In the lead up to the Scottish Parliament election Changing our World worked on a range of campaign materials to share with potential new MSPs.
As a group we decided to focus on education as the issue we all thought was important in the lead up to the election. This is not the only issue we are interested in, but all of our learning has been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic and we know things need to improve.
Making our campaign materials
Throughout recent meetings we have spoken about the things we think are important. We've spoke a lot about PSE and exams/assessments.
We all have different experiences and are at different stages of school but we spoke about how things had been for us and what we wanted to change.
Over the meetings we decided who we would want to share our views with and what the best way for each of us to share our views was.
On this page you can find out more about what we think. Members of the group have written blogs, made videos and created resources for people to use.
We want all politicians and adults who make decisions about education to listen to what we are saying and make changes after the election.
Our Campaign Materials
Liam has written a blog about what needs to change in PSE and why it is important to listen to children and young people. Click here to read it.
Anna has made two videos asking adults to consider the views of children and young people in education. Her first video is about exams and assessments:
Anna's second video tells you what she thinks needs to change in PSE:
In Coll's video he asks decision-makers to take a rights based approach to education:
Nina's video tells you what she thinks the problems in PSE are at the moment and what needs to change:
Ellie designed a flowchart to support people to get involved in Changing our World's campaign work. Click here to look at it.
Marcus has made an interactive poster which tells you why class sizes need to be smaller, it also has a maths crossword. Click here to see the poster.
Jeanette has told adults about why we need to listen young people about exams. Click here to see what she has to say.

Changing our World
Find out more about the advisory group and our work and aims
Click here to find out more
Children and Young People's Manifesto
Children in Scotland produced a version of our manifesto for children and young people.
Click here to download