News: Campaign makes tackling mental health stigma an issue for everyone
Posted 20 October 2021, by Nina Joynson
See Me has launched a new campaign, See Us, to encourage people to make changes in their life to tackle the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health
See Me, Scotland's national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, has launched a new campaign to make lasting change to perceptions of mental health across the country.
The See Us campaign launched today (20 October), with the aim of growing the social movement and encouraging people to make a change wherever and however they want, in order to tackle the stigma.
See Us places the responsibility of addressing mental health discrimination on everyone, not just those who have experienced it. Support of the campaign will boost understanding of mental health across Scotland and encourage people in all areas to get involved in the discussion.
To support the launch, See Me has created a brand new online space (click here to access) to support people to take action, with more than 100 tools available on the website. The campaign offers resources for everyone – people who just want to learn or do something on a small scale, and those who want to make a sustained change, in various sectors of work and society.
The new home of See Us includes case studies on best practice, digital bingo to promote interesting discussion, resources on holding a FeelsFM activity using the world’s first emoji-powered jukebox, and packs to support conversation on mental health in school environments.
Recent figures (click here to view) show that the pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues for children and young people. The number of children and young people awaiting mental health treatment has more than doubled in the past year alone, highlighting how urgently mental health support is needed and, with that, the reduction of stigma surrounding it.
The See Us campaign makes challenging stigma an action for everyone and, with its wide range of resources and tools, presents a step towards improved wellbeing and reduced discrimination for all adults, children and young people living in Scotland.
Click here to visit the See Us campaign site and get involved on social media using the hashtag #SeeMeSeeUs.