New award for schools celebrating pupils with additional needs
4 May 2022
Schools who actively celebrate the successes and achievements of their pupils with additional support needs are to be recognised with a new award launched today.
The Success Looks Different award, developed by Scotland’s national Inclusion Ambassadors group, is asking schools to share how they are supporting the achievements of their pupils with additional support needs out with traditional academia. This could highlight school-wide celebrations of non-academic successes, or how individual pupils are recognised.
The award has been developed to support the Scottish Government’s commitment to recognise and appreciate success for pupils with additional support needs, and the forms this takes, as outlined in their Additional Support for Learning Action Plan (click here to access).
Lucy Johnson, Children’s Rights and Communications Officer with Enquire, who is managing the award said:
“We know for many children and young people, particularly those with additional support needs, exam results do not represent the successes achieved in someone’s educational journey.
“This award provides a platform for schools to share some of the innovative work we know that is going on to support and celebrate the success of their pupils where success and achievement does not necessarily come in the form of test scores.
“We look forward to hearing some of the wonderful work that is going on across the country and announcing our very first Success Looks Different award winner.”
The award is open to all publicly funded schools in Scotland, including primary, secondary, ELCs and special schools.
Schools can self-nominate by completing a short entry form available at
Entries will close on Friday 10 June at 5pm.
Contact: Jennifer Drummond, Communications Officer at Children in Scotland

Inclusion Ambassadors
More about the work and resources created by the national Inclusion Ambassadors
Click to find out more
A vision for the future
The award is directly linked to the Inclusion Ambassadors' Vision Statement, published in August 2021
Click to download the vision