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Search results for: "careers"

Young people call on the new government to put youth voices at heart of policy-making, as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award shares new research

...but they continue to feel unheard and unsupported on the issues that will define their lives and careers. “The new government must use this moment to acknowledge that disconnect and prove they’re listening by giving young people meaningful...

Conversations for Change: supporting families affected by substance use challenge the status quo as they are caught up in the systems of status and employability/careers and too busy to share their views on what might not be working. Encouraging professionals with learned experience to be honest and share...

Shifting the focus from our shoes to our views – girls speak out against gender stereotypes

...including gender stereotypes, representation in the media and politics, the environment and careers. Here’s a snippet of what they had to say:  95% of girls aged 7-21 feel their life is affected by climate change and global...

25 and Up: For post-COVID renewal we need to be radical, and that includes with the arts

...Projects Presenting tour performance projects by extraordinary artists at all stages of their careers Click to visit the website Lyra Creating a positive impact for children & young people in Edinburgh's Greater...

Insight: Responding to the need for connection and learning

...real-world, evidence-based learning. They connect with experts whose books they’ve read and careers they’ve followed. They connect with the voices of the children and young people which are interwoven throughout our events. They connect...

“I expected herbal tea drinkers with fun keyrings” a doormat for all the use I was getting out of it. I went through the dozens of university careers service emails and wondered if I should be a wealth advisor. (“I could be a wealth advisor!” my best friend, fellow Politics graduate and...

STEM Strategy targets gender bias and skills improvement

...the expansion of apprenticeships, creating STEM mentors and delivering up-to-date advice on STEM careers. As part of its STEM strategy consultation process, the Scottish Government commissioned us to carry out research on young people’s...


School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost' become Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths teachers more men should be encouraged into careers in primary teaching, and boys and girls should be supported to think about the types of jobs involving Science, Technology, Engineering and...

Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

Access to Childcare Fund evaluation published

...years Families More parents have been able to start work or progress their careers, improve overall health and wellbeing, and develop better relationships with their children thanks to a Scottish Government Fund to expand...

childcare Children early learning Early years Families

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths more teenagers enter education, training or employment Posted 08.09.23 by Alice Hinds careers Education training young people The number of young Scots in education, training or employment has reached record...

careers Education training young people

Exam helpline launched for Scottish pupils

...will have just received final grades for Higher, National and Advanced exams. More than 30 expert careers advisers from across Scotland will be on hand to assist around 144,000 school pupils, and answer questions on everything from securing a...

exams higher education Scottish Schools skills

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...of young people who finished school in the last academic year have progressed in their studies or careers within three months of the academic year end. Positive destinations include Higher and Further Education, employment, training, personal...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Encouraging students towards digital tech increase the number of young people who study tech-related disciplines and further tech careers by encouraging Scottish pupils to learn digital and computing skills. In the 2022/23 round, the Digital Xtra Fund is supporting 45...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

Supporting working mothers

...after maternity leave wasn't so financially tough. It could give women the chance to keep their careers at the level they were at by spreading state-backed spend as they needed to. There was a firm shake of the head. "This policy is nothing to...

early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Environmental design challenge

...They get to interact and work with STEM professionals and gain an insight into hitherto unknown careers in industry – helping them see that their opportunities and options in STEM really are innumerable.” The challenge is part of Keep...

climate climate change engineering environment science Scottish Schools sea

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills Development Scotland is opening its careers helpline to support students in deciding what to do next. More than 140,000 pupils in Scotland are set to receive their National,...

Education exams schools SQA Support

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL

...for specialised terms. These new signs will help the community to access qualifications and careers, making it easier and more efficient to communicate about digital skills and jobs. Seventeen-year-old pupil Billy-Jack Gerrard is deaf and...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

"We want to kick-start a movement for change"

...Down’s syndrome and seek out opportunities to help them find meaningful work and progress their careers. Addressing health inequalities We know that people with Down’s syndrome can have poorer health than others, and their life expectancy...

Heritage Hunters Edinburgh

...are a variety of options the young people may wish to under take. One option is a skills/careers based experience, where they learn about museum curation skills (research, object handling, display work etc). Another option is to co-curate...

No results found.

Young people call on the new government to put youth voices at heart of policy-making, as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award shares new research

...but they continue to feel unheard and unsupported on the issues that will define their lives and careers. “The new government must use this moment to acknowledge that disconnect and prove they’re listening by giving young people meaningful...

Conversations for Change: supporting families affected by substance use challenge the status quo as they are caught up in the systems of status and employability/careers and too busy to share their views on what might not be working. Encouraging professionals with learned experience to be honest and share...

Shifting the focus from our shoes to our views – girls speak out against gender stereotypes

...including gender stereotypes, representation in the media and politics, the environment and careers. Here’s a snippet of what they had to say:  95% of girls aged 7-21 feel their life is affected by climate change and global...

25 and Up: For post-COVID renewal we need to be radical, and that includes with the arts

...Projects Presenting tour performance projects by extraordinary artists at all stages of their careers Click to visit the website Lyra Creating a positive impact for children & young people in Edinburgh's Greater...

Insight: Responding to the need for connection and learning

...real-world, evidence-based learning. They connect with experts whose books they’ve read and careers they’ve followed. They connect with the voices of the children and young people which are interwoven throughout our events. They connect...

“I expected herbal tea drinkers with fun keyrings” a doormat for all the use I was getting out of it. I went through the dozens of university careers service emails and wondered if I should be a wealth advisor. (“I could be a wealth advisor!” my best friend, fellow Politics graduate and...

STEM Strategy targets gender bias and skills improvement

...the expansion of apprenticeships, creating STEM mentors and delivering up-to-date advice on STEM careers. As part of its STEM strategy consultation process, the Scottish Government commissioned us to carry out research on young people’s...


School pupils' views on STEM: Engineering and Maths 'need boost' become Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths teachers more men should be encouraged into careers in primary teaching, and boys and girls should be supported to think about the types of jobs involving Science, Technology, Engineering and...

Education Learning News Scottish Government Scottish Parliament

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

Access to Childcare Fund evaluation published

...years Families More parents have been able to start work or progress their careers, improve overall health and wellbeing, and develop better relationships with their children thanks to a Scottish Government Fund to expand...

childcare Children early learning Early years Families

Record number of young Scots on positive career paths
post more teenagers enter education, training or employment Posted 08.09.23 by Alice Hinds careers Education training young people The number of young Scots in education, training or employment has reached record...

careers Education training young people

Exam helpline launched for Scottish pupils

...will have just received final grades for Higher, National and Advanced exams. More than 30 expert careers advisers from across Scotland will be on hand to assist around 144,000 school pupils, and answer questions on everything from securing a...

exams higher education Scottish Schools skills

School leavers in positive destinations hits record high

...of young people who finished school in the last academic year have progressed in their studies or careers within three months of the academic year end. Positive destinations include Higher and Further Education, employment, training, personal...

Attainment Education employment Scottish Government Scottish Schools

Encouraging students towards digital tech
post increase the number of young people who study tech-related disciplines and further tech careers by encouraging Scottish pupils to learn digital and computing skills. In the 2022/23 round, the Digital Xtra Fund is supporting 45...

digital funding schools Scottish Government skills technology

Supporting working mothers

...after maternity leave wasn't so financially tough. It could give women the chance to keep their careers at the level they were at by spreading state-backed spend as they needed to. There was a firm shake of the head. "This policy is nothing to...

early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Environmental design challenge

...They get to interact and work with STEM professionals and gain an insight into hitherto unknown careers in industry – helping them see that their opportunities and options in STEM really are innumerable.” The challenge is part of Keep...

climate climate change engineering environment science Scottish Schools sea

Pupils offered helpline as results day looms

...of young people soon to receive SQA exam results, Skills Development Scotland is opening its careers helpline to support students in deciding what to do next. More than 140,000 pupils in Scotland are set to receive their National,...

Education exams schools SQA Support

Making tech sector more inclusive with BSL

...for specialised terms. These new signs will help the community to access qualifications and careers, making it easier and more efficient to communicate about digital skills and jobs. Seventeen-year-old pupil Billy-Jack Gerrard is deaf and...

accessibility BSL Education inclusion technology

"We want to kick-start a movement for change"

...Down’s syndrome and seek out opportunities to help them find meaningful work and progress their careers. Addressing health inequalities We know that people with Down’s syndrome can have poorer health than others, and their life expectancy...

Heritage Hunters Edinburgh

...are a variety of options the young people may wish to under take. One option is a skills/careers based experience, where they learn about museum curation skills (research, object handling, display work etc). Another option is to co-curate...