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Search results for: "Curriculum for Excellence"

BeXcellent – a Curriculum for Excellence project (2014)

... BeXcellent – a Curriculum for Excellence project (2014) BeXcellent involved a team of children and young people creating and managing a website for other young people, so that they share their experiences of learning through Curriculum for...

Leaders of Learning (2013-16)

...people to identify how well they understood their entitlement to a broad general education under Curriculum for Excellence, including the importance of pupil participation, wider learning and wider achievement. The project engaged with children...

Scottish Government 'worryingly silent' on teacher excellence - but school pupils won't be

...said. “We do not want to see any distraction from support to schools and teachers to achieve Curriculum for Excellence and to deliver our ambitions of achieving equity and excellence. At present, we believe more persuasive evidence and...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...have always been ‘child-centric’, co-produced with teachers and pupils, and linked to Curriculum for Excellence. Aiming to ensure all learning resources are of a high quality and fully fit-for-purpose, RSS recently commissioned The...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...we are now excited about including Scottish children in the debates. ‘It fits perfectly into the Curriculum for Excellence and our mapping to UNCRC and SDGs supports schools working towards their Unicef Rights Respecting Awards’, says Georgie,...

Education reform consultation: ‘We need to learn from policy, research and practice to ensure reform is fit for purpose”

...significant changes and learning have taken place around education policy and research since the Curriculum for Excellence was first formulated, more than two decades ago. In our submission, we share our belief that this learning needs to be...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform

‘Involve us in decisions about our education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report

...June 2021 Children in Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing core recommendations made by young people the charity has worked with. Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s...

Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s education activity

...make a difference through engaging with various educational activities. Our programmes align with Curriculum for Excellence so there is a wealth of tools that can be used by teachers from early years through to secondary school. We want all pupils...

Pandemic as portal: challenges and opportunities revealed by the exams debacle

...examination, and every country is exploring ways to operate under Covid. What can we learn? Curriculum for Excellence was intended to broaden school age education to embrace learning to know, to be, to do and to live together. But we are...

Out now: New wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners

...wellbeing. “It complements existing Getting it right for every child information and links to Curriculum for Excellence’s focus on health and wellbeing. And crucially, it supports the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the...

A radical new beginning

...our children to lead their own learning, using play as a vehicle to deliver the curriculum. The Curriculum for Excellence documentation encourages us to deliver our curriculum in an inventive and creative way. Decluttering the curriculum meant...

A modest proposal

...of life.” While the accompanying documentation (such as Getting it Right for Every Child and Curriculum for Excellence’s Early Level) is developmentally-informed, this has not been translated into cultural change in terms of understanding...

New resource aims to support children and young people's engagement with heritage

...the principles are applicable to all engagement work with children and young people. "It supports Curriculum for Excellence’s curriculum areas including Social Studies and in particular Health and Wellbeing: developing self-awareness,...

25 Calls response: My daughter just wants to dance. So what’s stopping her?

...because I remember the buzz around putting creativity and the arts at the heart of learning when Curriculum for Excellence was introduced almost a decade ago. At that time theatre and creative experiences for children had exploded too. From my...

25 Calls response: Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and parents parents in using the digital world to advantage. Our children have the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence at the heart of their learning, to become successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident...

25 Calls response: Transforming mental health support for young people must be about their real needs, not just symptoms and diagnosis

...highlighted the need for better provision within schools, including mental health being part of Curriculum for Excellence and being taught in PSE; the inclusion of mindfulness, coping strategies and how to manage strong emotions within...

25 Calls response: Target stigma, honour arts experiences and get the first years of school right to start levelling the playing field for children

...(and will certainly be unpalatable to some), but is actually allowed for under Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. Simply put, it is to follow the Finnish model of education, where children are not formally taught to read and write until...

After today’s vote, it’s time to reconsider P1 testing

...of primary, not just because all the evidence suggests it is best for young children but because Curriculum for Excellence commits to it up to the age of six, and it is entirely counter-productive to introduce a policy which contradicts...

P1 schools Scottish Government teachers Tests

Children, parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy

...a complete lack of clarity about its purpose, and it is in direct conflict with the principles of Curriculum for Excellence, which emphasises the fundamental importance of play up to the age of six. “Children, teachers and families risk paying...

Education Parents School Tests

Why young children need Play Not Tests abandon formal testing in P1 and instead endorse “the play-based pedagogy outlined in the Curriculum for Excellence”. Sue Palmer, Chair of Upstart Scotland and author of Toxic Childhood and Detoxing Childhood, said the data provided by...

Children Education Scottish Schools

Co-producing meals will help target obesity and support healthy eating

...into the school meals offer Maximising the citizenship and healthy lifestyle aspects of Curriculum for Excellence in coordination with these approaches. Read the full press release Share this ...

Co-producing school meals with pupils and families 'will help target obesity and support healthy eating'

...School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) Maximising the citizenship and healthy lifestyle aspects of Curriculum for Excellence in coordination with these approaches. Any policy solution must look to the overlap in children’s lives between family,...

School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair education

...increasing scores? Not necessarily. Scottish education has strong foundations based on GIRFEC and Curriculum for Excellence, and a teaching profession that values and promotes children’s wellbeing and upholds their rights – but schools and...

Youth Advisory Group launched as part of Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Child protection child safety Legislation Scottish Government

New mainstreaming guidance welcome – but gap between policy and young people’s lived experience must be resolved

Bereavement should be on the school curriculum

...policy, staff training and pupil education. This would involve adding death and bereavement to Curriculum for Excellence (where there is currently no formal mention), with acknowledgement of different cultural and religious practices and the...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

AC25 - workshops

...and drivers, are essential. All RSS road safety resources for ages 3–18 years are linked to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and the session will give an insight to the free online resources available, paying particular attention to the new...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...need to be embedded from the start. All RSS learning resources for ages 3-18 years are linked to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and available online. email | facebook | X phone: 0131 244 6133 Bookbug is Scottish Book Trust’s Early Years...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...including pedestrians, cyclists, passengers and drivers. These resources dovetail Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence, allowing them to be used in the classroom and at home. They can be accessed online at Contact:...

Our history

...summer 2012 Bronwen Cohen was succeeded by Jackie Brock, who drew on her experiences in developing Curriculum for Excellence at the Scottish Government and work across children’s services, including in additional support for learning, wellbeing,...

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...or further study down to a record low.” Related content Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Feb 21, 2023 Assessments 'must prioritise flexibility, individual choice...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

... Magazine / News: Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education education...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

Campaign to fundraise for Pakistan floods Scotland by Uthmani, the materials are aimed at a primary school audience in a Curriculum for Excellence framework, with guidance towards appropriate materials for older classes. Click here to learn more about the GCE campaign...

climate change Education environment Fundraising global

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...Science gets a boost in Scottish schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

...even possible. We’ll consider the existing data on attainment gaps – such as Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels (ACEL), exam results and positive destinations – what we have learned over the last couple of years (especially...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers

...lacking The matter of teacher professional judgement is a crucial one. A cornerstone principle of Curriculum for Excellence is trust in teacher professional judgement. Similarly, in an empowered school system, the expectation (as reflected in...


"There have been too many promises of change, followed by a failure to act"

...Scotland commit to improve current digital educational resources to support the remote teaching of Curriculum for Excellence, including identifying any specific gaps in the current offer. This is particularly important, and will benefit from the...

Additional support additional support for ASL ASN Education

Heritage Hunters: Supporting Child-led Heritage

...the principles are applicable to all engagement work with children and young people. It supports Curriculum for Excellence’s curriculum areas including Social Studies and in particular Health And Wellbeing: developing self-awareness,...

Call 24: Ensure all children can participate in high quality, innovative arts experiences from the earliest age

...understanding of how the arts can be embedded in pre-birth to three and Early Level Curriculum for Excellence to improve outcomes for children – and we’ve seen positive changes to delivery as a result. We need to take this...

25 calls

News Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing core recommendations made by young people the charity has worked with. 23 June...

Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'

Call 22: Build wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued

No results found.

Scottish Government 'worryingly silent' on teacher excellence - but school pupils won't be

...said. “We do not want to see any distraction from support to schools and teachers to achieve Curriculum for Excellence and to deliver our ambitions of achieving equity and excellence. At present, we believe more persuasive evidence and...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...have always been ‘child-centric’, co-produced with teachers and pupils, and linked to Curriculum for Excellence. Aiming to ensure all learning resources are of a high quality and fully fit-for-purpose, RSS recently commissioned The...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...we are now excited about including Scottish children in the debates. ‘It fits perfectly into the Curriculum for Excellence and our mapping to UNCRC and SDGs supports schools working towards their Unicef Rights Respecting Awards’, says Georgie,...

Education reform consultation: ‘We need to learn from policy, research and practice to ensure reform is fit for purpose”

...significant changes and learning have taken place around education policy and research since the Curriculum for Excellence was first formulated, more than two decades ago. In our submission, we share our belief that this learning needs to be...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform

‘Involve us in decisions about our education’: core message from young people echoed by OECD report

...June 2021 Children in Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing core recommendations made by young people the charity has worked with. Amy Woodhouse, Children in Scotland’s...

Kindness is the key to the SSPCA’s education activity

...make a difference through engaging with various educational activities. Our programmes align with Curriculum for Excellence so there is a wealth of tools that can be used by teachers from early years through to secondary school. We want all pupils...

Pandemic as portal: challenges and opportunities revealed by the exams debacle

...examination, and every country is exploring ways to operate under Covid. What can we learn? Curriculum for Excellence was intended to broaden school age education to embrace learning to know, to be, to do and to live together. But we are...

Out now: New wellbeing resource for teachers and practitioners

...wellbeing. “It complements existing Getting it right for every child information and links to Curriculum for Excellence’s focus on health and wellbeing. And crucially, it supports the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the...

A radical new beginning

...our children to lead their own learning, using play as a vehicle to deliver the curriculum. The Curriculum for Excellence documentation encourages us to deliver our curriculum in an inventive and creative way. Decluttering the curriculum meant...

A modest proposal

...of life.” While the accompanying documentation (such as Getting it Right for Every Child and Curriculum for Excellence’s Early Level) is developmentally-informed, this has not been translated into cultural change in terms of understanding...

New resource aims to support children and young people's engagement with heritage

...the principles are applicable to all engagement work with children and young people. "It supports Curriculum for Excellence’s curriculum areas including Social Studies and in particular Health and Wellbeing: developing self-awareness,...

25 Calls response: My daughter just wants to dance. So what’s stopping her?

...because I remember the buzz around putting creativity and the arts at the heart of learning when Curriculum for Excellence was introduced almost a decade ago. At that time theatre and creative experiences for children had exploded too. From my...

25 Calls response: Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and parents parents in using the digital world to advantage. Our children have the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence at the heart of their learning, to become successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident...

25 Calls response: Transforming mental health support for young people must be about their real needs, not just symptoms and diagnosis

...highlighted the need for better provision within schools, including mental health being part of Curriculum for Excellence and being taught in PSE; the inclusion of mindfulness, coping strategies and how to manage strong emotions within...

25 Calls response: Target stigma, honour arts experiences and get the first years of school right to start levelling the playing field for children

...(and will certainly be unpalatable to some), but is actually allowed for under Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. Simply put, it is to follow the Finnish model of education, where children are not formally taught to read and write until...

After today’s vote, it’s time to reconsider P1 testing

...of primary, not just because all the evidence suggests it is best for young children but because Curriculum for Excellence commits to it up to the age of six, and it is entirely counter-productive to introduce a policy which contradicts...

P1 schools Scottish Government teachers Tests

Children, parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy

...a complete lack of clarity about its purpose, and it is in direct conflict with the principles of Curriculum for Excellence, which emphasises the fundamental importance of play up to the age of six. “Children, teachers and families risk paying...

Education Parents School Tests

Why young children need Play Not Tests abandon formal testing in P1 and instead endorse “the play-based pedagogy outlined in the Curriculum for Excellence”. Sue Palmer, Chair of Upstart Scotland and author of Toxic Childhood and Detoxing Childhood, said the data provided by...

Children Education Scottish Schools

Co-producing meals will help target obesity and support healthy eating

...into the school meals offer Maximising the citizenship and healthy lifestyle aspects of Curriculum for Excellence in coordination with these approaches. Read the full press release Share this ...

Co-producing school meals with pupils and families 'will help target obesity and support healthy eating'

...School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) Maximising the citizenship and healthy lifestyle aspects of Curriculum for Excellence in coordination with these approaches. Any policy solution must look to the overlap in children’s lives between family,...

School isn't the be-all and end-all of a fair education

...increasing scores? Not necessarily. Scottish education has strong foundations based on GIRFEC and Curriculum for Excellence, and a teaching profession that values and promotes children’s wellbeing and upholds their rights – but schools and...

Youth Advisory Group launched as part of Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Child protection child safety Legislation Scottish Government

New mainstreaming guidance welcome – but gap between policy and young people’s lived experience must be resolved

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

AC25 - workshops

...and drivers, are essential. All RSS road safety resources for ages 3–18 years are linked to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and the session will give an insight to the free online resources available, paying particular attention to the new...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...need to be embedded from the start. All RSS learning resources for ages 3-18 years are linked to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and available online. email | facebook | X phone: 0131 244 6133 Bookbug is Scottish Book Trust’s Early Years...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...including pedestrians, cyclists, passengers and drivers. These resources dovetail Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence, allowing them to be used in the classroom and at home. They can be accessed online at Contact:...

Our history

...summer 2012 Bronwen Cohen was succeeded by Jackie Brock, who drew on her experiences in developing Curriculum for Excellence at the Scottish Government and work across children’s services, including in additional support for learning, wellbeing,...

News Scotland has welcomed the findings of the OECD’s report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence as echoing core recommendations made by young people the charity has worked with. 23 June...

No results found.

No results found.

Bereavement should be on the school curriculum

...policy, staff training and pupil education. This would involve adding death and bereavement to Curriculum for Excellence (where there is currently no formal mention), with acknowledgement of different cultural and religious practices and the...

Bereavement children and young people Education Grief School

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...or further study down to a record low.” Related content Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Feb 21, 2023 Assessments 'must prioritise flexibility, individual choice...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

... Magazine / News: Research shows failures of Curriculum for Excellence, especially for pupils in high deprivation areas Posted 21 February, 2023 by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence Education education...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

Campaign to fundraise for Pakistan floods
post Scotland by Uthmani, the materials are aimed at a primary school audience in a Curriculum for Excellence framework, with guidance towards appropriate materials for older classes. Click here to learn more about the GCE campaign...

climate change Education environment Fundraising global

Computing Science gets a boost in Scottish schools

...Science gets a boost in Scottish schools Posted 9 February 2022, by Nina Joynson Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology Computing Science in...

Curriculum for Excellence digital Education funding Scottish Government technology

Q&A with James McEnaney: Mind the gap

...even possible. We’ll consider the existing data on attainment gaps – such as Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels (ACEL), exam results and positive destinations – what we have learned over the last couple of years (especially...

Education Inequality Poverty schools

Standardised Testing policy fails pupils and teachers

...lacking The matter of teacher professional judgement is a crucial one. A cornerstone principle of Curriculum for Excellence is trust in teacher professional judgement. Similarly, in an empowered school system, the expectation (as reflected in...


"There have been too many promises of change, followed by a failure to act"

...Scotland commit to improve current digital educational resources to support the remote teaching of Curriculum for Excellence, including identifying any specific gaps in the current offer. This is particularly important, and will benefit from the...

Additional support additional support for ASL ASN Education

Heritage Hunters: Supporting Child-led Heritage

...the principles are applicable to all engagement work with children and young people. It supports Curriculum for Excellence’s curriculum areas including Social Studies and in particular Health And Wellbeing: developing self-awareness,...

Call 24: Ensure all children can participate in high quality, innovative arts experiences from the earliest age

...understanding of how the arts can be embedded in pre-birth to three and Early Level Curriculum for Excellence to improve outcomes for children – and we’ve seen positive changes to delivery as a result. We need to take this...

25 calls

Call 6: Rights, wellbeing and love of learning must be at the heart of education if Scotland is truly to be the 'best place to grow up'
Call 22: Build wellbeing into the design of our learning spaces to show young people they are truly valued