Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) Inclusion Fund
The Scottish Government’s four-year Early Learning & Childcare Inclusion Fund came to an end in March 2022.
We are currently (as of June 2022) working with the Scottish Government to evaluate the impact of the fund, which distributed £2m to 1,657 funded ELC providers to help children with additional support needs to access their funded ELC entitlement.
This will inform future national actions in this area.
Scroll down for more details on the fund and read case studies about how the funding has been used on this page.
Early Learning Childcare Inclusion Fund Case Studies (November 2021)
We recently heard from staff across Scotland about how they've used awards from the fund to strengthen inclusive practice in their settings.
This has included investing in sensory equipment, supporting language development, strengthening the link between staff and parents / carers, and making outdoor play more accessible.
Click on the links on this page to read the case studies and profiles.
Todholm Early Learning and Childcare Class, Renfrewshire
Click here to read the case study (PDF download)
Inch View Early Childhood Centre, Perth
Click here to read the case study (PDF download)
Profile: Davina Sinclair, Glasgow-based childminder
Click here to read the case study (PDF download)
Nursery Times at the Park, South Lanarkshire
Click here to read the case study (PDF download)
Benarty Nursery, Fife
Click here to read the case study (PDF download)
About the Early Learning & Childcare Inclusion Fund
The ELC Inclusion Fund provided funding to ELC settings to support children with additional support needs (ASN) in Scotland to access their funded ELC entitlement. Staff working in ELC settings could apply for funding for training, resources, equipment and adaptations to support children with ASN within their setting.
The ELC Inclusion Fund was funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Children in Scotland.
The Early Learning & Childcare Inclusion Fund distributed up to £2 million over four years (2018-2021) to selected registered ELC providers in Scotland, to support children with additional support needs (ASN) to access their funded ELC entitlement and ensure that staff working in their ELC setting receive appropriate training to help them meet the needs of these children.
The intention was that the fund would:
- Make ELC settings more accessible for children with additional support needs;
- Result in an increase in the number of ELC staff who are trained and confident to support children with additional support needs;
- Promote more inclusive learning experiences for children; and
- Ultimately, result in better outcomes for children with additional support needs.
What are additional support needs?
Children who need extra or different help than other children their age, for any reason, are said to have ‘additional support needs’. Children might have additional support needs for many reasons. For example, a child might need support if: their learning environment is not suitable for them, they are disabled or have a health condition, family circumstances are affecting their ability to learn, or they are experiencing social or emotional problems.
All looked after children are assumed to have additional support needs unless they are assessed as not needing extra help to learn.
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic may have had an impact on some children’s existing additional support needs and may have resulted in the emergence of additional support needs in other children. This fund could be used to support these needs.
If you would like any further information on the Fund, please contact inclusionfund@childreninscotland.org.uk.

Case study: Todholm Early Learning Class
This Paisley-based setting used funds to enhance outdoor play opportunities
Click here for more
Case study: Inch View, Perth
Investment in training and relationships between staff, parents and carers was the priority for this centre
Click here for more
Profile: Childminder Davina Sinclair
Support from the ELC Fund allowed Davina to strengthen her outdoor learning offer
Click here for more
Case study: Nursery Times at the Park
A South Lanarkshire nursery, now able to better meet sensory needs and transitions
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Case study: Benarty Nursery, Fife
Here, the ELC Fund supported purchase of equipment for language development
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The Scottish Government
The ELC Inclusion Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Children in Scotland.
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