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Qualifications and assessments 'must prioritise flexibility, individual choice and continuous progress'

There is too much focus on exams and not enough flexibility when it comes to assessments of learning, say the Inclusion Ambassadors.

With secondary school pupils across the country back after the festive break, the Inclusion Ambassadors have identified pressure and a rigid approach to formal assessment as particular problems.

The Inclusion Ambassadors are a group of secondary school-aged pupils who have a range of additional support needs and attend a variety of school provision. The group was established to ensure the views of young people with additional support needs are heard in discussions about education policy.

Their comments come as a response to Professor Louise Hayward’s current Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessments and in the run-up to many secondary school pupils finding out the results of prelim exams sat before Christmas.

Whilst understanding the importance of having a means to track learning and progress, the Inclusion Ambassadors felt the current approach adds stress and detracts from other important aspects of learning.

Referring to their own experiences, they highlight that an ongoing focus on exams can dominate the school experience, particularly in the senior phase.

They also identify exams as being anxiety-inducing and frustrating, with the level of homework and revision required contributing to stress and 'burnout’.

The group also highlighted the need to recognise success outside the exam system. This was the basis of the Success Looks Different Awards, launched last year, which recognised schools who celebrate success and achievements outwith academia.

Acknowledging and supporting this is particularly important to those pupils who do not sit exams or formal assessments.

Chris Ross, Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, who leads the Inclusion Ambassador work, said:

“The Inclusion Ambassadors are clear that the high-pressure environment of formal exams can have a detrimental effect on their health and wellbeing, as well as overall experience of school in their final years.

“We believe the review needs to find a way to not only reform the structure of the system but also change the narrative and perception of what is valued.”

Based on the consultation and feedback from the Inclusion Ambassadors, Children in Scotland has made four recommendations to the review:

  • The future of Scottish exams and assessment must prioritise flexibility and individual choice for learners
  • Ongoing assessment needs to be prioritised over high stakes exams. This should include opportunities to complete shorter courses that reflect different needs
  • Recognition of wider success and achievements needs to be given parity with formal exams
  • Schools need to find ways to make the exam process less pressured and reduce the negative impact on children and young people’s wellbeing and health.

Children in Scotland has also submitted a response to the Review. It is informed by work with young people across our projects as well as previous evidence about the effectiveness and appropriateness of the current exam and assessment framework.

Professor Louise Hayward’s Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment is currently open for public consultation, with a closing date for responses of 13 January, 2023.

Click here to read the Inclusion Ambassador’s response to the Review

Click here to read Children in Scotland's response to the Review

Consultation response

The Inclusion Ambassador's contribute to Professor Hayward's review

Click here to read

Exam revision

The Independent Review is due to report to the Scottish Government in May.

Click here to read more

About the Inclusion Ambassadors

Find out more about the group, their recent activity and ongoing work

Click here to visit their site

Education Briefing

Presenting evidence and outlining our calls for change

Click here to read

Children in Scotland Manifesto 2021-26

Read our calls for change across 10 themes

Click here to find out more

Education system 'needs cultural reform'

News: Children in Scotland contributes to the National Discussion on Education

Click here to read more

Winners announced for Success Looks Different awards


Scotland’s national Inclusion Ambassadors have crowned three schools across Scotland winners of the first ever Success Looks Different Awards in recognition of how they celebrate their pupils with additional support needs.

The awards, developed by the Inclusion Ambassadors and managed by Children in Scotland, allow schools to share how they support the achievements of their pupils with additional support needs outwith traditional academia.

Specifically, the Inclusion Ambassadors were looking for evidence of celebrating pupils with additional support needs and their individual achievements, sharing success with the wider community as well as doing something creative, innovative and different.

More than 40 schools, representing primary, secondary and specialist provision submitted applications.

Each of the winners, chosen by the Inclusion Ambassadors, demonstrated a particular commitment to celebrating individual pupil journeys, evidence of positive relationships between pupils, staff and peers and a focus on children’s rights.


  • PRIMARY AND EARLY YEARS WINNER: Braehead Primary School, Stirling
  • SECONDARY SCHOOL WINNER: Alva Academy, Clackmannanshire
  • SPECIAL SCHOOL WINNER: Cedarbank School, Livingston

Lucy Johnson, Enquire’s Senior Children’s Rights and Communications Officer, who managed the award, said:

“We received a large number of entries from a range of provision and geographic locations. Across all, a common thread was a commitment to, and creativity in, including and celebrating pupils as individuals.

“Congratulations to all the 2022 winners. We hope this year’s awards will be the first of many.”

Monica Nelson, a Support for Learning teacher who entered the awards on behalf of primary and early years winner Braehead Primary School, said:

“'As a school, we are very proud of all our students and their achievements. We feel it is vital to recognise that success is not just measured by academic performance. We have incredible, dynamic individuals who face lots of different challenges.

“Our team work hard to provide opportunities for all students to showcase their skills and talents and are honoured to be recognised for this with the Success Looks Different Award.”

Scott McEwan, Headteacher at Alva Academy, who took home the top accolade for the secondary school category, said:

“We are delighted to have been recognised for the outstanding work of our fabulous young people and exceptional colleagues. The award reflects our unflinching commitment to make sure every young person can thrive, achieve and fulfil their potential.”

Carol McDonald, Headteacher of Cedarbank School, which was named winner of the special schools category, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to have won. This recognition of our work by Children in Scotland is a real accolade for the Cedarbank community.

“Our young people demonstrate an array of different talents, attributes, skills and abilities every day. Success looks different for each individual and we love celebrating and sharing the success and achievements of all our pupils.“

The Success Looks Different Awards was developed by Children in Scotland and the Inclusion Ambassadors to support the Scottish Government’s commitment to recognise and appreciate success for pupils with additional support needs, and the forms this takes, as outlined in their Additional Support for Learning Action Plan.

Shirley-Anne Somerville, Cabinet Secretary for Education & Skills said:

“I’d like to congratulate the winners and all those who participated in the inaugural Success Looks Different awards. This award recognises the wide-ranging achievements of learners and offers an important platform for schools to share the innovative ways they are supporting children and young people with additional support needs.

“I’d like to thank the Inclusion Ambassadors and all participating schools for their commitment to supporting and celebrating the success of their pupils.”

Each of the winners and runners-up will receive a physical award, to be presented during the current school term.

There is also plans to share the many examples of good practice received from schools, with the intention of helping schools across Scotland reflect, and build upon, the inclusive way in which they involve and celebrate pupils with additional support needs.


Contact (Tues, Wed, Fri): Jennifer Drummond, Communications Officer, Children in Scotland - 

Contact (Mon, Thurs): Chris Small, Communications Manager, Children in Scotland -

Notes for Editors

  • Primary and Early Years winner: Braehead Primary School, Stirling. Runner-up: Whitecrook Primary, West Dunbartonshire
  • Secondary School winner: Alva Academy, Clackmannanshire. Runner-up: Hillpark Secondary School, Glasgow
  • Special school winner: Cedarbank School, Livingston. Runner-up: Harmeny Education Trust, Edinburgh
  • The Inclusion Ambassadors is a national group, established to give young people with additional support needs a voice in decisions about education policy. The current Inclusion Ambassadors group is made up of secondary school-age young people with a wide range of additional support needs, representing 16 different local authority areas across Scotland. The group is managed by Children in Scotland.


Success Looks Different

More about the winners of the inaugural awards

Click here to find out more

Inclusion Ambassadors

Ensuring the views of young people with additional support needs are heard in education

Click here to find out more

Resource bank

A one-page information sheet highlighting the current resources available from the Inclusion Ambassadors

Click here to download

New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs


Schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched today.

The Success Looks Different award, developed by Scotland’s national Inclusion Ambassadors group, is asking schools to share how they are supporting the achievements of their pupils with additional support needs out with traditional academia. This could highlight school-wide celebrations of non-academic successes, or how individual pupils are recognised.

The award has been developed to support the Scottish Government’s commitment to recognise and appreciate success for pupils with additional support needs, and the forms this takes, as outlined in their Additional Support for Learning Action Plan (click here to access).

Lucy Johnson, Children’s Rights and Communications Officer with Enquire, who is managing the award said:

“We know for many children and young people, particularly those with additional support needs, exam results do not represent the successes achieved in someone’s educational journey.

“This award provides a platform for schools to share some of the innovative work we know that is going on to support and celebrate the success of their pupils where success and achievement does not necessarily come in the form of test scores.

“We look forward to hearing some of the wonderful work that is going on across the country and announcing our very first Success Looks Different award winner.”

The award is open to all publicly funded schools in Scotland, including primary, secondary, ELCs and special schools.

Schools can self-nominate by completing a short entry form available at

Entries will close on Friday 10 June at 5pm.


Contact: Jennifer Drummond, Communications Officer at Children in Scotland

Shout about success

Find out more about the award and how to apply

Click to visit the award page

Inclusion Ambassadors

More about the work and resources created by the national Inclusion Ambassadors

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A vision for the future

The award is directly linked to the Inclusion Ambassadors' Vision Statement, published in August 2021

Click to download the vision

Success Looks Different Awards

The 2024-25 Success Looks Different Award winners have been chosen!

We are thrilled to announce that our winners are:

  • Early Years – ELU Hamilton
  • Primary School – Buchanhaven Primary School
  • Secondary School – Duncanrig Secondary School
  • Special School – Parkhill Secondary School

Spotlight on this year's winners


Early Years Winner

ELU Hamilton, South Lanarkshire

The Inclusion Ambassadors were particularly impressed with ELU Hamilton’s achievement tree. They noted how it offers a focal point for displaying daily celebrations and recognising children’s achievements from both nursey and home. The group also loved the sound of the edible yard, where children can grow, use and share their own produce with the wider community.

ELU Hamilton collage

Primary School Winner

Buchanhaven Primary School, Aberdeenshire

The Inclusion Ambassadors chose Buchanhaven Primary School as winners of the Primary School category due to the positive language and quotes included in their application. The group also highlighted the broad range of achievements that the school recognise, their strong community links and the Thrive Hive, where children engage in a range of new experiences.

Buchanhaven collage

Secondary School Winner

Duncanrig Secondary School, South Lanarkshire

The Inclusion Ambassadors were particularly impressed with how strongly pupils' voices came through in Duncanrig Support Base’s application. They were also inspired by the vibrancy and detail on display in the school wall displays that share pupils' achievements, testimonials, experiences and other creative pieces.

Duncanrig collage

Special School Winner

Parkhill Secondary School, Glasgow

Parkhill School was crowned winner of the Special Schools category, with the Inclusion Ambassadors particularly impressed with the straightforward approach of their application and how they mapped out things they were doing across the school building. The group also liked that the Parkhill shared things they loved about their own school and how much of what they do is about making pupils 'feel good'.

Parkhill collage

Thank you for celebrating all kinds of success

We are so grateful to all of the schools and nurseries who took part in this year’s Success Looks Different awards! We were blown away by the creativity and enthusiasm across the entries. It’s clear that across Scotland, schools and nurseries are working hard to ensure that all their pupils feel celebrated, supported, and included.

If you have any questions relating to the Success Looks Different Awards please contact us at:

Click here to return to the main Inclusion Ambassadors page

Read our news article

Success Looks Different: Celebrating Inclusive Education in Scotland

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Classroom resources

All the practical resources from the Inclusion Ambassadors in one place

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International praise

News: The Inclusion Ambassadors have been recognised in an international study

Click here to read

Success Looks Different 2023

Take a look back at Year 2 of the Success Looks Different Awards.

Click here to find out more

Key principles for inclusive practice

Comment: 2022 winners Alva Academy reflect on their approach in Tes Scotland

Click here to read

More than Just ABC

Comment: Writing in TFN, Lucy Johnson reflects on the awards and our first ever winners

Click here to read

Case studies

Sharing examples from across our 2022 entries, covering primary, secondary and special schools settings.

Click here to download

Government ‘must be brave’ in leading education reforms, with focus on rights, early years and meeting all learners’ needs

10 March 2022

Children in Scotland has welcomed the emphasis on children’s rights, the early years and meeting all learners’ needs in Professor Ken Muir’s education reform report, published yesterday.

But the charity also warned that implementation success depends on the Scottish Government being bold and taking forward the recommendations at appropriate speed.

Click here to read Professor Muir’s report

Amy Woodhouse, Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, said:

“The Scottish Government could make a significant difference to the education of young people in Scotland if they lead on these recommendations with confidence and bravery.

“We welcome many of the guiding principles and proposals set out in Professor Muir’s report, including:

  • The focus on a child rights approach, with Article 29 of the UNCRC explicitly referred to
  • Increased recognition of the role and value of the early years
  • A review of the roles and purposes of assessment, so that it is not leading learning
  • Learners’ voices, experiences, perspectives and rights being central to decision-making
  • Trusting relationships between children, young people and teachers
  • Greater resourcing and attention placed on ensuring that the needs of individual leaners are met, as set out in Angela Morgan’s review of additional support for learning.

“Some of these core principles closely align with our own project work and evidence.

"The emphasis on trusting relationships, for example, links to our diversity in teaching project with the GTCS and Intercultural Youth Scotland, while focus on individual learners echoes calls made by the Inclusion Ambassadors network.

Click here to find out more about our diversity in teaching project

Click here to find out more about the Inclusion Ambassadors

“We are also encouraged by the Scottish Government’s responses to some of the key report recommendations, including:

  • Their commitment to ensuring that all children, young people and learners are placed at the heart of discussions about the renewed vision (recommendations 1 and 2) and that children’s rights as described by the UNCRC are embedded throughout our education system
  • Their promise that assessments, including examinations, should follow from the purposes of the curriculum, and not be seen to lead them (in response to recommendations 3, 4, 5 on the new qualifications authority with a revised governance structure to include more representation from and accountability to all learners)
  • Their acceptance of the absolute centrality of co-designing education policy, responding to recommendations 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 covering the setting up of a new national agency with a participative approach to governance in all of its work
  • Their pledge to introduce specific proposals to consult with the Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) sector before the summer, in response to recommendations 13, 14, 15, and 16 calling for the new independent Inspectorate to re-engage with the Care Inspectorate to agree a shared inspection framework designed to reduce the burden on ELC
  • Their commitment to act on points 17, 18 and 19, which urge the Scottish Government and other national bodies to collaborate more effectively to ensure that policies align well with each other and with any revised vision for Scottish education, leading, we hope, to better joined-up work across directorates.

“These are welcome public promises and strong foundations for progress but to make a difference for children and young people the Scottish Government must:

  • Be brave and confident, using these principles as an opportunity to lead genuine change to our education system
  • Take forward the recommendations with appropriate speed and depth, ensuring that change is experienced by learners and is not cosmetic
  • Follow the call in our 2021-26 Manifesto that wellbeing should be the central focus of Scottish education and at the heart of changes in vision, values and systems
  • Deliver on calls made by the Inclusion Ambassadors in Angela Morgan’s review of additional support for learning about making meeting all learners' needs a real priority
  • Deliver on the promise of embedding a child rights approach at all levels – in the classroom, in governance, across the wider life of school, and at local authority and national levels.”

Click here to find out more about our 2021-26 Manifesto

Putting Learners at the Centre

Replacement of the SQA and reform of Education Scotland is addressed in Professor Muir's report, published 9/3/22

Click here to read more

2021-26 Manifesto

Find out more about Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

Click here for more

Inclusion Ambassadors

We support a network of young people with additional support for learning needs, ensuring that their views are shared

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Diversity in teaching

A current project, in partnership with GTCS and Intercultural Youth Scotland

Click here for more

News, March 2022: Failure to launch

The SQA's exams guidance has been widely criticised

Click here to read

Inclusion Ambassadors welcome school return but say they still don't feel heard

23 September 2021

The Inclusion Ambassadors have shared their experiences of returning to school highlighting the positives of face-to-face interactions but warning there is still much to do to further inclusion in practice.

The group, who met virtually last week, spoke positively about their return to face-to-face education, with a particular emphasis on seeing friends, classmates and staff.

In addition, they shared their ease with the safety measures that remain in place and welcomed a return to routine.

However, the group had mixed experiences of feeling their voice was heard since they returned to school or college. Some spoke about feeling they were better listened to, evidenced through influencing decisions such as requesting a change of class. Others shared examples of where their views had not been taken into account or where they had been spoken to in a way that made them feel like they were not trusted or valued.

Chris Ross, Children in Scotland’s Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer who leads on work with the group said:

“It was great to see new and returning faces at our first Inclusion Ambassadors meeting of this academic term.

“We are encouraged by their enthusiasm for returning to in-person education, as we know missing their friends and other peers and a lack of routine was a big issue for many of the Inclusion Ambassadors over lockdown.

"However, members of the group continue to highlight what needs to happen to  make sure the Inclusion Ambassadors, and others with additional support needs, are fairly and appropriately included in decisions about their education."

“We will be working with the group over this academic year to share their experiences with key decision-makers to make real progress and change.”

Ahead of the 2021/22 school term, the group published a suite of resources for schools and other education settings to encourage more inclusive practices.

In August, the Inclusion Ambassadors published a Vision Statement as part of the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Association of Directors of Education Scotland’s Additional Support for Learning Action Plan, outlining how schools can help pupils feel more supported and included. They also released a Pledge Pack to help schools reflect on how young people with additional support needs are being supported and listened to in their setting.

Enquire, Scotland’s national advice service for additional support for learning will shortly be undertaking work directly with schools in order to build on the work of the Inclusion Ambassadors and their Vision Statement.

Lucy Johnson, Children’s Rights and Communications Officer at Enquire, said:

“We know there are some educators and education establishments who are doing some great work out there – but we need to continue to work together to make sure all pupils have the support they need to get the most from school.”

“We are planning a focused campaign, working with education staff, as well as parents, carers and young people, to share the Inclusion Ambassadors’ resources. This will help ensure pupils understand their rights to additional support for learning and their rights to be included, listened to and involved in decisions about their education.


Inclusion Ambassadors

Find out more about the work and priorities of the group

Click to visit the page

Blog: From vision to reality

Chris Ross on why we need to support the Inclusion Ambassadors

Click to read the blog

Challenging inequality and leading change

The first annual report from the Inclusion Ambassadors

Click to download the report

Take the pledge

Help young people with ASN feel happy and safe in school

Click to download the pack


Understanding children's rights to be involved in education decisions

Click to visit the website

Pledge Pack FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions to support best use of the pack

Click to read the FAQs

My Rights, My Say

Supporting children age 12-15 to exercise their rights in school

Click to visit the website

First annual Inclusion Ambassadors report calls for action to help young people feel supported in school

1 September 2021


The first annual report of Scotland’s Inclusion Ambassadors has been published today, calling for more activity to ensure those with additional support needs feel supported at school.

The report, Challenging inequality and leading change, reviews the work of the Inclusion Ambassadors group from 2020-21. It highlights their activity over the last year, including input into the Review of Additional Support for Learning, as well as the creation of a Vision Statement published as part of the Scottish Government’s Action Plan agreed in response.

The group members also share their experiences of being young people with additional support needs in an education setting, the impact of Covid-19 and what they would like to see change to ensure school is a happy and safe place.

Specifically, the Ambassadors highlight the importance of being involved in decision-making, two-way communication with school and support staff and relationships built on trust.  They identify the positive difference this can make to their day-to-day experience and learner journey and the issues when one, or all, of these elements are absent.

Key recommendations made within the report include calls to:

  • Directly involve young people with additional support needs in discussions around their support. This includes asking pupils what support they would like, and how this should be delivered
  • Ensure ongoing, open communication with young people with additional support needs. This includes advising them of what decisions have been made and why, the practical implications of this, as well as ensuring feedback is provided from any meetings or discussions they have participated in
  • Increase the number of support staff with specialist knowledge and skills
  • Deliver person-centred, consistent support, including flexibility to work in a way that may suit them, even if it’s different from the rest of the class
  • Make time for pupils to socialise and engage with their friends, allowing for social and emotional development and relationship-building. 

Sally Cavers, Children in Scotland’s Head of Inclusion said:

“The Inclusion Ambassadors are a fantastic group of young people who are committed to influencing and facilitating change. By sharing their experiences they’ve provided real insight into what works, and what needs to change.

“It’s encouraging to hear the examples of inclusive practice across Scotland with the Ambassadors telling us the difference it makes when staff trust and include them, and understand their needs. However, the issues raised show the need for better, more consistent support and highlight where policy is not necessarily being translated into practice.

“We hope this report will encourage an examination of how pupils with additional support needs are being supported and ultimately lead to positive change for those currently in, or about to enter, the education system.

“We look forward to supporting the Inclusion Ambassadors with their work going forward, including ongoing communication with the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group (ASLIG) and other key decision--makers.”

Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville, said:

“I welcome the first annual report from the Young Ambassadors for Inclusion. We will continue to work together to take forward the measures set out in our ASL Action Plan, which aims to enhance the experiences of children and young people with additional support needs across Scotland.”

During the coming year, the Inclusion Ambassadors will be inviting a range of decision-makers to meet with them to listen to their experiences, discuss their views, and identify what changes can be made.

Challenging inequality and leading change: A report on the work of the Inclusion Ambassadors work 2020-21 was published on 1 September, 2021.

Click here to read the full report 


Media contact

For press enquiries, please email Jennifer Drummond, Communications Officer, Children in Scotland –

Report: Challenging inequality and leading change

The first annual report from the Inclusion Ambassadors group

Click to read the report

Inclusion Ambassadors

Find our more about the group of young people and their work

Click to visit the website

News: New pledge pack for schools

A new resource from the Inclusion Ambassadors designed to encourage more inclusive practices in schools has been recently published

Click to read the news story


Scotland's Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning

Click to visit the website


Helping you understand children's rights to be supported and involved in decisions affecting their education

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My Rights, My Say

Advocacy for children and young people to recognise and fight for their rights in education

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School pledge pack helps educators demonstrate more inclusive practice

16 August 2021

A new resource from the Inclusion Ambassadors, designed to help schools better support the inclusion of children and young people with additional support needs in school, has been published today.  

The pledge pack, which is aimed at schools and other education providers, encourages reflection on how young people with additional support needs are being supported and listened to in their setting.

It then asks for the identification of actions to ensure inclusive practices are upheld and progressed.  

It specifically calls for schools to commit to ensuring that children and young people with additional support needs: 

  • can work with teachers they trust 
  • have opportunities to see their friends, and  
  • have a say in decisions about their education 

Chris Ross, Children in Scotland’s Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer, who leads the work with the Inclusion Ambassadors group, said: 

“We are excited to be sharing this important resource with schools just as the new term is getting underway.  

“Co-produced by young people from the Inclusion Ambassadors group, the pledges are in direct response to what young people have told us they need in order to feel happy and safe in school. 

“The pack is a way for schools, and other learning environments, to show their commitment to upholding the views of children and young people and to hold themselves accountable.” 

The pledge pack is the latest in a suite of resources being developed by the Inclusion Ambassadors to ensure the voices of children and young people with additional support needs are being heard.  

Earlier this month, the group published a Vision Statement as part of the Scottish Government’s Additional Support for Learning Action Plan. The statement outlines how they feel schools can help pupils feel more supported and included.   

The pledge pack is available for anyone who is working in setting with children and young people with additional support needs.

If you would like more information, or wish to discuss in more detail, contact our Policy Officer Parisa Shirazi on email: 

Take the pledge

Help young people with ASN feel happy and safe in school by committing your support

Click here for the pack

Pledge pack FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions to support best use of the pack in your setting

Click here to view

Inclusion in schools: Vision and overview

The Inclusion Ambassador’s vision for better support and inclusion in schools

Click here to read the statement

Blog: from vision to reality

Chris Ross on why we need to support the Inclusion Ambassadors aims

Click to read the blog

Inclusion Ambassadors

More about the work of the Inclusion Ambassadors

Click to find out more