FMQT: Next Generation – Frequently Asked Questions
Why is #FMQTNextGeneration happening?
FMQT was launched as part of Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018. It aims to strengthen young people’s voices and give them new opportunities to be heard by policy and decision makers, including the First Minister.
Asking questions of Scotland’s First Minister, particularly for those too young to have a vote or whose voices are seldom heard, allows children and young people to express their views and needs directly to the Scottish Government.
Who is behind #FMQTNextGeneration?
YouthLink Scotland and Children in Scotland both support the realisation of the United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which prioritises children and young people’s participation in matters affecting them. FMQT Next Generation forms part of both organisations commitment to the UNCRC and will enable children and young people to have a say in Scottish politics and matters that affect them.
How were the young people who are on the Design Team selected?
YouthLink Scotland and Children in Scotland used their networks to invite children and young people to apply to be part of the Design Team. Applicants had to answer three questions about why they wanted to be involved. The organisations were looking for enthusiastic young people from across Scotland who are passionate about young voices being heard in Scottish politics.
How were the young people in #FMQTNextGeneration audience selected?
The Design Team set criteria about who they wanted to be included in the audience, for example young people who don’t have their voices heard. Schools and youth groups were then invited to apply for spaces. YouthLink Scotland and Children in Scotland selected audience members based on the Design Team criteria and 100 children and young people were invited.
Who chose the questions for #FMQTNextGeneration?
Questions were sought from children and young people aged 8 – 26 from across Scotland. A whole range of questions were sent to the Design Team that covered a variety of topics. The Design Team then had the tough job of deciding which of the questions would be posed to the First Minister on the day.
Did the First Minister know the questions in advance?
The Design Team did not want the First Minister to know the questions in advance as they didn’t want the answers to be rehearsed. However, they were happy for the First Minister to know the topics of the questions so she was able to provide a detailed answer to what was asked on the day.
Where can I view #FMQTNextGeneration?
FMQT Next Generation will be available on STV Player from Friday 14th September, on YouthLink Scotland’s and Children in Scotland’s YouTube channels and on Glow. Additionally, Scotland Tonight on 13th September (10.30pm) will also be showing snippets from the event.
How else can young people get involved in decision making?
Young people can get in touch with their local MSP / MSYP / local councillor or attend a local community council to discuss issues they care about.
The YouthLink Scotland and Children in Scotland websites have more information and resources, including activities to do with children and young people, to engage and encourage them to get involved in Scottish politics.
What’s next?
We hope that this event will be a lasting legacy of Year of Young People and that future First Ministers will commit to the project and its ideals. We, and the young people involved, want it to become a constant part of children and young people’s participation in Scottish politics, whichever party is in government, whoever is First Minister.

FMQT: Next Generation
Find out more about the first ever First Minister's Questions with children and young people
Click here