New fund will strengthen access to out of school and holiday childcare for low-income families
6 July 2020
A new fund launched today aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable, particularly for low income families.
The Access to Childcare Fund will provide grants to establish models of delivery of out of school care, with a focus on priority family groups most at risk from living in poverty.
The Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the national charity Children in Scotland.
In the first funding round a total of £1.5 million pounds will be allocated between successful applicants.
Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive Jackie Brock said:
“We are very pleased to be managing such an important fund in alignment with our shared ambitions to reduce child poverty and challenge inequalities.
“For decades we’ve known about the barriers faced by families trying to access childcare, and the impact this can have on wellbeing.
“Out of school and holiday care are areas of critical vulnerability and concern, and that’s where this fund will rightly be targeting its support.
“I hope that this initiative will make a genuine contribution by helping those families who are experiencing insecurity, stress, and financial difficulty – particularly in the current climate.”
The Fund addresses one of the 15 actions highlighted in the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Delivery Plan Every Child, Every Chance (click here to read) – to deliver new support for childcare after school and in the holidays to help low income parents reduce childcare costs, work more flexibly and increase their incomes.
Funding has been allocated from the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Fund, and a further funding round will be available in the 2021-22 financial year.
The fund complements the Scottish Government’s draft Out of School Framework.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 27 July.
Click here for further information about the Access to Childcare Fund

Access to Childcare Fund: key information
Find out how to apply, deadlines, and all the other details about the fund
Click here to read more
Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan
The new fund addresses one of the actions highlighted in Every Child, Every Chance
Click here to find out more
It's Your Business to Tackle Child Poverty
For our 25 Calls campaign, John McKendrick argued this must be a priority for all of us
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