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Be part of our network

All users, including our existing members, need to register on our new site in order to access the benefits of membership.

It's easy to register with Children in Scotland and be part of our network. Register to:

  • Receive our Daily News for the children's sector. We filter out the day’s top stories so that you don’t have to, providing a range of views and analysis of the key issues  making the headlines
  • Receive our regular Network News. Keep up to date with Children in Scotland's work, forthcoming events and exclusive new content for members.
  • Book training and events. We source people with knowledge and expertise from across Scotland, the UK and abroad.
  • Buy our bimonthly Children in Scotland Magazine. A unique platform for expert voices from across the sector, bringing information, advice and insight that will enhance your knowledge and help strengthen practice.
  • Access your personalised homepage. Highlighting content and upcoming events and resources relevant to your interests and expertise.