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Reduced staffing over first two weeks of April

2 April 2021

A number of Children in Scotland staff will be on leave or furlough over the period 5 – 16 April, resulting in reduced activity and capacity to respond to requests.

The majority of our staff will be back from Monday 19th April and our full online learning programme, communications activity and policy, projects and participation work will resume then.

Our Talk, Learn, Do training offer and services, Enquire, Reach, Resolve, My Rights, My Say and the ELC Inclusion Fund, continue as normal.

If you have an enquiry during this period please click here to email


Talk, Learn, Do

Our new online training opportunity helps parents and carers talk to their children about money

Find out more & book

Proportion of Children in Scotland staff to be furloughed for three-week period

5 June 2020

Children in Scotland has announced today that it will be furloughing some of its staff for a three-week period during June.

The charity’s Chief Executive Jackie Brock said:

“Our Leadership Team and Board recently came to the difficult decision to furlough a number of staff across the organisation.

“This will commence from the end of the working day on Tuesday 9 June, with furloughed staff returning on Wednesday 1 July.

“The organisation will remain active during this period with non-furloughed staff and our services continuing as normal.

“This decision was not reached easily and has been a financially-driven one, ensuring that we are able to make use of the UK Government Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme through to 31 October 2020 if needed.

“Staff being furloughed include those working in policy, projects and participation; events delivery; communications and membership engagement; and central services.

“Other staff, including myself, our Head of Inclusion Sally Cavers and those leading on key service areas, will be continuing over the three-week period.

“We are confident that furloughing will not impact on delivery of our services. Further information on our services, learning programme and projects follows below.

“I want to stress that we have done this as a protective measure to strengthen the prospects and sustainability of Children in Scotland in the current challenging climate. Our Board, Leadership Team and staff are in agreement that this is the right course of action.

“We look forward to working with you through June, and to the full breadth of our activities resuming from the 1 July.”


Information on services

Enquire and Reach

The Enquire helpline is open for enquiries about additional support for learning in Scottish schools.

Enquire has a coronavirus section (click to read) on their website which provides a wide range of information.

The Reach website is also available to provide children and young people with advice and information, and has a specific coronavirus page (click to read).

My Rights, My Say

Face-to-face meetings aren’t happening right now but there is still some help available for children aged 12-15 with additional support needs to speak up about the support they need with their education.

A coronavirus service update page (click to read) is available on the website outlining what the partners are able to offer.

Resolve: ASL Mediation

Resolve Mediation Service will be continuing to offer our service online and by telephone. Please contact us at or call 07955 788967 for individual referrals or any other queries

Parenting across Scotland

The team is continuing to provide information and advice to parents and carers via their website and have developed a specific coronavirus page. Click here to visit the website.

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The team continues to represent parents and offer support. Click here to visit their website for information and support for parents by parents. You can also contact the team on

Early Learning and Childcare Inclusion Fund

The team continues to provide information and advice. Please email the team:

The next planned funding round of the ELC Inclusion Fund has been delayed until further notice.  We will provide an update as soon as dates have been agreed. For information on the fund, click here.


Project work

Our projects, CHANGE, and the Supporting the Third Sector Project, continue as normal.

Please note: communications in support of some of services and project work, including My Rights, My Say, CHANGE and the Supporting the Third Sector, will be unavailable or substantially reduced between 10 and 30 June.


Find out more about Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

Click to visit the website

Resolve:ASL Mediation

Find out more about Resolve: Additional Support for Learning independent mediation service

Find out more


Helping you understand children’s rights to be involved in decisions in education

Click to visit the website

My Rights, My Say

My Rights, My Say supports children with ASN aged 12-15 to use their rights to support with their learning

Click to visit the website

ELC Inclusion Fund

We manage the Early Learning and Childcare Inclusion Fund

Click to find out more

Online learning

We're offering a series of webinars to meet all your CPD needs this summer

Click to browse the webinars

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The Forum works to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education

Click to visit the website

Supporting the Third Sector Project

We're supporting organisations to become equal partners in Child and Family Services

Click to find out more