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Children in Scotland response to ASL inquiry

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ASL inquiry call for evidence 2023_Enquire + MRMS

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Consultation Response: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024: Statutory Guidance on Part 2 & 3, section 18 (May 2024)

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Consultation Response: Ending Conversion Practices in Scotland (March 2024)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Ending Conversion Practices in Scotland.

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Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill.

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Enquire and My Rights, My Say Consultation Response: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (April 2024)

Enquire and My Rights, My Say's consultation response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill.

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Consultation Response: A Human Rights Bill for Scotland (October 2023)

Children in Scotland's response to the consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland

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Inquiry into the Sustainability of Scotland's Finances (August 2023)

Children in Scotland's response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee Inquiry into the Sustainability of Scotland's Finances

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Enquire Consultation Response: Self-Harm Strategy and Action Plan (August 2023)

Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government consultation on Self-Harm Strategy and Action Plan.

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My Rights, My Say Consultation Response: Prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours (June 2023)

My Rights, My Say's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours.

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Enquire Consultation Response: Prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours (June 2023)

Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours

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Consultation Response: National Outcomes Review (2023)

Children in Scotland's response to the National Outcomes Review 2023

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Consultation Response: Inquiry into Public Administration - Effective Scottish Government decisionmaking (February 2023)

Children in Scotland's response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's consultation into into Public Administration - Effective Scottish Government decisionmaking.

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Consultation Response: Bairns Hoose Standards (November 2022)

Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Bairns’ Hoose Standards.

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Enquire Consultation Response: Physical intervention in schools guidance (November 2022)

Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Physical intervention in schools guidance.

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Consultation Response: Inspection of early learning and childcare and school age childcare services in Scotland (October 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Inspection of early learning and childcare and school age childcare services in Scotland.

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Enquire Consultation Response: School uniforms in Scotland guidance (Oct 2022)

Enquire's consultation response to the Scottish Government's consultation on School uniforms in Scotland guidance.

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Consultation Response: A Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland (September 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's call for views on a. Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland.

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Consultation Response: National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (September 2022)

Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Scottish Government's call for views on the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill.

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Enquire's Consultation Response: Home Education guidance for local authorities (August 2022)

Enquire's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Home Education guidance for local authorities.

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Consultation Response: New Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan for Scotland (August 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the New Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan for Scotland

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Enquire Consultation Response: National Improvement Framework - enhanced data collection (July 2022)

Enquire's respone to the Scottish Government's consultation on National Improvement Framework - A consultation on enhanced data collection for improvement.

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Consultation Response: Public Participation at the Scottish Parliament (July 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's inquiry on Public Participation at the Scottish Parliament.

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Consultation Response: Education National Improvement Framework (July 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the Education National Improvement Framework.

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Consultation Response: Children's Care and Justice Bill (June 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the Children's Care and Justice Bill (Scotland).

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Consultation Response: Environmental Commons Framework (May 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on the Environmental Commons Framework.

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Consultation Response: 20% Reduction in Car Km Route Map (April 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to Transport Scotland's consultation on the 20% Reduction in Car Km Route Map.

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Consultation Response: Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill Call for Views (May 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill Call for Views

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Consultation Response: Inquiry into the National Performance Framework (April 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's Call for Views on Inquiry into the National Performance Framework.

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Consultation Response: Draft Qualifications and Assessment Independent Review Group (IRG) (April 2022)

Children in Scotland's response Professor Hayward’s draft remit of the Qualifications and Assessment Independent Review Group (IRG).

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Inquiry Response: Health Inequalities (March 2022)

Children in Scotland's response the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee inquiry into health inequalities in Scotland.

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Consultation Response: Scotland 2045 - Scotland's Fourth National Planning Framework (March 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the National Planning Framework

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Consultation Response: Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency (March 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment

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Consultation Response: Resource Spending Review Framework (March 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the Resource Spending Review Framework.

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Consultation Response: Human Rights Act Reform - A Modern Bill of Rights (March 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the UK Government's consultation on Human Rights Act Reform and the creation of a Modern Bill of Rights .

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Consultation Response: GIRFEC – Assessment of Wellbeing (February 2022)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the Revised Draft Statutory Guidance for Part 18 (Section 96) Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - Assessment of Wellbeing.

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Consultation Response: GTC Scotland consultation on registration for teachers (December 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the GTC Scotland consultation on registration for teachers.

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Consultation Response: Good Food Nation Bill (December 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the Good Food Nation Bill.

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Consultation Response: GIRFEC Guidance Refresh – Stakeholder Consultation (December 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the GIRFEC Guidance Refresh – Stakeholder Consultation.

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Consultation Response: Inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People (December 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People.

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Consultation Response: Education Reform (November 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the reform of Education Scotland.

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Consultation Response: Local Food For Everyone (November 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Local Food.

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Consultation Response: COVID-19 recovery: public services, justice system and other reforms (November 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on COVID-19 recovery: public services, justice system and other reforms.

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Consultation Response: A National Care Service for Scotland (November 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on A National Care Service for Scotland.

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Consultation Response: Local Place Plans, Proposal for Regulations (June 2021)

Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Local Place Plans proposal for regulations.

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Consultation Response: COVID Public Inquiry (September 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the establishment of a COVID Public Inquiry.

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Consultation Response: UNCRC Draft Introductory Guidance (September 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to UNCRC: Draft Introductory Guidance consultation

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Consultation Response: Minimum Income Guarantee (September 2021)

Children in Scotland response to the Scottish Government's call for ideas on a Minimum Income Guarantee.

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Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of Reference (August 2021)

Children in Scotland's consultation response to the Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland Terms Of Reference.

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Petition Response: End Conversion Therapy (August 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament petition to end conversion therapy.

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Consultation Response: Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland (July 2021)

Children in Scotland's response on Reform of the SQA and Education Scotland in response to the Scottish Government draft remit.

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Consultation Response: Net Zero National Draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change (March 2021)

Children in Scotland's response and position statement Net Zero Nation Draft Public Engagement Strategy For Climate Change

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Consultation Response: National Planning Framework (February 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the National Planning Framework: Position Statement, February 2021.

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Consultation Response: GTC Scotland Survey of Draft Professional Standards (November 2020)

Children in Scotland's consultation response for GTC Scotland Survey of Draft Professional Standards (November 2020)

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Call for Evidence Response: Initial Teacher Education (January 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the call for evidence on Initial Teacher Education (January 2020)

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Consultation Response: Youth Justice Standards (Jan 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the consultation on Youth Justice Standards (Jan 2020)

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Consultation Response: Revised National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (January 2021)

Children in Scotland's response to the consultation on the Revised National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (January 2021)

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Consultation Response: Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions) (Scotland) Bill (Jan 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the consultation on the Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions) (Scotland) Bill (Jan 2020)

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Consultation Response: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill (July 2020)

Children in Scotland response to the consultation on Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill (July 2020)

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Consultation Response: GTC Scotland's draft Professional Standards

Children in Scotland is pleased to respond to the GTCS' consultation on the draft Professional Standards and to be able to contribute to the ongoing development of key documents in supporting teachers across Scotland.

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Consultation Response: The UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill (October 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the consultation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation)(Scotland) Bill (October 2020)

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Consultation Response: Raising the Age of Referral to the Principal Reporter (October 2020)

Children in Scotland provided a response to the Consultation on Child Care and Justice – Consultation on Raising the Age of Referral to the Principal Reporter

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Consultation Response: Proposed Right To Food (Scotland) Bill (September 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the Proposed Right To Food (Scotland) Bill

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Consultation Response: State of Children's Rights Survey (August 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the State of Children's Rights Survey. Closing date: 31 July 2020

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Consultation Response: Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill (March 2020)

Children in Scotland's response to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

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Consultation Response: ELC Statutory Guidance (March 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on ELC Statutory Guidance. Closing date: 4 March 2020

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Consultation Response: Housing to 2040 (February 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on Housing to 2040. Closing date: 28 February 2020

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Consultation Response: Replacement of EU Structural Funds in Scotland Post EU-Exit (February 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on the Replacement of EU Structural Funds in Scotland Post EU-Exit. Closing date: 12 February 2020

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Consultation Response: Ending the Sale of Energy Drinks to Children and Young People (February 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on Ending the Sale of Energy Drinks to Children and Young People. Closing date: 4 February 2020

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Consultation Response: Civil Partnerships Bill (January 2020)

Children in Scotland's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on the Civil Partnerships Bill. Closing date: 31 January 2020

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Call for Evidence: Review of the Implementation of Additional Support for Learning in Scotland (December 2019)

Children in Scotland response to the Scottish Government's call for views on the Review of the Implementation of Additional Support for Learning in Scotland. Closing date: December 2019

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Consultation Response: Professional Standards and Professional Code (December 2019)

Children in Scotland's Response to the General Teaching Council for Scotland's Consultation on Professional Standards and Professional Code. Closing date: 20 December 2019

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Consultation Response: National Transport Strategy (October 2019)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the National Transport Strategy. Closing date: 23 October 2019

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Consultation Response: Out of School Care Draft Framework (December 2019)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the draft framework which sets out a vision for out of school care, considers the current picture, and asks questions about the benefits and challenges of accessing out of school care. Closing date: 6th December 2019

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Call for Evidence: Children (Scotland) Bill

Children in Scotland response to the Justice Committee's call for views on the Children (Scotland) Bill. Closing date: 15 November 2019

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Call for Evidence: Disclosure (Scotland) Bill (Oct 2019)

Children in Scotland response to the Education and Skills Committee's call for evidence on the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill

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Consultation Response: UNCRC Incorporation (Aug 2019)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law. Closing date: 30 August 2019

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Call for Evidence: Disclosure (Scotland) Bill (August 2019)

Children in Scotland's response to the call for evidence for the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill.

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Consultation Response: Public Health Scotland (Jul 2019)

Children in Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on the formation of Public Health Scotland

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Consultation Response: Scottish Progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (Apr 2019)

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Consultation Response: Proposed Fair Rent Bill (Aug 2019)

Children in Scotland response to Pauline McNeill's proposed Fair Rent Bill.

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Consultation Response: State of Children's Rights Survey (July 2019)

Children in Scotland response to Together's State of Children's Rights Report survey.

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Consultation Response: Children Services Planning Statutory Guidance Part 3 (June 2019)

The National Third Sector GIRFEC project's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Children Services Planning.

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Letter: Good Food Nation Proposal (March 2019)

Letter from Children in Scotland to Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs about proposals for a Good Food Nation

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Consultation Response: Reducing Health Harms of Foods High in Salt, Fat and Sugar(Jan 2019)

Children in Scotland response to Scottish Government consultation on Reducing Health Harms of Foods High in Salt, Fat and Sugar.

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Call for Evidence: Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill, Stage 1 (January 2019)

Children in Scotland response to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee's call for evidence at Stage 1 of the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill.

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Consultation Response: A Healthier Future: Actions and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight (January 2018)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation A Healthier Future: Actions and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight

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Consultation Response: Future Food Inquiry (November 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Future Food Inquiry

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Call for Evidence: Standardised Assessment (December 2018)

Children in Scotland response to Education and Skills Committee inquiry on standardised assessment

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Consultation Response: National Improvement Framework (November 2015)

Children in Scotland Response to Scottish Government Consultation on the National Improvement Framework (Nov 2015)

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Consultation Response: Best Start Grant (June 2018)

Children in Scotland Response to Scottish Government Consultation on the Best Start Grant

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Consultation Response: Review of the Children and Young People Act 1937 and the Sexual Offences Act 2009 (Nov 2018)

Scottish Government Consultation on the Review of the Children and Young People Act 1937 and the Sexual Offences Act 2009

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Consultation Response: Culture Strategy for Scotland (Sept 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on a Culture Strategy for Scotland

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Consultation Response: Family Law Review (Sept 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on the review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a family justice modernisation strategy

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Consultation Response: Nutritional Requirements in Schools (Aug 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools.

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Consultation Response: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (Aug 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee's call for evidence on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility

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Consultation Response: Early Learning and Childcare Service Model for 2020 (Aug 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on Early Learning and Childcare

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Stage 1: Planning (Scotland) Bill

MSP briefing from the Scottish Alliance for People and Places for Stage 1 debate on the Planning (Scotland) Bill.

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Consultation Response: Suicide Prevention Action Plan (May 2018)

Children in Scotland Response to the Consultation on the Suicide Prevention Action Plan.

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Call for Evidence Response: Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty (March 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Education & Skills Committee call for evidence on the Attainment and Achievement of School-Aged Children Experiencing Poverty

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Consultation Response: Gender Recognition Act (Mar 2018)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation on possible amendments to the Gender Recognition Act

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Consultation Response: Information Commissioner's consultation on children and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (March 2018)

Children in Scotland Response to the Information Commissioner's office consultation on children and the GDPR guidance

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Consultation Response: The Future of Planning (Feb 2017)

Children in Scotland response to the Scottish Government Consultation on the Future of Planning

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Consultation Response: Presumption of Mainstreaming Guidance (February 2018)

Children in Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the presumption of mainstreaming

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Consultation Response: Empowering Schools (February 2018)

Children in Scotland response to Empowering Schools consultation. (February 2018)

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United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child

Briefing on the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Scotland, shared with delegates to the December CPG on Children and Young People

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Children and Young People CPG December agenda

Agenda for the Cross Party Group on Children and Young People, held on Wednesday 13 December

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Give Me 5 Budget (2017)

Give Me 5 Campaign Scottish Government Budget Briefing Statement - 14 December 2017

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Consultation response: Proposed Sanitary Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill (Dec 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to Monica Lennon MSP’s consultation on the Proposed Sanitary Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill.

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Health, Happiness and Wellbeing in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

A Systematic Overview of Population Level Interventions. Children in Scotland was involved in the research for this report.

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Consultation Response: National Improvement Framework Measurement Framework (Nov 2017)

Our response to the consultation on measuring the attainment gap and milestones towards closing it

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Committee EU Withdrawal Bill

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Copy of Children in Scotland Magazine, issue 182 available to download. Select articles only.

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Improving outcomes for children by improving collaboration

An illustration of Scottish Government Directors General interests contributing to the aim of ending child poverty.

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Consultation response: Education Governance - Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education (October 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation 'Education Governance: Fair Funding to achieve Equity and Excellence in Education.

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An introduction to wellbeing

This leaflet provides an introduction to Wellbeing for community groups, clubs and other local organisations working with children and young people across Scotland. You can work through the steps in this leaflet individually or gather together your team and explore your work in more depth using The Wellbeing Card Game (download the game here).

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An introduction to wellbeing: The wellbeing card game

The Wellbeing Card Game has been designed to help community groups, clubs and other local organisations working with children and young people across Scotland, understand how their work contributes to the wellbeing of children and young people. This card game accompanies the leaflet An Introduction to Wellbeing (download the leaflet here).

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Children in Scotland Annual Report 2016/17

Children in Scotland's annual report for the financial period 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017.

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Consultation Response: On police powers to search children and young people for alcohol

Children in Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government consultation on policy powers to search children and young people for alcohol.

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Children in Scotland's Annual Report and Financial Statements 2016/17

Children in Scotland's annual report and financial statements for the financial period 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017.

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The full list of membership pricing for 2017/2018.

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Vision and Values

Children in Scotland's vision and values

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Policy and Participation Officer - Sept 2017

Policy and Participation Officer CHANGE job spec

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Investing in Children – Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage

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Membership pricing

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Consultation response: Children and Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill (August 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Education and Skills Committee's call for evidence into the Children and Young People (Information Sharing)(Scotland) Bill.

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Exploring STEM with children and young people - March 2017

Children in Scotland talks to children and young people about how STEM is taught in their school.

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STEM Consultation - March 2017

Exploring science, technology, engineering and maths with children and young people

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School Nursing Service Review: consultation with children and young people - July 2016

Consultation with children and young people

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Feeling Happy, Healthy and Safe - Spring 2017

Findings from Children in Scotland's consultation with children and young people on wellbeing.

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Mental Health in Scotland - a consultation with children aged 12 and under

Report on our consultation with children aged 12 and under to ensure the 10-year vision for mental health in Scotland incorporates their views.

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School Nursing Service Review July 2016

Consultation with Children and Young People

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Inquiry into bullying and harassment in schools June 2017

Children’s and young people’s voices and experiences of bullying and harassment in schools

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Alternative Future newsletter - number 1

Welcome to the first newsletter from the Alternative Future (AlF) partners!

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Alternative Future newsletter - number 3

Welcome to the third newsletter from the Alternative Future (AlF) partners!

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Alternative Future newsletter - number 2

Welcome to the second newsletter from the Alternative Future (AlF) partners!

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Our Work in 2016-17

An overview of Children in Scotland's work in 2016-17.

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Consultancy Flyer

Examples of our consultancy work – and what people say about us

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Venue Hire

Located in the heart of Scotland’s capital just minutes away from Haymarket railway station, our office space is fully accessible making it an ideal venue.

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Comment and Analysis - Local Election Manifestos

Local Election Manifestos: Children in Scotland Comment and Analysis

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Consultation response

Consultation on Guidance on Healthcare Needs in Schools (April 2017)

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Westminster Benefit Cap Inquiry

Westminster Benefit Cap Inquiry

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Examples of our consultancy work

Examples of our consultancy work – and what people say about us

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Consultation response: Statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 (November 2016)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on the statutory guidance for the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000.

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Consultation response - Equally Safe draft delivery plan

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation on its draft Delivery Plan for Equally Safe.

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Call for Evidence: Education and Skills Committee call for evidence on Teacher Workforce Planning (April 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Education and Skills Committee call for evidence as part of its inquiry into Teacher Workforce Planning.

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Consultation response: A STEM education and training strategy for Scotland (January 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to The Scottish Government is consultation on a new STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland.

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Consultation response: A new future for social security (November 2016)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on social security in Scotland.

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Consultation response: Education And Skills Committee PSE call for evidence (February 2017)

The Education And Skills Committee called for a brief response on ‘What should personal and social education sessions be about?’

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Consultation response: Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from traveller communities (May 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on the draft guidance for Improving Educational Outcomes for Children and Young People from Traveller Communities.

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Consultation response: Health and social care in prison - March 2017

Children in Scotland responded to the Health and Sport Committee's call for evidence as part of its inquiry into Healthcare in Prisons.

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Consultation response: Guidance on healthcare needs in schools (April 2017)

Children in Scotland and Enquire: the Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning have submitted a joint response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Guidance on Healthcare Needs in Schools.

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Consultation response: Education Governance Review (January 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government review on how education in Scotland is run - Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education: A Governance Review.

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Consultation response: The future of Scottish planning (April 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on The Future of Scottish Planning.

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Consultation response: A Blueprint for 2020 (January 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation on its high level vision for the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland.

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Consultation response: Arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme (May 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme.

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Consultation response: Equal protection for children from assault (August 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to John Finnie MSP's proposed members' bill in the Scottish Parliament to give children equal protection from assault.

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Consultation response: Draft Referendum Bill

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation on the Draft Referendum Bill.

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Consultation response: a human trafficking and exploitation strategy for Scotland (December 2016)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government consultation on the draft Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy.

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Scottish Government Call for Written Consultation response: Evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill (March 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's call for written evidence on the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill.

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Consultation Response: British Sign Language National Plan (May 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on its national plan for British Sign Language (BSL).

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Consultation response: Benefit cap inquiry (April 2017)

Children in Scotland responded to the Westminster Work and Pensions Committee's call for evidence as part of its benefit cap inquiry.

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Working in an inclusive way with children and families, across agencies and age groups

The role of the early years workforce in addressing poverty and promoting social inclusion

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Inclusive workforce models for rural and remote areas

A report for the cross-European programme Working for Inclusion: the role of the early years workforce in addressing poverty and promoting social inclusion

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Working for inclusion

A report for the cross-European programme Working for inclusion: An overview of European Union early years services and their workforce report

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The child as protagonist

A report for the cross-European programme Working for inclusion: the role of the early years workforce in addressing poverty and promoting social inclusion

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Working with diversity

A report for the cross-European programme Working for inclusion: the role of the early years workforce in addressing poverty and promoting social inclusion

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I Want the Same As You

Developing effective independent information and support services for children and young people accessing Self-directed Support

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Self-directed Support newsletter

Self-directed Support newsletter Spring 2014

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Self-directed Support newsletter

Self-directed Support newsletter Summer 2013

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Self-Directed Support

Developing independent information and support for children, young people and families on Self-Directed Support

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Parent information support needs

Parent information support needs: what you told us

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Participants Not Pawns

Guidance on consulting with children and young people on school closures

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Interim report of the Commission for Childcare Reform

An overview of proposals for change and draft recommendations

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Helping Children Learn

Involving non-resident parents in their children’s education – a practical guide for all those working within a learning environment

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Working for inclusion

Working for inclusion: how early childhood education and care (ECEC) and its workforce can help Europe’s youngest citizens

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Final Childcare Commission Report - June 2015

Final report of the Commission for Childcare Reform

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Equal Partners Collaboration

Working towards a collaborative culture. Key messages 29 April 2015

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Creating Safety 2014

Child protection guidelines for Scotland's arts, screen and creative industries

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Commission for Childcare Reform: letter to Nicola Sturgeon

Letter to Nicola Sturgeon from the Commission for Childcare Reform.

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Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland

Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland: Potential impact on children’s services. Report Two: Study Findings

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Children’s support services and Self-directed Support

Points on Practice. Children’s support services and Self-directed Support

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Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland

Potential impact on children’s services. Report One: A Review of Literature

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The Commission for Childcare Reform: presentation on final report - June 2015

A presentation on the final report of The Commission for Childcare Reform.

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Better eating. Better learning

A guide for children and young people to access school food

Download file

Children in Scotland's Annual Report 2014/15

Children in Scotland's Annual Report 2014/15

Download file

Children in Scotland's Annual Report 2015/16

Annual Report 2015-16

Download file

Ask the children what they want

Involving children and young people in the development and implementation of improvements to enhance school food provision.

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Exploration of the information support needs of parents

Exploration of the information support needs of parents

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Mediation in education - a user's guide

Mediation in education - a user’s guide from Resolve

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Strategic Plan A4

Strategic plan: April 2017 – March 2021

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Self Disclosure Statement

Self Disclosure Statement for applicants

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Self Disclosure Form

Self Disclosure Statement for posts requiring Basic Disclosure certificates

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Secure handling Update

Policy on the Secure Handling, Use, Storage and Retention of Disclosure Information

Download file

Recruitment Ex-offenders Update

Policy on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders

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Children in Scotland's Strategic Plan A3

Strategic plan: April 2017 – March 2021

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Children in Scotland's Strategic Plan A4

Strategic plan A4

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Homeless Not Hopeless - June2012

A guide jointly produced by Children in Scotland and Shelter for adults who come into regular contact with homeless children and young people.