New project launched to understand participation through the pandemic
20 May 2021
Children in Scotland is launching a year-long national peer research project for young people to lead on creating a new understanding of participation through the pandemic.
A group of six young researchers aged 14-18 years from across Scotland will be recruited to gather the views and experiences of children and young people (aged 8 to 24 years) who have been involved in participation and engagement work since the pandemic began in March 2020.
This will include those who have worked with or are still working in participation projects with national organisations or more locally with schools, regional organisations and public services in their area. They’ll be looking at projects aimed at supporting young people to share their views on any number of issues ranging from mental health and wellbeing, outdoor learning, accessibility and inclusion, climate change or Covid-19.
The peer researchers will be given training in methodologies and participative approaches before they begin to design the shape of the project and decide the focus of their research.
Through the course of the projects, case studies on live or completed projects will be chosen to explore different methods used to engage with young people, how barriers to digital access were overcome, tips for making the experience fun and interesting for young people and learning from things that didn't go to plan.
Learning from the project will be used to support more meaningful and inclusive participation in the future and findings will be supported through a national sharing event, a final report and two practice-based webinars.
Chris Ross, Children in Scotland’s Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer who will be co-leading the group said:
“We know that the last 14 months have been challenging for many children and young people. However, we know from our experience that online and remote engagement has played a vital role in supporting children and young people across Scotland to socialise, relax and share how they are feeling.
We are really excited to launch our Participation through the Pandemic project and to explore how online and remote engagement has affected children and young people. Using the peer research approach will place children and young people at the centre of this project and ensure the research is truly reflective of the experiences of young people.
The project presents a key opportunity for us to learn from young people about what worked well and what hasn't. I can't wait to get going!”.
Recruitment for the group launches this week.
For more information about Participation Through the Pandemic and details of how to get involved, click here to visit the project web page.

Participation through the Pandemic
Find out more about the project and how to get involved
Click to visit the project page
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