education human rights rights

New project to tackle racism in schools

... Image by Anna Cervinkova Magazine / News: New project aims to tackle racism in schools Posted 25 February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond anti-racism Education racism A new project will support young...

anti-racism Education racism

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...person working on laptop Magazine / News: Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Launch of Children's Pocket Garden Design competition
post pupils Posted 16.01.24 by Alice Hinds design Education environment schools Children across Scotland are being encouraged to take inspiration from “nature’s engineers” as Keep Scotland Beautiful launches...

design Education environment schools

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...well as making use of radio and outdoor advertising, the Take Hold marketing campaign will see schools around Scotland provided with digital guidance packs and resources for posters, reinforcing the key message that vapes may quickly become...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

Cutting the cost of the school day
post an inspiring example of what can happen when young people take the lead on equity in their own schools and a reminder of the impact that a poverty aware school culture and a clear focus on reducing the cost of the school day can have.” schools...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Member Insight Blog: Latest

...has an equal chance to flourish. When the numbers have now reached 37% of all children in our schools then there is an urgent need for Scotland to ensure that wider education policy and reform truly reflect the views and experiences of...

New resources to support school attendance

.../ New resources launched for teachers, parents and carers to help support attendance as schools return Posted 17.08.23 by Alice Hinds Attainment Education family support schools Scottish schools...

Attainment Education family support schools Scottish Schools

Encouraging students towards digital tech

...with new funding Posted 8 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology Applications are open for a digital fund that supports tech initiatives...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

School staff announce September strike dates

...23 August, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond Early years Education schools Children and young people in nine local authority areas are likely to be affected by strike action planned for next month. The...

Early years Education schools

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...results day looms Posted 27 July, 2022 by Nina Joynson Education exams schools SQA Support With thousands of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills Development Scotland is opening its...

Education exams schools SQA Support

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

... Magazine / Q&A with James McEnaney: Scottish schools and the attainment gap Posted 1 February 2022, by Jennifer Drummond Education Inequality Poverty schools Ahead of his webinar for Children in...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Covid causes fresh issues as school term starts

...2022 by Nina Joynson coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools As children return to classrooms, schools are experiencing high levels of teacher and pupil absences while trying to handle...

coronavirus Education health and wellbeing schools