Crown Estate Scotland’s Future Forum
Following on from our previous work with Crown Estate Scotland (click here to explore), they asked us to work with them to set up and support their new children and young people’s advisory group.
This group allows children and young people to inform and influence Crown Estate Scotland’s work, helping to ensure that their activity takes account of a range of opinions and perspectives.
Over the past year, the group has created its vision statement, learned about the Crown Estate Scotland's work, visited their site at the Glenlivet Estate, met with their Board and have chosen their focus areas. The group are currently working on renewable energy and are looking forward to influencing the Crown Estate's work in this area.
The project is now in its second year out of three, and we are looking for children and young people aged between 11 and 21 years old to join the Forum.
Please download the project information sheet and application and consent form from this page to find out more and apply.
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 20 October 2023.
If you would like to apply, or have any questions about this project, please email Parisa,
Our thanks to Crown Estate Scotland for the images on this page.

Project information sheet
Download more details about the project and what’s involved
Click here to download
Application and consent form
These are the forms we need you to complete before taking part in the project
Click here to download