Young people to lead new Living Museums project
2 July 2020
A group of 14 to 21-year-olds will help shape how museums engage with young people as part of Living Museums, launched today.
Children in Scotland is recruiting a group of 10-15 young people to get involved in the new participation project.
Living Museums aims to improve access to museums for young people and share their perspectives on important experiences, including the impact of Covid-19.
Policy and Participation Officer Jane Miller, who is managing the project, said:
“Through our previous Heritage Hunters project we discovered that young people are less likely to get involved in or visit museums.
“Recent events have shown us the importance of being able to reflect on our own understandings and perceptions of culture and heritage.
“Young people are important for helping us to re-frame, challenge and evolve our understanding.
“Living Museums will look at the barriers that young people experience when accessing museums and explore what things could help make things better, encouraging more young people to get involved."
Young people’s rights and the importance of communicating their stories will be at the heart of the project work.
“Young people have the right to have their voice heard and taken into consideration,” Jane added.
“We will be looking at creating new content and capturing the experiences of young people’s during the pandemic and exploring key themes that have been highlighted.
“We will work together to think of a way of collating and sharing these experiences using digital tools.”
Living Museums will also be an opportunity to explore how museums can reflect issues that are important to young people in 2020 and share their lived experiences with new audiences.
Applying to take part is straightforward – young people who'd like to be involved simply need to complete a consent form and answer a few questions.
Click here to download an information sheet about how to get involved today
The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
For more information on the Living Museums project, email Jane at

Living Museums recruitment film
In this short film Jane Miller explains the project and how to get involved
Click to watch the film
The Living Museums project explained
Find out more about the project's aims and background
Click to visit the project page
Information Sheet
Any questions? Download an information sheet about the project and how to take part
Click to download
Consent Form
Young people interested in taking part will need to download and complete a consent form
Click to download