Children in Scotland responds to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation
16 May 2024
Children in Scotland has today (Thursday 16 May) responded to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Statutory Guidance Consultation.
While welcoming the actions of the Scottish Government as bringing Scotland another step closer to UNCRC incorporation, Children in Scotland has also highlighted concerns about the length, accessibility and complexity of the proposed information and how this will impact engagement with the guidance.
The draft guidance, issued by Scottish Government earlier this year, outlines changes to Part 2 and Part 3, Section 18 of the UNCRC, which provides significant detail on who is required to comply under the Act, what their requirements and duties are, and how the Scottish Government will utilise the Act to better children’s access to their rights.
Through its Supporting the Third Sector project (click here for more), Children in Scotland consulted with staff from Scotland’s Third Sector Interfaces to inform its response to the draft guidance.
While there was enthusiasm and understanding of the strengthening that incorporation will bring to children’s rights in Scotland, many members had concerns around the lack of accessible support available for the third sector, especially when considering the limited capacity that many organisations have to deliver on their compatibility duties.
Sharing concerns about the accessibility of guidance, Children in Scotland’s advice and information services, Enquire (click here for more) and My Rights, My Say (click here for more), highlighted the difficulties service users already face when accessing redress under the current education system and emphasised the importance of new guidance not adding complications to the current system. My Rights, My Say have also submitted a whole service response to this consultation.
Children in Scotland’s response also highlighted where the guidance delivered succinct and clear information and offered its full support and commitment to work with the Scottish Government, members and sector partners as the UNCRC incorporation comes into effect over the coming months.
Click here to read Children in Scotland’s response to the UNCRC Statutory Guidance Consultation

Our response
Read our full response to the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024: Statutory Guidance on Part 2 and 3,
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