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Children in Scotland's Annual Conference 2024. 29-30 May 2024 Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. White text on pink background with dandelion puff motif.

Conference Resources

From our panel:

Further learning - Children’s Rights and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Exploring Children’s Rights and AI project

Each of the panellists represents an organisation involved in the Exploring Children’s Rights and AI project (click here for more), which is implementing a children's rights approach to Scotland's AI strategy, as part of Scottish Government's vision for "trustworthy, ethical and inclusive" use of Artificial Intelligence. The project engages with children from schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire and Shetland.

The stage 1 report & film for the project can be found on the project webpage (linked above). The stage 2 report and film are also due to be published in the next few weeks.

Children’s Rights in Action podcast by Children’s Parliament

In Conversation With... Scottish AI Alliance and The Alan Turing Institute (Click here to listen to the episode December 2022)

This episode discusses the project in more detail.

Scottish AI playbook

The Scottish AI Playbook (click here for more) is an open, practical guide to how we do AI in Scotland. It is a shared and living asset, embodying Scotland’s AI strategy ethos of openness, transparency and collaboration.

The playbook includes specific information for key user groups including:

  • Educators
  • Public sector professionals
  • Third sector professionals

The Turing Lectures: Addressing the risks of generative AI

Are generative AI models moving too fast for regulation to keep up? Will the development of generative AI outpace our ability to ensure their responsible use?

In this lecture (click here for more), Dr Mhairi Aitken examines what this means for online and offline safety and discuss how society might be able to mitigate these risks.

Children and AI: Advancing child-centred approaches to AI

For further information about Dr Mhairi Aitken’s and The Alan Turing Institute’s research into this area, click here.

Online safety products and services for children and young people

Our panel moderator, Ken Corish is the Online Safety Director for South West Grid for Learning (click here for more), who have a number of online safety products and services for children, young people and professionals working with them.

Professionals Online Safety Helpline

The Professionals Online Safety Helpline (POSH) (click here fore more), led by SWGfL and the UK Safer Internet Centre, is a free service set up to help all members of the community working with or for children in the UK with any online safety issues they, or the children and young people in their care, may face.

More resources on Children’s Rights from Children’s Parliament:

Children’s Parliament eLearning hub

Explore free eLearning courses on children’s rights and rights-based approaches you can adopt to improve your practice. Click here to access the eLearning Hub - Children's Parliament (

Dignity in School Hub

The Dignity in School Hub (click here for more) is aimed at those working in school settings and provides access resources to support embedding children's human rights in schools.



From workshops:

* please note only select workshops opted to share their slides

1c | The lowdown on life after school: Exploring transitions for young people with ASN from ARC Scoltand – Scottish Transitions Forum

1d | All behaviour is communication: distressed behaviour and support at school from Enquire

1e | Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach from University of Dundee and Redwell Primary School

2a | Our story of change:  Making brave choices and investing in services from Harmeny Education Trust

2b | Supporting healthy weight in Scotland’s children from Obesity Action Scotland

2c | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: FASD Makes Me, Me! from FASD Hub Scotland (Adoption UK)

2d | A day in the life of a young carer from Carers Trust Scotland

3a | - digital mental health and wellbeing support in Scotland from Kooth

3b | Towards a more diverse Scotland: elevating young voices from Multi-Cultural Family Base

3c | The Allies Project: supporting unaccompanied asylum-seeking children from Guardianship Scotland, Aberlour Children’s Charity

3e | Trauma from a child's perspective from With Kids

3d | Sharing Young People's Voices and Telling Stories from Braw Talent CIC

4a | Neurodivergency and sensory processing: experience our world from Three Sisters Consultancy

4b | Understanding animal abuse and how to intervene with children and young people from Scottish SPCA

4d |Paying the Price: the cost to families of imprisonment from Families Outside

5c | Taking homelessness prevention upstream: Working together to prevent family and youth homelessness from Rock Trust

5d | Youth leadership: youth-led research & youth governance from OPEN

From exhibitors and sponsors:


Teal Kibble logo. A K with hands where the spaces in the K should be.
Road Safety Scotland logo, red triangle with scottish flag.
Harmeny Education Trust Logo. A place to live, a space to thrive. On the left is a large H filled with a design of mountains, river, and sun.
Yopa logo in blue

Annual Conference 2024 Hub

All things Annual Conference 2024

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Programme – Day One

Check out the programme for the 29 May, day one of the conference

Check out day one

Programme – Day Two

Check out the programme for the 30 May, day two of the conference

Check out day two

Exhibition Hall

Check out our virtual exhibition hall before walking through the real one!

Have a look