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Open Kindergarten Project -the importance of holistic, person-centred support for Parents and carers

... Open Kindergarten project - the importance of holistic, person-centred support for Parents and carers Member blog 27 Nov 2024 Earlier this month, the third phase of the Open Kindergarten project was launched in Scotland. In this...

Keeping the Promise in 2025

...and inclusion, mental health and stigma from the perspectives of children and young people, Parents, carers and families, and professionals. Visit the conference hub to learn more Navigate June Funded by The Promise Partnership,...

Dispelling the myths of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder they have come across FASD in their workplace. FASD Hub Scotland has training suitable for Parents, carers and professionals, and are always happy to discuss your training requirements. Our training is delivered by people with professional...

Barnardo’s issue a plea for new adopters in Scotland

...pleasure than witnessing first-hand the joy in the hearts and faces of children and their new Parents brought together through adoption.” Click here to visit Barnardo's Scotland website Latest news Visit our news pages to...

10 deserving winter appeals to support today

...Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) is a fantastic charity that supports single Parents and campaigns for solutions to the disadvantages and barriers that they and their children face. Christmas time can be particularly hard for...

Over 50 schools share £150,000 investment to mark Book Week Scotland Edinburgh’s Craigentinny Primary gets £3,200 to help foster a reading community, engage Parents, and raise attainment through "reading picnics" in the library. Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth said: “As Book Week Scotland gets...

Exploration of the Information Support Needs of Parents (2011-2012)

... Exploration of the Information Support Needs of Parents This project ran between 2011 and 2012. Children in Scotland carried out a research project exploring the information support needs of Parents with young children. This research was...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education

...Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education 7 December 2018   Almost 3,000 people have signed a letter calling for the Deputy First Minister and...

CHANGE: Childcare and Nurture, Glasgow East (2016-2020)
Early years Families Parents Scottish Schools Welfare

Understanding the key issues Parents in Scotland face today

...Understanding the key issues Parents in Scotland face today 23 May 2024 To understand the key issues Parents and those in a parenting roles face today, Parenting across Scotland worked with social research agency, The Lines Between, to examine...

The beginning of better provision for Parents in prison

... The beginning of better provision for Parents in prison 24 Aug 2021 Professor Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive of Families Outside, on new government funding to support virtual visits and how this could be just the beginning of better...

Effective engagement with staff and Parents 'key to successful childcare expansion'

... Effective engagement with staff and Parents 'key to successful childcare expansion' 4 March 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Early Learning and Childcare statutory guidance ahead of...

Children, Parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy

... Children, Parents and teachers 'could pay price for testing policy' Children in Scotland has issued a further statement about the impact of testing four and five-year-olds. Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive, Jackie Brock,...

Education Parents School Tests

Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and Parents’, new report finds

... Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and Parents’, new report finds 29 Sep 2022 Media Release Projects across Scotland supported by the Access to Childcare Fund (ACF) have made a...

access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services

25 Calls response: Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and Parents

... Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and Parents 8 May 2019 Responding to Call 10 of our 25 Calls campaign, National Parent Forum of Scotland Chair Joanna Murphy says that if schools can create a strong, shared set of...

Childcare system ‘unusable’ for working Parents, say campaigners

... Childcare system ‘unusable’ for working Parents, say campaigners Campaign group Fair Funding For Our Kids have again raised concern about the suitability of the Scottish childcare system and how it is serving working Parents across the...

The Yard announces major expansion plan five days during term time, including a schools programme and family support service supporting Parents and carers with everything from financial and mental health to nutrition and sleep problems.  For the first time this year, the service also...

National consultation launched on the future of foster care

...including more peer support opportunities, and using foster carers to facilitate family time with Parents and siblings of children in foster care. The new approach could potentially offer an increased role for foster carers supporting families on...

Fife Gingerbread launches annual Heat and Eat Appeal

...Gingerbread The voluntary sector organisation provides support to local Parents and families. Click here for more Our membership offer Be part of the largest national children's sector membership organisation...

No child should be left behind

...for help without fear of judgment. There is still a stigma attached to seeking support, with many Parents worried about being seen as failures if they cannot provide everything their children need. This is not acceptable. Asking for help is not a...

From screens to success – boosting children's executive function skills in the digital age

...and nervous system are being affected by our modern world, and discusses how professionals and Parents can provide support. We live in such a fast-paced world, and while the brain is very adaptive to its environment and very malleable to new...

16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights like this: “Before having a lawyer, I was often ignored or blamed by the council, my Parents or my social worker for my situation but my lawyer was always very understanding and would listen to everything I had to say.” We know...

Caledonia Play designs play solutions for children with additional support needs

...lots to consider during the process. Jamie Bruce Jones He continued: “Working with Parents of children with additional support needs, we’ve learnt that some kids don’t like things passing their peripheral vision. For example, if...

One Parent Families Scotland invites supporters to “share your voice” ahead of milestone anniversary

...the incredible work that OPFS has accomplished over the past eight decades, single Parents, staff members, volunteers and all other supporters who have worked with the charity are encouraged to share personal anecdotes, milestone...

Five child-friendly nature activities for the summer holidays

...for the summer holidays 27 Jun 2024 With the school holidays fast approaching, many Parents, families and caregivers will be on the hunt for summer activities that are not only purse-friendly but engaging and educational, too – and...

Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform

...written evidence from 25 local authorities across Scotland and meeting with young people, Parents and carers and teachers at informal participation sessions, the Education, Children and Young People Committee (ECYP) Additional Support for...

£2M funding boost for football activity clubs clubs for children from families on low incomes. It is hoped that this step will help more Parents to enter or sustain employment or training, as part of Scottish Goverment's ambitions around the eradication of child poverty. First Minister...

Safety. Sorted! Helping families to keep their children safer this Child Safety Week

...Sorted! We want to make it as easy as possible for families to get safety sorted. For Parents and carers to feel confident that, with just one small change, they can stop a serious accident happening. And for families to be clear what...

Children need a playful world to thrive and survive

...we have been working to develop an infant mental health programme that helps to support vulnerable Parents understand and respond to their baby in a way that creates a stable foundation to the attachment relationship. What are you looking forward...

Free Childcare Management Platform Launched in Scotland or affording it – is a hot topic at the moment with research suggesting that more and more Parents are choosing to leave the workforce in an attempt to save money. According to research from Flexible Childcare Services Scotland (FCSS), more...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...said: “The Yopa Scotland team works at the heart of our local communities, and many of us are Parents too; we all want the best for our young people and the places they grow up in, and we're delighted to be able to support an organisation...

Children in Scotland shortlisted for two prestigious awards

...My Say. Providing practical support, advice and representation for children, young people, Parents and families throughout Scotland, in 2023, 100% of Parents and carers who gave feedback on the Enquire helpline rated the service as...

Increasing access to hobbies for children and young people

...all families can afford. Just recently CAB Scotland (click here for more) found that over 235,000 Parents / carers were forced to cut back on hobbies for their children in the past 12 months as a result of the cost of living crisis. What this...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change offer advice and information about children’s rights to additional support for learning to Parents, carers, professionals and children and young people. The way we have done this has been developed and adapted over the years, and our...

Making cyber security fun for children early years learners and that the children encourage good practice at home, teaching their Parents and carers about the importance of cyber resilience. Sixty thousand books are being distributed to every Primary 1 pupil in Scotland....

Yopa extends partnership with Children in Scotland during 30th anniversary year

...said: "The Yopa Scotland team works at the heart of our local communities, and many of us are Parents too; we all want the best for our young people and the places they grow up in, and we're delighted to be able to support an organisation...

Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector

...women today Ali Miller, from Shared Lives Plus, explores an innovative project, which enables Parents with additional support needs to care for their child at home Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians, discusses Scotland’s housing...

'I give a unique perspective, which enhances the accessibility of the organisation and the services it provides'

...are crucial to operation of the Enquire additional support for learning helpline that advises Parents, professionals and young people. I found a way to do it and that enabled the helpline to continue its vital work. What personal learning or...

30th Anniversary

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...delivering independent mediation within the Scottish education sector since 2004. We work with Parents, carers, children, young people, education staff and practitioners to find a mutually agreeable resolution. Our mediation approach is a...

Organisations from Shetland to Shettleston announced as successful applicants to Access to Childcare Fund

...during the holidays is often prohibitive for low income families and can limit opportunities for Parents to work, train and learn. The Fund aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for children and families most...

access to childcare access to childcare fund childcare childcare provision Families fund Inequality low income out of school care Parents Poverty

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 4: “When a child moves to secondary school, there is a drastic upping of stakes in social comparison”

...of family life as being crucial – indeed more important than whether you have one parent or two Parents is the quality of your relationships with whoever your carer or carers are. And, again, I think we need to see this in terms of evolutionary...

bullying equality Inequality parenting Parents School

Review of Parental Involvement Act published

...the benefits that the Act has achieved, but calling for further partnership working between Parents and practitioners. Joanna Murphy, Chair of the National Parent Forum of Scotland, said: “This review has been an opportunity to research...

Legislation News Parents Scottish Schools

Focus on quality in childcare welcome, but "smarter thinking" required on school start age

...we need to see an ongoing commitment to affordability and flexibility whenever that is required by Parents. We have strongly supported the development of a simpler and more transparent route through which all public or private money intended to...

Children Early years Families Jackie Brock Parents Scottish Government Support Wellbeing

More than a third of Parents can't access suitable childcare

... Magazine / More than a third of Parents unable to access suitable childcare Posted 22 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond childcare cost of living early learning and childcare Early years working Parents...

childcare cost of living early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Single Parents deserve support, not sanctions

... Single Parents deserve support, not sanctions Upcoming welfare reform, including the introduction of universal credit, is predicted to increase the child poverty rate for children in lone-parent families to 62 per cent. It’s time to pause...

Listening to young people with separated Parents

...of new research into the reflections of young people who experienced the break-up of their Parents’ relationship during childhood, and why we need to listen to what they have to say. The Voice of the Child began as a call to give...

children and young people family family support parenting separation

11/03/25 - Understanding harmful sexual behaviour is aimed at anyone who is working with or supporting children. This includes Parents, carers, educators and safeguarding professionals. Ticket Prices £40 members £55 non-members Buy tickets on...

25/02/25 Distressed not Difficult

...sectors including early years, fostering and adoption teams, community groups and supporting Parents and carers at home. Using neuroscience informed approaches, she supports adults to create environments that will soothe stress responses...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...(up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and Parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.  We provide training to professionals in health and social care,...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...vulnerable young people with additional support needs (including autism) and practitioners and Parents and carers who support them. Her expertise is in designing and delivering sexual health programmes, as well as considering how our...

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...Government The Scottish Government has launched a new marketing campaign to inform Parents, carers and school pupils about the dangers of vaping and e-cigarettes. As well as making use of radio and outdoor advertising, the Take...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

Insight – Issue 5

...women today Ali Miller, from Shared Lives Plus, explores an innovative project, which enables Parents with additional support needs to care for their child at home Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians, discusses Scotland’s housing...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...Enquire provides advice and information around additional support for learning directly to Parents, carers and professionals as well as young people themselves. They have resources for everyone that cover the legislation and guidance on...

Enter The Why Not? Trust’s digital showcase

...experienced people care system digital The Why Not? Trust is seeking artwork from Parents with care experience, which will be shared through a “digital showcase” on social media. From poems and paintings to videos, scripts,...

art care experienced people care system digital

Access to Childcare Fund evaluation published

...learning Early years Families More Parents have been able to start work or progress their careers, improve overall health and wellbeing, and develop better relationships with their...

childcare Children early learning Early years Families

Funding perinatal mental health services funding health and wellbeing Mental Health Parents Scottish Government A fund that has supported more 7,000 individuals with perinatal mental health issues has received a new round...

babies family support funding health and wellbeing Mental Health Parents Scottish Government

Women's cost crisis Posted 16 November, 2022 by Nina Joynson childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty New research has found women in Scotland face increasing financial difficulties, with low-income jobs and care responsibilities...

childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty

Financial responsibility for young teens

...children to start budgeting early Posted 5 October, 2022 by Nina Joynson finances money Parents The Smart Start account has been launched by Bank of Scotland to encourage 11-15 year olds to save, after a survey finds that Parents want...

finances money Parents

Is the future 50:50? the birth of their children and they are expected and encouraged thenceforward to be hands on Parents. Politically, there is endorsement of these changes as being good in themselves in addition to their economic desirability. However, nearly...

Comment Magazine Parents

No results found.

Open Kindergarten Project -the importance of holistic, person-centred support for Parents and carers

... Open Kindergarten project - the importance of holistic, person-centred support for Parents and carers Member blog 27 Nov 2024 Earlier this month, the third phase of the Open Kindergarten project was launched in Scotland. In this...

Keeping the Promise in 2025

...and inclusion, mental health and stigma from the perspectives of children and young people, Parents, carers and families, and professionals. Visit the conference hub to learn more Navigate June Funded by The Promise Partnership,...

Dispelling the myths of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder they have come across FASD in their workplace. FASD Hub Scotland has training suitable for Parents, carers and professionals, and are always happy to discuss your training requirements. Our training is delivered by people with professional...

Barnardo’s issue a plea for new adopters in Scotland

...pleasure than witnessing first-hand the joy in the hearts and faces of children and their new Parents brought together through adoption.” Click here to visit Barnardo's Scotland website Latest news Visit our news pages to...

10 deserving winter appeals to support today

...Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) is a fantastic charity that supports single Parents and campaigns for solutions to the disadvantages and barriers that they and their children face. Christmas time can be particularly hard for...

Over 50 schools share £150,000 investment to mark Book Week Scotland Edinburgh’s Craigentinny Primary gets £3,200 to help foster a reading community, engage Parents, and raise attainment through "reading picnics" in the library. Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth said: “As Book Week Scotland gets...

Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education

...Parents tell the Deputy First Minister that their autistic children are Not Included, Not Engaged and Not Involved in their education 7 December 2018   Almost 3,000 people have signed a letter calling for the Deputy First Minister and...

Understanding the key issues Parents in Scotland face today

...Understanding the key issues Parents in Scotland face today 23 May 2024 To understand the key issues Parents and those in a parenting roles face today, Parenting across Scotland worked with social research agency, The Lines Between, to examine...

The beginning of better provision for Parents in prison

... The beginning of better provision for Parents in prison 24 Aug 2021 Professor Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive of Families Outside, on new government funding to support virtual visits and how this could be just the beginning of better...

Effective engagement with staff and Parents 'key to successful childcare expansion'

... Effective engagement with staff and Parents 'key to successful childcare expansion' 4 March 2020 Children in Scotland has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Early Learning and Childcare statutory guidance ahead of...

Children, Parents and teachers could pay price for testing policy

... Children, Parents and teachers 'could pay price for testing policy' Children in Scotland has issued a further statement about the impact of testing four and five-year-olds. Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive, Jackie Brock,...

Education Parents School Tests

Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and Parents’, new report finds

... Access to childcare services ‘has strengthened relationships and wellbeing for children and Parents’, new report finds 29 Sep 2022 Media Release Projects across Scotland supported by the Access to Childcare Fund (ACF) have made a...

access to childcare fund childcare Families flexibility out of school care Parents Poverty services

25 Calls response: Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and Parents

... Dialogue is key to a healthy digital life – for children and Parents 8 May 2019 Responding to Call 10 of our 25 Calls campaign, National Parent Forum of Scotland Chair Joanna Murphy says that if schools can create a strong, shared set of...

Childcare system ‘unusable’ for working Parents, say campaigners

... Childcare system ‘unusable’ for working Parents, say campaigners Campaign group Fair Funding For Our Kids have again raised concern about the suitability of the Scottish childcare system and how it is serving working Parents across the...

The Yard announces major expansion plan five days during term time, including a schools programme and family support service supporting Parents and carers with everything from financial and mental health to nutrition and sleep problems.  For the first time this year, the service also...

National consultation launched on the future of foster care

...including more peer support opportunities, and using foster carers to facilitate family time with Parents and siblings of children in foster care. The new approach could potentially offer an increased role for foster carers supporting families on...

Fife Gingerbread launches annual Heat and Eat Appeal

...Gingerbread The voluntary sector organisation provides support to local Parents and families. Click here for more Our membership offer Be part of the largest national children's sector membership organisation...

No child should be left behind

...for help without fear of judgment. There is still a stigma attached to seeking support, with many Parents worried about being seen as failures if they cannot provide everything their children need. This is not acceptable. Asking for help is not a...

From screens to success – boosting children's executive function skills in the digital age

...and nervous system are being affected by our modern world, and discusses how professionals and Parents can provide support. We live in such a fast-paced world, and while the brain is very adaptive to its environment and very malleable to new...

16 years of supporting children to stand up for their rights like this: “Before having a lawyer, I was often ignored or blamed by the council, my Parents or my social worker for my situation but my lawyer was always very understanding and would listen to everything I had to say.” We know...

Caledonia Play designs play solutions for children with additional support needs

...lots to consider during the process. Jamie Bruce Jones He continued: “Working with Parents of children with additional support needs, we’ve learnt that some kids don’t like things passing their peripheral vision. For example, if...

One Parent Families Scotland invites supporters to “share your voice” ahead of milestone anniversary

...the incredible work that OPFS has accomplished over the past eight decades, single Parents, staff members, volunteers and all other supporters who have worked with the charity are encouraged to share personal anecdotes, milestone...

Five child-friendly nature activities for the summer holidays

...for the summer holidays 27 Jun 2024 With the school holidays fast approaching, many Parents, families and caregivers will be on the hunt for summer activities that are not only purse-friendly but engaging and educational, too – and...

Put children's views and experiences at the heart of Additional Support for Learning reform

...written evidence from 25 local authorities across Scotland and meeting with young people, Parents and carers and teachers at informal participation sessions, the Education, Children and Young People Committee (ECYP) Additional Support for...

£2M funding boost for football activity clubs clubs for children from families on low incomes. It is hoped that this step will help more Parents to enter or sustain employment or training, as part of Scottish Goverment's ambitions around the eradication of child poverty. First Minister...

Safety. Sorted! Helping families to keep their children safer this Child Safety Week

...Sorted! We want to make it as easy as possible for families to get safety sorted. For Parents and carers to feel confident that, with just one small change, they can stop a serious accident happening. And for families to be clear what...

Children need a playful world to thrive and survive

...we have been working to develop an infant mental health programme that helps to support vulnerable Parents understand and respond to their baby in a way that creates a stable foundation to the attachment relationship. What are you looking forward...

Free Childcare Management Platform Launched in Scotland or affording it – is a hot topic at the moment with research suggesting that more and more Parents are choosing to leave the workforce in an attempt to save money. According to research from Flexible Childcare Services Scotland (FCSS), more...

Yopa extends support of Children in Scotland after a successful year of partnership working

...said: “The Yopa Scotland team works at the heart of our local communities, and many of us are Parents too; we all want the best for our young people and the places they grow up in, and we're delighted to be able to support an organisation...

Children in Scotland shortlisted for two prestigious awards

...My Say. Providing practical support, advice and representation for children, young people, Parents and families throughout Scotland, in 2023, 100% of Parents and carers who gave feedback on the Enquire helpline rated the service as...

Increasing access to hobbies for children and young people

...all families can afford. Just recently CAB Scotland (click here for more) found that over 235,000 Parents / carers were forced to cut back on hobbies for their children in the past 12 months as a result of the cost of living crisis. What this...

Advocating for the rights of children – and using their voices to make change offer advice and information about children’s rights to additional support for learning to Parents, carers, professionals and children and young people. The way we have done this has been developed and adapted over the years, and our...

Making cyber security fun for children early years learners and that the children encourage good practice at home, teaching their Parents and carers about the importance of cyber resilience. Sixty thousand books are being distributed to every Primary 1 pupil in Scotland....

Yopa extends partnership with Children in Scotland during 30th anniversary year

...said: "The Yopa Scotland team works at the heart of our local communities, and many of us are Parents too; we all want the best for our young people and the places they grow up in, and we're delighted to be able to support an organisation...

Listen, learn and act: New magazine calls for "young voices" to shape the children's sector

...women today Ali Miller, from Shared Lives Plus, explores an innovative project, which enables Parents with additional support needs to care for their child at home Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians, discusses Scotland’s housing...

'I give a unique perspective, which enhances the accessibility of the organisation and the services it provides'

...are crucial to operation of the Enquire additional support for learning helpline that advises Parents, professionals and young people. I found a way to do it and that enabled the helpline to continue its vital work. What personal learning or...

30th Anniversary

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

...delivering independent mediation within the Scottish education sector since 2004. We work with Parents, carers, children, young people, education staff and practitioners to find a mutually agreeable resolution. Our mediation approach is a...

Organisations from Shetland to Shettleston announced as successful applicants to Access to Childcare Fund

...during the holidays is often prohibitive for low income families and can limit opportunities for Parents to work, train and learn. The Fund aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for children and families most...

access to childcare access to childcare fund childcare childcare provision Families fund Inequality low income out of school care Parents Poverty

25 Calls interview with Richard Wilkinson part 4: “When a child moves to secondary school, there is a drastic upping of stakes in social comparison”

...of family life as being crucial – indeed more important than whether you have one parent or two Parents is the quality of your relationships with whoever your carer or carers are. And, again, I think we need to see this in terms of evolutionary...

bullying equality Inequality parenting Parents School

Review of Parental Involvement Act published

...the benefits that the Act has achieved, but calling for further partnership working between Parents and practitioners. Joanna Murphy, Chair of the National Parent Forum of Scotland, said: “This review has been an opportunity to research...

Legislation News Parents Scottish Schools

Focus on quality in childcare welcome, but "smarter thinking" required on school start age

...we need to see an ongoing commitment to affordability and flexibility whenever that is required by Parents. We have strongly supported the development of a simpler and more transparent route through which all public or private money intended to...

Children Early years Families Jackie Brock Parents Scottish Government Support Wellbeing

No results found.

No results found.

No results found.

11/03/25 - Understanding harmful sexual behaviour is aimed at anyone who is working with or supporting children. This includes Parents, carers, educators and safeguarding professionals. Ticket Prices £40 members £55 non-members Buy tickets on...

25/02/25 Distressed not Difficult

...sectors including early years, fostering and adoption teams, community groups and supporting Parents and carers at home. Using neuroscience informed approaches, she supports adults to create environments that will soothe stress responses...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...(up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and Parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.  We provide training to professionals in health and social care,...

Our Trainers & Speakers

...vulnerable young people with additional support needs (including autism) and practitioners and Parents and carers who support them. Her expertise is in designing and delivering sexual health programmes, as well as considering how our...

Children in Scotland's Early Years Conference 2023 Hub

...Enquire provides advice and information around additional support for learning directly to Parents, carers and professionals as well as young people themselves. They have resources for everyone that cover the legislation and guidance on...

No results found.

No results found.

More than a third of Parents can't access suitable childcare

... Magazine / More than a third of Parents unable to access suitable childcare Posted 22 November, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond childcare cost of living early learning and childcare Early years working Parents...

childcare cost of living early learning and childcare Early years working parents

Single Parents deserve support, not sanctions

... Single Parents deserve support, not sanctions Upcoming welfare reform, including the introduction of universal credit, is predicted to increase the child poverty rate for children in lone-parent families to 62 per cent. It’s time to pause...

Listening to young people with separated Parents

...of new research into the reflections of young people who experienced the break-up of their Parents’ relationship during childhood, and why we need to listen to what they have to say. The Voice of the Child began as a call to give...

children and young people family family support parenting separation

Scottish Government launches vaping awareness campaign

...Government The Scottish Government has launched a new marketing campaign to inform Parents, carers and school pupils about the dangers of vaping and e-cigarettes. As well as making use of radio and outdoor advertising, the Take...

changing our world consultation health and wellbeing Scottish Government

Insight – Issue 5

...women today Ali Miller, from Shared Lives Plus, explores an innovative project, which enables Parents with additional support needs to care for their child at home Amy Hutton, Director of Services at Cyrenians, discusses Scotland’s housing...

Enter The Why Not? Trust’s digital showcase

...experienced people care system digital The Why Not? Trust is seeking artwork from Parents with care experience, which will be shared through a “digital showcase” on social media. From poems and paintings to videos, scripts,...

art care experienced people care system digital

Access to Childcare Fund evaluation published

...learning Early years Families More Parents have been able to start work or progress their careers, improve overall health and wellbeing, and develop better relationships with their...

childcare Children early learning Early years Families

Funding perinatal mental health services
post funding health and wellbeing Mental Health Parents Scottish Government A fund that has supported more 7,000 individuals with perinatal mental health issues has received a new round...

babies family support funding health and wellbeing Mental Health Parents Scottish Government

Women's cost crisis
post Posted 16 November, 2022 by Nina Joynson childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty New research has found women in Scotland face increasing financial difficulties, with low-income jobs and care responsibilities...

childcare cost of living economy mothers Parents Poverty

Financial responsibility for young teens

...children to start budgeting early Posted 5 October, 2022 by Nina Joynson finances money Parents The Smart Start account has been launched by Bank of Scotland to encourage 11-15 year olds to save, after a survey finds that Parents want...

finances money Parents

Is the future 50:50?
post the birth of their children and they are expected and encouraged thenceforward to be hands on Parents. Politically, there is endorsement of these changes as being good in themselves in addition to their economic desirability. However, nearly...

Comment Magazine Parents