Thirty hills in seven days to mark 30th anniversary
4 Oct 2023
Children in Scotland's Chief Executive is gearing up for a mountainous challenge in November, all for a very good cause. Judith Turbyne will climb 30 hills over a seven-day period to mark the organisation’s 30th anniversary
Judith will start her itinerary in and around the Sidlaws on 11 November, taking her up a Munro or two, a couple of Corbetts and Grahams, before finishing up on 17 November as she descends Arthur’s Seat. She will be joined by friends and colleagues from the organisation at various stages of her challenge.
Judith said: “As Children in Scotland turns 30, I’d like to shine a spotlight on our wonderful organisation and hopefully raise a bit of money. In particular, I am interested in raising awareness of our membership service and our children and young people’s advisory group, Changing our World. They are both an essential part of the DNA of Children in Scotland or, perhaps more accurately, the beating heart of the organisation.
“I am hoping that I will have company for some of the hills, but the alone moments will be a great opportunity for me to reflect on my first two years in post and to think about the next two. I think that it will all help me reinvest in my energy and creativity for the challenges ahead.”
On 7 June 2023, Children in Scotland celebrated its 30th anniversary. For three decades the organisation has been championing the voices of children and young people, ensuring that they are at the heart of policy and decision-making, and acted as a leading force for workforce development. The organisation's membership brings together more than 450 organisations and individuals from schools, charities and nurseries, to NHS Boards, local authorities and community interest groups.
Throughout her challenge, Judith will be fundraising for Children in Scotland.
Click here to support Judith in her 30 Hills challenge:
Follow her challenge online using the hashtag #30Hills.

Celebrating our successes at 30
JudithTurbyne is Chief Executive of Children in Scotland
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