Looking to the future with Changing our World
13 Dec 2023
During our 30th anniversary year, we’ve had reflections from our staff, members, and partner organisations about some of the children's sector's key achievements the over the past three decades.
Our anniversary also offers the opportunity to look forward and set our course for the next 30 years.
During a recent discussion session, we asked our children and young people’s advisory group, Changing our World, if they could envision life for children 30 years from now, what would they hope to see?
Here’s what they had to say:
- Resources and opportunities for all children regardless of disability, health condition, form of education (home or school), size of family, or any factor outwith their control
- Climate change will be a thing of the past
- Children will learn about what they enjoy and care about, be empowered to stand up for what they believe in, and feel confident in their transition to adulthood
- Less homelessness
- Better research will be available about how mental health affects different groups of people
- Better support for people with addictions and more research on vaping
- Fewer hate crimes and young people feeling safer in their communities
- LGBTI+ rights will be improved
- Better access to education, with reviews of exams and qualifications
- Better public transport, especially for schools, with bus passes made available more widely.
Thank you to members of Changing our World for sharing their inspiring vision for the future.
Children in Scotland's future plans
Earlier this year, Children in Scotland launched its organisational strategy for the next five years, which reinforces our commitment to acting on children’s views, influencing policymakers and maintaining an engaged and diverse membership (click here to read).
Alongside this is our 2021-26 Manifesto, with learning, rights and democracy, economic planning and the environment leading our calls for change (click here to read).

Changing our World
Find out more about our children and young people's advisory group
Click here for more
30th anniversary publication
Celebrating our 30th anniversary with a look back at the past three decades and looking at what comes next
Click here to access

Our Strategic Plan
Read our plan for 2023-2028 which sets out all that we aspire to do in the next five years
Click here to read