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Access to Childcare Fund

The purpose of this fund is to support childcare solutions that enable more accessible and affordable childcare for families and to help to reduce the barriers parents and carers experience in accessing childcare. These barriers include the cost of childcare, the hours available and accessibility for children with additional support needs.

Grants were awarded to fifteen services and projects in 2020 to seek to address the challenges and barriers encountered and allow parents and carers to have time around the school day and in holidays safe in the knowledge that their child(ren) is being looked after and given opportunities to take part in activities, play or youth work experiences.

They aimed to make services more accessible and affordable for low-income families, particularly the six identified priority family groups most at risk from living in poverty and set out in the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan (click here to find out more).

In April 2022 the Scottish Government confirmed that it would continue to fund eight of the projects for further testing of their childcare model.

Click here for more information on phase two of the Fund


March 2023
In March 2023, the final report from the Access to Childcare Fund was published.
Click here to access the report


If you would like any further information on the Fund, please contact:

The Scottish Government

The ELC Inclusion Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Children in Scotland.

Visit the website

ACF Final Phase One Evaluation Report

Our report into the Access to Childcare Fund identifies successes and shares learning

Click here to read

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