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Children in Scotland responds to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation

... Children in Scotland responds to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation 16 May 2024 Children in Scotland has today (Thursday 16 May) responded to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Statutory Guidance...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...approach to engagement is framed around the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) with a focus on Article 12, which states children and young people have the right to have their views heard on the issues that affect their...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024

...share their voices – and attendees even got to create their own stop motion films based around UNCRC incorporation! 7. There was a magical musical moment During the Live Music and Mental Health workshops, which shared key learnings...

Children in Scotland congratulates John Swinney on FM appointment

...realise their full potential, collaborative working is by essential. With the introduction of new UNCRC legislation coming into effect this summer, we have a unique opportunity to improve outcomes for children and young people in Scotland and to...

UNCRC incorporation: the day we make history

... UNCRC incorporation: the date we make history 16 Mar 2021 Our Head of Policy, Projects & Participation Amy Woodhouse on what today means for children and the country's future I do cringe a bit using words like ‘historic’ to describe...

UNCRC incorporation 'to the max' is right and welcome

... UNCRC incorporation 'to the max' is right and welcome 22 November 2019 We have responded to the Scottish Government’s announcement on Wednesday that ministers are committed to a ‘maximalist’ approach to incorporation of the United...

Unlocking UNCRC incorporation: An interview with Juliet Harris

...Unlocking UNCRC incorporation: An interview with Juliet Harris 25 Oct 2022 Ahead of our Annual Conference, members of Changing our World, our children and young people's advisory group, interviewed some of the speakers. Here, Kaydence is in...

Supreme Court ruling on the UK Government challenge of the UNCRC Bill

... Supreme Court ruling on the UK Government challenge of the UNCRC Bill 6 Oct 2021 Children in Scotland accepts the verdict of the Supreme Court to rule in favour of the UK Government’s challenge of the United Nations Convention on the...

Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"

... Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now" 28 Aug 2019 Children in Scotland has reiterated its call for full incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and urged the Scottish Government to...

Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC

Death, grief and the UNCRC

... Death, grief and the UNCRC 6 Dec 2022 Reflecting on their workshop at our annual conference earlier this month, Child Bereavement UK's Bereavement Coordinator, Scotland, Jen Somerville, looks at how the UNCRC relates to children who...

“Children and young people give us the fuel to do our work”

...optimistic time. After  decades of campaigning, the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now being incorporated into Scots law (click here for more), marking a landmark moment for children’s rights across all areas of law and...

The importance of youth participation for supporting families affected by imprisonment

...enforced - with the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law this summer. Article 12 of the UNCRC states that every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all...

Creating a cohesive voice for the sector

...the coming year. Undoubtably, there will be significant change ahead with the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law and its provisions coming into force. We are also very aware of how overstretched the sector is and for that reason we will...

Nicola Killean joins expert line-up for Children in Scotland’s Annual Conference 2024

...on how children’s rights are being delivered in Scotland. With the implementation of the UNCRC Act on the horizon, it’s an even more significant time for adults, young people, and children to come together to share experiences with the...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...policy guidance on AI, which was created from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), enacting policies and systems that “protect children, provide equitably for their needs and rights, and empower them to participate in an...

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

...impact their lives every day, and with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) now part of Scottish legislation, it’s never been more important to listen to young people’s views and take their recommendations into...

Embedding the principles of The Promise

...key foundations of The Promise. Voice The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now part of Scottish legislation, having received unanimous support in a Scottish Parliament vote on 7 December, and then achieving royal...

Looking to upskill your staff? Discover how commissioned training is helping charities across Scotland

...and knowledge they need to make a difference in their role, covering children's rights and the UNCRC (click here for more), trauma-informed practice, mental health and much more. Plus, with 94% of participants in 2022/2023 describing the...

Looking to the future at the end of our 30th anniversary year

...publishing our Manifesto, we have also seen excitement with the unanimous passing of the UNCRC Incorporation (Scotland) Bill in the Scottish Parliament in 2021, and frustration at delays after this legislation was challenged by the UK...

“In a small country where people are well connected, adaptable and aspirational, great changes are possible”

...from The Promise, and underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Scotland's Bairns' Hoose model centres on the creation of safe and welcoming places for children to go once a crime of abuse or violence has...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

Children in Scotland announces new Head of Policy, Projects and Participation

...and families are facing very real challenges, there are still some green shoots of optimism with UNCRC incorporation back on the horizon. I look forward to leading Children in Scotland’s policy and engagement work and collaborating with...

Amplifying seldom heard voices: the importance of direct services for children and young people

An exciting time to be working on children's rights on the brink of incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into law. One of the biggest changes in children’s rights in this time has been a culture shift in awareness of children’s right to...

A daring venture: new training programme explores the dynamics of successful relationships make an impact in their role in the children’s sector.    “With the principles of the UNCRC, GIRFEC and The Promise all emphasising the urgent need to develop collaborative, mutual relationships with children and families, this...

Celebrating our successes at 30 

...rights and freedoms of children, brought forward by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which the UK had ratified in 1991.   The trajectory of the organisation was also very much intertwined with the establishment of the...

Q&A with Kara Brown: “There’s still stigma surrounding mental health, but it’s getting better” on mental health? We take a human rights-based approach to our work – Article 12 of the UNCRC is one of my favourite human rights, as it's all about recognising that children have opinions, that they've got something to say about...

Vision through our values

...take hope from commitments to combat child poverty and champion GIRFEC and incorporation of the UNCRC. There remains much to do to deliver good policy and practice for children and young people in Scotland. We are ready for the challenge. I...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say the debates. ‘It fits perfectly into the Curriculum for Excellence and our mapping to UNCRC and SDGs supports schools working towards their Unicef Rights Respecting Awards’, says Georgie, Head of Content (Unicef UK are friends of...

New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary school age are missing out on hobbies

...we take on child policy and legislation Click here to read Children's Rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging policy and practice: bespoke children's rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs Click here for...

health and wellbeing hobbies Mental Health School Scottish Government

Annual Conference 2022: Behind the scenes with Changing our World

...members had with delegates on day 1 Click here to watch Unlocking UNCRC incorporation Kaydence from Changing our World interviewed Together's Juliet Harris ahead of her conference panel Click here to...

Striving for inclusive education: An interview with Jordan Daly

...2022, where Jordan will deliver a keynote speech Click here to find out more Unlocking UNCRC incorporation Read an interview between Kaydence from CoW and Juliet Harris from Together, ahead of her #CiSAC22 panel Click here to...

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

...under Article 31, and development of personality, talents and abilities under Article 28 of the UNCRC are familiar features in everyone’s childhood. By hearing from young people, those who support them and providers, we can set a vision for...

“It’s important to remember these are not just numbers – these are real people”

...Government’s commitment to incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law, it was important for the group to be confident that they knew which UNCRC Articles were relevant to ensuring children and...

Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe

...Europe. I like helping to make a change. In Scotland we have the opportunity to incorporate the UNCRC into law, and I want to share this around Europe and help children and young people enjoy their rights. Since joining the group in March 2022 I...

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

...Review, the introduction of the Equal Protection Act, and the promise of full incorporation of the UNCRC. “These are all powerful signs of the effectiveness of collective campaigning to make change for children, and we’ll be taking forward our...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

25 and Up: The ‘old normal’ meant acceptance of injustice for too many families. We can’t go back to it for Challenge Poverty Week, Clare Simpson revisits her 25 Calls contribution, arguing that UNCRC incorporation and the work of the Care Review provide the scaffolding for change Scotland’s families need Back in 2018 when we made our call...

25 and Up 25 calls Care Review Families family support Inequality Parenting across Scotland Poverty the Promise UNCRC

Our view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting poverty

...Tuesday’s publication of the Programme for Government. Commenting on key policy areas including UNCRC incorporation, ELC expansion and health inequalities, our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, Amy Woodhouse, said: UNCRC incorporation:...

communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC

Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches

...Day and the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Recite Me is an easy-to-use web accessibility tool, which includes: text to speech functionality dyslexia software an interactive...

accessibility Disability discrimination equality UNCRC

Children's Rights and UNCRC training

... Children's Rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging Policy and Practice: Bespoke rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs: when, where, and how you want it.   Children’s Rights Revolution Scotland is on the road to a...

Consultation Response: UNCRC Draft Introductory Guidance (September 2021)

...Children in Scotland's response to UNCRC: Draft Introductory Guidance...

Consultation Response: The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill (October 2020)

Consultation Response: UNCRC Incorporation (Aug 2019) Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law. Closing date: 30 August...

What better way than a Bill to mark the UNCRC's birthday?

... What better way than a bill to mark the UNCRC’s birthday? For our 25 Calls campaign, Bruce Adamson and young campaigner Ruby made a plea for children to be supported to become human rights defenders. One year on, he says Scotland is making...

AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...and engagement work with children and young people, with a particular focus on Article 12 of the UNCRC. email | linkedin | X In Scotland, Randstad supports care providers across all regions, ensuring the best outcomes for children. Whether...

Workshops AC24 between animal abuse and violence towards humans. There has been a recent change in the UNCRC where the General Comment 26 now includes that "Children must be protected from all forms of physical and psychological violence and from...

Shilla Shomai

...settings, including the Scottish Parliament, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) members, Commission on Widening Access Board, Scottish Legal Aid Board, NHS, and colleges and universities across Scotland. With an MA in...


Insight - Issue 2 needs Professor Laura Lundy asks if Scotland can deliver on the promises of the UNCRC Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland reflects on the proposed reforms to the Human Rights Act We are also...

Our history

...young people’s rights and participation. In parallel, partnership work saw strides made towards UNCRC incorporation and a more sincere approach to the involvement of children in Scottish Government-funded projects emerge.  New guidelines about...

Young people united through street art

...that support positive wellbeing, destinations and learning outcomes, reflecting Article 31 of the UNCRC, the right to create and play. Laura Frood, producer and The Gable End Edition project lead for Articulate, said: “We are thrilled to have...

art care care experienced people creativity

Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites for more), and underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Bairns’ Hoose model ensures therapeutic support, child protection, recovery and justice services are available in one place. Available...

child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice

Young people have their say on access to food

...stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New Scotland-wide research shows that 76% of young people would eat more lunches at school if free provision was...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

...carers, and children from ethnic minority backgrounds. The importance of incorporating the UNCRC into Scots Law But there is a bright light for a better future when we finally incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of...

Children's rights human rights

Online Hub - Annual Conference 2022

...– when & how you want it. Whether your organisation needs training on child protection, the UNCRC, trauma or another topic, we can connect you with experienced trainers, manage your training process, and provide full evaluation and...

eLearning Hub

...of the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (also known as UNCRC) into Scottish law, this course is designed to support you to develop your knowledge about children’s rights as well as the current policy...

What is participation?

...and to have their views considered and taken seriously. Click here to find out more about the UNCRC - from our friends at the Commissioner for Children and Young People Scotland The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child describes...


State of Children’s Rights report published

...2022, by Nina Joynson Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice The annual State of Children's Rights report, published by Together, highlights challenges faced by the...

Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice

Young people present key issues to Government

...Health UNCRC Young people across Scotland met today with the First Minister and her Cabinet in the sixth annual Cabinet Meeting with Children and...

Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC

MSPs urged to withhold consent for Nationalities Bill

...February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child rights human rights refugee UNCRC Organisations from across the third sector are urging Scotland to vote down the UK Nationalities and Borders Bill on the grounds that...

child rights human rights refugee UNCRC

Age of criminal responsibility increased

...of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice Today marks the full commencement of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 meaning children...

age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice

'It's not enough to increase age of criminal responsibility'

...of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice Thirty years since the UK ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) some children...

age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice

"We want Scotland to become the world's first child-friendly country"

...the First Minister to incorporate the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law and “to do it in the most effective way possible”.   The time has come to incorporate the CRC into domestic law. Unicef UK...

Magazine rights UNCRC Unicef

No results found.

Children in Scotland responds to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation

... Children in Scotland responds to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation 16 May 2024 Children in Scotland has today (Thursday 16 May) responded to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Statutory Guidance...

The road to safer journeys for children and young people

...approach to engagement is framed around the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) with a focus on Article 12, which states children and young people have the right to have their views heard on the issues that affect their...

10 highlights from our Annual Conference 2024

...share their voices – and attendees even got to create their own stop motion films based around UNCRC incorporation! 7. There was a magical musical moment During the Live Music and Mental Health workshops, which shared key learnings...

Children in Scotland congratulates John Swinney on FM appointment

...realise their full potential, collaborative working is by essential. With the introduction of new UNCRC legislation coming into effect this summer, we have a unique opportunity to improve outcomes for children and young people in Scotland and to...

UNCRC incorporation: the day we make history

... UNCRC incorporation: the date we make history 16 Mar 2021 Our Head of Policy, Projects & Participation Amy Woodhouse on what today means for children and the country's future I do cringe a bit using words like ‘historic’ to describe...

UNCRC incorporation 'to the max' is right and welcome

... UNCRC incorporation 'to the max' is right and welcome 22 November 2019 We have responded to the Scottish Government’s announcement on Wednesday that ministers are committed to a ‘maximalist’ approach to incorporation of the United...

Unlocking UNCRC incorporation: An interview with Juliet Harris

...Unlocking UNCRC incorporation: An interview with Juliet Harris 25 Oct 2022 Ahead of our Annual Conference, members of Changing our World, our children and young people's advisory group, interviewed some of the speakers. Here, Kaydence is in...

Supreme Court ruling on the UK Government challenge of the UNCRC Bill

... Supreme Court ruling on the UK Government challenge of the UNCRC Bill 6 Oct 2021 Children in Scotland accepts the verdict of the Supreme Court to rule in favour of the UK Government’s challenge of the United Nations Convention on the...

Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now"

... Scottish Government "must act on UNCRC incorporation now" 28 Aug 2019 Children in Scotland has reiterated its call for full incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and urged the Scottish Government to...

Children's rights Consultation response Policy UNCRC

Death, grief and the UNCRC

... Death, grief and the UNCRC 6 Dec 2022 Reflecting on their workshop at our annual conference earlier this month, Child Bereavement UK's Bereavement Coordinator, Scotland, Jen Somerville, looks at how the UNCRC relates to children who...

“Children and young people give us the fuel to do our work”

...optimistic time. After  decades of campaigning, the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now being incorporated into Scots law (click here for more), marking a landmark moment for children’s rights across all areas of law and...

The importance of youth participation for supporting families affected by imprisonment

...enforced - with the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law this summer. Article 12 of the UNCRC states that every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all...

Creating a cohesive voice for the sector

...the coming year. Undoubtably, there will be significant change ahead with the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law and its provisions coming into force. We are also very aware of how overstretched the sector is and for that reason we will...

Nicola Killean joins expert line-up for Children in Scotland’s Annual Conference 2024

...on how children’s rights are being delivered in Scotland. With the implementation of the UNCRC Act on the horizon, it’s an even more significant time for adults, young people, and children to come together to share experiences with the...

Safer Internet Day 2024: Exploring children’s rights and AI

...policy guidance on AI, which was created from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), enacting policies and systems that “protect children, provide equitably for their needs and rights, and empower them to participate in an...

Children in Scotland welcomes ban on single use vapes

...impact their lives every day, and with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) now part of Scottish legislation, it’s never been more important to listen to young people’s views and take their recommendations into...

Embedding the principles of The Promise

...key foundations of The Promise. Voice The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now part of Scottish legislation, having received unanimous support in a Scottish Parliament vote on 7 December, and then achieving royal...

Looking to upskill your staff? Discover how commissioned training is helping charities across Scotland

...and knowledge they need to make a difference in their role, covering children's rights and the UNCRC (click here for more), trauma-informed practice, mental health and much more. Plus, with 94% of participants in 2022/2023 describing the...

Looking to the future at the end of our 30th anniversary year

...publishing our Manifesto, we have also seen excitement with the unanimous passing of the UNCRC Incorporation (Scotland) Bill in the Scottish Parliament in 2021, and frustration at delays after this legislation was challenged by the UK...

“In a small country where people are well connected, adaptable and aspirational, great changes are possible”

...from The Promise, and underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Scotland's Bairns' Hoose model centres on the creation of safe and welcoming places for children to go once a crime of abuse or violence has...

It’s not about right or wrong, but about bringing people together

Children in Scotland announces new Head of Policy, Projects and Participation

...and families are facing very real challenges, there are still some green shoots of optimism with UNCRC incorporation back on the horizon. I look forward to leading Children in Scotland’s policy and engagement work and collaborating with...

Amplifying seldom heard voices: the importance of direct services for children and young people

An exciting time to be working on children's rights on the brink of incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into law. One of the biggest changes in children’s rights in this time has been a culture shift in awareness of children’s right to...

A daring venture: new training programme explores the dynamics of successful relationships make an impact in their role in the children’s sector.    “With the principles of the UNCRC, GIRFEC and The Promise all emphasising the urgent need to develop collaborative, mutual relationships with children and families, this...

Celebrating our successes at 30 

...rights and freedoms of children, brought forward by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which the UK had ratified in 1991.   The trajectory of the organisation was also very much intertwined with the establishment of the...

Q&A with Kara Brown: “There’s still stigma surrounding mental health, but it’s getting better” on mental health? We take a human rights-based approach to our work – Article 12 of the UNCRC is one of my favourite human rights, as it's all about recognising that children have opinions, that they've got something to say about...

Vision through our values

...take hope from commitments to combat child poverty and champion GIRFEC and incorporation of the UNCRC. There remains much to do to deliver good policy and practice for children and young people in Scotland. We are ready for the challenge. I...

Should we blame influencers for online harm? 40,000 children have their say the debates. ‘It fits perfectly into the Curriculum for Excellence and our mapping to UNCRC and SDGs supports schools working towards their Unicef Rights Respecting Awards’, says Georgie, Head of Content (Unicef UK are friends of...

New research reveals that almost half of young people of secondary school age are missing out on hobbies

...we take on child policy and legislation Click here to read Children's Rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging policy and practice: bespoke children's rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs Click here for...

health and wellbeing hobbies Mental Health School Scottish Government

Annual Conference 2022: Behind the scenes with Changing our World

...members had with delegates on day 1 Click here to watch Unlocking UNCRC incorporation Kaydence from Changing our World interviewed Together's Juliet Harris ahead of her conference panel Click here to...

Striving for inclusive education: An interview with Jordan Daly

...2022, where Jordan will deliver a keynote speech Click here to find out more Unlocking UNCRC incorporation Read an interview between Kaydence from CoW and Juliet Harris from Together, ahead of her #CiSAC22 panel Click here to...

Scotland could have a future where access to recreation, creativity and wellbeing is a foundational part of growing up

...under Article 31, and development of personality, talents and abilities under Article 28 of the UNCRC are familiar features in everyone’s childhood. By hearing from young people, those who support them and providers, we can set a vision for...

“It’s important to remember these are not just numbers – these are real people”

...Government’s commitment to incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law, it was important for the group to be confident that they knew which UNCRC Articles were relevant to ensuring children and...

Reflecting on children’s rights in Scotland and Europe

...Europe. I like helping to make a change. In Scotland we have the opportunity to incorporate the UNCRC into law, and I want to share this around Europe and help children and young people enjoy their rights. Since joining the group in March 2022 I...

2021-26 Manifesto launches with calls to put wellbeing at the heart of Scottish budget, include under-16s in Citizens’ Assemblies, target air pollution and introduce a ‘hobby premium’

...Review, the introduction of the Equal Protection Act, and the promise of full incorporation of the UNCRC. “These are all powerful signs of the effectiveness of collective campaigning to make change for children, and we’ll be taking forward our...

budget Child protection community democracy economy Education environment equality Inequality Learning Manifesto Poverty rights Scottish Parliament UNCRC Wellbeing

25 and Up: The ‘old normal’ meant acceptance of injustice for too many families. We can’t go back to it for Challenge Poverty Week, Clare Simpson revisits her 25 Calls contribution, arguing that UNCRC incorporation and the work of the Care Review provide the scaffolding for change Scotland’s families need Back in 2018 when we made our call...

25 and Up 25 calls Care Review Families family support Inequality Parenting across Scotland Poverty the Promise UNCRC

Our view on the Programme for Government: Positive pledges on youth jobs and climate, more ambition needed on family support and fighting poverty

...Tuesday’s publication of the Programme for Government. Commenting on key policy areas including UNCRC incorporation, ELC expansion and health inequalities, our Head of Policy, Projects and Participation, Amy Woodhouse, said: UNCRC incorporation:...

communities Education environment Health Inequalities programme for government UNCRC

Making rights real: new digital accessibility resource launches

...Day and the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Recite Me is an easy-to-use web accessibility tool, which includes: text to speech functionality dyslexia software an interactive...

accessibility Disability discrimination equality UNCRC

No results found.

No results found.

Shilla Shomai

...settings, including the Scottish Parliament, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) members, Commission on Widening Access Board, Scottish Legal Aid Board, NHS, and colleges and universities across Scotland. With an MA in...


AC24 - Exhibition Hall

...and engagement work with children and young people, with a particular focus on Article 12 of the UNCRC. email | linkedin | X In Scotland, Randstad supports care providers across all regions, ensuring the best outcomes for children. Whether...

Workshops AC24 between animal abuse and violence towards humans. There has been a recent change in the UNCRC where the General Comment 26 now includes that "Children must be protected from all forms of physical and psychological violence and from...

Our history

...young people’s rights and participation. In parallel, partnership work saw strides made towards UNCRC incorporation and a more sincere approach to the involvement of children in Scottish Government-funded projects emerge.  New guidelines about...

Online Hub - Annual Conference 2022

...– when & how you want it. Whether your organisation needs training on child protection, the UNCRC, trauma or another topic, we can connect you with experienced trainers, manage your training process, and provide full evaluation and...

eLearning Hub

...of the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (also known as UNCRC) into Scottish law, this course is designed to support you to develop your knowledge about children’s rights as well as the current policy...


No results found.

No results found.

Children's Rights and UNCRC training

... Children's Rights and the UNCRC Training Bridging Policy and Practice: Bespoke rights training tailored to your organisation’s needs: when, where, and how you want it.   Children’s Rights Revolution Scotland is on the road to a...

Consultation Response: UNCRC Draft Introductory Guidance (September 2021)

...Children in Scotland's response to UNCRC: Draft Introductory Guidance...

Consultation Response: The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill (October 2020)
Consultation Response: UNCRC Incorporation (Aug 2019)
attachment Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law. Closing date: 30 August...

What better way than a Bill to mark the UNCRC's birthday?

... What better way than a bill to mark the UNCRC’s birthday? For our 25 Calls campaign, Bruce Adamson and young campaigner Ruby made a plea for children to be supported to become human rights defenders. One year on, he says Scotland is making...

Insight - Issue 2
post needs Professor Laura Lundy asks if Scotland can deliver on the promises of the UNCRC Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland reflects on the proposed reforms to the Human Rights Act We are also...

Young people united through street art

...that support positive wellbeing, destinations and learning outcomes, reflecting Article 31 of the UNCRC, the right to create and play. Laura Frood, producer and The Gable End Edition project lead for Articulate, said: “We are thrilled to have...

art care care experienced people creativity

Investment for new Bairns’ Hoose test sites
post for more), and underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Bairns’ Hoose model ensures therapeutic support, child protection, recovery and justice services are available in one place. Available...

child-led Children's rights the Promise youth justice

Young people have their say on access to food

...stigma Posted 7 March, 2023 by Nina Joynson Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people New Scotland-wide research shows that 76% of young people would eat more lunches at school if free provision was...

Food food insecurity SYP UNCRC young people

We've made progress on children's rights, but not enough

...carers, and children from ethnic minority backgrounds. The importance of incorporating the UNCRC into Scots Law But there is a bright light for a better future when we finally incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of...

Children's rights human rights

What is participation?

...and to have their views considered and taken seriously. Click here to find out more about the UNCRC - from our friends at the Commissioner for Children and Young People Scotland The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child describes...

State of Children’s Rights report published

...2022, by Nina Joynson Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice The annual State of Children's Rights report, published by Together, highlights challenges faced by the...

Children's rights Participation third sector UNCRC youth justice

Young people present key issues to Government

...Health UNCRC Young people across Scotland met today with the First Minister and her Cabinet in the sixth annual Cabinet Meeting with Children and...

Children's rights climate change Education environment equality Health LGBT Mental Health UNCRC

MSPs urged to withhold consent for Nationalities Bill

...February, 2022 by Jennifer Drummond child rights human rights refugee UNCRC Organisations from across the third sector are urging Scotland to vote down the UK Nationalities and Borders Bill on the grounds that...

child rights human rights refugee UNCRC

Age of criminal responsibility increased

...of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice Today marks the full commencement of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 meaning children...

age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice

'It's not enough to increase age of criminal responsibility'

...of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice Thirty years since the UK ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) some children...

age of criminal responsibility children and young people Children's rights UNCRC youth justice

"We want Scotland to become the world's first child-friendly country"

...the First Minister to incorporate the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law and “to do it in the most effective way possible”.   The time has come to incorporate the CRC into domestic law. Unicef UK...

Magazine rights UNCRC Unicef