Support us
Help us to improve the lives of children in Scotland.
There are lots of ways for you to support our work to ensure all children in Scotland have an equal chance to flourish.
As an individual you can join our network, become a member, or volunteer with us.
As an organisation, your company can become a Corporate Partner or member, or you can commission us to undertake specific pieces of work for you. You could also sponsor one of our events, or advertise in our News Update email (click here to view our Media Pack).
You could deliver training for us, or do a sponsored walk or event.
You can also sign up to Give As You Live (click here for more) and generate vital funds simply by donating directly or shopping online.
Have a look at the work we do and consider how you could support us to deliver our vision.

Becoming a Children in Scotland member means adding your voice to an ever-growing network
Click here to join usRecent work
Have a look at some of the commissioned work we have recently done
Click here to read moreGifts in Wills for Children in Scotland
Leaving a legacy gift to Children in Scotland in your will can ensure that our work will continue in the future
Click here for moreStrategic Plan 2023-28
Our five-year plan to realise our vision of a Scotland where all children have an equal chance to flourish
Click here to access