Trustees Week: an interview with Jude Turbyne
7 November 2022
As part of a series of Q&As to mark Trustees Week, we hear from Children in Scotland’s Chief Executive about being a board member of the Corra Foundation – and what she’s learnt from the experience
Name: Jude Turbyne
Current ‘day’ job: CEO of Children in Scotland
Charity that you’re a trustee of: Corra Foundation
Role: Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit Committee
Length of time on the board: Since 2018 – coming up for four years.
Why did you become a trustee?
I am very passionate about trying to have a positive impact in the world. Since I was a child, I couldn’t understand how we could allow our world to be so unequal and to have such distressing levels of poverty. Since leaving university, I have volunteered for, worked for and studied the charity sector and have seen the difference committed individuals and organisations can make. I very much believe in what the Corra Foundation is doing and wanted to play my part by putting myself forward as a trustee.
What’s the best thing about it?
I love the Corra Foundation – what it stands for and how it does what it does. It is also a very reflective and learning organisation. The board is a space where there is the opportunity for healthy and interesting discussions on a whole range of topics. But perhaps my very favourite thing is the people I get to work with.
The trustees come from a variety of different professional and personal backgrounds and bring different perspectives to our discussions. It has been a happy, intellectually challenging and constructive place to be. I like the feeling of that collective responsibility – finding ways of coming to a shared conclusion even if we don’t all agree 100%.
What kind of challenges has the charity faced that you’ve been able to help with?
The charity has been going through a period of change. During my time a new strategic plan has been developed, and I feel I have been able to contribute in a small way to the direction of the organisation.
How does being a trustee support your own personal or professional development?
I suppose, for me, I feel that being a trustee is something that I now have a moral duty to do. The charity sector has supported me as a volunteer and as a worker. I have had an amazing and interesting life, and I have felt part of a movement that is much bigger than me. So I want to give back.
But I have also experienced a lot of development through being a trustee. It has helped me develop a really good understanding of what good governance looks like in action and has contributed to my learning around some of the key issues that the Corra Foundation works on. In fact, I feel as if I learn something every time I sit around the board table. It is properly fulfilling.

About the interviewee
Jude Turbyne joined Children in Scotland as Chief Executive in August 2021
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Corra Foundation
Corra works to strengthen and amplify people’s voices and their power to make change
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Trustees Week
Celebrating achievements and opportunities to connect, train, learn and develop
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