News: Refreshed Professional Standards for Scotland’s teachers
Posted on 25 August, 2021 by Jennifer Drummond
New Professional Standards for Teachers have now been enacted, including a greater focus on equality and diversity, additional support needs, digital literacies and Learning for Sustainability.
The Professional Standards 2021 review, revise and update the previous Standards, published and enacted in 2013. The latest version has been developed by collaboration, engagement and consensus building across Scottish education through strategic working groups, national conversations and public consultation.
Dr Pauline Stephen, Chief Executive of GTCS and Registrar of Scotland said:
“This has been a long and detailed process which has had teachers and learners at its heart from the beginning.
“While GTCS acts as the guardians of the Professional Standards, they very much belong to the teaching profession, capturing what it means to become, to be and to grow as a teacher in Scotland.”
During the revision process, GTCS commissioned research from Children in Scotland to ensure the voices of pupils were represented in the 2021 Standards.
Elaine Kerridge, Children in Scotland’s Policy Manager who led the work, said:
“Our work in this area, both for GTCS and independently, shows that children and young people have a clear idea of the qualities they want from a teacher, and how a good teacher acts in the classroom to put these values and skills into practice.
“We welcome the revised Standards published earlier this month by GTCS and look forward to seeing how they will be embedded in teaching practice across the country to deliver the best experience for both teachers and pupils alike.”
The Professional Standards, created and maintained by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) have a range of purposes, including to develop and enhance professionalism, provide a framework for Initial Teacher Education, support career-long professional growth and provide a benchmark of professional competency.