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10 achievements, highlights and special moments of 2024 projects with children and young people, and are particularly relevant for the arts and culture and mental health professionals.” Click here to read the full report Our Annual Conference 2024 was a huge success In May,...

'Peeling back the lid' on hybrid working were also prominent. Described by one participant as “the turnkey that unlocked a new culture”,  this very sharp and quick change has allowed us to reduce costs and do some previously expensive and logistically impossible work in...

Making Sense of Scotland – a creative approach to engaging young people with their heritage

...for exploration, discovery, outdoor and play based learning. It provides access to our shared culture and heritage. For example: Visiting a historic site lets young people experience the places where events in history really happened. ...

Building a brighter culture of play for children and young people

... Building a brighter culture of play for children and young people 7 Aug 2024 Today, Wednesday 7 August, marks Playday, the annual celebration of children and young people’s right to play. With the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child...

Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life

... Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 Mar 2021 The Living Museums project is working with creative and enthusiastic young people, aged 14-21 years, across Stirling, Perth and Dumfries to support museums in becoming more...

2018 preview: culture, kindergartens and coming of age

... 2018 preview: kindergartens, culture and coming of age 11 Dec 2017 A look ahead to our key projects and activities coming up next year. Changing our World We want young people to enjoy their rights, including the right to have a say in...

Girls’ rights are human rights’s violence against women and girls. To do this, we need to create the right environments and cultures that will allow children and young people to grow and develop equally, and thatstarts with gender-sensitive approaches and...

First Minister backs Alcohol-Free Childhood campaign Alcohol and Drugs, said: “We welcome all measures to tackle Scotland’s Alcohol Everywhere culture, including restrictions on alcohol marketing. The families we support describe alcohol as being ‘in your face, no matter where you look’....

No child should be left behind

...they need. Our goal is to normalise the conversation around poverty and support, to create a culture of compassion rather than condemnation. No parent should feel isolated or ashamed because they need assistance, and at Halo, we strive to...

Access All Arts Fund opens for a third year

...Fund and how to apply, visit our project page. Creative Scotland is the public body that supports culture and creativity across all parts of Scotland, distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further...

Campaigners call on First Minister to fulfil commitment to protect Scotland’s children & young people from alcohol marketing Alcohol and Drugs, said: “We welcome all measures to tackle Scotland’s Alcohol Everywhere culture, including restrictions on alcohol marketing. The families we support describe alcohol as being ‘in your face, no matter where you look’....

A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland

...environments where children blossom, habits of a lifetime begin, and we begin to see the culture change to which we aspire.” David Mackay, Head of Policy, Projects and Participation at Children in Scotland: “This is an exciting...

New project supports children and young people to access the mental health benefits of live music projects with children and young people, and are particularly relevant for the arts and culture and mental health professionals.” Stuart Burns, Scottish Ensemble’s Head of Artistic Planning, said: “Collaboration is at the heart...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...Like Children in Scotland, we believe that every young person should have equal access to art, culture, education and opportunities, and live in a world free from discrimination.” Simon Massey, Head of Engagement and Learning at Children...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...and sharing their views on current AI projects in development. "What we're working towards is culture change within the sector, " said Gregory. "We're aiming to reach a point where those involved in making decisions about AI developments think...

Yopa extends partnership with Children in Scotland during 30th anniversary year

...Like Children in Scotland, we believe that every young person should have equal access to art, culture, education and opportunities, and live in a world free from discrimination. “We look forward to continuing our partnership and...

An exciting time to be working on children's rights

...Child (UNCRC) into law. One of the biggest changes in children’s rights in this time has been a culture shift in awareness of children’s right to participate – listening to children, asking them about and taking account of their views,...

A daring venture: new training programme explores the dynamics of successful relationships

...with Dr Zeedyk for several years to embed relationship-based practice into its organisational culture.   Relationship-based, or relational, practice looks at the psychological and emotional dynamics that underpin successful relationships,...

Promoting positive change: young people give their views on the effects of alcohol marketing in Scotland

...than by advertising. Other young people said that drinking alcohol to excess was part of the culture in Scotland, and they hoped that changing restrictions might help to stop this being seen as normal. Over recent years, some positive steps...

Making the change and committing to race equality to read Our race equality statement We are committed to creating a culture in which equality, diversity and human rights are actively promoted Click here to read Our membership offer Be...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...we blame influencers for online harm? We explored with them the nature and purpose of influencer culture online, discussed how influencers make money and the effect their content can have on young consumers. Finally they decided whether...

How do we support long-term solutions when we’re confronted with a crisis?

...when you are struggling to deliver on immediate targets and is made even more so by a social media culture that shouts about the ‘urgent’, deflecting us from prioritising actions that might have a better long-term impact. Slashing support to...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...and the impact of that type of language are often under-appreciated or dismissed. When a culture of permissible prejudice is allowed to permeate any environment, particularly in school settings, it can escalate quickly. I experienced...

Conversations for Change: supporting families affected by substance use

...and staff experience (from all sectors) alongside managers and power holders (of resources and culture). Beyond stigma and shame This needs to go beyond the management of individual cases to look at what’s not working and why across the...

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

...Finnish-Glaswegian Policy Officer and creative, it’s exciting to see the influence Finnish youth culture policy is having on Scotland. Children in Scotland’s 2021-26 Manifesto (click here to access) is calling for a Hobby Premium (also called...

Animating calls to make museums more accessible

...of the minds of museum teams as they continue wider discussions about the role of heritage and culture in an ever-changing world. We have no doubt that many museums are already taking positive steps, albeit with limited budgets. From our work...

Exams aren’t everything. Every pupil, and every pupil’s journey, matters

...collaboratively with them to help support them to be the best they can be. The need for system and culture change For many of the young people we speak to, they would welcome recognition of achievements in both their personal and learning journey....

Youth Advisory Group launched as part of Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan

...for its Institute for Social Marketing and Health (2014) and the second for its Institute of Aquaculture (2019). Stirling is Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence and its recently redeveloped world-class facilities provide the perfect...

Child protection child safety Legislation Scottish Government

'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom' to share stories about people working in school meals, the range of food served ,the different cultures and how it supports education. Yibo: ‘Connecting children around the world to help foster healthy eating habits in school and at home, and...

Young people encouraged to ‘step into’ culture

...into’ cultural experiences Posted 12.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour Arts Children culture young people A new youth-led fund has opened to provide opportunities and support for young people to get involved in the...

Arts Children culture young people

Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying

... Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying By Katie Ferguson Too many children and young people’s lives are undermined by bullying. Our research suggests a third of...

AC25 - workshops

...environment. Session 3D Alloway Suite Session 3E – Bearsden Suite (upstairs) A culture of kindness and inclusion: Practical approaches to preventing and addressing bullying Safe Strong & Free Learn evidence-based, practical...

AC25 - Programme

...labels and language use Alloway Suite Language Leaders Bearsden Suite (upstairs) Workshop E: A culture of kindness and inclusion: Practical approaches to preventing and addressing bullying Workshop E: Safe, Strong & Free A culture of...

Sarah Gallier

...of diving, both now qualified.  She loves travelling and exploring different countries and cultures with her family in...


AC24 - Speaker Bios

...and across a range of education and freelance roles as well as completing the MA Education: culture, Language & Identity at Goldsmiths. Mhairi Changing Our World Young Person Chair Day One Mhairi is a member of Changing our World...

Insight - Issue 4

...Scotland, Bruce Adamson. Within that conversation, Bruce talks about “creating an amazing culture of children as human rights defenders” and this message of celebrating positive change led by children and young people is carried across...

Our history

...for good collaboration is underestimated. Organisations work in different ways, have different cultures, slightly different visions and missions. That is even more accentuated sometimes when you move from sector to sector. But the moment we...

Cutting the cost of the school day

...the lead on equity in their own schools and a reminder of the impact that a poverty aware school culture and a clear focus on reducing the cost of the school day can have.” Schools in Falkirk Council have received more than £26 million from...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Young musicians invited to Hit The Road - the benefits of learning to play musical instruments 21 February 2022 Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 March 2021 Emerging Minds project will examine how live music could boost young people’s mental health...

Arts music scotland young people

Free cycling events for families

...wellbeing to children and young people, and encourage healthy and active lifestyles across sport, culture and the arts, the citywide GO LIVE! programme features everything from “come and try” sessions to trail races, as well as book events at...

cycling Cycling Scotland events health and wellbeing

Young people united through street art

...marginalised children, young people and families to access and benefit from the arts and culture, Articulate finds ways for people to express themselves in positive ways, while also gaining skills and experience that support positive...

art care care experienced people creativity

Sophie Ward

...ever digital concert season. Sophie has ten years' experience managing projects for a number of culture organisations and charities including VisitScotland, RSPB Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland. Outside of work, Sophie enjoys...


Funding confirmed for youth music programmes benefit from Youth Music Initiative (YMI) funding, the Scottish Government has confirmed. culture Secretary Angus Robertson announced that the flagship programme, administered by Creative Scotland, will receive £9.5 million for 2023,...

funding Learning music Scottish Schools

Coronation portrait project launched

...coronation portrait project Posted 20.04.23 by Alice Hinds Arts Children culture Children around the country have been invited to take part in the upcoming coronation by contributing to a “giant digital...

Arts Children culture

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

...for Excellence Researchers state that Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) has led to a "culture of perfomativity", due to continuous pressure on teachers to raise attainment levels.  The study found that pupils now face a narrowed...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

...and practice. That means listening to children, and their views, ideas, and experiences. That culture of participation – whether it’s through our Young Advisers, wider work to ensure children’s views are included and heard at the highest...

Children's rights human rights

Membership Overview

...together, we can use our influence to push for real change in Scottish policy, practice and culture. Click on the links on this page to find out more about the many benefits of becoming a Children in Scotland member, learn more about who...

See Me launches school mental health campaign

...those initial conversations.” Wendy Halliday, Director of See Me, said: “We want to see a culture shift in Scotland around mental health. This needs to start in schools so children and young people are having open conversations on this...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Best place to grow up? Not for Scotland's LGBTI young people

...any time on social media in the past five years, you will no doubt be aware of the so-called ‘culture war’ that has been escalating. Initially focused on questioning the legitimacy and the rights of trans people in public spaces, the debate...


Marie Harrison

...rights both on international, national and local level. Marie holds a degree in Aesthetics and culture and has used her skills to develop creative toolkits to support children with additional support needs to share their views in child-centred...


No results found.

10 achievements, highlights and special moments of 2024 projects with children and young people, and are particularly relevant for the arts and culture and mental health professionals.” Click here to read the full report Our Annual Conference 2024 was a huge success In May,...

'Peeling back the lid' on hybrid working were also prominent. Described by one participant as “the turnkey that unlocked a new culture”,  this very sharp and quick change has allowed us to reduce costs and do some previously expensive and logistically impossible work in...

Making Sense of Scotland – a creative approach to engaging young people with their heritage

...for exploration, discovery, outdoor and play based learning. It provides access to our shared culture and heritage. For example: Visiting a historic site lets young people experience the places where events in history really happened. ...

Building a brighter culture of play for children and young people

... Building a brighter culture of play for children and young people 7 Aug 2024 Today, Wednesday 7 August, marks Playday, the annual celebration of children and young people’s right to play. With the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child...

Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life

... Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 Mar 2021 The Living Museums project is working with creative and enthusiastic young people, aged 14-21 years, across Stirling, Perth and Dumfries to support museums in becoming more...

2018 preview: culture, kindergartens and coming of age

... 2018 preview: kindergartens, culture and coming of age 11 Dec 2017 A look ahead to our key projects and activities coming up next year. Changing our World We want young people to enjoy their rights, including the right to have a say in...

Girls’ rights are human rights’s violence against women and girls. To do this, we need to create the right environments and cultures that will allow children and young people to grow and develop equally, and thatstarts with gender-sensitive approaches and...

First Minister backs Alcohol-Free Childhood campaign Alcohol and Drugs, said: “We welcome all measures to tackle Scotland’s Alcohol Everywhere culture, including restrictions on alcohol marketing. The families we support describe alcohol as being ‘in your face, no matter where you look’....

No child should be left behind

...they need. Our goal is to normalise the conversation around poverty and support, to create a culture of compassion rather than condemnation. No parent should feel isolated or ashamed because they need assistance, and at Halo, we strive to...

Access All Arts Fund opens for a third year

...Fund and how to apply, visit our project page. Creative Scotland is the public body that supports culture and creativity across all parts of Scotland, distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further...

Campaigners call on First Minister to fulfil commitment to protect Scotland’s children & young people from alcohol marketing Alcohol and Drugs, said: “We welcome all measures to tackle Scotland’s Alcohol Everywhere culture, including restrictions on alcohol marketing. The families we support describe alcohol as being ‘in your face, no matter where you look’....

A momentous moment for children's rights in Scotland

...environments where children blossom, habits of a lifetime begin, and we begin to see the culture change to which we aspire.” David Mackay, Head of Policy, Projects and Participation at Children in Scotland: “This is an exciting...

New project supports children and young people to access the mental health benefits of live music projects with children and young people, and are particularly relevant for the arts and culture and mental health professionals.” Stuart Burns, Scottish Ensemble’s Head of Artistic Planning, said: “Collaboration is at the heart...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...Like Children in Scotland, we believe that every young person should have equal access to art, culture, education and opportunities, and live in a world free from discrimination.” Simon Massey, Head of Engagement and Learning at Children...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...and sharing their views on current AI projects in development. "What we're working towards is culture change within the sector, " said Gregory. "We're aiming to reach a point where those involved in making decisions about AI developments think...

Yopa extends partnership with Children in Scotland during 30th anniversary year

...Like Children in Scotland, we believe that every young person should have equal access to art, culture, education and opportunities, and live in a world free from discrimination. “We look forward to continuing our partnership and...

An exciting time to be working on children's rights

...Child (UNCRC) into law. One of the biggest changes in children’s rights in this time has been a culture shift in awareness of children’s right to participate – listening to children, asking them about and taking account of their views,...

A daring venture: new training programme explores the dynamics of successful relationships

...with Dr Zeedyk for several years to embed relationship-based practice into its organisational culture.   Relationship-based, or relational, practice looks at the psychological and emotional dynamics that underpin successful relationships,...

Promoting positive change: young people give their views on the effects of alcohol marketing in Scotland

...than by advertising. Other young people said that drinking alcohol to excess was part of the culture in Scotland, and they hoped that changing restrictions might help to stop this being seen as normal. Over recent years, some positive steps...

Making the change and committing to race equality to read Our race equality statement We are committed to creating a culture in which equality, diversity and human rights are actively promoted Click here to read Our membership offer Be...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say

...we blame influencers for online harm? We explored with them the nature and purpose of influencer culture online, discussed how influencers make money and the effect their content can have on young consumers. Finally they decided whether...

How do we support long-term solutions when we’re confronted with a crisis?

...when you are struggling to deliver on immediate targets and is made even more so by a social media culture that shouts about the ‘urgent’, deflecting us from prioritising actions that might have a better long-term impact. Slashing support to...

Mirrors and windows - why representing LGBT people, their lives and histories is vital within teaching and learning

...and the impact of that type of language are often under-appreciated or dismissed. When a culture of permissible prejudice is allowed to permeate any environment, particularly in school settings, it can escalate quickly. I experienced...

Conversations for Change: supporting families affected by substance use

...and staff experience (from all sectors) alongside managers and power holders (of resources and culture). Beyond stigma and shame This needs to go beyond the management of individual cases to look at what’s not working and why across the...

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

...Finnish-Glaswegian Policy Officer and creative, it’s exciting to see the influence Finnish youth culture policy is having on Scotland. Children in Scotland’s 2021-26 Manifesto (click here to access) is calling for a Hobby Premium (also called...

Animating calls to make museums more accessible

...of the minds of museum teams as they continue wider discussions about the role of heritage and culture in an ever-changing world. We have no doubt that many museums are already taking positive steps, albeit with limited budgets. From our work...

Exams aren’t everything. Every pupil, and every pupil’s journey, matters

...collaboratively with them to help support them to be the best they can be. The need for system and culture change For many of the young people we speak to, they would welcome recognition of achievements in both their personal and learning journey....

Youth Advisory Group launched as part of Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan

...for its Institute for Social Marketing and Health (2014) and the second for its Institute of Aquaculture (2019). Stirling is Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence and its recently redeveloped world-class facilities provide the perfect...

Child protection child safety Legislation Scottish Government

'School meals are as important as books used in the classroom' to share stories about people working in school meals, the range of food served ,the different cultures and how it supports education. Yibo: ‘Connecting children around the world to help foster healthy eating habits in school and at home, and...

No results found.

No results found.

Sarah Gallier

...of diving, both now qualified.  She loves travelling and exploring different countries and cultures with her family in...


Sophie Ward

...ever digital concert season. Sophie has ten years' experience managing projects for a number of culture organisations and charities including VisitScotland, RSPB Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland. Outside of work, Sophie enjoys...


Marie Harrison

...rights both on international, national and local level. Marie holds a degree in Aesthetics and culture and has used her skills to develop creative toolkits to support children with additional support needs to share their views in child-centred...


AC25 - workshops

...environment. Session 3D Alloway Suite Session 3E – Bearsden Suite (upstairs) A culture of kindness and inclusion: Practical approaches to preventing and addressing bullying Safe Strong & Free Learn evidence-based, practical...

AC25 - Programme

...labels and language use Alloway Suite Language Leaders Bearsden Suite (upstairs) Workshop E: A culture of kindness and inclusion: Practical approaches to preventing and addressing bullying Workshop E: Safe, Strong & Free A culture of...

AC24 - Speaker Bios

...and across a range of education and freelance roles as well as completing the MA Education: culture, Language & Identity at Goldsmiths. Mhairi Changing Our World Young Person Chair Day One Mhairi is a member of Changing our World...

Our history

...for good collaboration is underestimated. Organisations work in different ways, have different cultures, slightly different visions and missions. That is even more accentuated sometimes when you move from sector to sector. But the moment we...

Membership Overview

...together, we can use our influence to push for real change in Scottish policy, practice and culture. Click on the links on this page to find out more about the many benefits of becoming a Children in Scotland member, learn more about who...

No results found.

No results found.

Young people encouraged to ‘step into’ culture

...into’ cultural experiences Posted 12.04.23 by Lynn Gilmour Arts Children culture young people A new youth-led fund has opened to provide opportunities and support for young people to get involved in the...

Arts Children culture young people

Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying

... Call 16: Work together to build cultures where every voice is valued, and create a society free from bullying By Katie Ferguson Too many children and young people’s lives are undermined by bullying. Our research suggests a third of...

Insight - Issue 4

...Scotland, Bruce Adamson. Within that conversation, Bruce talks about “creating an amazing culture of children as human rights defenders” and this message of celebrating positive change led by children and young people is carried across...

Cutting the cost of the school day

...the lead on equity in their own schools and a reminder of the impact that a poverty aware school culture and a clear focus on reducing the cost of the school day can have.” Schools in Falkirk Council have received more than £26 million from...

child poverty Children Education Poverty young people

Young musicians invited to Hit The Road
post - the benefits of learning to play musical instruments 21 February 2022 Creativity and culture: bringing child rights to life 9 March 2021 Emerging Minds project will examine how live music could boost young people’s mental health...

Arts music scotland young people

Free cycling events for families

...wellbeing to children and young people, and encourage healthy and active lifestyles across sport, culture and the arts, the citywide GO LIVE! programme features everything from “come and try” sessions to trail races, as well as book events at...

cycling Cycling Scotland events health and wellbeing

Young people united through street art

...marginalised children, young people and families to access and benefit from the arts and culture, Articulate finds ways for people to express themselves in positive ways, while also gaining skills and experience that support positive...

art care care experienced people creativity

Funding confirmed for youth music programmes
post benefit from Youth Music Initiative (YMI) funding, the Scottish Government has confirmed. culture Secretary Angus Robertson announced that the flagship programme, administered by Creative Scotland, will receive £9.5 million for 2023,...

funding Learning music Scottish Schools

Coronation portrait project launched

...coronation portrait project Posted 20.04.23 by Alice Hinds Arts Children culture Children around the country have been invited to take part in the upcoming coronation by contributing to a “giant digital...

Arts Children culture

Pupils adversely affected by CfE, study finds

...for Excellence Researchers state that Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) has led to a "culture of perfomativity", due to continuous pressure on teachers to raise attainment levels.  The study found that pupils now face a narrowed...

Curriculum for Excellence Education education reform Scottish Schools

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

...and practice. That means listening to children, and their views, ideas, and experiences. That culture of participation – whether it’s through our Young Advisers, wider work to ensure children’s views are included and heard at the highest...

Children's rights human rights

See Me launches school mental health campaign

...those initial conversations.” Wendy Halliday, Director of See Me, said: “We want to see a culture shift in Scotland around mental health. This needs to start in schools so children and young people are having open conversations on this...

Education health and wellbeing Mental Health Scottish Schools

Best place to grow up? Not for Scotland's LGBTI young people

...any time on social media in the past five years, you will no doubt be aware of the so-called ‘culture war’ that has been escalating. Initially focused on questioning the legitimacy and the rights of trans people in public spaces, the debate...
