Recruitment opens for national Inclusion Ambassador group
4 May 2021
Children in Scotland is calling for young people aged 12-18 years old, based in Scotland and with additional support needs, to join the Inclusion Ambassadors group.
The group, which has been managed by Children in Scotland since 2019, brings together young people from across Scotland to speak openly and freely about what works and what doesn’t as pupils with additional support needs.
Inclusion Ambassadors discuss their experience at regular meetings co-ordinated and facilitated by Children in Scotland where their input helps to shape consultation responses or public calls to action, or can provide a valued voice of experience.
Over the last two years, the group have discussed a number of workstreams including awareness raising and resources or training in schools that would make a positive difference for children and young people with additional support needs. Most recently, the group have been involved in developing a vision statement as part of the Scottish Government’s Review of ASL Implementation.
Chris Ross, Children in Scotland’s Senior Policy, Projects and Participation Officer who leads the group said:
“Working with the Inclusion Ambassadors allows us to hear directly from young people with additional support needs. Their experiences shape our calls for change with relation to additional support for learning and we work to ensure their views are heard by decision-makers.
“The young people who have been involved in the group so far have spoken positively about their experience, citing increased confidence and appreciation of a safe social space to engage with professionals, decision-makers and their peers. We have worked with them to hear what they think needs to change in education and on practical topics such as peer-education programmes, rights-based work and new resources for schools.
“We would like to make sure our newest cohort is made up of a wide mix of pupils from across Scotland, and would love to see Barra to the Borders represented.”
Appointment as an Inclusion Ambassador is for approximately two years, or for as long as is practical for the young person involved.
Inclusion Ambassadors are recruited as a representative of their school and local area.
Young people who may be interested in becoming Inclusion Ambassadors can be recommended by teachers and education professionals or can self-nominate.
Applications are open until 26 May.
Information pack for education
View the information pack designed for education and local authorities
Click to downloadInformation pack for families
View the accessible information pack designed for young people and families
Click to download
Inclusion Ambassadors
Find out more about the work of the group over the past two years
Click to visit the webpage
"It is the best thing I've done"
Inclusion Ambassador Ciaran talks about his experience on school radio
Click to listen to his interview
Returning to school after lockdown (2020)
The Inclusion Ambassadors share their experiences of school after lockdown
Click to read the story