Responding to the Climate Crisis
Ahead of COP26 - the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (31 Oct - 12 November 2021) - Children in Scotland is listening to and supporting the views of children and young people on climate change.
What young people are telling us
This is what we are hearing from our children and young people's advisory group, Changing Our World, and from the young people we engage with across our projects and activities:
- We need action now
- We need to hold politicians to account
- We need to understand the impact of climate change. Better education at school is part of that
- We want to be part of making change happen. It’s our future and we don’t want to be excluded.
“In responding to the Coronavirus outbreak, [global leaders] have proven that they can act in a crisis. Now, they must apply that urgency and level of action to the climate and ecological emergency.”
Holly Gillibrand, climate activist, speaking to Children in Scotland magazine in April, 2020.
Find out More
You can find out more about the impact of Climate Change and what’s happening globally and in Scotland by visiting these sites:
- The UN Climate Change Conference 2021 / COP26
- As part of the global effort to fight the climate emergency, Scotland has set an ambitious target to become 'Net Zero' by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK. Click here for more info about Net Zero Nation.
- Nature Scot is a good resource for information about the impact of climate change in Scotland.
Get Involved
There are many ways that children and young people can get involved and share their opinions on climate change. Here are some activities and events coming up as we head towards COP26:
- #FridaysForFuture, the youth-led and -organised movement that began in August 2018.
- COP26 Scottish Youth Programme Climate Group. A collaboration between Scottish Government, Young Scot, YouthLink and Keep Scotland Beautiful. The programme will run during the lead up to and beyond the UN climate conference in November. It will include a range of online and in-person activities, aimed at increasing young people’s awareness of climate change.
- Linked to the above, the Scottish Youth Climate Summit on Saturday 30 October (9.30am-5pm) will bring together a diverse range of young people, aged 11 - 26, to discuss their priorities for climate action in Scotland. Click here to register your place.
- Climate Changemakers is a great resource created by Children's Parliament dedicated to supporting young people to share their views with adult-decision makers across Scotland.
- Big Dreams, Little Footprints has a weekly Activity-Action post for families.
- Send a message to our leaders to say how you care about the climate crisis. Climate Scotland is bringing together 10,000 voices. Add yours here
- The #Youth4ClimateLiveEducational Toolkit is a great
interactive document, including handy hyperlinks to accessible climate engagement materials.
Talk to Your School
If you think your school could be doing more about Climate Learning:
- YouthLink has some great resources available to help educate and campaign on climate emergency issues.
- Climate Our Future: Official Free COP26 school materials, created by Twinkl in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Partners. Click here to access the materials.
- Teach The Future, a campaign created by the Scottish Youth Climate Strikes campaign has four specific asks to achieve its vision of climate and environmental eduction in Scotland. Click here to find out more.

Our climate calls
The calls we are making, in partnership with the children and young people we support, in our Manifesto for 2021-26.
Find out more
"Young people want to see politicians taking action"
Read 13-year old Anna Balmain's blog on what young people want to see happening now
Read it hereNews: Young climate activists take action
Read our magazine news story on young climate activists planning day of action
Read it hereScotland's Climate Changemakers
Digital toolkit dedicated to supporting young people to share their views with adult decision-makers
Click to visit siteChanging our World
Find out more about our children and young people's advisory group and their hot topics for 2021-22.
Click here for moreCOP26
Glasgow will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) from 31 October – 12 November 2021.
All about COP26
Children of the Revolution
The climate crisis special edition of Children in Scotland magazine explores how action now could save our future
Read it here