To support children in the fight against Covid-19, we need your voices, knowledge and expertise
27 March 2020
In response to Covid-19, Children in Scotland is emphasising its role as a representative body for the children’s sector that can unite people to support children and families.
We are also announcing improvements to our membership offer, and urging our wider network to contribute ideas, resources and experiences as we collectively adapt to the impact of the virus.
Children in Scotland’s CEO Jackie Brock said:
“The pandemic means Children in Scotland’s core organisational qualities of representation, dialogue and convening power must be brought more strongly to the fore.
We want to concentrate on listening, amplifying what our members and wider network have to say and sharing the best possible opportunities, resources and learning to support children and families.
This is a time where we should be drawing on our best democratic instincts but also engaging in constructive challenge when decisions are made that fail the needs of children and families.
As I said in a statement last week (click to read), the response to the pandemic must be articulated and experienced as a collective effort. Preserving dignity and rights, and continuing to amplify young people’s voices, will be fundamentally important.
Strengthening skills and sharing your views
We remain totally committed to strengthening skills in the sector to improve childhoods and support families, so our learning programme is temporarily moving online.
We’ve converted many of our events into webinars and will be launching a special guide to the full range of these learning opportunities next month.
A new series of webinars led by our staff, and digital consultation about our Manifesto for the 2021-26 parliament, is also being developed.
A big part of ongoing engagement will be about using our channels to broadcast the experiences and views of our audience, building dialogue and signposting our collective strength.
Please email our communications manager Chris Small ( if you would like to share your experiences through a 25 Calls campaign response, a blog on our website or, if you are a member, in our new weekly members’ update, launching next week.
This will be a space to share informed perspectives and resources, but also ideas about what we want to take forward as learning from the experience of Covid-19.
Update on our services
Our services remain a vital part of our offer to families and communities.
The Enquire helpline is open for written enquiries and our dedicated team is ready to help any parents or carers understand how the new coronavirus laws affect the education of children with additional support needs in Scotland. The website will be updated daily as new education legislation and guidance is published.
Referrals to the My Rights, My Say Children’s Views service are being dealt with on an individual basis. Advice and information about all parts of the service are available on the My Rights, My Say website.
Our mediation service Resolve is currently in discussion with local authorities about what their needs may be and what can practicably be offered. We will provide a further update on this as soon as we can.
Thanks for being part of our network.
Remember that by working together we can help to support and represent every child, and every childhood, during this difficult time.”
Click here to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to find out about all our upcoming courses, get updates on our news, and hear how our wider network is responding.

Join us in membership
Add your voice to a powerful network working to improve children's lives
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Upcoming webinars
Adapting to Covid-19, we're taking forward learning opportunities online
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25 Calls campaign
Find out how we and 200+ partners think children can experience greater equality and human rights
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Find out more about Enquire, the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning
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